Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 30 - Three betrayal

Inside Albert Castle, “Chaos” is a group.

The rebels and guards fought together, blood and corpses everywhere.

In the castle study room, Baron Leo clutched his left abdomen. On Baron Leo’s abdomen, there was a fierce wound.

Baron Leo stared at a middle-aged man with a moustache.

“Wadin, we are childhood friends. Your ancestors are knights of our Albert family. Our family has been married many times. You and my blood are connected. Why do you betray me?” Baron Leo asked.

“It’s you, took Dilya.” Knight Knight’s face was somber.

“That was Delia’s choice. No one snatched it at all.” Leo retorted.

Diliya, a member of the Quimper family, is the favorite daughter of Viscount Chapman.

In the moonlit city, countless men admiring Delia.

Baron Leo and Knight Valdine are among the countless men.

The difference is that Baron Leo got the heart of Delia, and the Warding Knight, like other men, failed, nothing more.

“I wanted Fili and Emma to marry.” Knight Knight said again.

“Feili is a good child. I agree with Emma and Feili getting married, but Emma was only nine years old when you were like me to raise relatives that year.”

“Diliya, Emma, ​​Niya, every woman I fancy, you have to block me.” Knight of Vadin’s words were full of hatred for Baro Leo, “I finally understand that I am not weak It ’s not that I ca n’t compare with you, but because, you are a baron! “

“This is the territory of the Quimper family. Will has signed a marriage contract with Niya. Do you think you killed me and can inherit this land and become a baron?” Baron Leo asked.

“Relax, I have a solution.” Knight Knight smiled mysteriously.

Seeing that he could not communicate with the Warding Knight, Baron Leo’s eyes turned to another person.

It was a mean middle-aged “woman” woman whom Will had never seen.

“Menai, I didn’t expect you to come too.” Baron Leo and Menai have been gone for decades.

“You killed Owen, my younger brother.” Menai gripped her swords tightly.

“That was just an accident.” Baron Leo’s eyes flashed with pain.

Baron Leo, Knight Warding, and Irving are the best friends to play together.

The three study together, practice together, and make progress together.

Become a prospective knight together, march towards the knight together, and race who will become a knight first.

But after a duel, everything changed.

It was originally a farce, an ordinary duel.

But Baron Leo and Owen were too involved in the battle.

In the end, both of them actually used their vitality.

Baron Leo, killed Owen.

Holding the cold body of his best friend Owen, Baron Leo was guilty of pain in his heart.

Baron Leo still remembers that Irving ’s sister Menai looked at his hatred pupils.

In order to escape the guilt in his heart, Baron Leo chose to join the army of the kingdom and escape from his hometown.

When I retired home, I knew Menai had been married.

Baron Leo was relieved.

“That was just an accident.” Baron Leo’s face was bitter.

“But you killed him.” Menai just held the knife firmly in both hands. Decades passed, and her killing intent on Leo remained unchanged.

Baron Leo sighed.

Yes, no matter what the reason is, killing is killing, and people are dead.

It’s just that, whether it is the Warding Knight or Menai, they will appear here and will fight against him. Baron Leo was not surprised.

Only Neeson.

Only Nissen.

Baron Leo believed in Nisson so much.

Nissen was the only one who was willing to entrust his life to Baron Leo.

“Nison, why did you betray me?” Baron Leo waited for Nissen’s answer.

“Leo, we are indeed the best friends.” Nissen looked at Baron Leo with complicated eyes. “I paid so much for you. I followed you to your territory. We said everything about building a territory and taking it together Become stronger.”

“Aren’t we doing this?” Baron Leo asked back.

“But how did you return me? A guard!” Nissen roared. “Actually let me be a goalkeeper! Let me train soldiers for you! Ha ha ha ha ha …”

Baron Leo’s eyes were dull.

“Unexpectedly, you actually betrayed me for this reason.” Baron Leo thought he had made the best arrangement for Nissen.

“You don’t even want to give me a knighthood title. After Bob’s death, you would rather let Nikon, who has just advanced as a knight, rule over a knight leader, rather than choose me!” Nissen said angrily.

Nissen is Baron Leo’s most trusted person.

Therefore, Baron Leo made Nissen the captain of the escort, managed the military force of Albert Castle, and let Nissen help train the soldiers.

Because Nissen has no descendants.

So Baron Leo asked Will to be close to Nissen, and to treat him like his father.

Baron Leo thought he made the best arrangement for Nissen.

But in Nissen’s view, it turned into a conviction that Barrio Leo looked down on him, distrusted him, and insulted him.

“If you want to become a knighthood, just talk to me.” Yes, as long as Nisson said a little, Baron Leo would never be stingy about a knighthood.

No knight territory?

Big deal grabs one.

But Baron Leo also knew that Nissen was a proud man.

Nissen never lowered his attitude towards him, so Nissen has always hidden his dissatisfaction with Baron Leo.

