Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Greasy

Yoshin was silent for a moment: “You ask the male father to talk to me.”

The housekeeper was indifferent: “This is what the head of the family ordered, so it’s better for the young master to do as he is.”

Yushen got angry and said, “Just let me break the contract in one sentence? That’s not what the male father taught me.”

He hung up the phone with a snap, but there was no anger on his face, instead he was in a good mood with a smile.

The secretary has been with him for a few years, and he is very aware of the unequivocal style of the head of the family, and he is very worried: “Mr. You, it is not good for you to rebel against the head of the family like this.”

Yushen leaned lazily on the boss chair, tapped his fingers on the desk, and sneered: “This small place in Kyoto has been a dream since the first day I stepped into Youshi when I was fourteen. Since the Song Corporation signed the contract, we have to wait for this day.”

The secretary shrank for a moment, co-authoring that you used to be so reverent for the head of the You family, all pretending to be.

On Song Bai’s side, the party had just begun. The venue is a small garden house on the second floor provided by the director’s house. The lawn is bustlingly filled with balloons and ribbons. Waiters and fish run through the shuttle, and various foods are still displayed.

Song Bai and Sadin arrived too early, and there were few guests. They handed over the food to the waiter. Song Bai chose a hidden place, and Sadin found a seat to sit down, but Song Bai didn’t.

Sadin looked to his side and raised his head: “Master, sit down too.”

The morning light reflects the handsome face of the male insect, revealing a hint of majesty

Song Bai: “It’s time to say it.”

Sardin: “?”

Song Bai: “You sent me the documents so late before. Why did you refuse to tell me what happened on the way?”

It’s been almost ten days since this happened, and Sadin didn’t expect that the hero still remembers it.

Sadin: “No, it’s not very late.” It was two hours late.

Song Bai: “Don’t get the point wrong. I asked you twice before. The first time it’s okay to say anything, and the second time it’s about the celebration. Now, when the celebration is here, it’s time to talk about it.”

Sardin: “…”

If it is admitted that he did not see the anxiety caused by the hero, then there is no place for his face as a military female.

If the female worm shows weakness to the male lord, then she is not a qualified and strong military female.

Although the female monarch couldn’t lie to the male lord, she apologized, “I was too tired and overslept.”

Song Bai ignored him and suddenly smiled: “You know, Sadin, every time you speak, you will subconsciously rub your cuffs.”

Sadin shrank his hands subconsciously, trying to hide under his sleeves, but suddenly saw that he was wearing short sleeves at all.

He will not make small moves when he lies, but he will have a guilty conscience.

The hero is deceiving him.

It’s okay to keep his hands still, this shrinking, it is confirmed that he is lying.

Sadin feels guilty: “… Lord, I”

“What are you doing here!” A voice suddenly broke all the silence.

He was a sub-woman, dressed as a waitress, but he ran over and jumped.

Recklessly grabbing the hands of the two insects, he turned around and strode away, muttering, “The female servants are all in the backyard, this place is for the lady to sit…”

“No trouble.” The male withdrew his hand indifferently, and withdrew his hand from Sardin’s wrist. “My lady and I are sitting here.”

Ya female pointed at Sardin, shocked: “You, you, another female female monarch?!”

He pointed at Song Bai again, looking like he was about to faint: “Male, male, male insect actually came to participate in the celebration?!”

He’s going crazy, it’s bizarre enough for a female to be a female king like the director, but the male also comes to participate in the celebration of the females in person?

Sardin was frail since he was a child, and was used to being mistaken for a female. He was about to explain, but his attention was taken away by two females approaching from a distance.

It is the director of the female female, and his female brother Awen.

The director greeted Sardin with a smile, and his smile widened when he saw Song Bai.

On the other hand, Awen looked awkward.

The celebration started smoothly. It was the first time that Sardin participated in the celebration of this kind of female monarch. The program was dizzying and dazzling.

When he finally broke free from the warm introduction by the director, he realized that he had forgotten the heroine in the special guest seat for the celebration.

As a result, I saw that soft sub-females and tall females filled the originally packed guest area.

The tall and straight male worm sat lazily, wearing only casual casual clothes, and even the buttons were loose and unfastened, looking lazy and obsessed.

Their discussion was quiet and restrained:

“When did we get such a good-looking male? I don’t even know.”

“Yeah, yeah, I don’t know if he married you. If not, hehe…”

“Stop dreaming, a male with that kind of bearing, how could he not get married.”

“What’s wrong with dreaming! Do you have any opinion on asking for a female servant instead of a female lord?”

It is the nature of insects to love beauty. Seeing beautiful and handsome male insects, females have to discuss it. The gossip is the sub-female, and the female is even more.

Shutting between them, Sardin listened to their discussion, and his heart became more and more angry.

He is the queen!

Those guys who don’t know the hero, why dare to covet his hero!

And one by one pretending to be a guest here!

When I walked from here just now, there was obviously not a single female!

So, there was still ten meters away, and Sardin was facing Song Bai, walking with great manners.

“Master.” The voice was not as cold as usual, but with a sweetness.

