Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 46

Chapter 45

“Go back to sleep.” Shen Fengming said.

“What about you?” Jiang Yunzhu asked.

“I’m thinking about something.”

Jiang Yunzhu: …Okay!

The next morning, Jiang Yunzhu woke up, her mind was much clearer, and she felt that she might have been too anxious yesterday. Someone once offered a thousand taels of gold to Mr. Wu to see a doctor, but Mr. Wu didn’t even give him a look, so it’s nothing for her to cook a dish.

Anyway, Mr. Wu was going to stay at home for a few days, so she still let him see her sincerity slowly.

After dinner, Jiang Yunzhu had something to do, she stopped Jiang Lin and the others, “You heard what I said to Mr. Gu yesterday, I think I won’t bother him from today, let him concentrate on preparing for the exam.

You first review what you have learned before, and after the new year, when the family has money, I will send you to school. “

Gu Yanzhou, the number one scholar, is now in the critical period of preparing for the exam, and she doesn’t want to delay him. She has done the math, and now the family can earn five taels of silver a day, and there is still more than a month before the Chinese New Year, and they can earn almost twenty taels of silver, which should be enough for repairing.

Jiang Lin, Jiang Yunxue, and Jiang Wu had different reactions, and even Chen Shi and Jiang Cheng stopped and listened to her.

Jiang Lin quietly looked at Jiang Yunzhu, as if he had something to say.

Jiang Yunxue turned pale, Gu Yanzhou went to teach them at home, she can still follow suit, but what should she do when she goes to school? She had never heard of any family sending her daughter to study. She squeezed the corner of her clothes tightly, feeling her throat was a little congested.

She likes reading, more so than Jiang Lin and Jiang Wu.

Jiang Wu looked at Jiang Yunzhu with his black eyes blinking, going to school, is it fun?

Jiang Yunzhu saw their reactions, and asked Jiang Lin first, “What do you want to say?”

“Sister, I don’t want to go to school.” Jiang Lin said while watching Jiang Yunzhu’s reaction, afraid that she would be angry.

“What nonsense are you talking about? You just wanted to go to school before, and your family didn’t have any money for you to go. Your sister couldn’t bear to see you suffer for the rest of your life, so she told me that she wanted to send you to school. Is this your attitude?” Mrs. Chen But there is a feeling of indignation.

In fact, she and Jiang Cheng also hope that there will be a scholar in the family, a scholar, a farmer, a businessman, and if Jiang Lin or Jiang Wu can be like Gu Yanzhou, she can wake up with a smile in her dreams.

Jiang Lin stood there without speaking.

“Why don’t you want to go to school?” Jiang Yunzhu asked Jiang Lin without getting angry.

Jiang Lin looked at her shyly, found her face was pleasant, and said, “I’m so old, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up when I go to school. And…” These days, he was with Gu Qifeng every day, and Gu Qifeng followed him a lot. He poured bitter water.

In Gu Qifeng’s eyes, Gu Yanzhou is the child of that other family. He started reading at the age of four, he could compose poems at the age of six, he could write articles at the age of nine, and he had already passed the examination of scholar at the age of fifteen. As for Gu Qifeng, he couldn’t even compare with him with a single finger.

And the most terrible thing is that his parents kept comparing Gu Yanzhou with him, and asked him to follow his example, so that he could take the imperial examination in the future and shine in the family.

Now Gu Qifeng is going up, not going up, not going down, not going down.

Hearing this, Jiang Lin started to worry. During the period of learning characters with Gu Yanzhou, he found that he was not as good as Jiang Yunxue, and compared with Gu Yanzhou… Forget it, there is no way to compare.

So he thought, when he went to school, would he be the same as Gu Qifeng?

The family spent so much money supporting him to study, but he failed to achieve anything. How could he face the Chen family and Jiang Yunzhu?

It’s better not to go at all, and to do business with Jiang Yunzhu, which is also very good.

Jiang Yunzhu slowly asked about his worries, but smiled, “Who said that I let you go to school because I want you to take the imperial examination?”

As soon as she said this, Jiang Cheng, the Chen family, including Jiang Lin, were all stunned. If you don’t take the imperial examination, what are you doing studying?

