Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 110

Chapter 109

Princess Danyang felt that her stomach was a little full, so she stopped the chopsticks. At this moment, she suddenly realized that she had eaten so much.

“Master, are you alright?” Nanny Chang asked worriedly. She had heard that some chefs would put something addictive into their meals, and diners would keep eating those meals after eating them. She was afraid that Princess Danyang would be caught off guard.

Princess Danyang has also heard of that kind of thing, “It’s okay.” She was sure that this meal was normal, but it was really delicious, so she couldn’t help eating so much.

As long as it’s okay, Nanny Chang is relieved and at the same time curious, is this dish really so delicious?

Princess Danyang smiled when she saw her expression, “Try it,” she said.

Nanny Chang has served her since she was a child, so she naturally treats her differently.


“Let you taste it and you will taste it.”

Nanny Chang picked up the chopsticks. There were ten dishes on the table. In fact, Princess Danyang only ate two or three bites of each dish before she was full. Nanny Chang took a piece of mutton from the mutton fish and put it in her mouth. In an instant, her eyes flashed in disbelief, why is this dish so fresh!

She was reluctant to swallow what was in her mouth, she just wanted to taste its taste.

“You know now.” Princess Danyang said.

Only then did Nanny Chang regain her senses, put down her chopsticks, and stood beside her.

Princess Danyang looked at the drinks next to her. There were three glasses of wine, one was gorgeous and magnificent, the other was like fine nectar and jade dew, and the third was even more peculiar, with green smudges.

She picked up the third cup and took a sip. The name of the wine was fluttering.

After a long while, Princess Danyang put down her wine glass.

Soon, Jin Jiaoyue was called into the box.

“I want to meet your chef.” Princess Danyang said.

“I’ll go and ask for you.” Jin Jiaoyue replied.

“Okay.” Princess Danyang nodded.

Jin Jiaoyue got out of the box, and her steps became faster and faster, and she came to the backyard.

At this time, Jiang Yunzhu had finished cooking the lunch and was resting.

“Boss.” Jin Jiaoyue called out, whispered about Princess Danyang, and then looked at Jiang Yunzhu, what is she going to do?

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t plan what to do. In fact, the day Mrs. Yang came, she thought about what to do if Princess Danyang or Master Shen came to the store one day.

It’s just not how, just let nature take its course. She didn’t want to please them, and there was no need to avoid them on purpose.

Thinking of this, she stood up and walked to Princess Danyang’s box.

The sound of knuckles knocking on the door was very crisp, and it could be heard that it was a girl knocking on the door.

“Come in.” Princess Danyang was a little nervous.

Jiang Yunzhu pushed the door open, “Guest, do you want to see me?”

The moment she came in, Princess Danyang felt her eyes light up. Jiang Yunzhu is wearing a sky-blue skirt today, without any accessories on her body, and her black hair is slanted, but her skin is pink and her eyes are bright.

Especially her comfortable temperament, people like it.

Princess Danyang really didn’t expect Jiang Yunzhu to be like this. She had thought that if she had something to do with her son, then she might be a charming little woman who was good at making soup, so she had captivated her son. Full of amorous feelings, so let the cycads bloom.

Not at all.

She looked Jiang Yunzhu up and down, not missing any details.

Jiang Yunzhu let her look at her, neither humble nor overbearing, as if she was just a restaurant owner, waiting for the guests to speak.

Her attitude made Princess Danyang uncertain. Could it be that she was thinking too much? Or she didn’t know her identity, that’s why she was so calm.

“Are you the chef of the restaurant?” Princess Danyang asked.

“Yes, he is also the owner of the restaurant.” Jiang Yunzhu replied.

Princess Danyang wanted to ask her if she had anything to do with her son, but she stopped. She didn’t want to have any more unpleasant troubles with Shen Fengming.

After thinking for a moment, she asked, “Can you be a Taibai duck?”

“Yes.” Jiang Yunzhu replied.

“Can you make a copy for me? I’ll take it away.” Princess Danyang said. In fact, she saw this dish on the invitation before, and she was moved.

Jiang Yunzhu was surprised, she called her here just for this matter?

Princess Danyang said, “My mother likes this dish very much, but I have changed many chefs, but none of them can make that kind of taste.”

Princess Danyang’s mother, the empress dowager? She’s not… no, Jiang Yunzhu’s heart skipped a beat, she suddenly remembered that the Queen Mother seemed to have died this summer in her dream.

According to the ancestral system of the Xia Dynasty, after the death of the empress dowager, the empress will exchange the sun for the moon and hold a one-month national mourning. During the national mourning period, officials are not allowed to have feasts and feasts, nor are they allowed to marry, but the common people have no such taboo.

Marquis Anping is a court official, so he naturally had to abide by this rule. No banquets were allowed within a month. At that time, Jiang Yunzhu was practicing cooking skills in Marquis Anping’s mansion, so she had an impression.

Jiang Yunzhu thought carefully about when the Empress Dowager died. She remembered that it seemed to be the end of July.

It’s the end of June, isn’t that fast?

Her complexion changed a few times.

Originally, a high-ranking person like the Queen Mother had nothing to do with her, but she was Shen Fengming’s grandmother. Although the royal family has been ruthless since ancient times, it is not uncommon for brothers Yan Qiang and father and son to kill each other, but Princess Danyang remembers that the Queen Mother likes to eat Taibai duck…

Princess Danyang saw her strange expression and asked, “Why?”

