Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 58: Savior?

It was now or never! Aniela hastily poured bloodline power into the talisman, causing sparks of magic power to spew out of it.

But right then, Aniela abruptly tossed the talisman high into the air.

Quickly, the creature's tongue changed its course. Instead of trying to snipe Darcel, Aniela, or Hao Cao, it wanted to make sure none of them had any avenue to escape to!

Effortlessly, its bright red hue tongue sailed straight into the talisman. And almost immediately, the creature had found something off with this thing.


Instantly, purple magical power frantically whirled in the air!

The very space around the whole room was continually shifting, becoming dangerous and unstable.

Although Darcel saw this as a prime opportunity. His eyes blazed in a black fire as colossal surges of Nascent Qi and bloodline power raged in his mouth.

For whatever reason, the talisman seemed like it can't be torn entirely through, but there was no time for Darcel to contemplate that.

Darcel grabbed the girls' waist and held them close. Aniela and Hao Cao didn't resist though they felt the blazing heat from Darcel's body.

It honestly surpassed any heat he had generated before!

Snapping his mouth open, Darcel unleashed a raging torrent of frantic black flames at the creature's tongue.

Even just firing off this concentrated blast caused intense scorching pain to blaze in Darcel's mouth. Yet Darcel forced past every fiber in his body, roaring out in pain.

Right when Darcel's intense torrent of black flames neared the creature tongue, its pupil suddenly dilated.

The creature could tell it would be highly unwise to ignore this attack just from the blazing heat alone.

Hastily, the creature pulled its tongue from the talisman shooting back to itself like a bullet. While doing so, the purple talisman still stayed afloat in midair, continually spewing out frantic purple magical power.

For the second time in a row, the creature got put into shock. Once again, this trio of annoying prey forced itself to retract its attacks!

Adding to its shocked was how during their first encounter, this trio was nowhere near this troublesome. The creature even had Darcel's team on the ropes at that time.

And it was then the human-like creature had enough of these youths tricks. Its hideous face morphed into a feral, ferocious expression.

A brilliant red light shimmered from its claw, spelling the end of the line for Darcel's team.

When the red glow shined over its claw, the creature thrust out its arm and blasted off a red Qi claw at the trio!

The whole room turned into a sea of red hell instantly.

Hao Cao felt her body entirely lock up. Her teeth gnashed against each other as she fruitlessly struggled against sudden incredible pressure. But her eyes had then flashed in realization.

This was the supreme power of a True Soul Core cultivator attack!

No matter if they all could match a peak Nascent Core, none of Darcel's team should be able to resist this pressure.

And yet, Darcel and Aniela's bloodline became even more frantic by the very second.

The crushing realm suppression affected their bodies but not to the point where they couldn't move at all. And as soon as the creature claw shimmered a bright red, the duo was already active.

Aniela struck one hand up and instantly sucked back the wild purple talisman in her hand. With her other hand, Aniela formed a white light barrier around her and Hao Cao.

Simultaneously, Darcel formed a Darkness barrier that wrapped around the whole group.

White and black mixed together, hoping to withstand the oncoming bright red Qi claw.

In only a second, the red Qi claw neared the trio. A frightful crushing pressure crashed down on Darcel and Aniela.

To protect Hao Cao, they took the full brunt of the pressure, causing blood vessels to pop on their face and eyes.

Still, even under pressure, Darcel and Aniela stood firm. There was no other option but to stand tall under this situation.

The creature's red Qi claw violently struck the white and black barrier, immediately overwhelming the duo.


Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao were all sent flying back like bullets as their barrier was torn to utter shreds. All three of them spurted blood, feeling their organs intensely churned.

Darcel and Hao Cao saw their world become a bloody daze.

But in Aniela's eyes, a sudden bright white light enkindled. Going over the edge, Aniela's enrich her body in a dazzling white glow.

Amazingly faster than what the creature could've ever expected, Aniela agilely shifted her body to be in the middle of Darcel and Hao Cao. Both her hands instantly grabbed on to their shoulders, drowning their bodies in the same dazzling white glow.

In a state of absolute defenseless, Darcel and Hao Cao's body couldn't resist Aniela's power at all. Yet the energy that flowed through them didn't cause any extra damage to their bodies.

Rather….it was actually quite gentle.

Abruptly though, the creature was thrown into a loop once again! Literally, in seconds, Aniela managed to move at speeds he didn't think possible from this group of prey.

And when that white glow wrapped all three of them, they suddenly blasted off with immense speeds!

To where they were heading was the back wall of the room, but….it seemed like Aniela was aiming for a specific spot.

By using their thrown momentum and overdrawing on her bloodline powers, Aniela could erupt with immense speeds under telekinesis.

Specifically, a life-saving feeling sparked in her mind. Her senses became drawn into one specific spot on the dark, sickly green wall.

Aniela had the faintest of clue on how this feeling came about. She only wanted Darcel, Hao Cao, and herself to live no matter the cost. And it was this line of thinking that caused her bloodline to unknowingly tremble.


However, from behind, the human-like creature obviously wasn't going to let this side.

Unleashing a horrifying cry, the creature instantly gave chase to the glowing white trio.

It blasted off at lightning-like speeds, hoping to intercept the trio. But to its unending frustration, Darcel's team was just the slightest bit faster for a second.

In rising anger, the creature watched as Aniela slightly raised her team higher and crashed right into the wall.


Debris of dark, sickly green stone scattered into the wind as Darcel's team effortlessly smashed through the wall.

Up head, Aniela was able to spot for a second a bright blood red portal.