“Reading is to make you understand.” Jiang Yunzhu said, smoothing his collar. In modern times, she went to college, but ended up in a career that has nothing to do with the major of the college, but can she say that going to college is useless?

That experience broadened her horizons and was also the most unforgettable memory in her life. She didn’t want Jiang Lin and the others to miss it.

As for the money, the money is earned and spent.

“Sister!” Jiang Lin’s eyes sparkled, did she really think so? In fact, he really wanted to go to the school to have a look.

“Yunzhu, this…” Jiang Cheng hesitated, Jiang Yunzhu said so, Jiang Lin is not going crazy.

Jiang Yunzhu blinked, otherwise it would be useless for her to force Jiang Lin, he has already begun to resist reading.

“Sister, you are so kind.” Jiang Lin only felt that Jiang Yunzhu was the best sister in the world. If Gu Qifeng told this, he would probably go mad with envy.

“You still have to study hard, otherwise you will waste money and your own time and energy.” Jiang Yunzhu laughed again.

“En.” Jiang Lin nodded fiercely.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at Jiang Yunxue again.

“Sister.” Jiang Yunxue called out in a low voice, her voice choked with sobs.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at her and sighed too. In this era, it is too unfair to women.

“Do you like reading?” She asked Jiang Yunxue.

Jiang Yunxue didn’t dare to look at her, and just replied like a mosquito, “Yeah.”

“Then let me inquire for you to see if there is a girls’ school in the county.” Jiang Yunzhu said. In fact, she knew that Huaying Academy in Luzhou only recruited female students.

Huaying Academy was opened by the Lin family.

Speaking of the Lin family, it’s really amazing. Up to now, there have been three top scholars and more than 30 Jinshi in the ancestors. They were praised by the emperor himself.

Huaying Academy is their family’s own academy, and the female students they recruit are all daughters of their own family or relatives and friends. Jiang Yunxue… Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Yunzhu seems to have met people from the Lin family in her dreams, but she has no friendship, Jiang Yunxue It is very difficult to get into Huaying Academy.

She didn’t say anything about it, so as not to give Jiang Yunxue hope, but she couldn’t do it.

Jiang Yunxue’s attention was all on the women’s school she was talking about, “Is there really a women’s school?” She asked, as if seeing a glimmer of light in the dark night.

“I don’t know either, I need to ask.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Jiang Yunxue felt that enough was enough, as long as there was hope.

Chen Shi watched from the side and sighed.

Only then did Jiang Lin feel how lucky he was to be able to go to the school. Obviously, Jiang Yunxue learned much better than him.

“Sister, when I learn it, I will teach you when I come back.” He said to Jiang Yunxue.

“Hmm.” Jiang Yunxue tried hard to force a smile.

“If you really want to go to a women’s school, you should study hard. Otherwise, if you have the opportunity in the future, your own knowledge is not enough, and they will not want you.” Jiang Yunzhu said to Jiang Yunxue. She remembered that Huaying Academy was quite demanding.

There was a light in Jiang Yunxue’s eyes, so she should study hard!

Seeing her like this, Jiang Lin felt guilty for no reason. No, she already learned faster than herself. If she works so hard, how will he teach her in the future?

He seemed to have seen that he would be in dire straits after being chased by books.

But he didn’t back down this time, his sister was pitiful enough, no matter how hypocritical he was, he was nothing like a brother. Big deal, in the future he will play less, sleep less, and learn those things.

In the end it was Jiang Wu’s turn, and Jiang Yunzhu made the final decision, sending him to school for two years before watching.

The family of them was talking, when someone knocked on the door outside, Mrs. Chen went to open the door, but saw a young couple, the man was neat and tidy, and the woman was gentle and soft.

“Who are you?” She had a guess in her heart, but she wasn’t sure.

“Are you cured?” Jiang Yunzhu came out of the house and asked the man.

Xue Jing smiled and said, “Okay.” As he spoke, fearing that Jiang Yunzhu would not believe him, he turned around twice.

Xue Jing was originally suffering from heart disease, but after meeting Jiang Yunzhu, his heart disease was gone, and naturally he recovered quickly. Now he is ruddy and healthy.

