World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 The Battle of Jukchang (2)

Event Map Fantastic Island.

People were having a good time on this huge island, which could be said to be a paradise for entertainment.

[Now everyone. Did everyone eat, drink, and play happily?]

Until the appearance of the goblin that suddenly appeared.

“What is that...?”


A dwarf full of fluffy hair. On his seemingly cute appearance, two horns, the symbol of a goblin, sprouted out of his head.

[If you waited until now... Roughly, all those who want to participate in this battle must have gathered, right?]

A goblin checking the time with a large pocket watch stretched out somewhere. He shouted to everyone as he floated in the middle of the island.

[Then, let’s start the first round of the Jukchang Daejeon. Shall we get rid of all irrelevant things then?]

A goblin snaps his fingers saying he will start a bamboo spear battle. Then, in an instant, the topography of the island began to change.

Koo Goo Goo Palace. “What!”


Restaurants and stalls where you could eat and drink disappear in an instant, and bushes and trees grow quickly due to a tectonic shift. While everyone was watching, the fantasy island overflowing with entertainment quickly turned into a wild nature itself.


[You have acquired the event item Bamboo Spear.]

And a status message that appears in front of you.

Jaeyoung took out a spear of green bamboo, which was not there before, from the inventory window and checked the detailed stats.


A spear made of carved bamboo. It has an aura that symbolizes the equality of all people.

-The target stabbed with authenticity is instantly killed.

-Defense Completely ignores magic defense.

A weapon that is simple and neat, but has tremendous additional effects. Apart from Jaeyoung, I could hear the clamor of people holding green bamboo in their hands.

“Wow, it’s a real fraudulent item.”

“With this, I can send the number 1 in the rankings to the Nether Road in one shot, right?”

“Aaaaaaaaaa! Bamboo spear! Jukchang!”

“This is it! This is the moment of revolution! You fucking wise bastards!”

An island where you can hear the loud cries of the radicals who cherished the spirit of bamboo spears. Until now, everyone who had been peacefully enjoying their entertainment was scattered around Jaeyoung, shouting bamboo spears and crying out for equality for all people.

“die! this guy!”

Without any warning, a user right next to Jaeyoung suddenly stabbed him with a bamboo spear. The moment Jaeyoung tried to react and prepare for this, he suddenly split in half and collapsed.


A mysterious user who fades into gray and disappears. As Jaeyoung looked down at the corpse with an absurd expression, the goblin in the air muttered annoyedly.

[Ha.... Please calm down. I haven't even started yet, but there are already a lot of people running amok. All are disqualified for foul play. Stay calm if you don't want to die split in half.]

Users who died split in half.

Realizing that it was the goblin's work, Jae-yeong began to calmly grasp the situation around him with a bamboo spear in his hand.

‘It's a jungle terrain.....'

The trees grew densely in an instant. I don't know how big it is, but after confirming the sight of the densely towering trees spreading endlessly, I said to Tan.


“ok? why?”

Tan, who was looking around the rapidly changing terrain with a stupid expression, looked back at Jaeyoung's question.

“I’ll use the strong god skill. Can you properly cull those who are specialized in stealth and assassination?”

“really? of course! I'll put the watery ones on standby!”

Tan, who is living a stressful life by pouring out the improbable probability that he had during the last witch hunt. Jae-young's words that he would use Kangshin because he was in a state of austerity were as welcome to Tan as the rain in a drought.

[Let's see... There are 3,292,891 participants right now... There are 891 people who were eliminated due to foul play, so just 3,292,000 people participated.] The number of

people whose jaw dropped wide.

Considering that the population of Korea is 60 million, it is an event in which almost 5% of the population participated. And it was a figure that showed how influential Arcadia was and how high the level of public interest was.

[It's an unlimited survival from 3,292,000 to 1,000 people left... The competition rate seems ridiculous, but what about rules being rules? You can check the remaining numbers above, so please refer to it and then... Let's start.]

Pang Pang Pang.

The goblin opened its hands wide and declared the start of the war. Then firecrackers explode from behind. And at the same time, loud noises were heard from here and there.


“Everyone is equal in front of the bamboo spear!”

“One room! One room!”

“Listen to the bamboo spear! People!”

Kwaang Pupung.

At that moment, conflicts started here and there. In the feast of all kinds of skills and techniques, people stabbed to death by bamboo spears began to appear one after another.

“These children! Please do it in moderation!”

“Crazy guys! What is the bamboo spear running at like this!”

“Kyaaaagh! help me!”

[Kick. This is very interesting. It's such a fierce battle at the same time as soon as it starts.]

Users have prepared numerous strategies while thinking about winning. However, they were in trouble because of the users who rushed like kamikazes with spears, as if they had no interest in winning.

Obviously, those who tried to refrain from hasty movements in the beginning. Those who were seeking safety were taken aback by the reckless rush of madmen shouting bamboo spears and began to collapse after being struck with a single blow. And among those users were famous rankers.

“Wow! I killed the 19th place in the rankings by stepping on Lego!”


“Keep it off.....”

The user cheered with a bamboo spear. While he was cheering, he collapsed in the same gray light from a bamboo spear stabbed from behind by surprise. And again, that user was followed by a bamboo spear that flew in from somewhere and was dyed gray.

Users literally bite tail after tail and kneel in front of bamboo spears.

Looking at the chaos, Jaeyoung said to Tan.


“Yes....? Why master?”

Truly a scene of massacre. Tan, who was watching the scene of this abyss, where each other died and killed each other, suddenly came to his senses and answered Jae-young's question.

