Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 6 - Goblin Commander

In the depths of the Red Moon Forest, giant trees and shrubs overlap and interweave together.

In this lush forest, a figure that should not have appeared.

A linen “color” hair, brown “color” eyes, beautiful appearance, only looking like a 14-year-old boy, dressed in a black “color” costume, lying motionless in the bushes, eyes straight ahead.

Holding the bow in the left hand and the arrow in the right hand.

A group of ants crossed the leaves, climbed over the stone, and came to Will.

Necks, feet “naked”, arms, hair … Will’s body was covered with ants.

But Will was unmoved.

A green snake coiled down along a pine root of the attachment and came to Will’s side.

“Sisi …”

The green snake crawled up Will’s body with his tongue out, coiling around Will’s neck again and again.

But Will’s eyes were still fixed on the front.

“Wow, wow …”

The branches in front shook violently, and the sound of “dada” came from not far away, and the strange syllables ranged from far to near.

One, two, three, four, five.

Wil counted silently.

Five green “colors” emerged from the depths of the bushes.

It is covered with wrinkled green “color” skin, pointed ears, about one and two meters tall, and two canine teeth “exposed” outside, without a piece of body.

Holding rough wooden sticks or stones in both hands, a cloud of eyes flashed from time to time.


An omnivorous creature with a short stature, a four- to five-year-old child’s IQ, and a thick skin.

Usually live in the depths of Maolin.

In the spring, it will multiply in large numbers. Due to insufficient food, it will go out and attack farmers.

Goblin’s flesh is bitter and hard to swallow, and the skin “hair” is perishable and smelly.

It is a veritable pest.

Ten thousand times worse than cockroaches.

Because the Goblin skin is thick and thick, and the strength is strong, under the one-to-one situation, ordinary adults may not necessarily win.

Especially in the jungle.

Once Goblin fled into the forest, the green “color” Goblin seemed to be integrated into the forest and could no longer be found.

“Twenty meters, eighteen meters, fifteen meters …” Wilmer calculated the distance silently.

When facing Goblin in the forest, you must kill with one blow, and you cannot give Goblin a chance to escape.

This is already the third wave of Goblin that Will encountered today.

The first two times because of carelessness, some Goblins escaped.

“Ten meters!”

In an instant, Will moved.

Pulling the string, aiming, and “shooting” out, the iron arrow penetrated the head of a Goblin all at once.

At the moment when other Goblins hadn’t responded, Will “shot” the second arrow.

Another arrow shot a Goblin head.

The remaining three Goblins noticed Will’s hiding place.


Three fist-sized stones were thrown from Goblin’s hand and flew towards Will.

Will sideways escaped the stone.


Will pulled out the knight’s sword, slashed straight, and recently Goblin was cut off by Will.

Will’s face was “exposed” fiercely, and he didn’t give the other party a chance to escape.

The fourth Goblin had just turned to escape, and Will was overtaken by Will, slashing Goblin’s back with a sword.

Goblin screamed, his body curled up on the ground, bounced a few times, and then there was no more movement.

The last Goblin was the furthest away from Will, and had fled Will more than twenty meters away.

Will could only see the last Goblin figure through the gap between the bushes.

“Can you escape?”

Will drew his dagger from his waist and shoved it hard.

The dagger turned into a silver light, hitting exactly the back of the last Goblin.

The last Goblin stumbled to the ground.

Will came to Goblin, who was shot by a bow and arrow, and pulled out the arrow.

“The arrow of this arrow is so distorted that it seems unusable.”

As he entered the forest, Will brought twenty arrows.

Now three days have passed, leaving only nine.

After all, bows and arrows are consumables, which is something that can’t be done.

Withdrawing the bow and arrow dagger, Will picked up a green snake on the ground.

This green snake just lay on Will’s body and was strangled by Will.

Will took out his dagger and stroked the mouth of the green snake, tearing his hand. The skin of the green snake was cut by Will.

Head off.

“Click click …”

The green snake was swallowed by Will.

Will burped.

After snacking, Will continued to walk deep into the Red Moon Forest.

“It was originally scheduled for three days to arrive at the destination, and six days in a round trip. I didn’t expect it to be three days now, and only half of the way, even the dead wood swamp.

After all, this is Will’s first entry into the depths of the Red Moon Forest, and he is still a person. It is inevitable that he will have inexperience and encounter many accidents.

Fortunately, there were no accidents that threatened Will’s life.

It just took more of Will’s time.

These three days are not meaningless to Will.

In the Red Moon Forest, you may encounter danger anytime, anywhere, and you can’t relax your vigilance for a moment.

Three days of intense and exciting life made Will feel an unprecedented feeling.

