You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 228

Chapter 224: Changing Situation

The situation in the secret room changed suddenly, but in the outside world, it did not stop

The wind was howling, and the waves at sea were violent and turbulent, and some fishing boats near the land were shaken by the wind and rain.

Some couldn’t bear the turbulent impact, and even overturned and dumped, and the entire hull was engulfed by the sea water.

So the fishermen screamed for help one after another.

As a result, they were all obscured by the muffled thunder and roar in the sky.

This scene does not originate from the sea where Fort St. Grant is located, but near the port of Graham City.

In addition, cities along the coasts of the United Kingdom and surrounding countries have more or less encountered similar situations.

The sacred rhythm and pure radiance are gone.

When people looked up at the sky, in addition to seeing the thick dark clouds that became more and more gloomy and dark, they could only see one after another submerged in the depths of the dark clouds, with golden thunder and lightning flashing.

This scene, combined with the dimly lit environment, seems to be imminent.

An atmosphere of panic spread rapidly as a result, and no one knew what happened, but when many people saw the terrifying thunder brewing in the sea of clouds, they had the illusion that the thunder would suffocate at any time.

That kind of power, as if there is a powerful and ancient **** in the depths of the dark clouds, very angry because of something, and can’t wait to bring down her punishment.

However, it is strange to see the light of these thunders go from faint to strong, and then from strong back to faint

It flashed back and forth in the depths of the clouds for an unknown number of times, but they never saw a complete explosion.

“This is”

In Graham City, the old president of the Half-Blood Association was in a meeting with a group of people, but the sudden change in the sky outside the window interrupted this agenda.

He was originally very shocked and vigilant about this, because he could perceive from this environmental change that a very powerful and vast aura was constantly brewing in the depths of the sky.

However, after watching this solemnly for a long time, I felt a little bit of thunder and rain, and this vigilance gradually weakened.

The old president turned to the people around him and said with a smile: “There have been more and more visions recently, and I don’t know if they are good or bad.”

“Could this be an influence from Fort St. Grant?”

The chairman’s expression was relaxed, but the expressions of other people participating in the meeting were very solemn at the moment.

“It has been confirmed that it was William Pantolia who blocked St. Grant’s Fort. I guess he may have obtained something during that prison robbery ten years ago. Now, maybe it has something to do with this?”

“Probably so, but I can’t figure out why he would do that.”

“Yeah, didn’t he always have a grudge against the Northern Empire? Why didn’t he target the Imperial Academy? Instead, he wanted to attack Fort St. Grant?”

The voice was full of dissatisfaction.

In fact, this meeting is mainly to discuss this emergency.

Normally, a well-known pirate chief who ran to attack a top wizarding academy had nothing to do with their mixed-blood association.

But this academy is the one that is most friendly to mixed blood in the wizarding world, and it has even attracted more than 20 mixed blood freshmen this year.

In this way, it is inevitable that people will not consciously think about it.

“Don’t pay attention to him. Whether he succeeds or not in doing so, he will inevitably become the loss of the entire wizarding world.”

The old president who presided over the meeting said:

“It’s impossible for this big fanfare to be aimed at our more than 20 children. After all, we are small characters, and we don’t have such a big face.”

“But I’m afraid of accidents.”

Someone said worriedly: “As soon as the chaos occurs, even if William’s purpose is not to be a student of our association, what about others? Will it take the opportunity to cause chaos?”

“I’m not afraid of the others, but Iger is too conspicuous, and it is inevitable that he will be targeted.”

“Yes, it is said that in the previous trial, someone ran to target him. Fortunately, the child was lucky and was not injured.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room became more solemn.

However, the old president’s face was still relaxed.

“Don’t worry, I have already asked a few old friends who are professors to take care of him. If nothing else, at least personal safety can be guaranteed.”

On the other hand, at the core of the accident, the area around Fort St. Grant is much calmer than the outer seas.