“Assassination is over.... Please choose someone with poor stealth skills....”


Jaeyoung realized the sight that was unfolding in front of his eyes.

The fact that this world is really wide and there are so many crazy people who are crazy about bamboo spears.

* * *

Jukchang Daejeon Round 1.

When the event, which had a lot of talk and a lot of trouble, started, the event team at Arcadia Co., Ltd. was monitoring the progress of the event in real time with keen senses.

“Currently, there are 350,000 dropouts. Fierce battles are still taking place all over the map.”

“What is the status of users with a high possibility of advancing to the second round?”

“89% of those we expected are now alive. Most are already hiding and keeping an eye on the situation through stealth or special survival skills.”

“Yeah... that level isn't bad...”

Jang Tae-young, who was in charge of the Jukchang Daejeon this time. He slumped back in his chair, smiling as if he was satisfied with his subordinate's report.

‘The 2nd and 3rd rounds can make a game worth watching.....'

While planning the event, Manager Jang Tae-young drew two pictures of this Jukchang Daejeon.

In the first round, a huge number of users hit each other, creating a melee situation 5 minutes before the opening.

And the surviving users of the 2nd and 3rd rounds produce a fierce survival battle royale that survives through strategies and tactics that make their hands sweat.

In this way, many people planned to have fun with this event, and now the situation was working similarly to what he expected.

“Although some of the rankers were eliminated due to the reckless offensive of the low-level users, there will be no big surprises as long as most of them hold a base and enter the sit-in.....”

Users with various occupations. Of course, depending on the nature of the job, there were those who had an advantage or disadvantage in this Jukchang Battle, but most rankers were surviving somehow by using 100% of their abilities.

“Earth Wall! Earth Wall! Earth Wall!”

A wizard who blocks everyone's access by building a huge wall of earth around him.

“The dark side.”

A thief hiding in the dark and silent.


An archer aiming for the hearts of those who silently approach in the dense jungle.


“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) -” help me!”

From users who don't have any particularly useful abilities, who run around with bamboo spears, to warriors who scream while running away.

The methods are different, but everyone was surviving through their own way. And Jaeyoung was also surviving in his own way in the scene of this confusion.

“hey! What are you?”

A group of people holding bamboo spears in their hands and painting bizarre patterns on their faces in red, whether it be blood or paint. As soon as they encountered him while passing through the jungle by chance, they swarmed with a fierce force and surrounded Jae-young.

“To walk alone in this melee... I'm not afraid.”

Their bamboo spears were stained red as if dozens of people were hunting others in groups.

“Are you one of those proud ranker users, or are you a revolutionary comrade of bamboo spears like us?”

The Jukchang Revolutionary Corps rose up with a sense of inferiority and rebellion against rankers. The person who seemed to be their leader asked Jae-young as if to verify his ideology.

“Answer me quickly! Are our comrades! Or an enemy!”

Since there is no such thing as a level in the first place, Jae-Young can never fall into the category of a ranker. However, he shook his head resolutely, as he had no intention of hanging out with the red crowd, who had their faces painted and smelled like revolution.

“Uh... First of all, I'm not a ranker, but... It's a bit like hanging out with you guys, but... Can't we just think of it as neutral and let it go?”

“what....? Comrades! This son of a bitch is a reactionary who does not join our cause!”

“right! right! right!”

“Jukchang! Let's treat it with a bamboo spear!”

“Those who do not participate in the revolution! These are the main enemies!”

“Kill! Kill!”

Those stained with madness slam bamboo spears into the ground. Jae-young, who experienced first-hand the fact that people's courts are like this, was able to feel once again how full of crazy people are in this world.

“Haa... Seriously, why do all the guys I meet look like this?”

Jae-Young shakes his head and takes out a bamboo spear, as if he has already been through it several times. As he took out his bamboo spear, the leader of the bamboo spear revolutionaries shouted.

“All attack!”


Dozens of bamboo spears were fired along with his cry.

A omnidirectional attack with no room to dodge. However, Jaeyoung just stood still with a relaxed attitude despite the bamboo spear attack, which he could never defend against.


[The target cannot be attacked.]

A piercing star crossing the air.

“omg! What is it?”

“How can this be?”

The revolutionary corps expected to see Jae-yeong stabbed by a bamboo spear and collapsed. However, their bamboo spears passed through him and pierced the air as if Jae-young did not exist. And Jaeyoung said with a fishy smile as if there was no blow.

“Are you done? So, is it my turn now?”


“nice. Aagh!”

“Comrade... please revolution...”

Jaeyoung's bamboo spear was swung as a counterattack. When the two men who were pierced by his bamboo spear collapsed in gray and disappeared, the entire revolutionary group began to shake, unable to hide their bewilderment.

“What the hell is that skill...!”

“ah.... this?”

Jae-young, who was looking for someone to summon through the spirit.

Among the beings in the demon realm, he found one that was very suitable for this event.

“It’s a passive skill.”

It was the first thing he knew, but surprisingly, the beings he could summon as spirit gods were not limited to humans.

Black Fog exists throughout the Pandemonium.

Objects that are born with a very rare chance in this black fog full of magical power.

A contradictory existence in which the substance does not exist, but the substance still exists.

Haunting Twilight.

Jaeyoung, who has the power of this demon with the characteristic of completely ignoring physical attacks, was literally invincible free from the attacks of bamboo spears.

“Ugh....This is a scam.”

The white-washed bamboo spear revolutionaries.

Their revolution, which started with bamboo spears, ended in vain with bamboo spears.

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