“I will die here if no one knows … No matter the title or the owner, it will be meaningless once dead … Does it really make sense to be in a dangerous situation? … Is it not good to enjoy life? … “

Fear, doubt, and fear test Will’s soul all the time.


Will has a great future. Beauty, money, and rights are all waiting for Will in the front.

What is the benefit of breaking into the Red Moon Deep Forest alone for a little vanity?


Will felt that his repair was obviously loose.

After this trip, within a month, Will will be able to stimulate vitality and become a prospective knight.

“Let’s go back to the Deadwood Marsh, and it doesn’t make much sense to move on.”

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of me.

Will stopped and held his breath.

Most of that noisy “chaotic” voice is Goblin.

Goblin’s unpleasant shouts were mixed with faint human shouts.

“Someone here?” This was Will’s first thought.

“Someone is in danger?” This is Will’s second thought.

“I have to save them!” Will acted immediately.

Will held his breath and walked cautiously towards the sound.


No one was found.

Will hid behind a pine tree and poked his head.

I saw more than thirty Goblins besieging two people dressed in leather armor and dressed as hunters.

Aside, there was already a hunter lying on the ground, motionless, should have been dead.

Will noticed a dead porcupine.

Will has grasped the context of the matter.

Three hunters hunted a porcupine and went deep into the Red Moon Forest. They finally killed the porcupine, but they were attacked by Goblin.

Will frowned, “I don’t have a problem playing ten ordinary adults now, but there are thirty goblins here. It’s not as simple as one plus one equals two. Take it. “

Will carefully observed the situation.

Will’s eyes lit up.


Will noticed a Goblin who had never joined the battle.

The Goblin is stronger than the ordinary Goblin, with a large body, a skin around his waist, a rusty iron rod in his hands, and weird syllables from time to time.

“Commander Goblin?”

No matter what race, when a certain number gathers together, there will be a ruler.

Goblin is no exception.

There have been rumors of the Goblin King who has dominated thousands of Goblins and is as powerful as a knight.

But that was only a legend after all.

“As long as the Goblin Commander is killed, Goblin will definitely be in chaos.”

After determining the goal, Will secretly approached Goblin Commander.

In the meantime, the two hunters screamed again and again-they were hit by Goblin again.

“Close, close, close … to die!”

Will suddenly jumped from a tree, holding the knight’s sword from top to bottom and chopping down to Commander Goblin.


Commander Goblin screamed in horror.

But still unable to escape, Will was cut into the body with Will’s sword, and the entire left shoulder was chopped off by Will.

“Want to escape?”

Will smashed two Goblins who wanted to protect Goblin Commander.

Behind the piercing sound of broken air was the stone thrown by Goblin.

The stone hit Will ’s back, and Will was in pain and staggered.

But Will ignored it.

Will quickly catches up with Commander Goblin, and Three Swords chops Commander Goblin under the sword.

When the remaining Goblins saw the boss killed, they buzzed and fled without any revenge for the boss.

The two hunters walked to Will covered in blood and thanked Will.

One of the skinny hunters paid a lame knight salute to Will, “Admiral Will Albert, thank you for your life-saving grace.”

“You know me?” Will was surprised.

Another beard hunter explained to Will: “Both of us live in the grounds of Baron Leo, and pay taxes every year at Albert Castle. I have seen you a few times, and you probably don’t remember us.”

Will is embarrassed.

“Let’s leave here first. The **** smell here is too strong to attract fierce beasts. It’s too dangerous.” Said the thin man.

The hunter’s partner who died on the back of the skinny man had sad eyes. “Bate, we were drinking together two days ago, and we bet who died first. I won, but I was not happy at all.”

The bearded man picked up the porcupine.

“There is a rest spot near here. It is relatively safe there. We can get there to rest first.”

After all, the two hunters led the way.

This walk is two hours.

Looking for a safe stronghold in the Red Moon Forest is not an easy task.

Will hasn’t slept well in these three days.

Under the leadership of two hunters, the three came to a forest hut.

“There is a house in this place?” Will surprised.

“This was left by the previous hunter, and we just used it later.” The thin man explained.

“In the future, we will leave it to the next generation of hunters, and the next generation of hunters will be left to the next generation. It is the same with the previous generation of hunters, so it is unclear which hunter built this house and when.” The man added.

Next, clean the wooden house, look for firewood, and arrange traps.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

At night, Will and the three roasted pork around the campfire.

The delicious porcupine stimulated Will’s nose, and before the porridge was cooled, Will could not wait to eat it.

“good to eat!”

Due to the lack of seasoning, the taste of roast pork is actually not very good.

But Will had eaten dry food and raw food for three days, and now Will will give Will a head, Will will be exclaimed.

“It’s delicious!”

Not to mention the roast porridge that tastes good.

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