Until Bob Knight died, Baron Leo let Nikon manage Bob Knight’s territory.

Nissen’s dissatisfaction with Baron Leo rose to its peak.

auzw.com The Warding Knight targeted this and successfully persuaded Nissen to surrender.

“At this time, do you think I will still believe your bullshit?” Nissen scoffed at Baron Leo’s words.

“Yeah, that’s the point.” Baron Leo’s eyes were desperate.

Baron Leo’s eyes swept through the three of Waddin, Menai and Nissen.

Former close friends, once the most trusted people, once subordinates, one by one, have betrayed themselves.

Lost two sons.

Lost his favorite wife Delia.

Broken a right arm, the strength fell from the knight peak to the middle and upper knight.

In Baron Leo’s heart, even a decadent idea of ​​”it’s better to die, let them kill” is raised.

But a person’s face appeared in his mind.

Let Baron Leo burn the power of production again.

“Will, I still have Will, and for Will, I can’t die.” Baron Leo clenched the big sword in his left hand, and his original gloomy eyes returned to light again.

“Will? You advise you to give up.” Knight Knight sneered. “Do you know why we chose to do it today? Because today is the day when Will returns from the Moon City.”

“Don’t you!” Baron Leo was surprised.

“A fifteen-year-old knight, the son-in-law of the Quimper family, may become a knight in the future. Do you think we will let go of such a big scourge?” Ward Knight said.

Baron Leo looked at Nissen.

Talking about Will, Nissen ’s face also has a touch of emotion, but it ’s only a moment, “For me, Will is indeed like my own personal, I ca n’t kill him, so I let Grote went.”

“Grote!” Baron Leo gritted his teeth and roared.

“Now, have you tasted the feeling that your favorite person has been killed?” Looking at Baro Leo’s sad eyes, Menai smiled happily.

“I can’t die, and Will won’t die.” Baron Leo raised his sword. “Will has the knighthood, and Grot can’t kill him if he runs away.” Baron Leo suddenly sent trouble to Menai.

Menai held two sharp knives in her hand and resisted Baron Leo’s onslaught.

Menai is just a junior knight, the weakest of the three.

Even when facing the baron Leo who broke his hand, Menai could not support it for too long.

“Do you think we don’t exist?” Wading Knight’s figure fluttered silently behind Baron Leo.

Baron Leo was short, avoiding the sword of the Warding Knight.

The sword of the Warding Knight was poisoned.

Baron Leo is not a four-armed ape. As long as Baron Leo is hit by the Warding Knight, his strength will definitely decline in a straight line.


There was a thunderous roar.

A heavy sword was cut from top to bottom towards Baron Leo.

Baron Leo barely blocked Nissen’s attack, but his body was blown out with great force, hit the wall, and spit out a blood.

“For Will, I want to live!”

Baron Leo found a gap and escaped from the study.

Outside the study, there were screams everywhere.

“Master Baron, save me!” A beautiful woman asked Baron Leo for advice.

A rebel army pierced the woman with a shot.

The rebels also looked at Baron Leo provocatively, pointing his **** to Baron Leo.

“Barra …” Baron Leo looked at the woman screaming on the ground in pain.

That was Baro Leo ’s favorite love.

Bara was still screaming and did not die immediately.

The rebels made a few more shots.

Barra’s screams gradually faded and disappeared until she died.

Baron Leo was so angry that he wanted a sword to put an end to this abominable enemy.

But the other party is also a reserve knight. If you don’t use vitality, you still need some time to kill the other party.

The use of vitality will consume a lot of physical strength.

Seeing that the three Warding knights were about to catch up, Baron Leo’s face changed, and he turned and fled quickly outside the castle.

Behind him, there was laughter from the rebels.

Baron Leo ran wild.

But Baron Leo was injured and his speed slowed down a lot.

The Warding Knight who first caught up with Baron Leo struck Baron Leo with a sword.

As a last resort, Baron Leo can only stop, blocking the attack of the Warding Knight.

Taking this opportunity, Nissen and Menai also caught up.

“Don’t try to escape!”

Menai held a double knife, spinning around Baron Leo, and the deadly blade kept attacking Baron Leo.

“Leo, give up.”

Nissen cut off Baron Leo with a sword in front.

Nissen’s strength was originally weaker than that of Baron Leo.

Now Baron Leo broke his arm, and his strength is no match for Nissen. In addition, facing the siege of three knights, Baron Leo can only barely defend.

Baron Leo supported hard.

In the “chaotic” war, the Warding Knight found Baron Leo’s flaws, and the thin sword made a cut on Baron Leo.


Baron Leo had a physique and a flower in his eyes.

“Damn, poisoned!” Baron Leo looked at the three people who were approaching. “Even if I die today, I have to pull a cushion.”

Baron Leo thought hard.

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