Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 43

Chapter 42

When Jiang Yunzhu woke up the next day, Jiang Cheng had already pulled his feet back and was feeding the mules in the yard with a happy face.

This morning, he earned twenty-five Wen.

This amount of money may not be much compared to what Jiang Yunzhu earns, but he thinks that Jiang Yunzhu is right, the prospect of pulling feet is very good, and if he makes more money in the future, he will be able to make more money by buying more mules and horses.

At this time, Mrs. Chen had already prepared breakfast, rolling out steaming hot noodles by hand.

Jiang Lin and others have also gotten up, feeding the chickens and cleaning the yard.

Jiang Yunzhu stood at the door, watching the thriving scene, with a smile on his face unconsciously.

After eating, go to the county to hire a cook.

Now that Jiang Cheng has a mule cart, he will naturally send Jiang Yunzhu there.

The two came to a dental office, and they were received by a middle-aged man who looked a bit gentle.

The man didn’t despise Jiang Yunzhu just because she was a girl, and asked her what she needed.

Jiang Yunzhu told her request that she would hire one or two chefs. What’s more special is that her business is in Changshi Village, so the chef has to consider the location. Also, if she signs a contract with the chef, she must sign it for ten years. If the chef goes back on his word, he will pay her one hundred taels of silver and promise not to be a chef within three years.

Her first one is okay, but the second one, the middle-aged man frowned, this requirement is too harsh, in this case, “Girl might as well just buy a chef.” In this way, the person is hers.

Jiang Yunzhu also thought, is there no money? A good chef costs at least twenty taels of silver, and is very sought after. She wanted to try to hire one first, and if she couldn’t find one, she could only save money to see if she could buy a suitable one in the future.

After the middle-aged man asked, he actually guessed that Jiang Yunzhu couldn’t afford it anymore, so he asked again, “Can the second condition be relaxed?”

Jiang Yunzhu shook her head. The chef worked in her place, and it was easy to learn her dishes. She didn’t want her same dishes to appear in other restaurants in the future. If not, she would prefer not to be hired.

“Okay, I’ll ask the girl.” The middle-aged man stood up helplessly, and didn’t have much hope for this business.

Two quarters of an hour later, the middle-aged man shook his head as soon as he entered the door. No one wants to go to a village, and he will go there for ten years.

Jiang Yunzhu was not surprised, she came today to try her luck.

“I’m sorry to trouble you.” Jiang Yunzhu said, put a few copper coins on the table, it was hard work, and then stood up to leave.

At this time, the middle-aged man said unwillingly, “Wait a minute, there is another person, but he hasn’t come to the dentist recently, I don’t know if he has found a job or what. If the girl is willing to wait, I have his address here , I’ll go ask him.”

Jiang Yunzhu paused, she felt that this matter had little hope, and actually didn’t want to bother him anymore.

“That man lives on Willow Street, not far from here. If the girl goes out of the city, she just passes by his house.” The middle-aged man said.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yunzhu could only agree. At last the three of them went out of the room together towards Willow Street. If this person is not suitable, Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Cheng will go directly to the vegetable market to buy something and go home.

A narrow alley, two dilapidated wooden doors, a middle-aged man knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Someone said inside, and then there were footsteps. Soon, the door opened, revealing a handsome face.

Jiang Yunzhu and the owner of this face were stunned at the same time.

Soon, the owner of the face said excitedly, “Girl, you are here, come in and have a seat.” This person is none other than Ruan Shi who set up a wonton stall yesterday.

Jiang Yunzhu just felt that the world was too small, why did he meet yesterday and meet again today.

“You know each other?” The middle-aged man asked in surprise.

“Yes, this girl helped me yesterday.” Ruan Shi pulled Jiang Yunzhu into the room.

Jiang Yunzhu looked at the middle-aged man. Could this Ruan be the cook he was talking about?

No, it was Ruan’s husband Xue Jing who was looking for an errand in the tooth shop. Xue Jing was originally the cook of Yunhe Tower in the county, but the owner of Yunhe Tower was not well managed and closed more than a month ago.

Xue Jing wanted to find another errand, so he went to the tooth shop.

It just hasn’t been right.

Later, he discussed with Ruan Shi, otherwise he would do it himself. With his craftsmanship, it should be fine.

The rent of shops in the county town was high, and they couldn’t afford it, so they decided to start by setting up a stall to sell wontons.

If you think well, you will open a store if you make money.

