Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 51

Chapter 50

Shen Fengming wore an ivory white brocade jacket with narrow sleeves and dark embroidered cloud patterns today, with snow-white fox fur on both sides of the collar, and a wide band of the same color around his waist, which perfectly outlined his figure, with a sense of indifference, But he looks even more handsome.

“Mr. Shen.” Jiang Yunzhu’s eyes were unconsciously attracted to him.

Shen Fengming’s gaze stayed on her lips for a moment longer. The weather has been cold and dry these past few days, and Jiang Yunzhu’s lips have been coated with a light layer of lip balm, which makes her sandalwood lips look rosy and tender.

He handed the rabbit in his hand to Jiang Yunzhu, “I got it today.”

Jiang Yunzhu took the rabbit, wondering if he had nothing to do recently, so he fell in love with hunting, otherwise why would he go back to fetch rabbits and pheasants every day. He even hunted back a white fox the day before yesterday.

“How about eating braised rabbit meat at night?” She asked with a smile. Bunny is cute, but she also really likes to eat rabbit meat. Braised rabbit in red, stir-fried diced rabbit, stewed rabbit with chestnut… She has dozens of rabbit recipes, each of which is very tempting.

“Okay.” Shen Fengming’s voice was clear.

Jiang Yunzhu put the rabbit in the corner of the kitchen. It’s not time to make dinner yet, so she’s going to make Jiuniang Yuanzi first.

The more labor-intensive thing is to make glutinous rice balls. Jiang Yunzhu took out a basin and prepared to knead the noodles.

Glutinous rice flour, glutinous rice flour, she looked up and down in the cabinet, she remembered that she bought a small bag last time, there should be some at home.

just where?

Suddenly she raised her eyes and saw a cloth bag on the top shelf of the cabinet. Isn’t that the bag where she put the glutinous rice flour?

She reached out to reach it, but found that she couldn’t reach it at all.

She withdrew her hand, ready to find a bench or something.

At this time, a hand stretched out from the side, grabbed the cloth bag, and placed it on the table.

It was Shen Fengming, he did not know when he entered the kitchen.

“Thank you.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

“No need.” Shen Fengming said.

The kitchen is narrow, because Shen Fengming was holding the cloth bag just now, and now he is very close to Jiang Yunzhu, so close that Jiang Yunzhu can smell the faint fragrance of the moon on his body.

Jiang Yunzhu took a step back. This distance is really too close.

“Mr. Shen, go out quickly, don’t stain your clothes.” She said.

“Miss Jiang has been in the kitchen all day, and her clothes are not dirty.” Shen Fengming said, stepped back two steps, and stood at the door of the kitchen.

The Jiang family’s kitchen was kept very clean, and Jiang Yunzhu was meticulous in her work, so she rarely stained her clothes. She likes to use the saponin powder mixed with lemon, so she has a fresh smell of lemon mixed with saponin.

After a little distance, Jiang Yunzhu started scooping water and kneading noodles, and then asked Shen Fengming, “Mr. Shen seems to be idle recently?”

“Well, the previous work is over.”

The two chatted a few words casually. At this time, Jiang Yunzhu’s face was reconciled. It took a while before she could continue to the next step. She raised her head, “Mr. Shen…”

“Miss Jiang, you don’t need to be so polite, just call me by my name.” Shen Fengming said suddenly.

Jiang Yunzhu stopped with her head halfway up, staring at his chest, what’s his name, Shen Yuyu, or Shen Fengming?

“Yeah.” She replied lightly, and before he could continue speaking, she said, “I’ll leave this noodle for a while, I’ll go to the room to rest for a while.”

“Miss Jiang can do as she pleases.” Shen Fengming said.

Jiang Yunzhu went back to the house, and Shen Fengming stood there for a long time.

The weather was fine the next day, and Jiang Yunzhu decided to put away those sausages. After drying for so many days, it is ready to eat.

Because she wanted to add sausages to the takeaway menu, she stuffed a lot of sausages last time. Excluding Yang Sheng’s customized ones, there were still about seventy or eighty sausages, which should be enough to sell until the Chinese New Year.

Just as Jiang Yunzhu was thinking, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and she got up to open it.

A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Jiang Yunzhu immediately recognized that he was the one who told him to buy a lot of things last time and told him to give them away.

Nie Xin stood there cautiously. This time when he left Beijing, Qilinwei’s brother pooled up a lot of money for him to help bring delicious food back, but the Commander and Deputy Commander have been staying at his house, so he really didn’t dare to come purchase.

Procrastinating and procrastinating until today.

According to what the deputy commander said, he might be returning to Beijing in a few days. If he didn’t bring anything back, he would probably be blamed by his brothers to death, so he could only bite the bullet and knock on the door of Jiang’s house.

“Boss, my friend liked the food I bought from you last time.” Nie Xin said in awe.

“Just like it.” Jiang Yunzhu said with a smile.

“Boss, do you have anything delicious here? I want to buy some. That’s right, give it to friends.” Nie Xin said.

