X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 140: Little Creature


A loud boom echoed with something rolling furiously on the ground. Who knew how many trees fell from it before it came to a halt? But despite that, another loud boom resounded as the trees kept falling down. Surprisingly, the source of where those unknown things were being sent flying was a battlefield where a furious fight broke out.

Several and different types of high-level beasts were currently surrounding something, no, they were surrounding someone. What even more shocking was that those beasts were surrounding a little girl. But could she be as simple as she seemed?

In her left hand was a chicken drumstick. And despite all the beasts surrounding her, she was just leisurely eating her favorite food while in her innocent face was written, "What is with these beasts?"

Who could it be other than Janine Kastel?!

On the other hand, there was something like a cute little cat that Janine was carrying on her right hand very carefully. As if afraid that this cute creature would be hurt by every beast surrounding her. She really didn't know why did those beasts had suddenly gone into a rampage.

A while ago, Janine was just indignantly strolling around the area cursing the world how did she end up in this unknown and seemingly endless forest. She even swore to herself that once she went back, she would definitely destroy the inn where she slept before. Those scammers were surely daring! How could they send her to this region?!

The anger in her heart couldn't calm down not until when she bumped into something along the way. It was a cute little cat if one would say. It walked in two short feet and innocence was painted in its eyes. Its furs were light purple of which the belly part was much lighter. It had a feminine feature and looked as if a child. And considering its one-foot height and slim body with a long thin tail, it was hard for a pet lover to not fall in love with this cute creature.

And even Janine wasn't a pet lover, the moment she saw this little creature, her heart couldn't help but palpitate wildly for an unknown reason. Without knowing it, Janine walked closer to the little creature as she squatted down to pick it up.

Thankfully, even after seeing Janine coming at it, the little creature only stared at her in innocence and didn't retaliate when the other party lifted it up. After all, the little creature didn't feel any malice from this person.

And just like that, when Janine lifted the little creature, she stared at it for a moment before hugging it with her face in excitement. The little creature didn't know why but it felt happy at that time as it couldn't help but smile and feel the embrace of the other party.

After a good while of enjoying each other's warm embrace, Janine released the cute little creature as she carried it carefully with her right hand. After which, she picked a chicken drumstick from her pouch hunged on her hips as she said, "Want some?"

As Janine pointed the chicken drumstick towards the little creature, the little creature on the other hand, stared at the chicken drumstick for a moment before taking a bite. The tender and juicy flesh entered its mouth as the little creature chewed it and gulped before joy and blush surfaced all over its face.

Janine was delightful seeing that the little creature took a liking as well to her favorite food. After which, she let the little creature hold the chicken drumstick for it to eat on its own. She then picked another chicken drumstick for her to eat as well.


Janine and the little creature were still enjoying each other's happy moments when suddenly, a thunderous roar sounded causing tremors all around. Janine was alarmed. But at the same time, she was confused too. She already checked the entire area a while ago but not even a single strong beast was around. How could she suddenly smell a presence of a stronger beast now? Did her sense of smell had just failed her?

Janine put her guard on as she realized that there was not only a single strong beast, but a couple of them now. Just when did these beasts suddenly arrive here?!

So then, soon after the thunderous roar echoed, The beasts she was expecting to come finally arrived and surrounded her immediately. Janine then leisurely swept her gaze around as she calculated that all of them were about in a level of A-rank. That was really a little surprising!

After a moment of surprise, and knowing that the little creature she carried in her hand wasn't afraid at all and was just wearing an innocent expression similar to when she first met it, Janine took a bite to the chicken drumstick she held knowing as well that she didn't need to worry about the little creature's feelings. It was as if the beasts all around her were just dogs waiting for her to throw them some leftovers.

The beasts were angered, one of them, the ape-type beast from the right side, couldn't hold itself any longer as it rushed towards Janine to give her a vicious punch right away. The ape was just hoping that it wouldn't hurt the little creature, their little princess, that was being held hostage by this intruder.

The ape was only slightly taller than the average human so if it gave the intruder a controlled punch, it might be able to save their little princess and kill the intruder right away.

But to its shock, the other party greeted its punch with nonchalance as she didn't even bother turning around to look at it. As if it was too much of a bother taking a glance at it.

The ape gritted its teeth. This brat was surely underestimating it way too much. That being said, it didn't bother controlling its strength anymore as it gave its all to this punch.

The other beasts in the area were alarmed and worried. How could this fool being provoke so easily just like that?! What if something bad happened to their little princess?! Did this fool was really so eager to die this early? If so, then this fool shouldn't have implicated them to its early death!

However, it didn't take long for their worries to dissipate. The moment the ape's fist was about to smash against the intruder's little body, the little girl that the ape was going to smash, carried the chicken drumstick with her mouth as she leisurely waved her hand sidewards without bothering herself to look at the attacker. The moment their fists collided against each other, the ape was then immediately sent flying and rolled furiously on the ground before causing a loud boom upon colliding a huge tree.

The other beasts around had almost dropped their jaw on the ground upon witnessing such incredulity. Their worries might have dissipated, but it was only because it was being replaced by shock!

Just what in the world had just happened?! It was way too unbelievable. How could this mere human brat do something as inconceivable as that!?

On the other hand, Janine then held the chicken drumstick with her left hand after munching a bite from it. She glanced at the little creature she was carrying in her right hand as she asked, "Are you fine?"

The little creature, with gleaming eyes, nodded repeatedly in response. It was obvious that it was amazed by Janine's glorious performance. If it could just speak, or if its mouth wasn't full of tender and juicy meat, it might already be praising Janine right now.

Janine smiled seeing the little creature. She then took a bite on her chicken drumstick to fill her mouth as well.

It was at this moment when Jim's Blood Minion found the commotion transpiring here. It flew near the commotion and perched on a certain branch of a certain tree to watch the occurrence. And upon seeing the little creature held by Janine, and knowing that its master was looking for a strong beast, it hurriedly informed its master in excitement. It couldn't care much to any of the weaklings surrounding the little girl, all it had its eyes on was the little creature carried by the girl.

Jim who had received the message of his Blood Minion didn't waste any second as he hurriedly shifted his consciousness onto it. And when he saw the beast carried by the little girl, Jim found his heart beating wildly in excitement. That being said, as he wasn't contented to just see it using his Blood Minion, Jim exchanged position with his Blood Minion to see the beast personally. And sure enough, when he saw it personally, Jim felt the overwhelming Spiritual Energy coming from the beast even more clearly. This beast was definitely a high-level one!

With that being said, Jim was so eager to catch it. He didn't even notice or put any value on the little girl who was carrying the beast. That said, even after the girl had smelled his presence, and even after she glared at him viciously, Jim didn't notice it at all as all of his attention was piqued by the beast.

Jim then went back hurriedly to look for Bantay and Bagsik to bring them with him, but sadly for him, Bantay left for an unknown reason. Helpless, Jim could only bring Bagsik with him. It really was a pity that Bantay would not be able to see him catching a precious beast.

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