Jiang Yunzhu introduced to both sides, Xue Jing, the chef she hired, Ruan Shi, his wife, and here are the members of the Jiang family.

There was a donkey cart behind Xue Jing and Ruan Shi, and there were many things on the donkey cart.

“You said you could rent a house for me.” Xue Jing said shyly. After discussing with Ruan, he decided to move to Changshi Village together, so that the husband and wife would not be separated and it would be much more convenient.

On the day Jiang Yunzhu came back, he rented a house for him and took him to see it immediately.

There is a house not far from their home, the yard is not as big as Jiang’s, and there are only three rooms, but the house is very nice, at least much better than the house that Xue Jing and the others live in in the county.

There are courtyards at the front and back. Looking forward, there is a small river, and looking back, there is a green hill. Ruan immediately fell in love with this place. I lived in a cramped place for a long time, but when I came to this open place, I instantly felt like the sky was high and the clouds were clear.

She took a long breath, only to feel that even the air became fresh.

“When spring comes, plant some melons and fruits in the yard, and you don’t need to buy vegetables.” Chen said with a smile. This is also her plan. When spring starts next year, the garden will be filled with melons and fruits, which will save a lot of money.

And the things grown at home are fresh and tender!

“En.” Ruan nodded, and she also began to look forward to such a day.

Everyone helped to unload the donkey cart. Jiang Yunzhu told Xue Jing not to worry, and just wait until the house is cleaned up before going to work.

Xue Jing promised well, and came to Jiang’s house after a while. He was thinking about watching Jiang Yunzhu cook, and Ruan Shi was hardworking and caring, so he let him come.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at the sky, it was still early.

“What’s for lunch?” Mr. Wu looked out of the kitchen. In fact, he had just had breakfast not long ago, but he was already thinking about lunch.

For breakfast this morning, Jiang Yunzhu made small wontons in chicken soup and tofu buns. The small wontons were delicious, and the tofu buns were unique. Mr. Wu resisted so much that he didn’t have enough to eat.

He asked Jiang Yunzhu to see if there were any surprises today, after all, the “Bright Moon and Clear Spring” yesterday was really amazing.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t have the dish of “Mingyue Qingquan” anymore, but she had to try her best to satisfy Mr. Wu. After seeing the weather, she decided to go to the city to see what fresh ingredients were available, and then ask about the school.

“I’ll go with you.” Mr. Wu said immediately, he was idle and had nothing to do.

Jiang Yunzhu was fine, so he packed up, and the two left the house in Jiang Cheng’s mule cart.

“Are you going to send Jiang Lin and the others to school in the county?” Jiang Cheng was surprised. He thought Jiang Yunzhu said that he was sending Jiang Lin and the others to school in the school in the town. After all, it was close to home, so Shu Xiu should be cheaper.

“Father, I want to come to the county to do business in the future, so it’s not convenient for Jiang Lin and Jiang Wu to go to school in the county.” Jiang Yunzhu had already planned.

“County?” Jiang Cheng was taken aback again, this was the first time Jiang Yunzhu told him this idea.

“I went around the town when we moved here, and there is no good business at all.” Jiang Yunzhu said, so she finally chose to sell food under the mine.

The county is different, the county is bustling and bustling, there are many opportunities to make money, and if you do it well, you can earn more.

Jiang Cheng thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the reason. However, it is difficult to do business in the county, as you can see from Xue Jing and his wife.

“What kind of business do you want to follow me?” Mr. Wu hummed. He doesn’t love money, otherwise, not to mention gold and silver mountains, at least the money he makes is enough for the Jiang family to spend their entire lives.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, is it so easy to study medicine? She should continue cooking!

“Then where shall we go first?” Jiang Cheng asked after entering the county seat.

Jiang Yunzhu had already thought about it, “Go to Wenyuan Academy.” Wenyuan Academy is the best academy in the county, and Gu Yanzhou went to school here.

The mule cart continued to move forward, and slowly, there were obviously more paper and pen shops on both sides of the street, and then I saw a tall archway in front of me, with four big characters flying and flying on the row, it was “Wenyuan Academy”.