Coincidentally, “There are still some sausages left. If you want something else, I can make it for you, as long as you are not in a hurry.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Nie Xin nodded with bright eyes, then quickly shook his head and said, “Sausage is fine, and the boss will not be bothered about anything else.” With sausages, he can do business with his brothers. As for the others… Forget it, they know How much pressure did he put on to buy food for them, and he asked for so much.

Jiang Yunzhu felt that he was a little strange, as if he wanted it but didn’t want it. But this is the freedom of others.

“How much sausage?” she asked.

“As much as you want.” Nie Xin finally gained confidence, he was afraid that these sausages would not be enough to take back.

“There are about seventy or eighty.” If he is in a hurry, he will sell them to him first.

“Okay, I want it all, how much?”

“About three taels of silver, I’ll help you install it, and calculate carefully by the way.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Nie Xin nodded repeatedly.

Jiang Yunzhu asked him to wait in the courtyard, but he was determined not to come in. There was no way, Jiang Yunzhu could only go in, wrap up the sausage, and take it out for him.

There were seventy or eighty sausages, a huge pile, and Jiang Yunzhu asked Jiang Lin for help before moving those sausages outside the door.

Outside the door, Nie Xin had already prepared a carriage there.

“One sausage costs thirty-five Wen, and there are eighty-two pieces in total, which is two thousand eight hundred and seventy Wen.” Jiang Yunzhu wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

“Okay.” Nie Xin said as he easily put the sausages on the car, then took out an ingot of silver and handed it to Jiang Yunzhu.

Three taels of silver, “You wait, I’ll find you one hundred and thirty cash.”

“No, thank you boss.” Before Jiang Yunzhu finished speaking, Nie Xin left this sentence and disappeared without a trace in the carriage.

It’s really a gust of wind that comes and goes, Jiang Yunzhu held the silver in his hand and sighed.

Then she went to ask Yang Sheng what he planned to do with those sausages.

Yang Sheng said that he would take it with him when he left.

Jiang Yunzhu heard what he meant, he might have to leave soon.

Back in her room, she had just sat for a while when Jiang Cheng came back from outside. He gave Jiang Yunzhu a money bag.

Inside was the three taels of silver he earned. Last time he wanted to give it to Escort Li. After that happened, Escort Li would not want the money anymore, so he decided to give it to Jiang Yunzhu.

“Father, you earned it yourself, just keep it yourself.” Jiang Yunzhu didn’t want it.

“It’s not that you want to go to the county to do business. Besides, the mule and the cart were originally spent by you…” Jiang Cheng said.


“Okay, let’s not talk about this, but the money is still for you. I will keep it when I make money next time.” Jiang Cheng said firmly.

Jiang Yunzhu, okay, then she will keep it first.

What a good day today, first earned three taels, and then another three taels, adding up to six taels. Jiang Yunzhu remembered that she was going to the county to do business. She just wanted to do business, but she didn’t have the capital. Now, she can plan carefully.

It is best to start the business at the beginning of next year, so that it will be convenient for Jiang Lin and the others to go to school.

The shop she wants to rent in the county town will take at least 20 taels a year, and she also needs to prepare Jiang Lin and Jiang Wu’s Shuxiu. She now has six taels plus her original deposit of five taels, which is eleven taels. In the past, I could still earn fifteen taels, which was twenty-six taels.

About fourteen taels are still missing.

Where can this money be made? Jiang Yunzhu thought about it, and suddenly came up with an idea. The people of the Xia Dynasty had the habit of visiting temple fairs from the fifth day to the fifteenth day of the new year, especially on the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day, they almost always went there.

This is not a good time to set up a stall to make money.

No need to think about what to sell, when you are hungry, who can resist the aroma of skewers!

Then the last question remains, whether to sell in the county or in Luzhou.

The county is close and easy to operate, but the flow of people and the wealth of the people are not as good as Luzhou. Going to Luzhou is a long way, troublesome.

If it were someone else, they would definitely not think of going to Luzhou, after all, they are not familiar with the place.

But Jiang Yunzhu is familiar, she has lived in Luzhou for seven years in her dream, and she is even more familiar with Luzhou than she is with the county.

Going to the county town is safe, but you may not be able to earn that much money. Going to Luzhou is a challenge, but it has high risks and high rewards.

Jiang Yunzhu frowned in thought.

“What are you thinking about? You’re so preoccupied.” Chen suddenly entered the room and said.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, “I didn’t think about anything.”

However, Mrs. Chen walked up to her, and couldn’t hide her excitement and asked, “Guess who I just met?”

“Who?” Jiang Yunzhu cooperated with her.

“The second daughter-in-law of Aunt Feng’s family.” Chen Shi said.

Jiang Yunzhu raised his eyebrows, which is not often seen.

Chen Shi smiled, meeting her certainly wouldn’t make her so happy, but she said those words… “She was also entrusted by someone, let me ask what you mean.”

Why is this still about her? Jiang Yunzhu waited for her to continue.

