Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 67: Nice Break

"Despite how dull serious cultivation can sometimes be, it truly brings us joy and ecstasy for every small breakthrough! Even among the most depressed people can feel a spark of life in a cultivation breakthrough!" Aniela passionately said while cracking out the kinks in her neck.

"Heh, no wonder many alike gain such a huge ego with this kind of power. It's undoubtedly a blissful, not even a stone-cold heart can deny." Darcel snorted while stretching his arms.

Pleasantly smiling at Darcel, Aniela began picking herself up from the ground while saying, "And it's never not a fun time to face those kinds of people and engage in exciting dances."

"I say it's more of a dominating crush than an exciting dance."

Darcel follows suit with Aniela, standing upright to evenly match her gorgeous face.

Looking at Aniela now, Darcel felt a burst of flaming passion.

Perhaps it was because of their recent breakthrough, but Darcel had a more dying need to taste Aniela than he usually has.

Plus, they had only engaged in cultivation for a week and a half, further igniting Darcel's lust.

Darcel walked right up to Aniela, already seeing the knowing slight seductive smile that graced her face.

She didn't need words to know when Darcel wanted to get intimate. In fact, Aniela more than welcomed any advances Darcel would throw on to her.

With all this in mind, Darcel tightly hugged Aniela's tender, soft body that he so desperately loves to cuddle with.

"Hmm….undoubtedly, this feeling can also ignite joy in cold hearts."

Darcel warmly said and brought a finger to Aniela's chin to gently lift her face up.

"Hehehe~. This week and a half sure was hard for both of us. Now, let's both taste a more delightful reward for our hard work~."

The bewitching tone Aniela spoke in sent tingling shivers down Darcel's chest.

Only with him would Aniela ever change from her usual bright and happy dialect. And this change made Aniela exude a hidden sexy charm that put Darcel's whole mind under her allure.

Without another word, Darcel leaned down to capture Aniela's sweet soft lips in a searing kiss.


Aniela and Darcel both hotly moaned into their kiss as their tongues frantically sought out each other.

Waves of immense pleasure and warmth coiled through Darcel and Aniela's bodies as their tongues tangled in a hot dance.

Their eyes were fully open while kissing, wanting to carve each other's faces into their memories. No matter how many times they kiss, Darcel and Aniela couldn't get enough of being so close to each other.

It was as if they were quite literally made for each other.

Furthermore, ever since the Black Dungeon Labyrinth, Darcel had far more control over his bloodline and Darkness during these intimate moments.

Now he essentially had free reigns to bestow upon a blissful pleasure to Aniela whenever he wanted to. Plus, her climax would also fill Darcel up with blissful pleasure and immense satisfaction.

Still, there was a nagging thought in Darcel's mind on how well his Darkness can now affect other people's emotions.

More specifically, how well he could affect other women's lust. But it was his and Aniela's own advantage, of course.

But before Darcel could further delve into deluding thoughts, his Spirit Senses picked up on a familiar graceful signature slowly walking towards them.

"Nnnh…. I'm sure you sensed our guest, too, right?"

Darcel asked as he broke the kiss with Aniela, leaving a hot steamy trail of saliva connected from both their lips.

Aniela greedily licked her lips, thoroughly enjoying the addicting taste of Darcel's saliva.

"Mnh….Mnh! I didn't think she would come so early, but I also sense she has something exciting to tell us. Though it is a shame, she wasn't early enough to witness our brilliant Light and Darkness show!"

Letting go of each other, Darcel and Aniela had then turned their attention to beautiful Hao Cao casually, walking up to them. Like always, with every step she took, she exuded an alluring charm like a delicate fox, and her face carried her signature teasing smile.

However, the most notable thing for the duo was that Hao Cao was still only at the sixth level of the Nascent Core realm.

Once again, Darcel and Aniela themselves were reminded just how freakish they are.

Hao Cao was undoubtedly cultivating just as hard as them, yet she only stays at the same level in a week and a half. But her cultivation speed wouldn't be considered slow to anyone in the Zakira Academy.

Hao Cao's smile pleasantly broadened once the duo crossed into her vision. Sensing their levels, Hao Cao didn't feel that much awe but was happier to just see her friends.

"Even if I just missed one show, I'm sure whatever you two do, no matter if it's the most mundane thing. It'll be quite a spectacle to watch." Hao Cao remarked as she got close to the duo.

Darcel merrily shrugged, telling Hao Cao, "That's just how we work. So? What brings your jaunty self over here? Aniela, guess you have something good to tell us, and from your bearings as of now, I also could see there something on your mind."

Instead of directly answering, Hao Cao's smile widened to a more dazzling teasing one.