Looking inside, there are many houses inside, covering an extremely large area. At this hour, the students should all be studying, and not many people came in and out of the academy.

“Are you going to send Jiang Lin and the others here?” Jiang Cheng looked at it with doubts.

“What kind of broken academy is this?” Mr. Wu was disgusted.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Old Master Wu, only thinking that he had such an arrogant tone.

Jiang Yunzhu ignored the two of them, got out of the car, and looked around. There is a pen and paper shop on the left. There is no business at this time, and the fat shopkeeper is standing at the door.

“The shopkeeper.” Jiang Yunzhu went over to chat with him.

The fat shopkeeper saw that she was a beautiful girl who spoke nicely, so he was also willing to talk to her.

After a while, Jiang Yunzhu asked about the situation.

There is an enlightenment class under Wenyuan Academy, not here, but in the north of the city. Every year, Wenyuan Academy selects outstanding students from the enlightenment class for admission.

Each person in the enlightenment class takes eight taels of courses every year, and they can attend as long as they pay the money, and the time is three years. After three years, if you still can’t enter the academy, you can only leave.

Jiang Yunzhu listened and felt that this Wenyuan Academy was a bit of a big wave washing the sand. Anyone can enter, but it is not certain who can come out in the end. This has the advantage of passing all the students in the county and keeping the outstanding students in their own academy.

No wonder this academy is getting better and better.

She immediately decided to send Jiang Lin and Jiang Wu to this enlightenment class. As for the final result, it is up to them.

The fat shopkeeper has never heard of the girls’ school.

Jiang Yunzhu was not surprised either. During the seven years in her dream, she had traveled to many places, and she had heard that Huaying Academy was recruiting female students.

After thanking the fat shopkeeper, she turned and sat back on the mule cart.

“You can actually ask Gu Yanzhou about the school.” Jiang Cheng remembered just now.

Indeed, but when Jiang Yunzhu came here, there was one more thing. She wanted to see if the environment around Wenyuan Academy was suitable for opening a restaurant. She has tasted the sweetness in the mine, and she feels that it is easier to do business in such a crowded place with simple personnel.

After turning around a lot, she already had a calculation in her mind. But now is not the time to finish school, some things are still unclear.

This time was no different than last time, she had to investigate several times before making a decision.

After leaving this street, they went straight to the vegetable market.

The vegetable market in winter is obviously relatively sluggish, and the meat sold is okay. There are everything from pork and mutton, but the green vegetables are only cabbage, potatoes, and radishes. Even the lotus root and yam that were sold before are gone.

“There’s not even a fresh sea bass.” When he came to the fish stall, Mr. Wu began to dislike him again.

Along the way, he has never stopped, either here is bad, or there is bad.

Jiang Yunzhu turned to look at him, what exactly was he trying to say.

Mr. Wu approached Jiang Yunzhu, “Do you know the shad in Jiangdong? It melts in your mouth. There is also the perch in Songjiang, which is the freshest in the world. Not to mention the Schizothorax in Erhai Lake, mandarin fish in Lianhuan Lake… Tsk tsk, you like cooking so much. Yi, don’t you want to make a few for work?”

Jiang Yunzhu’s mouth was watering when he heard that, all the fish he mentioned were delicious in the world.

Seeing that she was tempted, Mr. Wu continued, “This small county is so big. Your skills are wasted for nothing. Why don’t you follow me and let’s travel around the world…” Mr. Wu squinted his eyes and became intoxicated when he said this.

Jiang Yunzhu worshiped him as his teacher, and the two of them enjoyed the famous mountains and rivers together, went to Jiangdong to steam shad, went to Mobei to drink mare’s milk, and went to Qiongzhou to eat crabs, wouldn’t it be better than staying in this poor place?

That’s right, he still wanted Jiang Yunzhu to worship him as his teacher, and then take her out of this place, lest she be wronged.

It is undeniable that for a moment, Jiang Yunzhu really wanted to leave with Mr. Wu. People stay in one environment for a long time, but it will be a little annoying. Moreover, she does have a lot of delicacies that she wants to eat and cook.