But setting up a stall is not that simple. Some people can be a good cook, but they may not be a good boss.

Xue Jing is the latter, he has a quick temper and is not good at speaking, so he can’t win over the guests at all.

Seeing that the business has been tepid, he even got angry and blew a little cool breeze, and fell ill.

So there was the matter of Ruan selling wontons for him.

“Thank you, thank you.” Hearing that Jiang Yunzhu was the one who helped Ruan’s siege yesterday, Xue Jing hurriedly thanked her. His complexion is still not good, but his condition has improved, and it is estimated that he will be almost gone after taking the medicine for a few days.

“It’s a little thing, if others see it, they will do it too.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Xue Jing disagreed. He knew that most people would choose to remain silent for various reasons when encountering such a situation, but Jiang Yunzhu, a girl who can speak up for justice, is commendable.

They were chatting here, and the middle-aged man in the dental shop was anxious. He came to facilitate the signing of the contract between the two parties to get paid, so he quickly interjected and told Jiang Yunzhu that he wanted to hire a chef.

It turned out to be like this, Xue Jing and Ruan Shi looked at each other.

“I’ll drop by to have a look. If you don’t want to find a job, don’t force it,” Jiang Yunzhu said. It was really easy yesterday, and she didn’t want to repay her kindness.

“Otherwise let this girl see your craftsmanship, and then you can talk about the conditions. There is no absolute thing in this world.” The middle-aged man thought that there might be a door, so he tried his best to make it happen.

Xue Jing got up and went to the kitchen. He is best at stir-frying. With ready-made ingredients in the kitchen, he moves like flying with a knife, and then stir-fries vigorously. After a while, a plate of fried cabbage comes out of the pan.

Stir-frying is the most important thing about the heat. It needs to be stir-fried with a strong fire and pan gas, so that the dish will have a taste.

Jiang Yunzhu watched from the side, and found that his body was still a little weak, but his cooking skills were very good, so he began to worry about it.

After tasting the cabbage with chopsticks, she was sure of what she was thinking.

“Otherwise, I will cook a dish for you to try.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Afterwards, she also made a stir-fried cabbage in the hot iron pot.

She had studied with three chefs in the Anping Hou Mansion, and those chefs were all well-known chefs in Luzhou and even Zhongnan. Later, when she went to the capital, she learned from famous chefs in the capital for a period of time, and her skills had reached the point of proficiency.

“Money weighs on slaves, art beats on pedestrians”, this sentence is not wrong at all. In the eyes of others, Jiang Yunzhu’s cooking is beautiful, and every action is so pleasing to the eye, but Xue Jing gasped after seeing it.

He studied under a master chef in Luzhou Xiangkelou, and he thought that his cooking skills were already very good, but today he saw Jiang Yunzhu cooking, and he knew what the gap was. Jiang Yunzhu’s every step, every fire, is just right.

His eyes were shining brightly, while watching, he compared in his heart how he did it, where was the gap with her, and how could he make up for it, and he was suddenly infatuated.

“Try it.” Jiang Yunzhu said. The fried cabbage is steaming hot.

Xue Jing woke up like a dream, and then he ignored others and put a piece of cabbage in his mouth first. The entrance is fresh and fragrant, followed by the sweet taste of cabbage itself, refreshing and endless aftertaste.

Stir-fried cabbage is still difficult to deal with, that is, the leaves of the cabbage are thin, but the side of the cabbage is thick and watery. called perfect.

“How did you do it?” Xue Jing asked immediately.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled without saying a word.

Xue Jing also immediately realized that he was too abrupt, these cooking secrets, even if it is a master, no one may teach you, let alone a stranger.

Xue Jing’s face was flushed. Firstly, he was still ill, and secondly, he was too excited.

The middle-aged man at the tooth store saw Youmen, so he said to him, “This girl has two conditions for hiring a chef.” He told Jiang Yunzhu those two conditions.

The first one is nothing, but the second one, he asked five chefs just now, two of them let him go, and the other three flatly rejected him, so he was still very nervous to say this condition to Xue Jing.

There was no surprise on Xue Jing’s face, he understood that Jiang Yunzhu was afraid that his dishes would be leaked. Suddenly, he thought again, Jiang Yunzhu meant that if he went to cook for her, would she teach him a few dishes?

His face turned redder, and his heart beat faster unconsciously. As a chef, what is indispensable is firstly superb craftsmanship, and secondly, having his own exclusive dishes. He thought he was very good at first, but looking at it now, he was not far behind at all, and secondly, he didn’t even have it.

