You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 240

Chapter 244: Desperate Caesar

Mellen thought Alyssa seemed odd.

Mingming sent a seemingly formal warning, but when he asked carefully, he hesitated and refused to say anything.

It was as if something was unheard of.

Asked for a long time, but never got a real response.

Merron was quite speechless about this, but he could only give up temporarily, thinking about interrogating him after the next meeting.

Then he started flipping through messages from others.

“Don’t forget what I said before.”

There was only one sentence from Mrs. Chelsea, and she didn’t seem to be surprised by the power displayed by the previous heir.

However, considering that this man was resting in the secret room, Mellen felt that she might not have seen anything.

As for the lady’s words, she naturally meant to pretend to be weak, so as not to cause the heir’s power to be too reckless and cause fear.

“I pretend to be in a coma and go out tomorrow morning.”

Mellen replied.

“Insabella Chelsea turned out to be your teacher?”

Jonah the Holy Spirit also seemed unsurprised by what had happened before, but he seemed to be quite surprised by it.

Considering the existence of the Scarlet Cross leader who was expecting to surrender, Meren didn’t ask him where he got the news, and of course he didn’t respond.

And when he saw the message from the leader, he was even more speechless.

“It’s really a shocking scene. Although I have heard of it for a long time, I never thought that you, who are only the heir, could achieve such a level.”

“As far as I know, not all heirs can display that kind of power.”

“This flattery is really embarrassing.”

Murdering like this, Meren ignored the prisoner.

Looking at the messages sent by other “friends”, they are basically related to the heir.

It’s not a questioning in surprise, or a dubious attempt to confirm the truth.

The little round-faced Martin, who also came from Graham City, claimed that all the students who are currently taking refuge are talking about this matter, but many are skeptical about it.

This is also normal. The freshmen who have not yet officially entered the school have transformed themselves into heroes who guard St. Grant Fort.

This kind of thing, if there is a foreshadowing in advance, that’s all, but in the eyes of outsiders, this matter appears extremely abruptly.

So even though many people saw Meren’s face appearing in the sky, whether he was him or not became the focus of debate.

“Of course, there are a lot of people talking on your side, and some people even came to us to ask if you have a fiancée. I have carefully observed that these people are basically from big families, and they are better informed.”

“Kevin has said that this is because they have seen something from the attitude of the school’s top management, so not only are they not afraid of admitting the wrong person, but they also think that you will inevitably become a big man worth winning in the future.”

Once there is a powerful character in the wizarding world, whether there is a marriage contract is definitely the focus of discussion.

Because the wizarding family is accustomed to using marriage to turn others into their own.

And being able to make them make such a decision not long after the incident happened, without in-depth investigation, is enough to prove that Merron at this time has become a hot commodity.

Like catching a son-in-law.

However, in the face of this situation, Meren has nothing to be proud of. After all, this treatment comes from his status as the heir of Fort St. Grant, not his own strength.

To say that it is powerful, it is only the person who once created this Fort St. Grant is powerful, and it has nothing to do with Melen, who missed it.

It’s just that he felt that his “Iger Wilson” vest was in a state of evolution because of the incident and the spread of news, but he did not underestimate himself.

“Mysterious knights are very powerful after their birth, what about the guardians of Fort St. Grant?”

What happened in Fort St. Grant was destined to shock the entire wizarding world, and the big figures from all sides got a lot of news and insider information in advance without waiting for the newspapers to publish.

But not everyone’s attention was drawn to the past.

Granny Caesar, deputy commander of the Crusader of the Church of the Evernight, the most trusted friend of Pope Chris VI, a top hunter, known as the Hand of God.

He’s not a wizard, but his connections are all over the wizarding world.

As usual, everything that happened in Fort St. Grant would definitely attract his attention, because Caesar’s battle to become famous originated from the pirate king William breaking the tower of the abyss, and there were even a lot of dirty things between the two sides.