But after hesitating for a moment, she shook her head, “Old man, maybe I will go if I have a chance in the future, but not now.” Now, her career has just started.

“In the future, why in the future, how many futures are there in life? Are you worried about money?” Mr. Wu said, looking around. With his medical skills, he can treat a few people randomly, and the money will come soon.

Jiang Yunzhu quickly stopped him, “Master, I want to have a stable business, so that no matter where I am or what happens, I don’t have to worry about money.

Also, I have my family, it is good to travel around the world, but there are also times when I am tired, at that time, I know there is a place where I can go back at any time, isn’t it great? “

Jiang Yunzhu still wanted to build a restaurant before talking about other things. Mainly, she didn’t want to be forced by the old man to study medicine.

At home, Mr. Wu was silent. He also had a home, a gentle wife, and a beautiful daughter. But when his daughter was ten years old, he had a strange disease. He had exhausted all his efforts, but he still couldn’t save her.

Later, his wife also left him, and he never returned home, and he also lost his home.

Looking at his lonely look, Jiang Yunzhu felt that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said, “Old man, if you don’t dislike it, you can stay at my house all the time, and go out for a walk when you are bored, and want to eat the food I made , come back.”

Mr. Wu glanced at her, “You don’t dislike my old man?”

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, she could feel that Mr. Wu was doing it for her own good, besides, “Maybe I will go out with Mr. Wu in the future!”

Only then did Mr. Wu smile, and asked Jiang Yunzhu what he wanted to eat for lunch.

Jiang Yunzhu caught two fat grass carp and had an idea.

After buying vegetables, they went home in a mule cart.

The largest restaurant in the county, Xiao Qisong stood on the second floor of the restaurant and looked down boredly. Since arriving in Wuling County, he has been to the mine once, and then he thought it was too remote, so he moved to live in the county town.

But in his eyes, this county is far from the capital.

He couldn’t help but complain about his father, why did he bring him to this place where no shit.

Just then, a mule cart rolled by. He glanced over casually, then he paused and looked at the people on the mule cart.

All I saw was a rough girl, who seemed to be a beautiful girl, but was stopped by a passing carriage.

Xiao Qisong moved his body left and right, trying to avoid the carriage and look at the people on the mule cart.

At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing a stunning beauty.

Xiao Qisong stared blankly there.

The carriage and the mule cart staggered, and the mule cart turned into a side street, and the carriage also accelerated.

“Quick, quick, that carriage.” Xiao Qisong pointed at the carriage and shouted. The servants around him were all used to doing this kind of thing with him, and immediately went downstairs to chase the carriage.

On the other street, Jiang Yunzhu frowned. She seemed to have seen the carriage just now.

She couldn’t think of it for a while, so she could only sit in the car and move on.

At this time, another person came from the other side of the street, Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng, they had found Wei Kangping’s body, Jiang Yunzhu’s case could be completely closed.

But who killed Wei Kangping?

In the past two days, Qilin Guard collected all the cases that happened in Wuling County in the past two weeks. Now, they are going to interrogate Li Quan.

Just in time, they saw Xiao Qisong walking in the restaurant over there.

“Why did he come to Wuling County?” Yang Sheng knew Xiao Qisong. Speaking of which, he was one of the few people who walked out of the Qilin Guard’s Zhenfu Division in one piece. After all, his father, King Huainan, is the emperor’s uncle, and he has the merits of following the dragon. The emperor ordered him to release him, and Qi Linwei couldn’t do anything about it.

“Huainan King is not willing to let him go to the battlefield, so he can only let him come to the mine to earn military merits.” Shen Fengming glanced at Xiao Qisong’s back and said.

“Hmph, King Huainan is just such a precious bump, so of course he has to be careful.” Yang Sheng said.

The two of them didn’t care about Xiao Qisong, after all, he had only been in Wuling County for a few days.

Here, Jiang Yunzhu returned home, saw Xue Jing, but remembered who was in that carriage, it was the beautiful woman who helped Ruan and told her not to meddle in her own business.

The author has something to say:

Later someone asked Jiang Lin, what is the secret of success

Jiang Lin’s sad face: Probably, there is a younger sister who is smarter and harder than you!

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