“Your Aunt Lin entrusted her. I want to ask you what you think of that child from Yanzhou?” At this point, Chen almost laughed out loud. The meaning of Lin’s words couldn’t be more obvious. If Jiang Yunzhu nodded, a matchmaker would probably be asked to propose marriage.

Gu Yanzhou is good-looking and has a bright future. Chen Shi never dreamed that she would have such a son-in-law.

Jiang Yunzhu is still smart and beautiful.

Chen’s heart was full of pride, and for a while, she just felt that the two were really a match made in heaven, and there would never be such a good marriage again.

Jiang Yunzhu was stunned, she understood what Chen meant, but Gu Yanzhou?

“Mother, forget it.” She said.

“I also think…” Chen suddenly stopped, and looked at Jiang Yunzhu in surprise.

“I don’t want to marry yet.” Jiang Yunzhu said directly.

Mrs. Chen became anxious, “Are you embarrassed to say it, or worried about what will happen after you get married?” My daughter’s family is always worried about such things.

Jiang Yunzhu shook his head.

“Then why don’t you want to… That kid from Yanzhou really has nothing to be picky about.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I want to marry him.”

“Why?” Chen really didn’t understand.

“I don’t feel that way about him, how can I marry him?”

“Feelings can be cultivated slowly. It’s rare for him to be nice to you. Besides, the big exam will be held next year. I heard that he will be able to get fame in the exam. If he passes the exam, you will be Mrs. Juren. If he passes the exam…” Mrs. Chen didn’t even dare to say that word. If Gu Yanzhou won the first prize in the examination, Jiang Yunzhu would be the wife of the first prize.

How many girls in the world would be envied, “Isn’t it better than you cooking and selling food all day long?”

That’s one step up to the sky, completely reborn!

Jiang Yunzhu was serious, if she wanted to enter the Hou family, she would be sure to become the young wife of the Hou family soon after snatching the short branch.

But is it useful?

Yes, Gu Yanzhou should be better than Lin Ting’an, but who can guarantee that he will not change after he enters the officialdom.

She could remember that in the dream he was no longer what he is now.

Taking a step back, even if he won’t change, the ups and downs in the officialdom will be tiring.

Marrying Gu Yanzhou could solve some of her immediate problems, but it was accompanied by even bigger problems.

Instead of this, she might as well walk her own life step by step, that’s the safest way.

“Mom, you think cooking and selling are tiring, but I like it very much. What I want is never glory and wealth.

Power looks tempting, but if you want to gain something, you must pay, otherwise you can only be swallowed by others until there is nothing left. “

This Jiang Yunzhu is too familiar, how in the dream she was thinking so hard and being careful every step of the way.

Now, “I just want to open a restaurant and spend my days leisurely.”

Mrs. Chen seemed to understand, but didn’t seem to understand, she stared at Jiang Yunzhu in a daze.

Outside the house, Shen Fengming stood there in a daze.

After a while, he tightly held the white jade hairpin in his hand, which was carved by himself and was worth thousands of gold.

What’s the use?

The person in the room wanted so little, but he couldn’t afford it!

The next day, Shen Fengming left with Yang Sheng, he was still dressed in black, his front was as cold as a knife.

On the third day, Mr. Wu found Jiang Yunzhu and handed her an ingot of twelve taels of gold. Give it to Jiang Yunzhu, and the remaining one ingot will be used as travel expenses.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t take the gold, but said, “Then shall I give you another hundred taels of silver?”

The meals she cooked were worth one hundred taels of silver, but Mr. Wu cost two hundred taels for one treatment. In this way, Jiang Yunzhu didn’t want to give Mr. Wu another one hundred taels.

“I don’t have that much money now.” Jiang Yunzhu said listlessly.

Mr. Wu laughed, “You! You really don’t want to study medicine with me, or leave with me?” He asked, he really liked her, and he saw her more clearly than anyone else.

“The old man is leaving?” Jiang Yunzhu was surprised.

“I can’t leave.” Mr. Wu also wanted to stay at Jiang’s house for a few more days, mainly because he didn’t want to part with Jiang Yunzhu’s food. But these days, Dr. Jin can’t help but want to run here. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. He believes that in a few days, more and more people will come to see him.

He is not afraid of anything, but Jiang Yunzhu is not. He doesn’t want to break her current peaceful life.

Tired of being famous, you can say that it is Mr. Wu.

Jiang Yunzhu also understood, she could only say, “Take care, come back anytime if you want to eat my cooking.”

Mr. Wu looked at her deeply and smiled.

Well, he also has a home in the future!

Mr. Wu always does whatever he wants, so he got up and left Jiang’s house immediately.

When he came, he was not what he wanted, but when he left, he had something in mind.

Shen Fengming left with Yang Sheng, and now even Mr. Wu has left, the huge courtyard suddenly became much deserted, Chen and the others felt very uncomfortable.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t think she had her own life.

So she started to get busy, and it was only one month before the Chinese New Year, so she needed to get ready for some things.

She has already decided to go to Luzhou to set up a stall during the Chinese New Year and make a quick fortune.

The author has something to say:

Hunting wild animals is illegal, protecting wild animals is everyone’s responsibility

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