Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 28 - Weiyin visit

early morning.

The mist filled the horseshoes.

A convoy of dozens of carriages loomed in the fog.

The convoy departed from Yueluo City and drove towards the town of Lent. It had been walking for two days.

At noon today, you can reach your destination.

Among the convoy, there is a luxury carriage with a double-headed eagle, which is particularly conspicuous.

Will was sitting in the carriage, wearing a light down jacket, covered with a sheep “hair” blanket on his legs, and on the low table in front of Will, a piece of paper was spread.

Will held a feathered “hair” pen dipped in ink in his right hand and slowly wrote on the paper.

After a piece of paper was filled, Will put down his “hair” pen and put the paper in a ventilated place to dry.

Emma, ​​who was also in the carriage, glanced over her head and said disappointedly: “Brother, why is it” medicine “again? Write more stories.”

Will was originally interested in the “medicine” materials in this world.

This world has too many animals and plants that were not on earth before.

It will be a pleasure for Will to know each additional animal, a plant, and to understand their “sexual” functions.

Especially after learning the health maintenance method “Western Disinfection Method”.

Because the “Western Disinfection Method” requires the use of a variety of “medicine” materials to assist in cultivation, during the half-month of the Quimper family, Will memorized many books related to “medicine” materials.

Now, Will is sorting out the knowledge of “medicine” in his mind and writing them on paper.

“Good boy, don’t disturb your brother.” Will gently stroked Emma’s head.

Emma snapped Will’s hand and squatted down to the carriage window, looking at the scenery outside with boredom.

For a 10-year-old girl, sitting in a carriage for two days must be quite painful and boring.

Will also wants to spend more time with Emma.

It’s just that Will has been too busy recently, and Will has too much to do.

Will closed his eyes and wrote something for the night, a little tired, and took a break.

As soon as my eyes were closed, many thoughts came to my mind again.

Will frowned, remembering the things the day before yesterday, his face “skinned” a little melancholy.

The night before yesterday.

Will tells Niya a story and coaxes Niya to sleep.

After having some love with Orpheon, he left Niya’s room and returned to his accommodation.

Step into the door.

In a room that was supposed to be empty, a red “color” figure sat in front of the window, holding a hip flask, and each person made a separate decision on the moon.

It is Weiyin.

The concave and convex figure, the beautiful and charming face, and the burning red hair make Wei Yin attract the attention of others all the time.

Seeing Will come in, Wei Yin raised his glass, “Come back? Stay with me for a while?”

Will sat down, and Wei Yin poured wine for Will.

“Finally thought of seeing my old friend?” Will quipped.

Will came to the Quimper family for half a month. He only saw Wei Yin during a knightly showdown with Corey.

The relationship between Will and Weiyin can be called a buddy, which is unusual.

There is only one explanation, that is, Wei Yin is hiding from Will.

“You chose Niya.”

I don’t know why, the Weiyin, who has always been cheerful and confident, frowned at the moment.

“Don’t you?” Will’s eyes widened in surprise, “You are in love with me?”

Will has always regarded Wei Yin as a brother, but he never expected Wei Yin to fall in love with him.

This is really heartbreaking.

“Am I beautiful?” Wei Yin pouted her hair.

“Beautiful.” Will said without thinking.

“Am I old?” Wei Yin blinked at Will.

“Seventeen years old is when a girl is most youthful.” Will felt a little weird in his heart.

“Yeah, I’m only seventeen.” Wei Yin lowered his head. “But the family can’t wait to marry me out. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last.”

At the age of seventeen, for Will in the previous life, he was still a ignorant youth in high school.

But for most people in this world, at seventeen, they are already the father or mother of several children.

At this point, even Will will succumb.

“Then you quickly find a man to marry, isn’t it good?” Will couldn’t think of a good way.

Fortunately, the Quimper family has a high degree of freedom in marriage.

As long as the person you are looking for is not too bad, you will generally agree.

Like Will’s father and mother, no matter how much the Quimper family hated Baro Leo, in the end with the mother’s insistence, did not agree?

From this point of view, the Quimper family is still very enlightened.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Moonlight quietly enveloped Will and Weiyin.

The two were drinking wine glass after glass until the wine in the hip flask was exhausted.

“I want to leave.” Wei Yin suddenly broke the silence.

“Leave? Where?” Will asked.

“Will, haven’t you ever said that you want to travel the world and travel all over the world? I might have to take a step first.” Wei Yin stood up and looked into the distance through his windows.

“Weyin, things are not that simple.” Will was surprised by Weiyin’s decision, but did not agree with Weiyin’s decision.

This world is very dangerous.

Danger comes not only from beasts and monsters, but also from human hearts.


Will knows nothing more than the greed and darkness of the human heart. ——The novels and TVs of the previous life were not read in vain.

