Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 54: Never Ending Dangers

Forcing himself past the severe pain, Darcel focused entirely on gathering his power. As well, he didn't resist the gentle warm power of Aniela's telekinesis taking over his whole body.

Aniela's tender power….this power caused Darcel to widen his eyes a bit. He couldn't believe how incomparably light he feels right now! It's almost as if he literally defied all laws of gravity being entirely weightless.

Taking a glance over at Aniela's beautiful face, slight concern entered Darcel's eyes. Her sweet face was becoming drenched in sweat as she, too, forced herself past the pain and poured all of her power into him.

Feeling his eyes on her, Aniela turned to give Darcel a tired yet confident smile. No matter what is going on, Aniela always swore to herself to never lose her bright smiles.

And Darcel knows full well of this. Giving Aniela his own warm and tender smile, he swiftly told her, "I'll make sure to reward you later."

Immediately, Darcel could feel a spark of energy ignite inside Aniela as her hand suddenly tighten upon him.

"I already know you would~." Aniela cutely squeaked out.

Their entire exchange only lasted for a few seconds, but it was all the time they needed. In the duo's eyes, savage killing intent glazed over them.

The gigantic dark green wolf still hasn't charged them yet, but its eyes were seemingly enraptured with Darcel's bright white glow.

Darcel and Aniela didn't pay any heed to the wolf oddity, though.

At the peak of their powers, Aniela tightly clenched Darcel's shoulder again. And slightly lifting her hand up, Aniela had then pointed straight at the giant dark green wolf.


In a streak of lightning-fast white light, Aniela had flung Darcel straight at the wolf using her telekinesis!

Blasting through the air under Aniela's telekinesis felt otherworldly to Darcel.

He didn't feel weight downed at all by gravity. And the air split itself in half due to his immense speed. Darcel had even reckoned under Aniela's telekinesis, this was even slightly faster than his peak speed!

The distance between Darcel and the vast dark green wolf was only several meters apart.

But immediately when Darcel was flung by Aniela, the dark green wolf eyes turned rabid. Its aura ignited in a frenzy.

Matching Darcel's charge, the dark green wolf madly rushed to the glowing white boy.

The moderate distance between them was crossed in a mere couple of seconds by both sides.

Precisely right when Darcel was only a few feet away from the dark green wolf, Aniela's face became further drenched with sweat. Her teeth ferociously gritted against each other as began overtaxing herself.

Aniela's control over Darcel was nowhere near perfect. After all, this was the first time she tried fully controlling another human body.

But in this situation, she only needed to make one swift move for Darcel.

Steeling herself, Aniela pushed past the exhaustion and pain. Forcefully, Aniela moved her dazzling white, glowing hand up and to the right for a few inches.

Struggling this much with small and easy movements may have confused some, but Aniela's face had split into a little victorious grin.

In sync, right when Aniela barely moved her hand, Darcel's body managed to shift towards the dark green wolf right eye at the last second!

Generally, at high speeds these two were going; it would all but near impossible to make such an agile movement like this.

Yet, because of Aniela's telekinesis, all rules of gravity and momentum were temporarily thrown out of the equation! And Darcel didn't miss a single beat experiencing this sudden movement.

Darcel accurately thrust and plunged his black flaming rapier directly into the widening eyes of the dark green wolf. Putrid blood sputtered from the wolf like a bloody storm. The wolf itself didn't even have a chance to process Darcel's agile moves.

Abruptly the dark green wolf went absolutely still. Its brain was in pure shock, but before the pain could wrack its senses. Darcel raised his power to its peak degree, causing his black flames to burn with savage intensity.

"Fiery Slice!" Giving one last mighty roar, Darcel unleashed his Martial Skill directly inside the dark green wolf head!


Inside the dark green wolf body, immediate scorching black flames utterly fried its organ, bones, and blood.

The might of Darcel's concentrated power far surpassed the dark green wolf mighty seventh level Nascent Core power.

Furthermore, its mind and body were in a total berserk state, significantly lowering its defenses.

All at once, the dark green wolf experienced the most excruciating pain. Although, quickly for it, the sheer intensity and power behind Darcel's Martial Skill killed it off within seconds.

As the light faded from its eyes, the giant dark green wolf crashed to the ground.

Even in death, its eyes were still in a shocked state. It was simply impossible for the wolf to ever predict the craftiness of Aniela's telekinesis.

Watching the enormous dark green wolf collapse to the ground, Aniela breathed a sigh of relief. Her body ached with exhaustion and overtaxing pain.

Yet her head had promptly snapped to Hao Cao.

She was still on her knees, heaving her chest from the wolf's last attack. Despite being only a single level below, taking the full might of peak Nascent Core power isn't a simple matter.

Aniela and Darcel can forcefully rely on their bloodline to work through the pain and give them more energy. But Hao Cao simply didn't have any unique abilities like that.

And if it wasn't for Aniela's white glow covering her at the last second, her state would've been far worse than this.

Still, Aniela is glad she at least hasn't passed out.

Amazingly for her current state, Aniela once again worked through the pain and stumbled right next to Hao Cao. She grasped her hand on her shoulder, sitting straight down beside her.

Leaning into her a bit, Aniela gave Hao Cao a tired smile as she turned to look at her.

"We….won…." Aniela breathed out through heavy panting breaths.