And now, the pirate chief is back in action.

It’s just a pity that he has no time to take care of him at the moment.

Caesar, who was covered in special bandages, was lying in a quiet bedroom at the moment. A chubby brown-haired girl was wiping the cold sweat that overflowed from his forehead with a handkerchief. He was busy, and his face was full of panic.

It’s just that this act is doomed to futile.

Sweat had soaked a stack of handkerchiefs, and the water stains that were twisted out even filled the entire washbasin, but the water in Caesar’s body seemed to be endless, and it kept escaping, and it was impossible to wipe it off.

At this time, there was another person standing beside the bed.

He was dressed in a neat white gentleman’s attire, with a soft moustache on his lips, his eyes fixed on Caesar’s forehead, and his expression was very serious.

It is the truthist Guderian.

Guderian was ordered to find Caesar, a key figure involved in the second sacrifice, and found that Caesar was on the verge of running out of oil lamps.

There are a lot of curses on his body that corrode his few lives, and even die suddenly at any time.

Fortunately, the old bishop who sent Guderian over anticipated this situation in advance.

So Guderian, who was carrying many special potions and healing items, successfully suppressed most of the injuries in Caesar’s body.

It’s a pity that although the others have no effect for the time being, the only remaining “curse of withering” is like a gangrene attached to the bones, and no matter what means he uses, it is difficult to completely eradicate it.

“With such a powerful curse, who did you provoke?”

He couldn’t help but ask.

“I, after I die, help, help take care of her.”

Caesar, who was lying on the bed, did not answer the question, but said with difficulty, “Please, please!”

Naturally, she was referring to the fat girl who was busy beside the bed.

After looking at the other party, Guderian was a little hard to understand. Why is this girl with an ordinary appearance, which can even be said to be not in line with ordinary people’s aesthetics, to be favored by Caesar, even when she is dying?

But he didn’t have any gossip thoughts, so he said, “You know, only a living Caesar will be valuable to us. If you really can’t make it through, she can only ask for more blessings.”

“She, she’s pregnant…”

Caesar was so weak that his words were “childish”.


Guderian sighed.

In the past, a great man with infinite glory, but he seemed so powerless and weak in the face of death, which inexplicably made him feel a kind of sadness.

So in the face of the other party’s pleading, even slightly pleading gaze, he hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

Seeing this, the fat **** the side burst into tears with a wow, but the patient lying on the bed twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled with relief.

Guderian, who instantly became an outsider, got up silently and chose to leave the bedroom.

After coming to the living room outside, he couldn’t help sighing again.

Obviously, this mission has failed.

After all, Caesar has already explained the future, how can there be any way to survive?

He came, after all, one step too late.

“In this way, the second sacrifice can only be made another plan.”

He thought to himself, feeling a little headache.

Practitioners took a fancy to Caesar, not because of his strength as a top hunter, but because of his status as the deputy commander of the Crusaders and the fact that he was deeply trusted by the Pope.

But if there is no Caesar, where will they find someone who meets the requirements and can be attracted by them for a while?

“Tell him to recite the third prayer of destiny before his death.”

With the last glimmer of hope, I contacted Bishop Luca, but the other party replied with such a sentence.

“If he is lucky he will be favored by Destiny Child.”

The third prayer…

Guderian looked strange because of this.

The third prayer, also known as the death prayer, is an article that devotees generally recite before dying. It is said that in this way, they can get the inspiration of destiny more clearly, and if they are lucky, they can even ask for mercy, and then come back to life. .

“Eternal God Emperor”

It’s just that for thousands of years, the Child of Destiny has never come to the world, so of course this prayer has never taken effect.

In recent days, after the first sacrifice, there have been different signs, but the situation of being pitied has never appeared.

Everyone is like this, how can an outsider be favored?

Unless the fates of the two sides have ever met, Destiny Child knows Caesar and even admires Caesar.

But how is this possible?

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