X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 172: Janine Join In The Fun

"But what about it? What if that hair entangled my feet?" Ben suddenly asked as he still yet to figure out what was going on.

Hearing his question, Jim shifted his gaze towards Ben as he responded seriously, "According to my observation, she could transport anything that is touched by her hair to the ends of the other strand of her hair."

"To put it simply, once one of her hair touches you, she can transport you at any moment to wherever the other ends of her hairs were. And as you can see, her invisible hair was all over the place and she could transport anyone or anything wherever she wants for as long as her hair touches the target," Jim paused for a moment as if pondering about something before he continued, "Maybe, that was also the technique she did a while ago when she transported your attack to our direction."

"That..." Ben thought about it as he nodded in realization. Indeed, all Jim had guessed was highly possible. But facing this kind of opponent? Even Ben felt that he was having a headache just thinking about how could they deal in this teleportation ability of that girl.

"Oh? So you can guess about my ability that much?"

Meanwhile, as Ben and Jim were still trying to measure up the ability of Elaine, they suddenly heard the other party speaking to them. Her annoying smile and tone of voice made their anger to be ignited though.

Even so, Jim still tried his best to calm himself down with a deep breath. He stared at Elaine and then said bluntly, "It's nothing much. What I am more concerned about is how did you escape in my illusion world..."

"Ah, that..." Elaine had just recalled about it as she asked, "Do you really want to know?"

"..." Jim didn't reply for a moment as he stared coldly at Elaine. After some thought, he asked, "Tell me."

Jim really wanted to know how did the other party do it. Although it was possible that the other party might not tell him her secret, Jim still asked. He wasn't bearing so much hope though. After all, this girl was unpredictable as he couldn't even read what she was thinking at all. Even though she always wore that smiling face of her, Jim felt that there was no happiness blended in it at all.

Was this the meaning of 'The best way to hide your emotion is to smile'? Jim suddenly thought about it. He could see that her thoughts and emotions were much harder to read compared to those with a poker face.

"If you want to know, then promise me one thing," Elaine responded as if not caring whether to tell it or not.

"..." Jim pondered for a moment before he replied, "What is it?"

"Don't die in shock," Elaine replied with the same smile.

Jim had immediately found his veins popping out uncontrollably. This girl was really too good at stirring anger. If not for him not understanding the other party completely, he might have already rushed towards her and then give his best to give her a good beating.

"Just tell us already!" But Ben was different. He took Jim's place as he was the one who replied impatiently instead. It appeared that he couldn't hold his frustration any longer.

What the heck was with this guy? Elaine suddenly thought about it. They were the one who was asking for a favor, why was he acting like that? 

Even so, Elaine didn't pursue such a small matter as she responded with the same smile, "I destroyed it. How else can I escape that place?"

"What?!" Jim asked as if confirming if he heard it right. What he had just heard was really inconceivable as just by hearing it wasn't enough. He should at least see it for himself for him to believe!

But how was that even possible? How could he still see it? Whenever he created an illusion world, it would disappear in a given time or when it wasn't used. And since this Elaine had already left that illusion world he created, it only meant that that illusion world was long been gone. With that being said, if he entered an illusion world, it would be a different one now.

"Are you taking us as fools? Do you think we will believe that?" Ben, on the other hand, was furious. He was already angry enough towards this girl in the first place but now that she was spouting so much nonsense, he couldn't remain calm anymore.

Destroying that place? The world must have gone mad if it really was the case. Ben knew full well how special that place was and saying that it was destroyed must be a lie.

Thus, Ben was determined to make a move already to shut her mouth completely. He was afraid that if this girl spoke again, he might really die in anger.

With that said, Ben rushed towards Elaine as he wanted to deliver her a good beating already. That moment, however, he didn't immediately use his Bloodline ability as he ran towards Elaine with his normal speed. Even so, it was still much faster than the ordinary individual.

"Hey, wait!" Jim tried to stop Ben. But the other party seemed to not hear his words as he continued to rush towards Elaine.

Damn it. Jim cursed in his heart. Was this Ben always this impulsive?

At first, when he first met the other party, Jim thought that this guy was cold and careful as his personality had as if been tempered by many odds of life.

But why was this Ben being swayed by his emotion now? Jim couldn't understand him at all. He could only grit his teeth as he watched the back of Ben hoping that he wouldn't be put into new trouble.

In reality, Ben wasn't really this impulsive all the time. He was always careful in his every action and was a responsible kid.

It was just when facing an opponent that could threaten him, his control over his emotion was always getting distorted just like when he was facing his younger brother and then always end up being defeated.

But well, it was only because he was afraid of losing and not surpassing an opponent that could threaten him. After all, he put so much care into it.

When people put care about something, their control over their emotion was most likely getting out of control. That might also be the reason why were those people who were not giving a damn about the most thing, could control their emotion to a great extent.

And this Ben, when he was facing a group or individual that couldn't threaten him, just like the bandits who killed his foster parents, he could remain cold and indifferent and could do an action that wasn't due to the uncontrolled emotion.

Of course, Jim didn't know about this. He didn't know fully Ben's personality. After all, they had just met. And he was still trying to understand Ben and have a deeper relationship with him.

Tsk! Jim clicked his tongue in dejection. He could only raise his hand forward and a drop of blood came out. After a short moment, the drop of blood turned into a sparrow as it quickly followed Ben.

If he couldn't stop Ben, then he should just at least support the other party. Jim was just thinking to give Ben a hand.

With this sparrow he'd just created, and with an intent of healing capability he put into it, this Blood Minion could definitely give Ben a hand whenever he got injured or such. It would be great if he could use as well his other Blood Minions as a distraction so that he could make an opening for Ben to give a blow.

But unfortunately for him, his Blood Minions were still strangely being trapped in that strange net that Elaine had created. Jim couldn't even summon them back now as he was thinking to just create a new batch of Blood Minions.

But to spend most of his Spiritual Energy just for his Blood Minions? Even Jim felt that it was a big waste. After all, he was still planning to create another Blood Guardian. And Jim knew full how much Spiritual Energy this Blood Guardian could use. After all, Jim was spending almost 30 percent of his Spiritual Energy just to maintain Tokayo under his control.

It went without saying, Jim felt that he could only create another one Blood Guardian with the spare Spiritual Energy he currently had. If he created more than that, he felt that it would likely go out of control that would probably go rampant the moment it was created.

With that all being said, Jim wasn't planning to create more Blood Minions. But still, he should at least support Ben with the healing ability he had. So he created one and then sent it to accompany Ben.

But then, Ben was still yet to reach his distance near Elaine when suddenly, something fell from the sky. No, it wasn't something. When Jim put a clearer look onto it, he could only gulp a mouthful of saliva. What was this brute trying to do now?

Jim could clearly see Janine falling from above. It appeared that she jumped from somewhere afar as she was now about to land to cause a heavy impact.

"Why are you all only the ones who are enjoying yourselves?" Amidst Jim's shock, he heard Janine saying such words excitedly and loudly as she added, "Let me join in the fun!"

After which was said, Janine landed on top of Elaine trying to smash her into a meat paste with both of her fists.

Elaine only smiled bitterly as she didn't even bother to turn her gaze upwards. When Janine was about a meter away from her head and was about to slam her two arms against her, Janine suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


As if a meteor had just fallen, a loud boom echoed accompanied by a huge crater.

Ben who was rushing towards Elaine halted his steps as he turned around instead to see the loud explosion.

"Jim!" Ben cried out. How could something like this happen?

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