If you follow Jiang Yunzhu…

He immediately agreed to be Jiang Yunzhu’s cook, but he is not a teenager after all, he has a wife to support, and will have children in the future, so they can’t be allowed to suffer with him.

“Salary?” He asked Jiang Yunzhu coyly.

“How much did you pay for a month in Yunhe Tower?” Jiang Yunzhu asked.

“Nine coins.” Xue Jing replied.

Jiang Yunzhu felt the same way, “I’ll give you one or two taels of silver a month, and in these ten years, based on your performance, the minimum increase will be half a tenth a month every year. After ten years, I won’t care whether you stay or stay.

Also, I can rent a house for you in the village so that you have a place to live. “

Half achievement is half of ten percent, five percent, which should be the common standard for modern annual salary increases. Rent a house, because we have lunch and dinner, and Changshi Village is far away from the county seat, Xue Jing will definitely not be able to come back after dinner.

Houses in the village are not expensive, so if people come to work in remote places, they must prepare a place to live.

Afraid that he would not agree, Jiang Yunzhu said, “In the future, maybe I will come to the county to open a store. Then it will be much more convenient for you to follow me.”

In fact, she didn’t say this, Xue Jing already wanted to agree, and now, he looked at Ruan Shi.

Ruan Shi didn’t understand what he meant, and immediately nodded towards him. In the past two days since she set up a stall, she also understands that she and Xue Jing are not in business anymore. Jiang Yunzhu is a good person and has good craftsmanship, so it’s good to follow her.

The main thing is to be safe and not to think about those miscellaneous things. Ten years is a **** for Xue Jing, so it is not a promise.

Just like that, Xue Jing signed the employment contract in a daze. After ten years, he sold himself for ten years like this. But it seems that he is not afraid or worried, he just wants to get better soon so that he can watch Jiang Yunzhu cook.

In fact, Jiang Yunzhu also noticed just now that Xue Jing is very eager to study and study. Give him a chance, his future is limitless.

And she needs someone like him.

He paid the middle-aged man a commission, and then made an agreement with Xue Jing that he would come to Jiang’s house to work immediately after he recovered from his illness. Jiang Yunzhu bought a lot of things in the county town and went home with Jiang Cheng.

This trip to the county town was very successful.

When I got home, I found that there was a guest at home, it was the Liu family.

Liu’s eyes were still red, but there was a smile on his face.

Seeing Jiang Yunzhu coming back, she immediately stood up, “Yunzhu, you’re back.”

“Well, when did your aunt come?” Jiang Yunzhu smiled back.

“I’ve just been here for a while. By the way, come and try on this dress.” Liu Shi said, opening a bag beside her, and took out a dress from it and handed it to Jiang Yunzhu.

The thin persimmon-colored dress, with snow-white rabbit fur rolling around the neckline and cuffs, was embroidered with the green luan pattern on the clothes. From Jiang Yunzhu’s eyes, he also thought this dress was very beautiful.

“Auntie, what is this?” Jiang Yunzhu suddenly understood why Liu’s eyes were so red, and she stayed up all night making clothes.

Indeed, when she went back that day, Liu Shi was thinking about how to compensate Jiang Yunzhu, and later, she wanted to make her clothes.

“It’s for you, try it on.” Liu Shi said.

“How can this be done?” Jiang Yunzhu saw that the material of the clothes was very good, and it belonged to Liu’s orphans and widows…

“I’ve already done it. If you don’t wear it, I’ll feel even worse.” Liu Shi said.

When she said that, Mrs. Chen also persuaded her, so Jiang Yunzhu could only hug her clothes and go to the back room to change.

After a while, she changed her dress and came out.

The moment the door curtain was lifted, both Liu Shi and Chen Shi were stunned. They both knew that Jiang Yunzhu was good-looking, but this person is so beautiful and indescribable…

“Mother, how is Aunt Liu?” Jiang Yunzhu asked.

In fact, she thinks the waist of this dress is a bit too thin, and she prefers a looser and more comfortable one. But don’t pick and choose the clothes that people kindly send, it will make people feel cold.

“It’s beautiful.” “It’s beautiful.” Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Chen said one after another.

Chen stood up, took Jiang Yunzhu’s hand, and looked up and down. No matter how hard she looked, she couldn’t get enough of it. Is this her daughter? This is her daughter, her beautiful daughter.

