World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 New Ability (2)

It's been 3 months since Arcadia's Korean branch opened.

It is time for users to get used to the game to some extent and the management team to enter a period of stability after the stifling moment at the beginning of the opening. It should have been a long time ago in a normal game, but unfortunately Arcadia's users and developers couldn't.

“Vice manager! A total of 9823 quests were lost as the Maroon royal family collapsed.”

“Among the scenarios related to the Maroon Kingdom, there are 8 that need revision.”

“Consumer complaints requesting capsule refunds are increasing. A complaint has also been filed with the Fair Trade Commission, and a request for cooperation has also been received in the fact-finding investigation.”

“Team Leader! A terrestrial broadcasting station has requested cooperation for coverage of this quest. You say you want to shoot a current affairs documentary, what do you do? If you reject it this time, it seems like they will take it maliciously.”

“We have completed the balance improvement plan for gender classes such as priests and paladins and evil classes such as warlocks. Please review!”

It's a really busy situation. Rather, it is safe to say that the early days of the opening were the most leisurely, and because of the endless incidents and accidents these days, the employees of Arcadia Co., Ltd. were literally staying up all night and working overtime like hell every day.

“Phew.... Everyone is busy.”

However, as in any organization, there are very few people who drink sweet honey even when everyone is busy. At Arcadia Co., Ltd., there was one peaceful department that was the least involved in these incidents, and that was Arcadia's planning and economy team.

Arcadia's planning economy team.

This department, where you can't figure out the contents of the work just by looking at the name, was an absurdly created department due to a quarrel within the company.

[Why is there no romance? That's my time! uh? To find an item, I sold my feet in the town square and wandered around! uh? We need to activate this private transaction. What kind of auction house is this?]

[No, manager. Don't you know how much users hate annoying things these days? I don't know anything else, but besides individual trading of items, I need to create an integrated auction system. Otherwise, the item transaction itself would be too inefficient!]

The development team and management were divided between idealists who pursued another reality that was virtual but no different from reality and realisticists who believed that games should be like games. In the midst of numerous conflicts and fierce political disputes, they eventually achieved a half-and-half victory. [Then, wouldn't it be better to create an auction house for the efficiency of the transaction... by considering the opposing opinions

, monitoring and analyzing transactions in real time within the auction system so that fraudulent transactions can be blocked in advance?]

The auction house system and the newly created Arcadia Planning and Economics Team.

The planning and economy team was an early department that existed from the time the service was opened, but the auction house was not a very active system from the beginning of the opening until now.

“why? Are you bored?”

Kang Yul stared blankly at other departments that were busy walking around with bored eyes. When the warm-hearted middle-aged team leader put his hand on his shoulder and asked, he replied with a quick glance as if he was embarrassed.

“no. I'm bored.”

He tried hard to say no, but the team leader said as if he knew everything, drinking the coffee he had in his hand.

“Your heart understands. My classmates who came in with me are busy running around in other departments and working hard on something, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything in particular, just sitting at my desk and spending time. Not very pleasant.”

The words of the team leader who can feel the social age. To him who seemed to understand his situation, Yul expressed his honest feelings.

“Honestly, doesn’t the auction house system work well on its own? I don’t know why we need to be monitoring it in real time like this.”

A team established with the goal of detecting, tracking, confirming, and sanctioning abnormal transactions in the auction house. However, since there had been nothing worth mentioning so far, other departments treated him as a nerd a long time ago, and he was ridiculed everywhere he went. It was Yul whose passion for work was gradually waning.

“It doesn’t. But that’s how it was until now, won’t it change in the future?”


“Think about the status of this Arcadia that the world sees.”

Arcadia, the first virtual reality game.

In addition to this first title, the public used to attach another title.

‘Another perfect reality, Arcadia.'

“A highly embodied virtual reality that is unmatched. In this, not just simple combat and hunting, everything is embodied. Politics, production, economy, war, diplomacy, art, history, culture.... All of them, including even religion, are meticulously woven and organically connected, just like reality.”

A world with a degree of freedom that is so perfect that you can realize everything you do in reality here. That's why the team leader's eyes were looking at the distant future, not the present.

“Gold, the currency used in this world. Considering the influence this gold has, the day may come when it is recognized as another currency that can exert a huge influence on the national level beyond just game money.”

“Oh no way... that's too absurd...”

“If that day ever comes.”

Yul tried to ignore it by saying that it was nonsense, but the team leader interrupted him and asked with a very serious face.

“How important will our role be in tracking and monitoring the flow and movement of all gold in Arcadia?”


Yul fell silent after hearing his words. Will such a future ever come? His expression was full of doubts, but the team leader smiled and continued.

“Sure, right now we're monitoring the auction house system, but I'm sure. As time goes on and this Arcadia grows further and most of the world's population comes to the level where they enjoy this game, maybe our work will expand further than now.”

