Xuanhuan: Han Feng, the emperor of medicine, has a life simulator

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

“Sky Snake Hitomi! Open! ”

Without the slightest hesitation!

Han Feng’s mind moved, and the dark blue flame in his eyes dissipated, replacing it with a more mysterious pupil technique.

The glow is flowing!

Crossing a trajectory of Xuan Ao, it appeared in Han Feng’s eyes like a dark snake pupil.

It was the continent’s first strange pupil!

Sky Snake Pupil!

The Meteor Heart Fire looked at Han Feng’s snake pupil, and it was already humane, and it was so fierce that it shrank its own snake pupil.

It seems very confusing—

How did Han Feng’s Dao Fire Pupil suddenly turn into a snake pupil.


Just as the Fire Python body of the Meteor Heart Fire was puzzled, its heart suddenly trembled.

Suddenly look up!

However, he was horrified to see that Han Feng’s deep snake pupil that was staring at him had an inexplicable sense of control.

And at this moment, it was as if it had been under some kind of coercion…

It seems to be snatched by its dementors!

Looking at the Dao Fire Python that suddenly trembled, Han Feng smiled indifferently:

“It does seem to work!”

What about the Fire of the Fallen Heart?

After all, the body of the snake python in the form of Dao cremation is also a snake!



A glow suddenly shot out from Han Feng’s eyes.

The glow within that snake’s pupil suddenly killed, and the meteorite heart fire was also frozen.

Although it is not clear what it is!

But it can still sense an inexplicable sense of dementorship.


Out of instinct!

The Fire of the Fallen Heart surged up the Dao Fire, intending to envelop its origin and resist Han Feng’s suppression!


But even so, when the snake pupil glow swept in.

The Fire of the Fallen Heart is still perceived—

The spiritual wisdom of his own birth suddenly suddenly became uncontrollable.

Such a change of events made the Fire of the Fallen Heart frightened!

Origin frenzy!

I want to suppress that strange sense of soul snatching.

Unfortunately, no matter how the Fire of the Fallen Heart resists!

All in vain!

Although in the ranking sequence of DaoHuo, Han Feng’s Sea Devil Yan and meteorite fire had a ranking difference.


The Heavenly Snake Pupil’s pupil power snatched the means to quickly suppress the giant python body of the Meteor Heart Fire to death.

Fortunately, there is no one at the moment!


If anyone saw this scene, their hearts would be extremely shocked.


Han Feng actually suppressed the Dao Fire with his own strength without any resistance.

How terrible is that?




“How about ranking fourteenth on the Daohuo list, suppression!”

Han Feng’s eyes were like electricity!

Suddenly, there was no longer a half-point left hand.

At the same time, Emperor Yan zhi raised his hand to suppress it, and the sea demon Yan slashed through the void…


The dark blue horror dao fire breath is coming!

The momentum of the Meteor Heart Fire, which had already climbed to the extreme, was also rapidly weakening at this moment.

Stare at Han Feng deadly!

The snake’s pupils were full of fear and anger.

It was suppressed!

The DaoHuo, who ranked fourteenth on the Tangtang Dao Fire List, was actually suppressed by the fifteenth ranked Sea Devil Yan.

This is a slap in the face, and it is even more humiliating!

The Fire of the Heart is clear, the root cause of all this.

It’s Han Feng!

The human beings in front of you are terrible….

It was so terrible that he was in his hands, and there was no resistance at all.

“Follow me!”

“I will take you to the honor of Emperor Yan!”

Suppress the Fire of the Fallen Heart!

Han Feng was not in a hurry, but he smiled calmly, and the smile on his face seemed very affinity and heartbreaking.

However, at this moment, it fell into the eyes of the Fire of the Fallen Heart…

But there is only resentment, endless resentment!


The indignant emotion of the Fire of the Fallen Heart sounded.

Then, in the mouth of the python-like snake, a few difficult syllables emerged:

“Don’t you think!”

Between the fires, devour each other!

How could the Fire of the Fallen Heart be willing to be swallowed up by itself?

If Han Feng hadn’t refining the Aisle Fire before this, then it might still consider becoming Han Feng’s first Dao Fire.

To devour and refine other Dao fires…

But now!

Han Feng obviously already had the Dao Fire, and if it surrendered, wouldn’t it mean that it would be swallowed up by Han Feng’s Dao Fire?

It’s hard to break the seal and get free!

How could it be willing to be devoured?




Han Feng shook his head and smiled lightly, and then the deep snake pupils gradually became cold: “I want to refine you!” ”

“Why do you have to agree!?”


Don’t wait for the Meteor Fire reaction.

Han Feng’s figure swept out again, before the Meteor Heart Fire reacted…

It has come to the top of its head!

Foot pedal fire!

Without hesitation, he jerked his hand out.

The dark blue flame manifested in Han Feng’s palm, an extremely terrifying power!

Sea Devil Yan!

Emperor Yan decided!

The two were instantly punched out by Han Feng in a mysterious and blatant posture.

Di Yan, who was prompted by the Dao Fire, seemed to be able to devour the world’s ten thousand fires, slowly covering the giant python reveal of the Meteor Heart Fire.


It was also this moment!

The angry roar of the Meteor Fire came to an abrupt halt at the same time.

Suppressed by death, it seems to encounter what a terrible existence it has encountered, and it is silent for a moment…

“Dao Fire Origin!”


Han Feng looked indifferent!

Suddenly, from the python head of the Meteorite Heart Fire, an invisible source heart fire slowly manifested.


This is the origin of the Fire of the Fallen Heart.

Moreover, it was extracted from the head of the Fire Python in the form of Dao Cremation by Han Feng.

Followed by!

Han Feng grabbed the burning Dao Fire Origin by the hand:

“Heart fire!”

“It’s going to be in my hands after all…”


In an instant, the temperature in the depths of the entire Daoist Courtyard rose sharply, as if you were in the sun!

And this is the power of the Dao Fire!

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