Song Bai, who was so tired of looking at files on the terminal, raised his head and glanced at him in surprise.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at Sardin and Song Bai in unison.

There was a terrifying shock in the air.

Such a male actually has a master, and at first glance, it looks like a very favored female. She is dying, how good the males are married!

The hearts of countless single females were broken to the ground.

Song Bai only glanced at him, then turned back to look at the terminal.

The corners of Sardinia’s lips stiffened in a sovereign smile.

In the past, the hero would always talk to him with a gentle smile, but what happened this time? Why doesn’t the hero play cards according to the routine?

Sardin was a little stunned for a moment.

The surrounding females were filled with a trace of sadness at first, but they became active and lively again. They looked at each other and conveyed messages cheerfully with their eyes.

“It turned out to be an unloved female servant.”

“Maybe we can, hehe.”

But everything only took a few seconds. In the end, Sardin was raised by his family when he was a child. Soon, he sat next to Song Bai and took the initiative to stick to it: “Master, I was wrong, don’t be angry with me.”

Song Bai stood still, and the indifference that caused every female worm to stick to it was softening visibly to the naked eye.

The females understood that this worm was just here to act like a spoiled child.

If you dare to act like a spoiled child, you must be very favored.

How powerful is it to be favored under the hero? If they really compete with such females, they really may not be able to compete!

Angry, angry. They got up and left their seats.

Sardin, like a victorious worm, proudly looked around at his achievements—the surroundings were empty, and there were only two or three left, and he hurriedly got up and left under his chasing gaze.

“Satisfied?” Song Bai said lightly.

As if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, Sardin’s smug mind instantly sobered up.

He is twenty-four, how can he be like a little worm who is competing for favor.

The IQ that was lowered by his actions just now occupied the high ground in an instant, but he saw the hero suddenly staring at him for a split second.

His hand is still on the sleeve of the hero!

He shrank back suddenly and made a low hum.

“Go back when you’re done playing.” Song Bai got up and left.

The soft sunlight fell on Sardin’s eyes, and he realized that the hero had blocked the sun for a moment for him just now.

There was some feeling in my heart, the outsider who just declared his sovereignty didn’t know where to throw it, and at a loss, he grabbed the beam of sunlight with the palm of his hand.

“Follow up, don’t be stupid.” Song Bai stood there, looking impatient

“Okay, yes.” Sardin smiled and quickly chased after him.

When he got home, Song Bai headed into the bedroom and went to sleep.

Sardin packed his clothes for him, only to realize that a few business cards had been dropped, and one of them had the introduction of Director **** written on the back.

It seems that in this celebration, the hero has also gained something.

Having his clothes ready for washing, he moved a chair and sat next to the bedroom closest to the lord.

He was careful just now and didn’t close the door on purpose.

He sat back in his chair, buried his face in his folded arms, and listened.

The sound of the hero’s breathing was regular and weak.

The silent interior, as if nothing was better than now.

In fact, it’s nothing to be ashamed of admitting that, anyway, his face was already lost in front of the hero.

However, Sardin knew that what he was really afraid of was something else.

There is no female monarch who does not desire to be close to the male lord, and he is no exception.

But he only likes physical touch, but is afraid of the love between the closest husband and wife.

Although he has a strong physique, although he has the confidence to become the most outstanding female monarch in etiquette. But inexplicably scared.

When he was young, his father’s training did not stop just because he was sick or not. When he really resists, his body will naturally react with anxiety and dizziness. Forcing the female father to stop training him.

The most intimate relationship with the lord, he forgot when it started, as long as he felt uncomfortable, he would be anxious to the point of dizziness, anyway, it was so bad that the lord was disappointed. Later, he frequently went back and forth between Kyoto and Jiangcheng, and there was not a trace of happiness in his heart to avoid the joy. It’s just that the male protagonist frequently held parties and invited the female females widely, and it also started from that time.

But, when will it start, not seeing the hero will make him anxious?

As the afternoon approached, Song Bai woke up.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked out of the room. Sadin, who was facing him, smiled very well, and reported the family affairs like him.

Some clothes have been washed, and the business cards from the party have been placed on the desk. Lord, you must be very tired after sleeping for so long. Do you want to eat something?

Song Bai felt hungry in his stomach, he nodded, and Sardin brought up the prepared meals.

Song Bai stared at the meal on the table for dozens of seconds, but he didn’t intend to start.

“Master Xiong,” the carefully prepared meal, Sardin was sure that the taste must be very good this time, is it because he cooked again that the master doesn’t like it. “Is this dish not to your taste? I’ll make it again.”

“No need.” Song Bai waved his hand, took a chopstick very slowly, and put it into his mouth.

The familiar taste melted in the mouth, and it was extremely difficult to chew.

At the buffet at the celebration, he ate up the food for two people, which was brought by Sardin. He was even recognized by the wealthy male worm who came to join in the fun, mistaking him for business cooperation, and forcibly stuffed several business cards.

This one on the table tastes good, but eating the same three times a day makes him tired too!


The author has something to say:

If I didn’t say anything yesterday, I will re-establish the flag tomorrow and thank the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

1 bottle of Amanda;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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