“I can’t believe that...”

Yul listened to him and asked the team leader carefully as if he had an idea popping up in his head.

“okay. Maybe we will grow into the ‘Ministry of Planning and Economy', which is a key backbone for Arcadia's monetary policy. no, that's definitely going to be the case. We are the only department in this company that is in charge of this kind of work right now.”

At the words of the team leader, Yul imagined a future full of power. However, he was forced to return to reality when he saw a notification popping up on the screen in dark red letters.

[warning. Bid prices for certain items skyrocket.]

[Circuit break activated. Temporarily suspended bidding.]

“Um...? What's going on?”

“No..... It looks like the price of one item has skyrocketed..... Wait a minute.....”

The team leader pointed his chin at his computer at the loud sound and asked, and Yul received a warning notification popping up loudly. I checked and tilted my head.

“uh....? Team leader, aren’t there 8 item grades in total?”

“yes? There are a total of 8, from normal to mythical. But why?”

At the team leader's reply as if it was obvious, Yul looked at the items on the monitor and frowned.

“Did there ever be a class called ‘unique’?”

“only? What are you talking about?”

Common - Magic - Rare - Rare - Unique - Epic - Legendary - Mythic.

Items classified into a total of 8 grades.

There was no item grade called ‘unique' anywhere, but one item that came up on the auction house was showing off its appearance by boasting a non-existent grade.

[Indulgence in Blood - Only One]

A weapon filled with the blood of victims who were sacrificed to the murderer in the past. Transformed and twisted with an unknown force, a stronger power than before is latent.

- Wear Limit: 10

- Durability: 10000/10000

- Attack Power: 525~650

- Berserker Skill Lv. +2

- Very high chance to apply Bleed effect.

-Attack power increases whenever one or more enemies are killed (up to 80%).

- Absorbs 30% of the damage dealt to the enemy as life force.

-Frenzy effect is activated when HP goes below 20%.

“What the hell is this?”

The team leader's eyes widened as if they were about to pop out when he saw the description of the only grade item on the screen shown by Yul. “What is the attack power and why are there so many additional effects? No, the level limit is 10? Where the hell did this item come from?”

A weapon that destroys the balance at a level that cannot be easily understood even if you try to understand with a broad mind what kind of kid made it. But, funny enough, the appearance of this ridiculous fraudulent item was very ordinary.

“It looks like a rusty iron sword from the outside, but... Could it be a bug?”

“What is a bug?”

“You don’t know. I just made the settings, but it could be an item made by mistakenly putting the wrong data on the image of the rusty steel sword?”

“Whether it's a bug or a mistake, that's not our concern. Anyway, it's a matter for the balance team or planning team to handle on their own. First of all, what is the bid price for this item now?”

A circuit break that is automatically applied when the price soars in a short period of time. The fact that this was triggered meant that the competition among people to take this item had already begun.

“That's... It's currently 5231 gold.”

“What what? 5231 gold?”

Considering that 1 gold is traded at 100,000 won in Korean currency, it is a large amount of money that exceeds 500 million won in Korean won. Unlike other games, I expected that there would be many so-called wallet warriors in virtual reality, but I didn't know that it was already pouring an apartment in Seoul like this.

- I can't stand this.

-I think I can just look at this one item and change my job to a berserker?

-The wear limit is 10? No, beginners wearing that will just sweep everything.

-What is the only level above that? It's the first time I've seen it.....

The bulletin board has already become noisy just by looking at the item performance. In addition, fierce competition continued to occur behind the scenes of people who learned that this incredible item was for sale.

“Oh, Mr. Yang. How much can you raise with cash in a hurry?”

“Um... is it possible to get a credit loan...”

“Unlimited! We will give you unlimited funding, so bring that item unconditionally.”

“I broke my deposit today. Marriage will do something in the afterlife.”

The tearful struggle of wallet warriors struggling to obtain an item is in full swing. However, as a member of the planning and economy team, I could not stand by and watch this overheated competition.

“First, deliver the information to the relevant departments and temporarily suspend the transaction.”

“yes? But if that happens, the users’ complaints won’t be a joke, right?”

A situation where there are hundreds of thousands of people who have already checked the property and even bid. Of course, there might be some people who just wanted to stab it, but among them, there would be people who were determined to secure this item by collecting funds by taking out loans, so it was too much to stop the transaction prematurely.

“Is that why you want to trade non-grade items from unknown sources? Rather, it makes things more complicated. I'll have to stop it when it's up for sale now. I'll take responsibility for now, so stop.”

“....All right.”

Yul believed in the team leader's firm sense of responsibility and completely stopped bidding on items. And the content of the item was delivered to the relevant department, but the situation did not subside easily. That's also because no developer or planner in the Korean branch of Arcadia Co., Ltd. was aware of this ridiculous balance dung net item.

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