After a certain period of time, the sea breeze even turned back to a light appearance, no longer violent, and the turbulent waves returned to ease.

In the gloomy sky, there was even a drizzle of light rain, which was cool and clear, making all the impetuous people below calmer and calmer.

But Jonah the Holy Spirit could not calm down.

Like the leader of the Scarlet Cross who had been imprisoned, when the previous changes first appeared, he instantly realized that this was a certain presiding judge who was in a state of awakening.

However, because he didn’t know that Mrs. Chelsea was nearby, he was confused and full of apprehension and vigilance.

It wasn’t until a companion sent him a message and clearly told him who caused the vision, Jonah’s dignified state of mind dissipated instantly, and turned to ecstasy.

“Blessed by the great mother, it turns out that the adult has recovered.”

A clone disguised as an old professor, who was in the memorial hall, couldn’t help being excited, and paced back and forth around him.

He is not “Insabella”‘s subordinate, but there is no disagreement between his boss’s immediate superior and “Insabella”.

If he really wants to encounter difficulties, he will go to her for help, and he will definitely get help.

So now this event, for him, is tantamount to a big happy event.

“The magic tide is beginning to emerge, and we are worried that we have no ideas, but now we can rest assured.”

“Those who want to come to belong to that adult should be able to get the news and come over soon.”

“If I had known that she would wake up nearby, I wouldn’t have to give up that drop of spring water, and I wouldn’t have to bother to appease the heir’s emotions.”

He secretly regretted his hasty actions before.

Jonah couldn’t help but glanced at the core of the lobby, the culprit who was imprisoned in the pocket ice cage, but found that the other party’s expression was very calm at the moment.

So Jonah frowned.

Before this one could escape the imprisonment of the strongest spider web, he had already suspected that this might be one of his own kin.

Then, when the weather outside suddenly changed, and the other party’s complexion also changed drastically, he even more directly confirmed this judgment.

However, if I remember correctly, this guy’s face was still panicked before, why is he suddenly calm now?

The existence of a presiding judge is not just a simple overlord.

The power and power she possesses are deeply imprinted on this world.

Its majesty is as deep and vast as the ocean, and it can even hit the depths of other people’s souls.

Simply put, no one can hide their true thoughts and emotions under the influence of this existence.

Not even old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

So this kind of calm can only be really not worried, not pretentious.

Just, how is this possible?

After committing such a wrong thing, does he think the Lord Judge will let him go?

As a client, Simon Hodgson certainly doesn’t think so, because the culpability he committed is not just a plot to restart the magic After learning about Yin Sabella’s true identity from some channel in the early years, he Even secretly did a lot of trouble to the other party.

Including but not limited to Yin Sabella’s sister.

That’s why he thought before that he was going to finish.

But it had been several hours since the other party showed up to look for him, and he already realized that the other party was currently being held back by other things, so he calmed down temporarily.

What’s the matter?

This may be due to the initial awakening, which takes a while to repair.

Or maybe it’s because of other things.

Hodgson Simon leans towards the latter.

Because the roaring thunder outside and the fierce weather changes actually corresponded to the Lord Judge’s mood.

There seemed to be anger in it.

But what puzzled him was that, for some unknown reason, this anger was sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

Sometimes it is even completely calm, peaceful and peaceful, as if the first sunshine after a rain is relaxing.

But in the blink of an eye, there will be a violent storm again, the color of peace fades, and it is inexplicably full of rage.

“The human body can affect the thinking of the Holy Spirit. In the state of Yin Shabella, her temperament must be as capricious as that of a secular woman, and her mood is uncertain.”

Hodgson Simon is pessimistic.

But at the same time, he pondered another aspect.

“This kind of temper, the heir of Fort St. Grant can’t stand it, plus his teacher.”

This seems to see the opportunity to escape.

But on second thought, he gave up.

Although relying on this school, the heir has all kinds of magical powers.

But no matter how much the heir has to rely on, how can he dare to be dissatisfied or even resisted in front of a presiding judge?

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