“I feel that the empress in the palace is not as good-looking as Yunzhu.” Liu Shi praised. Of course she has never seen the empress in the palace, but in her heart, the empress in the palace should be the most beautiful woman in the world, but she is not as good as Jiang Yunzhu.

Chen Shi listened and became even happier.

Jiang Yunzhu was about to say something, but she suddenly felt something, and looked into the courtyard, only to see Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng standing there, looking at her. Neither of them knew when they would come back.

Originally, it was just a soft and graceful side profile, with beautiful mountains and mountains, slender and unparalleled, but when she turned around, a face surrounded by snow-white rabbit fur was revealed, pink and greasy, with full eyebrows and eyes, like tender pistils.

Jiang Yunzhu’s heart beat twice, because Shen Fengming’s eyes were too dark at the moment, as if he wanted to swallow her up.

Yang Cheng wanted to pat Shen Fengming on the shoulder and say a few words of admiration, he heard that his breathing was heavy, just like that, he still managed to hold it back, he is indeed his good boss Wannian Hanbing.

When is he like this, when will he embrace the beauty?

He suddenly wanted to laugh, so he said with a smile, “It is indeed prettier than the empress in the palace.”

Jiang Yunzhu: …She was lucky enough to meet the empress in the palace!

Yang Sheng took a few steps forward, and said again, “The clothes are nice, but unfortunately there are no jewelry.” Speaking of the last sentence, he glanced at Shen Fengming with some meaning.

Jiang Yunzhu just wanted to quickly end the topic, “I’ll go back to the room and change my clothes.” She turned and entered the room.

When she came back, Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng were still there, but they had already talked about other topics, and she happened to ask Yang Sheng something, “The sausage is almost ready, and it can be eaten after drying for a while, and the rest is waiting for you.” Do it before you go, or?”

“Do it first, and when it’s done, I’ll send it back immediately.” Yang Sheng said anxiously.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t care, and decided to start working today.

In fact, these things are worth twenty taels, but they can be sent all the way back to the capital by a special person, and the travel expenses are more than enough.

Yang Sheng also wanted to ask Jiang Yunzhu something, but he was worried about how to ask. Suddenly, he remembered that the goddess appeared that day, and many people saw it, so it makes sense for him to see it, right?

So he asked Jiang Yunzhu, “Before I left last time, I saw the goddess of Xifeng Mountain appear. What do you think is going on?”

Jiang Yunzhu paused, raised her eyes to look at him, and found that there was no strange color on his face, and she let go of a raised heart. She didn’t expect to hide that matter from Qilin Wei, but she was just asking for incense for the temple, so it should be nothing. .

Maybe he was just curious?

Jiang Yunzhu decided to make it clear, “I also saw the appearance of a goddess, but it was too illusory. It reminded me of one thing. I have seen shadow puppets before and found it very interesting. Later, I found out that if there is a small hole in the window, standing behind the window , holding a smooth and white object in his hand, on which the reflection of the candle can be seen.

It feels a bit like that, but I’m just guessing, maybe it’s really a goddess. “

In fact, it is small hole imaging. The mountain behind Xifeng Mountain, with its cliffs like a mirror, is suitable for this.

What kind of goddess appears, in fact, even the image is very blurred, which is far worse than modern projection technology.

She deliberately arranged people to stir up the atmosphere, saying that it was true that the goddess appeared.

When she said that, Yang Sheng immediately became interested, and wanted to play with things for himself.

At this time, Shen Fengming said, “There is a saying in the Mo Jing, ‘A person of light is as bright as a shot. Those who are lower are also taller, and those who are taller are also lower. The feet cover the lower light, so the scene is above; the head covers the upper.” Light, so the scenery is formed from below. There are ends and light in the distance, so it is also in the scenery storehouse.’”

The translation of this passage not only describes the appearance of pinhole imaging, but also summarizes its laws.

Jiang Yunzhu really didn’t expect that Mozi had already recorded this, and Shen Fengming knew about it.

Yang Sheng looked thoughtful, “Is that so? Why don’t I know.”

“When you were in school, you slept more than you were awake.” Shen Fengming said.

Yang Sheng: …

The author has something to say:

A man of light, Xu Ruoshe. Those who are lower are also higher, and those who are taller are also lower. The feet cover the lower light, so the scenery is above; the head covers the upper light, so the scenery is below. There is end and light in the distance, and it is also in the library of old scenery. –From “Mo Jing”

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