Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 118

Chapter 117

Lin Ting’an’s acquisition plan has completely failed, and his desire to develop maritime trade has also stalled.

Jiang Yunzhu and the others went smoothly, and everything went in an orderly manner.

One day, Xiao Liyu went out with Lin Ting’an, but when he came back, he found a note in the carriage. When he opened it, his expression changed. There were only eight words on the note, “Shen Fengming is in love with Jiang Yunzhu.”

“Stop!” Xiao Liyu shouted coquettishly.

The carriage stopped immediately.

Xiao Liyu lifted the curtain of the carriage, and asked everyone with a white face, “Who has entered my carriage?”

All the guards and coachmen shook their heads, they had never entered, nor had they seen anyone entering Xiao Liyu’s carriage.

“A bunch of waste.” Xiao Liyu cursed, put down the curtain of the carriage, and looked at the note again, startled and angry.

Is the note true? Shen Fengming has someone he likes, and judging by the name, it turns out to be a woman?

Impossible, she doesn’t believe it, she would rather believe that Shen Fengming likes men, or he can’t, otherwise why would he always speak coldly to her.

But she couldn’t help thinking, what if it was true? Thinking of this, she felt that her eyes were dark, and her heart was full of anger, which was mixed with various emotions such as ups and downs, almost driving her crazy.

Who is Jiang Yunzhu? Also, who put this note in her carriage? She was sure, when she went out today, the note was not in the carriage.

She didn’t care about the latter, she just wanted to know if what was written on this note was true!

“Come here,” she called.

Someone stepped forward immediately.

Xiao Liyu gave orders.

At this time, Jiang Yunzhu was looking forward to the person she had been waiting for.

“Grandpa, you seem to be much more energetic.” Jiang Yunzhu saw Mr. Wu coming, and immediately greeted him, smiling.

“Where is the energy, it’s because I can’t eat the food you cooked, and I lost weight.” Mr. Wu snorted.

“Then don’t leave this time.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Mr. Wu was a little moved, but in the end he shook his head. If he stays with her, he will cause her to get into all kinds of trouble.

“As soon as I received your letter, I came. I didn’t bring anything. Here, I’ll keep you as jelly beans.” Mr. Wu changed the topic and handed Jiang Yunzhu a bottle.

“What?” Jiang Yunzhu took the bottle, opened it, and a strange medicinal fragrance wafted out immediately. After taking a sip, she felt refreshed.

“I went to Huashan this time. I was lucky. I came across a Jiuquling ginseng and made a bottle of medicine. It didn’t have any effect. If you eat one when you are dying, you can live for at least three more days.” Mr. Wu said casually.

It’s not working yet? This is clearly a life-saving miracle medicine! Jiang Yunzhu was dumbfounded, and looked at Mr. Wu, he wants to give her such a valuable medicine? And let her eat it as a jelly bean…

Seeing her surprised look, Mr. Wu’s eyes flashed with pride.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, old boy, little boy, this is absolutely true. Mr. Wu is so arrogant.

“Thank you, old man. Since the old man gave it to me, I will accept it.” She said.

“That’s right.” Mr. Wu said.

Jiang Yunzhu invited the old man in, and the old man looked at her newly opened restaurant, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Afterwards, the two chatted about what happened during these days apart.

Mr. Wu’s experience is also very legendary. He went to Huashan this time, and then went to Changbai Mountain, and encountered many interesting things.

Compared with him, Jiang Yunzhu’s experience is not bad. In just over half a year, she opened a restaurant in the capital and gained a firm foothold. Even, she has to go to sea for trade.

Hearing this, Mr. Wu became interested. He was worried about where to go next, otherwise, he would also go overseas for fun?

Maybe you can meet a merman. Legend has it that merman meat can also be used as medicine. It is also possible to meet the big pearl, and he will just give Jiang Yunzhu a bottle of nourishing pills.

“The old man wants to go to sea with our fleet?” Jiang Yunzhu was surprised.

“Why, can’t you? Don’t think I’m old, I don’t have any health problems at all.” Mr. Wu said.

Jiang Yunzhu was really worried that he couldn’t stand the wind and waves at sea, but considering that he had been to so many famous mountains and rivers, it shouldn’t be a problem.

“It’s too late for me to be happy! The fleet is at sea, if there are people with such superb medical skills as you, everyone will not be afraid of getting sick.” Jiang Yunzhu said sincerely. This is true, various things may happen at sea, with Mr. Wu accompanying, everyone’s lives will have an extra layer of protection, which is something no one else can ask for.

The old man nodded. Well, when this matter is over, he will go overseas to have a look.

Speaking of the matter here, Jiang Yunzhu said, “Old man, you should read the letter I wrote. I am more worried about the empress dowager’s health.”

The old man became serious. He had seen the empress dowager’s body last year. She had a very complicated illness. With his medical skills, he could not cure her completely, but could only slow down her condition.

The last time Jiang Yunzhu went to the palace to see the empress dowager, she felt more and more that she had Alzheimer’s disease. There is still no effective treatment for this in the modern age of advanced medicine. Mr. Wu can slow down the empress dowager’s disease, which is already very powerful.

But that’s not what she said, she was worried that the empress dowager would die at the end of July in her dream, but now it’s already mid-July.

She discussed this matter with Mr. Wu. What she meant was to find a chance to let Mr. Wu take a look at the Empress Dowager. If her body was normal, then something else might have happened. She could only remind Shen Fengming to take a closer look. Pay attention.