In only a second, when seeing it, the trio plunged right into the portal, disappearing from sight. Yet the human-like creature didn't give up its chance and directly entered the portal with them.


Around Aniela's vision was a bright blood-red space. This was the mystical portal space she and the others had been through a few times already.

Only this time, something was significantly different.

On Hao Cao's shoulder, the hand Aniela used to hold on to her had the wild broken escaping talisman!

Suddenly, the escaping talisman reacted violently in this space, causing a more giant frenzy storm of magical power.

And only a couple of feet behind the trio was the human-like creature. Its claws were dangerously close to grabbing on to Darcel's foot.

But right when it was mere inches away, a blindingly bright purple flash illuminated the whole portal space!


Tremendous magical power spewed like wild storms in the portal space. The bright purple light only lasted for a few seconds. And once dying down, Darcel's team and the creature were no longer to be seen.


On a new floor of the black dungeon Labyrinth, spine-chilling dark red designs painted the whole area.

Compared to previous floors, the air here was far more turbulent. The general vibe of the floor exuded a superior ominous dread.

At one random area of the floor, where everything was eerily silent, massive surges of magical powers suddenly broke through the area.

The air was split apart as a beaming, vivid purple flashed brightened the whole dark red floor!


Out from the blinding purple flash spewed three damaged youths. Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao all violently crashed into the ground, skidding along it for a few meters.

At first, none of the three moved for seconds. Each of them had their face planted into the floor. Tremendous pain wracked every fiber of their bodies, making it difficult to just stay conscious.

And it was then Darcel had slightly shifted his head up.

Although, when attempting to do so, he found it was incomparably painful to even raise his head!

Along with their previous battle's crushing pain, a powerful aura permeated throughout the floor, completely suppressing Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao.

This new and sudden feeling took the trio by surprise. Not even on the dark, sickly green floor did they felt this suppressed or even suppressed at all!

Darcel knew their situation had just taken one of the worst turns.

Glancing to his right, he saw Aniela struggling to maintain consciousness. Her eyes were going in and out, nearly closing altogether. While Hao Cao had just never opened her eyes since they crashed.

But just when Darcel thought this couldn't get any worse, his Death senses roared out to him. Darcel's pupils shrunk as the ultimate sense of crisis overtook his mind.

From miles away from them, a tremendous presence locked squarely on to them.

Whatever that had just locked on to them, their presence had immediately reminded Darcel of someone on par with Teacher Zala!

Meaning, they are just about to face someone in the legendary Innate Core realm! Never in Darcel, Aniela, or Hao Cao's wildest dreams would they ever think they could take on an Innate Core cultivator.

Even the weakest of Innate Core masters could kill them with a single slap. Fruitlessly Darcel was the only one that tried to struggle and get up.

Alas, he had soon discovered his body had entirely locked up.

From the injuries on his bodies, the suppressing aura of this floor, and the aura of whatever monster that had locked on to them, it seems their situation was utterly impossible to escape from.

The ground was slightly quaking as whatever giant Spirit Monster was approaching. Each step it took coming was casual and relaxed, obviously not putting Darel's team in its mind at all.


With one last quaking step and a grunt of confusion, Darcel's team knew whatever Spirit Monster it was, was just a mile behind them.

And if the trio could look at the Spirit Monster, it would've sent slight chills in them.

The Spirit Monster was a giant dark red bear. Its eyes held a suffocating red shade in them, its face was savagely ferocious, and its claws were long and razor-sharp.

The bear gazed down at Darcel's team, with only mild confusion. Usually, whatever human that traversed the floor was far, far stronger than any one of those three.

But the bear couldn't care how they got there and only saw this as free fresh meat.

Savage hunger glazed in the Spirit Monster bear's eyes as it was going to savor this delectable meal.

And while the bear was preparing to eat, frantic changes were happening inside Darcel and Aniela.

Both of them were feeling a multitude of dramatic shifts inside their bodies. Their bloodlines were in a wild, chaotic state, continually banging in their bodies as if it was attempting to break through into a new change.

However, before anything could happen, Darcel's team suddenly felt the bear aura lift off from them.

A wild storm of winds gushed past Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao's head, yet the current was clearly controlled and directed.


Booming into Darcel's team ear was the spine-chilling sound of a sword tearing through bloody flesh. None of the three heard any roars of pains, only a stiff sickening thumb hitting the ground.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A mysterious voice slithered into Darcel's team's ears.

Accompanying the voice was a wave of small mystical power that gave the trio full consciousness and slight control over their bodies.

Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao all snapped their eyes fully open. Wearily the trio shakingly picked themselves off the ground, working past the reminder pain.

At this point, it's taking tremendous effort on their part to not collapse over, but they had no other options but to stand up now.

Once in a standing position, Hao Cao leaned on Aniela, and Aniela leaned on Darcel. Their eyes tactically met each other for a brief second. They knew even walking far was out of the question, so their only option was to turn around and meet whoever just saved them.

Slowly they turned around and came face to face with a handsome, middle-aged man. This man had slick black hair that swayed to his neck and charmingly noble facial features.

The man had also worn the brightest orange robes Darcel and Aniela had ever seen before. On the robes was also a luxurious design of the mystical God Beast of the Roc.

The man stood tall and proud, towering over Darcel's team as if he was the complete superior.

His aura was even more overwhelming than the bear and possibly slightly greater than Teacher Zala! Although Darcel couldn't tell for sure.

In the man's left hand was a short silver sword drenched in blood. And behind the man was the slumped over corpse of a beheaded bear.

Having a better look at the Darcel, Aniela, and Hao Cao now, the man's eyes lit up in an ominous mysterious twinkle.

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