You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 247

Chapter 239: Practice (1)

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Mellen didn’t know that in a short period of time, a group of people had united against him.

He doesn’t even bother to think about it now.

On the way to the official practice site, he found Alyssa and wanted to test the meaning of the warning she sent him earlier.

As a result, no matter what he said, the other party didn’t tell the truth, just shook his head without saying a word, looking at him with complicated eyes.

Because there were a lot of people nearby, and Melon couldn’t ask more questions, he had to give up in the end.

“Wait for no one else, I don’t believe you dare not say it.”

He murmured secretly, and glanced around, but did not see the figure of the black-haired girl disguised by Mrs. Chelsea.

Because it is already clear who is guiding everything behind the scenes, the fact that Madam wanted to avoid Elisa, as mentioned earlier, naturally does not need to be carried out.

On the contrary, considering Alisha’s particularity, she needs to keep an eye on the spot to avoid accidents, and she has become Alisha’s roommate instead.

However, at the moment, Meren has not discovered the existence of that “Catherine”, and it may be that he does not intend to participate in the so-called practice test, so as not to reveal his fault.

He did see that little yellow-haired Kevin looked gloomy not far away, as if something embarrassing had happened to him.

“After this practice test, we will be divided into twelve groups of thirty people, and then each group will be divided into five teams of six people.”

Alyssa is surrounded by many young wizards who are loyal to the Chelsea family, and Martin is one of them.

The guy who had long planned to curry favor with Melen looked at Melen with awe at this moment, but he didn’t seem to be slow in his speech.

“Including the auxiliary lecturers, there are seven people in each team.”

“Are the auxiliary lecturers all seniors?” Merron asked casually.

“Yes, they are actually very important, because during our normal school days, most of the problems are explained by these seniors, including academics.”

“Only important questions are qualified to ask a professor…”

During the conversation, the entire team has entered a stone brick staircase leading to the underground.

Under the stairs is a dark corridor, with magic torches burning on both sides, and the chaotic footsteps sounded continuously here, dense as drums, but with bursts of thick echoes.

The winding downward stairs surround the black inner wall made of special masonry. More than 300 students seem to be leading to a steeple buried deep in the ground. As they continue to walk in, they can see fans embedded in the wall. door.

Behind the door is the practice venue, one room per person. According to the students’ ranking in the entrance test, the higher the ranking, the deeper the ground that can be used.

The benefits are naturally more.

So the team kept attrition, one after another, until there were only six left.

“Why can Iger go deeper?”

Seeing that the freshman ranked twelfth overall has entered a door, the name marked behind the next door is not Iger Wilson.

The boy named Lambert couldn’t help but ask.

The seemingly one-piece minaret is actually divided into many areas, each area is from bottom to top, and the cultivation resources are one.

That is to say, if there are several talented wizards absorbing resources crazily below, then the one above them will naturally lack resources.

This is the plan of their small group, upright, using talent to suppress the target and combat its arrogance.

However, if the target is not above them, but runs below them, then there is no room for this plan to be implemented.

“As a guardian, his contribution is enough to enjoy the best treatment.”

The old professor who led the team responded indifferently.

This made Lambert’s complexion darken, and the small abacus suddenly shattered, and the remaining students around couldn’t help but glance at Merron.

But no one said anything because of this, no matter what they thought in their hearts, running to offend the guardian on the bright side was something only a fool would do.

So under the different gazes of these people, Mellon came to the bottom of the place.

“There are actually no twists and turns in the practice during the wizard’s apprenticeship. Unlike the official wizard and above, you need to be alert to the attack of strange things.”

After stopping, the old professor turned towards him

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“But there are some precautions that need to be strictly followed,” he said.

“For example, during your practice, you will unconsciously breed a lot of distractions and emotions. These things will affect your concentration and will, but on the other hand…”

There was no one else around, and his words were more detailed than before, as if he was opening a small stove.

But in fact, this is actually within the scope of the best treatment.

With the inheritance of a potions professor, Meren actually knew the key to this kind of practice in detail, and the path of heir he wanted to practice was not the same as that of a traditional wizard.

But he didn’t say anything, instead he listened carefully.

The old professor was very satisfied because of his special status, and he actually had a headache how to get along with him.

Now it seems that this young man is still very humble, not as hard to speak as some rumors say.

But he didn’t say anything more because of this. After saying everything he needed to say, he nodded to Meren, and then left.

Melun then pushed open the door and walked into the training grounds.

The environment that I saw looked very simple. It was just a room with a circular structure. The surrounding walls were made of black rock, the surface was covered with flat metal, and an ordinary chair was placed at the core.

Sitting on the chair, Merron didn’t need to do anything else, and in an instant, the room that looked like a grotto before suddenly turned into a dark place shrouded in mist.

The fog is dark and deep, and if you look carefully, you can’t see where the end is at all. The surrounding light is very dim, and only the area where the chair is located is bright.

This piece of light was originally less than one square, but when Merron completely integrated his third hand into it, the area of light enveloped quickly expanded.

The black fog also quickly subsided, until it was invisible at the end of the field of vision.

The size of this range is determined by the wizard’s talent, and the larger the range, the faster the next cultivation.

However, if you want to really start your practice, resources are essential.

Opening the magic pocket, he took out one of the boxes that Juliana had given him earlier, and took out another glowing gold coin that Mrs Chelsea had prepared for him.

Mellon then began to wait quietly.

The shaman’s practice is somewhat similar to the absorption of the power of heaven and earth seen in the previous life, but it is completely different.

Because what a wizard absorbs is alive.

In order to attract these living creatures, it does not rely on running some kind of exercise in the body, or meditation or other actions.

Rather, bait is needed.

That gold coin is the bait.

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