X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 42: Borrower

Far away from the battlefields beside Biga village and the chaos transpiring in there, a blood-red sparrow was flying frenziedly towards a certain direction. One could immediately tell that this was the Blood Minion created by Jim!

Taking a closer look into the bird, one could notice the aura of relief that was exuding out from it, as if it just overcome some sort of danger that was impossible to best.

It went without saying, Jim's consciousness was lurking inside that bird!

While ago, when Jim was in a panic after knowing that his consciousness was trapped inside his Blood Minion and was about to be destroyed, he cursed himself for being too impulsive. He really didn't know what he should do to escape.

Fortunately, his luck didn't betray him as his Blood Minion didn't die from the crashing of that Semi-Demon as his consciousness had managed to survive!

When Jim saw the other party cut her arm for who knows why Jim really was surprised at first. But he immediately recovered from his surprise as he noticed that he was finally freed from the trapping of the other party.

His Blood Minion then restored its body as he stared at the other party as if he was looking into a fool.

But realizing that the hand of the other party had actually turned dry as its blood was being sucked, Jim finally realized why did the other party cut her arm without hesitation. Nevertheless, he immediately shifted his consciousness to the random Blood Minion he had, afraid that he might get trapped again.

As he had managed to escape, Jim let out a huge sigh of relief.

But he really was amazed upon knowing that his Blood Minion actually had the same ability with his skill: Blood Bullet. Both could suck the blood of any living being it touched into dryness!

Learning about this, a wide grin surfaced on his Blood Minion as it was affected by the excitement of its creator. Jim thought that instead of wasting his blood to use as a Blood Bullet, he planned on making every bead of blood he could produce into a life-form, probably a sparrow again.

Then he could use it to attack his enemies so that he would not have a hard time aiming them and could also catch the enemy off guard.

As the Blood Minion of where his consciousness was currently in was flying, Jim felt that he lost his connection to one of his Blood Minion. It didn't need for Jim to think about what happened to his Blood Minion since he already knew that it was caused by the Semi-Demon woman he just faced earlier.

One of his Blood Minion was got destroyed!

Jim immediately felt a shudder just by thinking about what would likely to happen if his consciousness remained trapped to his Blood Minion that was likely to be dead by now.

However, not long after he felt that way, Jim caught sight of a huge pit surfacing helplessly on the ground, seemingly not having a bottom at all.

The pit was as if grieving and as if saying, "Why did you create me? Is there even a reason for me to exist?"

Around the pit were countless trees lying down on the ground, as if they all tried to kneel to a certain supreme being and were unable to stand up anymore.

Jim swallowed his saliva in horror as he gazed into this horrible sight.

He then shifted his gaze all around trying to see if there was a movement or someone was fighting around but to his dismay, he couldn't see anyone at all.

"It seems like they are not here..." Jim pondered. He just realized that this Blood Minion of which his consciousness was in was actually the one that he sent to chase after his Tito Sam.

However, as he was thinking about where did his Tito possibly go, Jim felt a horrible aura causing fear to every life-form around. Beasts and wild animals near the area were frenziedly running all over as they lost their direction and didn't know where to go. Even Jim was frightened and his Blood Minion shuddered as it reacted to what he felt.

Jim subconsciously turned his gaze to a certain direction to where the horrible aura he felt came from and another fear invaded his heart.

In that place, not too far away from where he was, Jim saw dark clouds gathering and was shrouding the cliff behind it, as if some sort of a supreme being was summoning those clouds.

He also caught sight of something like a silver light that was piercing through the dark clouds! And Jim felt that at the foot of that silver light was the one who was releasing the terrifying aura.

At that moment, Jim immediately realized what was happening for he already saw this kind of situation three years ago!

The silver light gradually faded but the horrible aura became much terrifying.

Jim didn't hesitate any longer as he drove his Blood Minion to go to that place in the fastest it could be. The Blood Minion didn't dare to disobey the command of its creator as it frenziedly rushed into that place.

As if a falcon that was preying upon its target, the Blood Minion rapidly charged forward!

After a while, Jim finally reached the area and the first thing that came into his view was a huge pile of rocks that was noticeably made by the towering cliff beside it. The cliff was heavily damaged and was collapsing as rocks were continuously falling from its side.

A huge crater was graved from the side of the cliff as if a meteor had just collided on it!

Jim could immediately tell that a fight had just broken up in there not too long ago.

Jim then hurriedly and worriedly turned his gaze around as he desperately looked for his Tito Sam. Not too far away, Jim finally caught sight of his uncle!

In there, a person was standing high and mighty! On his right hand was another person hanging weakly on it. The former was grabbing the latter's neck and the latter had no more strength to retaliate at all!

Around them was even more horrible as no life could be found in there. No traces of trees or wild animals or beasts were could be found as it turned out that it became a wasteland.

Despite the difficulty of breathing, the latter grinned widely as he said, "It seems like the humans in this place are stronger than I thought."

It seemed that the latter was actually the combined body of Jannes and Jambres and the former, the one who was grabbing his neck, was actually Sam himself!

But Sam only stared at the other party in nonchalance as if the other party was just an insignificant being that it hurt his eyes just by glancing at it.

Taking a closer look into Sam, he was then again changed into another form!

He was no different from his normal form except for his long brown hair that flowed down to his shoulder was now dyed in silver. His brown eyes also became silver in color as there was no emotion emitting from it.

However, despite the small changes, Sam was exuding out a completely different and unfathomable aura compared to before. He was now overflowing with World Energy that even his surroundings were trembling in his presence.

"Remember this, 'human who could only borrow their powers from those bastards', this time, I admit that I lose." Two voices sounded simultaneously in pleasure.

Knowing that there was no way for Jannes and Jambres to fight back anymore, they finally admitted defeat. It seemed like even demons knew sportsmanship!

Jannes and Jambres continued to laugh malignantly like a madman for a while before they turned their gaze to the other party in utter coldness as they threatened, "But next time we meet, consider it as your last day because I won't let you survive when that time comes and I assure you that you won't be able to revive anymore. So you better pray to your... ... kwawk!!"

Jannes and Jambres were yet to finish what they were about to say but halfway through their words, a hand pierced through their chest making them swallow their words and spurt a mouthful of blood instead.

After which, a voice of the other party sounded from their ear in nonchalance saying, "Too noisy, can't you just die without whining too much?"

"Y-you...!" Jannes and Jambres let out that word in great difficulty as they were angered from the sudden action of the other party.

After which, Sam gazed at the other party in utter coldness as he threatened as well, "Remember this, 'demon who could only steal a human body as a clone', next time we meet, consider it as your last day because I won't let you survive when that time comes and I assure you that you won't be able to revive anymore. So you better pray to your king that we should never meet again."

"You..." Jannes and Jambres really wanted to smack the other party to the ground but they had no more strength to carry it off.

What the other party had just said to threaten them was the same as what they just said and the things that they were about to say to threaten the other party, how could they not be angered from that?

"Enough bullshit and go back to where you came from!" Sam then retracted his hand from the chest of the other party as he continued with a smile, "Bye-bye, till we meet again."

After which, Sam gripped his hand even more tightly as it didn't take long for the neck of the other party to turn into a meat paste. Blood squirted out and its head helplessly fell to the ground as well as its body.

After which, Sam gazed from afar in boredom as he gradually turned back to his original appearance. His silver hair gradually became dark brown and the same went for his eyes.

"Maybe I should go back to the village and end this farce already."

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