Since Mr. Wu is here, there is no problem. He just wondered why Jiang Yunzhu cared so much about the Empress Dowager.

At this moment, Shen Fengming came in with Yang Cheng, he saw Shen Fengming, seemed to understand something, and was annoyed.

He regarded Jiang Yunzhu as his granddaughter, seeing that she was really about to be abducted by Shen Fengming, how could he not be annoyed.

Shen Fengming’s business as usual, or rather, he doesn’t care what Mr. Wu thinks, he only has Jiang Yunzhu in his eyes.

Jiang Yunzhu really wanted them to get along well, so she let them all sit down. Today, she cooks by herself and cooks some delicious food to clean up Mr. Wu.

Although Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng often come to the restaurant, they usually come very late and rarely eat dishes cooked by Jiang Yunzhu himself.

Hearing that Jiang Yunzhu was going to cook in person today, Yang Sheng immediately became happy.

Jiang Yunzhu got up and went to the kitchen, only Shen Fengming and three were left in the room.

Shen Fengming sat there, his mind was not here at all, but looking towards the direction of the kitchen.

Yang Sheng wanted to chat with Mr. Wu, but Mr. Wu turned his head to the side, and Yang Sheng could only sit back on his seat resentfully.

When Jiang Yunzhu entered the room again, the room was so quiet that it was a bit weird.

As if he had been pardoned, Yang Sheng immediately stood up and helped Jiang Yunzhu get a bowl of food.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to change immediately with Jiang Yunzhu’s arrival.

Jiang Yunzhu first served a bowl of soup for each of the three people, “Flower Mushroom and Egg Soup.”

There was light yellow clear soup in a thin white porcelain cup the size of a tea bowl, and in the clear soup was a fat mushroom, next to it was a whole peeled egg, and next to it was a tender green cabbage heart.

White eggs, flower mushrooms with beautiful patterns, and green cabbage heart, this dish looks pretty good, but it is too simple. It seems to be a peeled boiled egg and stewed mushroom?

Shen Fengming glanced at the boiled egg in the porcelain cup of the four of them, and soon found the difference in that egg, it seemed that the egg had no yolk. Ordinary boiled eggs, after peeling the shell, can always see the yolk inside from an angle through the white, but the egg of the four of them has no yolk no matter which angle you look at it from.

Yang Sheng also found out, “Girl Jiang, you picked it specially, is the egg yolk hidden in the middle of the egg white?” So they couldn’t see the egg yolk. However, can Jiang Yunzhu do it? She still picked a lot of eggs to pick these four.

“Everyone will know after a taste.” Jiang Yunzhu decided to keep it a secret. In fact, she made this dish specially for Mr. Wu, he likes such interesting things.

Sure enough, Mr. Wu was very interested, and he took a spoon and cut directly at the egg.

The eggs are very tender, but after being cut open, the middle is still white.

“No egg yolk?” Mr. Wu asked.

Others also cut the eggs in their bowls at different angles, all without yolks.

“This isn’t an egg, is it?” Yang Sheng said. He has seen a lot of vegetarian dishes, which look like meat dishes and can almost be faked, but when he eats them, he knows they are vegetarian dishes.

As he spoke, he put the egg from the spoon into his mouth.

In an instant, he had a look of surprise on his face. He was pretty sure it was the egg. It’s just deliciously made.

“Really eggs?” Mr. Wu also ate, and immediately asked Jiang Yunzhu.

“Eggs, of course.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

“Then why is there no egg yolk? Is there really an egg without a yolk in this world? What kind of egg is this? Take me to see it.” Mr. Wu said excitedly.

Jiang Yunzhu smiled, “Old man, how can there be such a chicken in this world.”

“Then why don’t your eggs have yolks?” Mr. Wu asked urgently.

Jiang Yunzhu told the recipe of this dish, crack the egg a little, pour out the white first, and then pour out the yolk.

Egg yolks are not used, put the egg whites in a bowl, add chicken broth, and stir well. Be careful, don’t stir vigorously, otherwise the dish will be useless if there are bubbles.

Then pour the egg white back into the egg shell, cover it with a vegetable leaf, and steam it in a steamer.

It must be steamed slowly over low heat so that the protein is heated evenly and cannot be exploded.

After steaming, take out the egg and peel off the shell, and now there is an egg without a yolk.

This dish is just to make everyone laugh.

Of course, the eggs are really delicious too.

“So that’s how it is.” Mr. Wu laughed. This dish is really interesting. What is even more commendable is Jiang Yunzhu’s heart for him.

Yang Sheng also laughed.

There seemed to be a smile in Shen Fengming’s eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed and happy.

After dinner, Jiang Yunzhu discussed with Shen Fengming about asking Mr. Wu to diagnose the empress dowager’s pulse.

Shen Fengming knew that she did this for him, and his heart was moved.

The next day, Shen Fengming brought Mr. Wu into the palace.

Jiang Yunzhu could go or not, but she was worried about Mr. Wu, so she decided to follow him to have a look. She didn’t follow into the Empress Dowager’s bedroom, she just waited outside for news, no one paid her any attention.

When she was about to leave, she stood up, and suddenly saw a small bottle on the table. It was the elixir given to her by Mr. Wu yesterday, which was said to be life-saving.

After a pause, she put the medicine into her sleeve, and then she went out of the house and joined Shen Fengming and Mr. Wu.

The three of them went to the palace.

Shen Fengming had already made arrangements, when he reached the gate of the palace, he paused for a while, then continued to walk in, to the Empress Dowager’s bedroom.

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