"Oh my, Aniela~. Darcel here really is becoming more attentive to the minds of maidens~."

Perking up, Aniela went over and playfully slapped Darcel's shoulder, also saying in a teasing tone, "Of course, of course! Under my special lesson, Darcy just can't get enough of learning~!"

"Why, thanks for another boast to my confidence, girls." Darcel simply shrugged and shamelessly took their teasing in stride. He had then continued on, saying, "But I'm sure this isn't what you're here for Cao."

Hao Cao smiled at Darcel but also silently made it a goal in her mind to efficiently tease Darcel and see a break in his calm facade.

"You're bluntness, however, never changes. But indeed I have rather….intriguing news. The high-level students are all experiencing massive troubles in the Necropolis Woods, leading everyone to become more on edge and tense."

"And the intriguing part is?" Darcel wrinkled his eyebrows and asked.

In all honesty, Darcel can say besides Hao Cao, Vice Principal Zelle, and a bit of Teacher Zala. He couldn't care less about the other students' well being.

"Was just about to get to it antsy~. Essentially, about a week ago, the fourth rank high-level student Lukil and his group reported Quicksilver Roc sect disciples unprovokingly attacking them. In the end, one of Lukil's friends got severely injured in the fight. Once words spread around of this got spread a lot more, small intense scuffle are occurring between us. In just several days, it has gotten to a point where it's becoming a notable achievement in the whole City to win one of these scuffles."

Hao Cao carefully explained to them.

"Oh! Ah! And this is the part where we, the rule-breakers, come on out and frighten these loud kids a bit." Aniela boldly stated.

She, too, didn't care much about the general students' well being, but she surely didn't want to miss out on a chance to test their prowess.

Hao Cao slyly nodded, telling her, "Fuu~, these Quicksilver Roc gnats are becoming too bold now. Somehow they're winning a lot against us and flaunting around as if they're the best sect in the entire City."

Darcel and Aniela felt a burning itch to fight.

The duo knew Hao Cao probably guessed their own prowess would now surely eclipse over to the True Soul Core realm.

And Darcel and Aniela could precisely tell their prowess does surmount in the early levels of the True Soul Core realm.

While they haven't fought any True Soul Core cultivators, the duo could tell if they matched up against any peak Nascent Core cultivator, they could kill them in a split second.

"How very interesting…. who's one of the loudest and most obnoxious of the bunch?" Darcel asked this time.

Thinking to herself and about the duo's prowess, Hao Cao had then told them, "A group of third layer link True Soul Core kids have been particularly loud. They claim with their group, they can even beat an entire group of fourth layer link students. Plus, they seem to love lingering in those woods for an unhealthy amount of time."

Abruptly then, Aniela furrowed her eyebrows. A weird puzzling feeling crossed into her mind about this whole situation.

It was like there should be something else at play here.

"I assume this group isn't the only one that likes to linger in the woods, right?" Aniela inquisitively asked.

"Bringing it up, it's actually surprisingly true on how much those Roc gnats seem to love lingering in these woods now. Though it's certainly abrupt, and those Roc's seem to have zero intention in escalating the situation."

While talking, Hao Cao suddenly thought of something, causing a glint to haze in her eyes.

Though, before she could say it, Darcel spoke up after seeing that look in her eyes.

"You're thinking about the Black Dungeon Labyrinth, right? Frankly, their behaviors could be related to that place. Still, I truly can't see how, considering that place apparently turned into a dangerous beast tide. Speaking off, what about the Quicksilver Roc Elders or even our Academy Teachers or Elders. Have they just done nothing about this situation?"

"The Seniors aren't bothering with this. They all claim this all just a small competition between juniors. Moreover, all top-level figures are oddly busy during these times." Hao Cao helplessly smiled while explaining.

Darcel and Aniela traded one glance with each other. Staying all locked up and cultivating can only go so far for any cultivator.

Even if there are hidden unknown dangers, Darcel and Aniela needed to stretch their legs!

"Well, well, right when we got done with a breakthrough, we already have extremely willing partners to dance with our prowess soon." Burning excitement was laced in Aniela's voice.

Mirthfully smiling at her enthusiasm, Hao Cao said, "Now you two are going to make your first official appearance against the whole City. I dread to think just how much chaos you'll cause compared to staying within the Academy."

"Don't worry, you and everyone else will perfectly see the storms we can cause. For now, though, let's spend the day together. We've been dulling cultivating for far too long." Darcel charmingly smiled towards the girls.

"Yea! We're going to need a little spice before going into battle anyways." Aniela cheerfully joined in as well.

Hao Cao couldn't stop the wide splitting grin from forming on her face as she said, "Fufufu~! If you truly insist, then I suppose I have no way to refuse now~."

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