Jiang Yunzhu came back to her senses, “There is no duck in the kitchen today, should the guests wait a while and I’ll send someone to buy it, or come back tomorrow?” she asked.

Princess Danyang was about to chat with her, “I’m fine, just wait a while.”

Jiang Yunzhu calculated the time, Taibai Ya took a lot of time, “It may take more than an hour.”

“No problem.”

“Okay.” Jiang Yunzhu got up, called Yundu, asked him to buy ducks, and told him the skills of picking ducks.

Later, she wanted to go to the kitchen to prepare related things.

“It’s not in a hurry. My mother must have had lunch by now. Just make the duck before dinner.” Princess Danyang said, beckoning Jiang Yunzhu to sit down.

Jiang Yunzhu sat on the chair next to him.

Her demeanor is calm, Princess Danyang is curious, her previous experience.

“Where are you from?” she asked.

“Changfeng Mansion.” Jiang Yunzhu replied.

Isn’t it Luzhou? Princess Danyang was slightly startled, but continued to ask, “Are you new to the capital?”


“Who did you learn your skills from?”

The two chatted for a while, and Princess Danyang seemed to understand Jiang Yunzhu better, but she was still not sure if she had anything to do with her son.

At this time Yundu came back, and Jiang Yunzhu immediately stood up and became Taibai Duck.

Taibai Duck is a famous dish in Tang Dynasty. You can tell from its name that this dish is related to poet Li Bai. According to legend, during his tenure in Sichuan, Li Bai especially liked to eat a local stuffed duck. Later Tang Xuanzong announced him to the court, and he thought that he would meet the Ming Lord, so he improved the way of this boring duck and dedicated it to Xuanzong.

After Xuanzong finished eating, he was full of praise and named this dish “Taibai Duck”.

It’s a pity that Li Bai was unhappy all his life, and later he resigned from office. This Taibai duck only left its shape, but few people knew its taste.

Jiang Yunzhu also made the Taibai Duck she was satisfied with after many experiments based on ancient books and Li Bai’s experience.

Prepare the duck, put it into the altar together with aged Huadiao, Panax notoginseng and other ingredients, seal the mouth of the altar with tissue paper, steam for an hour, and the Taibai duck is ready.

For this dish, it is best not to uncover the tissue paper on the mouth of the jar before eating, so Jiang Yunzhu put the jar directly into the food box and handed it to Princess Danyang.

It was getting late, Princess Danyang asked someone to carry a food box, and went directly to the palace to meet the Queen Mother.

Jiang Yunzhu was not sure whether the queen mother would like the Taibai duck she made, old man, sometimes all he misses is the old feeling.

But she’s done her best, so that’s good.

She picked up Simba and went to the back to rest.

Today Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng came earlier than usual.

Yang Sheng was still eating, and after eating and drinking two more glasses of wine, he left.

When Shen Fengming was left, Jiang Yunzhu happened to have something to say to him.

Simba seems to like Shen Fengming quite a bit, often when he comes, it will squat next to him, such as now.

Jiang Yunzhu watched it interestingly, and said to Shen Fengming, “Your mother came to the shop today.”

Shen Fengming was about to hand Simba to Jiang Yunzhu, when he heard that, he paused, “What’s the matter with her?”

“Dinner, and then asked me to make a Taibai duck, and she took it to the empress dowager.” Jiang Yunzhu said.

Shen Fengming frowned slightly, just eating?

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t continue to talk about it, but asked, “Empress Dowager?”

“She has forgotten a lot of things, especially the things that happened recently, she often forgets quickly, but it’s the things in the past, she sometimes remembers them very clearly.” Shen Fengming said.

Jiang Yunzhu listened, why did it look a bit like Alzheimer’s disease, “Did you see the doctor?”

“The imperial doctor has seen it. There is nothing wrong with my body, but I often forget things.”

“Where is Wu Yixian, what does Wu Yixian say?” Jiang Yunzhu asked.

“Last year, I was seen by Medical Immortal Wu. He used needles and prescribed medicine, but it only slowed down the symptoms. Later, the emperor’s grandmother said that she was not sick and didn’t want to take medicine and needles. Everyone could only rely on her.” Shen Fengming explained.

But Jiang Yunzhu remembered the dream that the empress dowager would die at the end of July this year. It stands to reason that Alzheimer’s disease would not kill people so soon. Is that…a sudden illness, or some kind of accident?

Seeing her worried face, Shen Fengming looked gentle, “The emperor’s grandmother is very kind to me. My father and mother often quarrel, and the emperor’s grandmother often calls me into the palace, saying that she wants me to accompany her, but she is actually worried about me.

She often told me not to blame my mother. “

Having said this, Shen Fengming stopped. In fact, he later understood why his mother married his father, to win over the Shen family, and to Qinglong Emperor’s throne.

He lowered his long eyelashes, raised them again, and looked at Jiang Yunzhu.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t have time to ponder his thoughts, so he asked directly, “Do you know where Wu Yixian is now?”

Her idea is to ask Wu Yixian to help the Empress Dowager to have a look, that’s all she can do. Of course, when Wu Yixian came, she would discuss with him to find a safe solution.

“I know.” Shen Fengming replied.

At this time, Princess Danyang had already entered the palace with a food box and met the empress dowager.

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