Wei Yin, a flowery and noble lady, left the family and went out to “swing”. It was simply a sheep who broke into the wolf pack, and the consequences were unimaginable.

Wei Yin looked at Will disappointedly, “I thought that only you would support me.”

“You are not an adventure, but a nonsense.”

Will didn’t expect that he would fight against others’ dreams in the name of being good for you.

“So, is this enough?” Wei Yin stroked Will.

A dim white light flashed through, Wei Yin pinched Will’s hair, and he smiled confidently.

“Positive knight?” Will underestimated Wei Yin.

Will knew that Weiyin practiced knight breathing, but he was not optimistic.

Just like Orphey loves swordsmanship, but after so many years of learning, he hasn’t even met the benchmark for reserve knights.

In Will’s previous impressions, Wei Yin’s cultivation should be mostly based on “sex”.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yin actually had the potential of a knight.

The 17-year-old prospective knight is also a genius.

“There are still many things you don’t know.” Wei Yin’s five fingers pressed to the table, and a dark handprint appeared on the table.

Will’s pupil shrank sharply.

Will looked directly at Wei Yin, “Not the strength of a knight!”

“You also know? Did Edith tell you before?” Weiyin was more surprised. “This is the power from the blood of the wizard. Edith was awakened by the power of the blood before he was admitted to the League of Allianz. . “

Wei Yin did not hide from Will.

“Sorcerer’s bloodline? Isn’t it the demon hunter?” Will was a little confused.

“Does the demon hunter refer to the group of people who specialize in hunting monsters? What does it have to do with the power of the bloodline? As long as the strength is strong enough, anyone can be the demon hunter?” Not much is known.

But Wei Yin also said something reasonable.

Monsters, the strength is generally among the big knights, but the IQ is much lower than that of humans.

As long as you have the strength of a big knight, think of a good strategy and arrange traps, it is not difficult to hunt one or two single monsters.

There are so many more powerful beasts than humans in nature, but in the end, haven’t they been killed by humans?

However, Rep is clearly not that kind of person.

Rep is a demon hunter with an unknown power called magic.

I don’t know what the power of the bloodline mentioned by Wei Yin has to do with the magic power of Rep’s mouth?

And the wizard?

Will raised the doubts in his mind selectively.

“I don’t understand, I don’t know, don’t ask me.” Weiyin only asked three times and didn’t know.

“So what do you know?” Will said silently.

“I just know that my strength is very strong, much stronger than you, than Corey killed by you!” Wei Yin raised her chest confidently.

Under the moonlight, Wei Yin’s two peaks attracted Will’s attention.

Wei Yin noticed Will’s sight and gave Will a torch.


Will’s body shook and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Will said with a straight face: “Your strength may be enough, but …”

“But what? Mother-in-law!” Wei Yin apparently heard enough of Will, “I don’t want to spend my life on the husband of the husband, I have my own life, my own dream, I I also want to be one piece! “

Will couldn’t help but help, “Do you still want to find the legendary treasure?”

“Will, come with me? Be my partner and go on an adventure together.” Wei Yin extended an olive branch to Will.

“But what I want to do is the king of thieves.” Will somewhat regrets the “chaotic” stories he told Wei Yin.

“You guy speaks very well. When you actually act, you shrink.” Wei Yin seems to have expected Will’s rejection. “Now you don’t leave because there are no descendants. Ya gets married, is the child not growing up yet? Still thinking about hugging grandson? “

“People can’t live for themselves,” Will defaulted.

“Yeah, so I’m leaving.” Wei Yin took off his clothes piece by piece, and the wonderful ketone body was such a “fascinating” person in the moonlight.

“You?” Will stood up in surprise.

“The first time for you, it is better than being taken away by someone.” Wei Yin had already made the worst plan.

Adventure, danger is essential.

Especially the beauty like Wei Yin.

Once in danger, how will be treated, Wei Yin psychology.

“I’m not such a person.” Will wants to hug Weiyin and wants to sleep Weiyin.

But Will couldn’t stop.

Will already has Niya.

Will came to the Quimper family and was married to Niya, not to play with women.

Will has always been dedicated to Niya.

So, although the flame in Will’s heart was already burning, Will would not move a finger.

“What do you think you and Offi do every day, I don’t know?” Wei Yin looked at Will with contempt.

“This, this?” Will hummed.

“Since you don’t come, I can do it.” Wei Yin “licked” his lips and “did out” a dangerous smile.

Wei Yin picked up Will and threw it on the bed, tearing open his clothes.

Will looked at the ceiling silently, counting the stains on it.

“Niya, I’m sorry for you!” Will’s eyes twitched … it couldn’t flow out!

The pure body was defiled by Wei Yin.

Will is desperate and sad, and Will “lu” has a sad expression.

And he worked **** Wei Yin for one night.

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