All Hao Cao could do was weakly nod at her, still feeling the most winded out of the three. But right then, both girls' eyebrows furrowed as they peered over to Darcel.

While Aniela went over to support Hao Cao, Darcel had fished out his rapier from the dark green wolf eye.

Immediately when killing the wolf, Aniela's white glow dispersed.

And like terrible whiplash, Darcel experienced the full brunt of exhaustion and overtaxing pain. For a second, Darcel just wanted to take a moment to catch his breath.

But at that very moment, Darcel's senses spiked up. His body instinctively straightened up as his face turned deadly serious.

Rapidly approaching this specific area was a trio of immense powerhouses!

Their aura, it was one Darcel had vague familiarness with. It was the powerful aura of the True Soul Core realm! And if they're coming here for whatever reason, it only spelled terrible news for Darcel and the girls.

If they were at their normal state, then none of the three would have any reason to fear even True Soul Core warriors. After all, not counting their magical rings, they have other useful talismans to escape.

But the problem came as they needed at least some portion of Qi to even activate their talisman!

And sensing Aniela and Hao Cao, there were all depleted of Nascent Qi.

Even more so for Aniela, she can't muster up a smidgen of bloodline power lest she wants her body to shut down on her. Darcel, of course, didn't think whoever would come would kill them given their status but robbing them in an utterly helpless state wasn't out of the equation.

Some cultivators just wouldn't care about the consequences and take on all the risks they can get. And it was in this moment of thinking, Darcel determinedly made up his mind.

Compared to Aniela, Darcel knows his bloodline heavily differs from hers.

It's why he could still feel a small portion of bloodline power running through his veins and not wholly destroying his body.

Gashing his teeth, Darcel concentrated more bloodline power into his legs. Immediately it ignited scorching flames of immense pain throughout all of Darcel's body.

But if it matters concerning Aniela's well-being and, to a lesser extent Hao Cao's, Darcel didn't care at all for the pain.

Putting his rapier back into his ring, Darcel rushed towards the girls who already had concerning glances shot towards him.

However, Darcel had no time to explain. In just a few seconds, he flashed right near Hao Cao's side. Under the girl's weary face, Darcel quickly but tenderly took Hao Cao's hand that had her spatial ring.



A bright purple spark flashed, illuminating the whole room for a brief second.

Out from the flash, Darcel had fished out a light blue talisman. Seeing the talisman, Hao Cao's eyes lit up in shock.

Darcel really had just activated her ring on his own and even accurately found what he needed!

Activating a spatial ring that isn't attached to your own body isn't impossible. Still, it needlessly takes a lot of power to do.

Yet, Darcel still manages to ammas that power even in his severely weakened state.

Though it wasn't a walk in the park for Darcel. For a split second, he felt light-headed and on the verge of passing out.

But with those True Soul Core warriors nearly here, it snapped Darcel to stay awake. Under his forced bloodline powers, Darcel crushed the talisman.

Promptly, magical blue energy wrapped over the trio.

A mystical power swirled around the trio and had immediately turned Darcel's group entirely invisible! Finally, achieving his goal, Darcel sighed a bit and swiftly got right in the middle of the girls.

"Eh….Darcy….?" Aniela panted out while questioning.

She couldn't sense whoever was coming at all. Only there was a faint worrying feeling she picked up on from Darcel before.

In response to Aniela's question, Darcel wrapped his arms around the girl's waist, pulling them close to his body. He felt more secure this way though he ignored the slight flush on Aniela and Hao Cao's face.

Aniela was only surprised at the sudden intimacy. While Hao Cao felt her heart pick up several beats. Darcel had hugged her waist before, but this time they weren't getting chased or facing an immediate threat.

Undeniably, she couldn't avoid getting affected by the heat of Darcel's body in this position. But before either girl could question this, Darcel only said,

"Just wait and watch for a bit."

Surprisingly, Darcel didn't sound the slightest bit weary though pain was entwined with his voice.

Doing as he said, the girls and Darcel glanced over to the man-made entrance Darcel made.


Tremendous power burst through the entrance like a raging tsunami. Dark, sickly green stones blasted all around the room, breaking into little pieces once crashing into the wall.

This grand entrance made Hao Cao's eyes widen. Not because of the output of power but for who had appeared.

It wasn't people she knew at all but people that she could recognize from miles away.

Standing at the wide-open entrance were three handsome young male youths. Each of them wore fancy glossy black uniforms, and on the left side of their chest, a unique Y symbol was imprinted there.

These guys….they were from the Yoderine institution! Hao Cao looked over to Darcel and Aniela only to see them have a more inquisitive expression while watching the youths.

And looking back at the Yoderine youths, Hao Cao could tell why.

All three should've exuded the mighty majesties of a powerful True Soul Core warrior.

Only their faces and current stature was the farthest from being noble. Their faces were filled with frantic dread, sweat poured from their brows, and they were all slightly panting.

Plus, in their eyes, Darcel's team could observe layers of immense pain, trying to be suppressed.

The boy in the middle, who Darcel assumed to be the leader there, his face had soon morphed into a disbelieving expression.

His eyes were constantly darting around the room, never once looking to where Darcel's team sat.

Seemingly once failing to find what he was looking for, the boy clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth. In wild anger, his head snapped towards the other boy on his right, violently cursing him, saying,

"The hell?! I thought you said this where that damn portal has to be?!"

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