Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 44 - Rep\\\'s Relic

The beautiful three hooks hang the night sky.

Lonely moonlight, scattered down.

In the ear, came the happy sonata of Chong Er.

This world is so lively, so warm, as if everything just now is a dream.

“Four-armed ghost ape, crystal, child …”

Will rushed out of the swamp and dragged his tired body into the forest.

It’s crackling.

Sparks splashed.

Will was sitting by the campfire with an elk standing beside him.

One of the elk’s thighs was cut off by Will and grilled on the fire.

The sesame oil slipped down.

The fragrant smell stimulated Will’s appetite.

Will grabbed the barbecue, biting it bitterly, swallowing chunks of meat.

An elk was actually eaten by Will alone.

Will wiped the oil from the corners of his mouth and recalled what happened today.

“Rep is dead, somehow, killed by those ghost-like things.”

Rep, as a third-class demon hunter, is more powerful than Will imagines.

A hundred Wills are none of Rep’s opponents.

But such a powerful Rep was vulnerable to those ghost-like things.

“Rep, I will definitely avenge you.”

It was Rep, who opened a new world for Will.

It was Rep, who taught Will how to become a demon hunter.

Rep is Will’s teacher, guide, and friend.

“It seems that if you want to avenge Rep, you must have the strength of a formal wizard.” Will’s desire for power is so fierce, “Jero’s” drug “Academy, I must go, but How to get there? “

Will was depressed.


Rep told Will that he would recommend Will to the Gerald’s School of Medicine.

Now Rep is dead.

Where is the Gerald College of Medicine? Go like this?

Will knew nothing.

You can’t just pull someone casually and directly ask, “Do you know where the Gerald’s Medicine School is?”

What’s even more daunting is that Will has already drunk Kurohara “liquid”.

If you cannot become a third-level wizard apprentice before you are thirty, you will have to die.


Will’s complex feeling “touched” the real eye that Rep squeezed into his eyes.

“What does Rep’s final words mean?”

Even if his eyes were closed, Will could still clearly feel that the magic weapon in his left eye continuously absorbed Will’s vitality.

Fortunately, Will is not an ordinary knight, but the three kungfu methods of forging body method, breathing method, and health maintenance skills have all been trained to extremely high levels.

Only withstand the absorption of the real eye of the magic weapon.

Change to an ordinary knight, the body has already been drained.

Will remembered Rep’s last words, “Rep’s meaning should be to destroy the real eye immediately after letting me escape?”

The real eye of the magic weapon is simply not something ordinary people can control.

Although one eye will be blinded, in order to survive, Will decided to pull out the real eye and destroy it.

Will opened his eyes, and inserted the index finger and **** of his right hand towards his eyes.


The real eye saw a figure in the dark forest.


Will stood up, staring at the figure with vigilance.

“Save me, save me, save …”

Fearing a twisted familiar face, he kept asking Will for help.

Rep was standing twenty meters away from Revel, wearing a black “color” atmosphere, with a bandage on his left eye.

His face “satisfied” panic and fear.

Desperate eyes turned to Will for help.

That screaming scream was like seeing something terrified beyond human understanding.

“Ray …” Will awakened suddenly. “No, Rep is dead!”


“Save me, save me …”

Rep’s body began to split, and blood poured out of the rift.

Facebook walked step by step towards Will with blood all over his body, and kept pleading in his mouth.

Will’s back froze and his body retreated involuntarily.

“Go away!”

Will kicked in the fire, and the burning wood and countless Mars flew towards Rep.

Suddenly, “Raip’s face” twisted.

“Raip” smiled strangely, his face ghastly, and his smile was terrifying.

The figure disappeared like smoke.

Will couldn’t sit still anymore.

Will packed his things and identified his direction, and quickly fled out of the Red Moon Forest.

For ordinary people, the danger is extremely high, and the Red Moon Forest, which requires careful adventure, is traversed by Will.

Occasionally a beast jumped out of Will and was killed by Will.

late at night.

When the stars were the most shining, Will returned to the castle.

Will’s return shocked the people in the castle.

Baron Leo rushed out, staring worriedly at Will, who was exhausted.

“Will, are you okay?” Baron Leo worried.

“It’s okay.”

The Weir lowered his head so that no one could see his left eye.

Will could clearly see a man in a black “color” trench coat standing among the crowd greeting him.

“Save me, save me …”

The sound of despair and fear in “Rep” can only be heard by Will alone.

“Master Will, we have prepared bath water for you.” Tracy took Will’s clothes and served Will’s bathing suit.


Baron Will and Leo stood in the cold moonlight.

“Well, what happened to your trip to Red Moon Forest? Why are you so embarrassed? Lord Rep? He didn’t follow you back so much?” Baron Leo asked.

“It’s just a trifle, not worth mentioning, Rep him …” Will said with a voice. “He was just passing by the town of Rent, and he had left a few days ago.”

“That’s a pity.” Baron Leo pityed.

Baron Leo knew that things were definitely not that simple.

But since Will was reluctant to say, Baron Leo asked no more.

Now Will, has already surpassed Baron Leo.

The leader of the Albert family is Baron Leo, but in fact, many things of the Albert family are decided by Will.

He almost passed the baron to Will.

“Father, let’s go to rest first. I will talk about something tomorrow,” Will said.

“Speaking the same, we will continue to talk tomorrow.” Baron Leo yawned and walked back to the room.

After Baro Leo left, Will did not immediately return to his room.

Instead, he came to the room where Rep lived.


Push open the heavy wooden door.

The decoration in the room was extremely rudimentary, and because there was no one to live and no one to clean for more than a month, the whole room was covered with a thin layer of dust.

“Don’t anyone dare to come in and clean it because of Rep?”

Rep told him that no one was allowed to enter the room without his permission, not even cleaning.

Obviously, the people in Albert Castle are very quasi-abiding.

There are very few decorations in the room.

Rep’s things were very conspicuous, and there was a parcel on the only table.

“Rep is dead. See what he has left.”

Open the package.

There is a book in it, which was bought by Will from the auction.

There are also five bottles of “medicine” in the package.

Three of the bottles are black “liquid”, and the other two bottles of “medicine” are red “color”, which should be the same “medicine”, but Will does not know what it is used for.

A set of clothes.

A round metal badge with an old castle engraved on the front and the six words “Gero” “Pharmacy Academy” on the back.

And, a letter.

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