World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 40: Feng Qi must die

"Master Han, how is my father?" Seeing Han Zuo coming on horseback, Qiu Feilong hurriedly grabbed the reins and asked anxiously.

"Feng Qi is conducting a public trial outside Luyang City. The eldest son wanted to save the old gang leader, but ended up being seriously injured by Feng Qi..." Han Zuo also pulled the reins and stopped, briefly explaining the situation of the Iron Palm Gang to Qiu Feipeng.

After listening, Qiu Feipeng's eyes were filled with anger, and he gritted his teeth: "They have gone too far. If I don't tear him to pieces, I, Qiu Feipeng, will not be a human."

Inside the carriage.

Feng Shiyi, who heard about the changes in the Iron Palm Gang, regretted it even more. He sighed deeply and muttered to himself, "Peacekeeping Gang, Peacekeeping Vanguard. Feng Qi has finally reached this point. He really did it. He didn't deceive anyone, and I don't know if he still remembers the favor of the Feng Family."

"He came from the Demon Realm, born through body possession. He has nothing to do with your Feng Family. Even if he is the real Feng Qi, you beat him half to death and still ignore him, expecting him to be grateful?" Feng Jiu glanced at Feng Shiyi and sneered.

He took a water bag and washed down the meat in his mouth, burped satisfied, temporarily stopped eating, and continued to mock: "Have you ever thought about who brought you to this point? You were all fooled by Feng Qi's few words. Little mice want to swallow the world without considering whether you have the appetite for it. The current situation is entirely your own fault. In the end, the Feng Family is just a springboard for Feng Qi."

"Feng Jiu, stop talking nonsense." Feng Shiyi angrily said, "Feng Qi risked his life to protect the Feng Family. I saw it with my own eyes. We ended up in this situation because of Feng Zhong. I believe in Feng Qi. He will definitely save us..."

Feng Shiren glanced at everyone and remained silent.

"Heh heh." Feng Jiu laughed disdainfully, too lazy to pay attention to this group of fools in front of him. He took a digestion pill and listened to the conversation outside for a while. He reached out and lifted the curtain of the carriage, and said loudly, "Hall Masters, your methods are wrong. Feng Qi's power has already grown, and his attributes are unknown. Qiu Gang Leader is in his hands. Your methods cannot defeat him."

"Who is he?" Han Zuo asked.

"The other Heavenly Demon of the Feng Family, called Feng Jiu, with the attribute of Glutton." Yan Wu turned his head and glanced at Feng Jiu, saying, "We have already verified that giving him enough food will infinitely enhance his strength. From morning till now, he has been eating non-stop, eating and then going to the toilet, and his stomach has burst several times, but he is unharmed, and his strength has at least doubled. If it weren't for him, we could have returned half an hour earlier. We brought him to deal with Feng Qi because Feng Qi tricked him once in the Feng Family."


Looking at Feng Jiu, whose white clothes were stained with grease, Han Zuo frowned instinctively, but quickly concealed his disgust and clasped his fists, saying, "Mr. Jiu, how are our methods wrong?"

Feng Jiu had experienced betrayal and tortured himself madly. His determination was firm, and he didn't care about other people's gazes. He smiled and said, "As Heavenly Demons, we rely on our own attributes to grow. Feng Qi is now making a big show in Luyang City, and his words and actions are in line with his attributes. The greater the impact, the faster his strength grows. It can be said that his strength is increasing every moment.

By the time you come up with a countermeasure and bring reinforcements, his strength may have reached an unimaginable level. Maybe by then, you won't even need to use Qiu Yuanlang to threaten him. With his strength alone, he can defeat all of you."

When he was in the Feng Family, he had wanted to overthrow the theory of Heavenly Demons and completely deny Feng Qi from the root. But his virtual world theory couldn't convince Feng Shiyi and the others. The theory of Heavenly Demons had already taken root in their hearts.

So, he decided to follow the theory of Heavenly Demons and trick Feng Qi at a critical moment.

"Mr. Jiu, how should we deal with him then?" Han Zuo remembered what happened later and his expression changed as he asked.

"To weaken him, we need to destroy his attributes, just like stopping me from eating." Feng Jiu's secret couldn't be hidden anymore, so he broke the jar, "If he wants to maintain, you should go and destroy his efforts to maintain, let people realize that his maintenance is ineffective or even counterproductive, and his attributes will naturally weaken.

Didn't he give money to those victims? You can wear the clothes of the Peacekeeping Gang, snatch the money back, and threaten those victims not to speak out. After doing it a few times, Luyang City will be filled with anger, and no one will believe in the peace and righteousness he upholds..."

"Mr. Jiu, are you serious?" Qiu Feipeng's eyes lit up and he asked."You've already tested it on me." Feng Jiu laughed, "We are of the same kind. It's unreasonable that the attribute only works on me and not on him."

"We can give it a try." Han Zuo looked at the people around him and said, "Feng Qi doesn't have enough manpower to manage such a large Luyang City. This task should be simple."

"Alright." Qiu Feipeng said.

"However, you must be prepared for failure." Feng Jiu said.

"Why?" Han Zuo asked.

"Because I highly suspect that Feng Qi's keyword is not 'maintenance'. 'Maintenance' is just an illusion he created." Feng Jiu stopped smiling and said seriously, "The Heavenly Demon is good at disguising. Revealing his keyword is like exposing his weakness to the public.

In the Feng Family, Feng Qi unscrupulously betrayed me and the Feng Family he was supposed to protect. Yet his attribute didn't weaken at all, but instead became stronger. This is very abnormal. 'Maintenance' might just be his disguise, aiming to cover his real keyword."

Everyone looked at each other. Han Zuo asked, "According to Mr. Jiu's guess, what is his attribute?"

"It's very likely to be 'deception'." Feng Jiu said, "He deceived me, the Feng Family, and the people of Luyang City under the name of 'maintenance', which can also achieve the purpose of rapid growth." He glanced at Feng Shiyi and said, "As long as people are still being deceived by him, deeply believing his lies, his attribute will not weaken."

"If his attribute is indeed 'deception', the method Mr. Jiu just mentioned can also work." Han Zuo said, "By taking back the wealth he distributed, people's trust in him will naturally disappear."

If only it were that simple, Feng Jiu sighed in his heart. Maintaining peace and everything else are trivial matters. The most critical thing is the Heavenly Demon theory he spread, which is the highest means of deception!

It's easy to spread rumors but hard to refute them. It's too difficult to eliminate the influence of the Heavenly Demon theory.

"You Hall Masters can certainly give it a try. After all, there's no loss for us." Feng Jiu smiled, "However, only a Heavenly Demon can deal with another Heavenly Demon. The best method is still to find more Heavenly Demons, cultivate them with compatible attributes, and then use them to deal with Feng Qi. He has exposed the secrets of the Heavenly Demon, equivalent to a traitor of the Demon Realm. I don't know how many Heavenly Demons hate him to death!"

Feng Jiu never believed that Du Ge's keyword was 'maintenance', nor did he believe that these guys in front of him could deal with the cunning Feng Qi.

He must make more preparations. He can't break the Heavenly Demon theory by himself. But with more candidates joining, it will be much easier to refute the theory once everyone grows up.

Of course, maybe by then, they won't need to refute the theory and can just kill him directly.

Feng Jiu had been tricked by Du Ge from the beginning. He finally showed some kindness, only to be betrayed again. Meanwhile, Feng Qi was thriving. His jealousy had long surged from his feet to the top of his head.

At this moment, there was only one thought left in Feng Jiu's mind: he could lose in the Simulation Field, but Feng Qi must die.

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