Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 19 - Maid offi

The glacier crystal dragon carp worth a thousand gold coins is really delicious.

Emma snuggled in the arms of Old Chapman, the grandfather was long, and the grandfather was short, very intimate, completely forgetting what the old Chapman did.

During the talk, the two servants brought a box.

Under the approval of Chapman, Emma opened the box excitedly.

In the box, there are three gorgeous princess dresses.

There is also a small box with a delicate and beautiful crystal necklace in it, which is extremely “fascinating”.

Emma hugged her dress with a necklace, and the smile on her face bloomed like a flower.

“I went to play with Penny.” Emma could not wait to show off her friends.

“Emma, ​​I haven’t thanked Grandpa Chapman,” Will said quickly.

But Emma has already run away.

“This little girl.” Will shook his head helplessly.

“Children, understand.” Father Chapman took the sword from his servant. “I heard that you have become a para knight? This is a gift I gave you.”

Will took the long sword and pulled it out.

With one stroke, a post was instantly broken in two.

“Good sword!” Will heartily exclaimed.

Baron Leo ’s forged steel sword was already excellent.

But in front of this sword, fart is not.

“This is a long sword cast by Varian Steel. A sword, worth a baron’s title, is your second uncle Carlo’s former sword.” Explained Mr. Chapman.

Will couldn’t help dancing a few more sword flowers, and a sandalwood table suddenly shattered into pieces.

“You prodigal, try the sword outside and try to demolish my house?” Chapman smiled and drove Will out of the room.

“I agreed to your marriage, talk to your fiancée, don’t learn Leo’s bastard.” Then, Chapman returned to the room with the help of his servant.

Will pinned his sword to his waist.

Walk to the back garden with the gift.

If there is no accident, she should be there.

In the garden, flowers bloom.

A smaller figure was wearing a straw hat, holding the jug carefully in both hands, and watering the flowers one by one.

A black curly hair spread casually behind him, the blue pupil shone with innocent light.

“Hua Hua Hua, drink more water and grow up soon … Hua Hua Hua, swaying in the wind … Hua Hua Hua, the sun blooms …” The little girl sang the song happily.

Will walked towards the little girl with a smile.

“Niya, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Have you missed me?” Then, Will opened his arms to Niya.


Niya jumped in place, threw away the kettle and ran away.


He fell on the way and rolled a few times among the flowers.

Clothes, hair, and body are covered with flowers.

“Are you all right?” Will carefully lifted Niya and patted the petals and dirt for Niya.

“Don’t, bad guys!” Niya snapped Will’s hand and continued to flee under Will’s injured expression.

Helpless, Will can only take out the doll behind him.

“Come and see, it’s a cute little bear doll.”

Will brought out a one-meter-tall “hair” furry cute doll, which was made by Will, and the only one, Tongshou was not deceived, and there was no good.

Niya’s eyes lit up and quickly ran to Will’s side, snatching the doll.

Then, escaped.



Will “touched” his nose and grieved: “Did I do anything? How did Niya hide from me?”

A bell-like laugh came.

A slender figure stood beside the flower field.

Tall body, slender legs, slender waist, black “color” long hair tied with high ponytail, “lu” out attractive white snow neck.

“Orphey, you know what’s going on?” Will asked quickly.

“Of course.” Orpheid grinned.

“Tell me soon.” Will looked at Orphey pleadingly.

“Yes, but you have to promise me a condition.” Offi Jiao smiled.

Ofi, Niya’s personal maid.

Unlike Willy ’s maid Tracy, Orpheus is also a noble.

Just like someone would send their son to a noble son as a servant knight.

Some little nobles will send their daughters to be the maid of the big noble lady. They can learn etiquette and expand their network with the young lady. If you are lucky, you can fall into a son of a golden turtle.

Orphey is the daughter of a businessman in Yueluo City.

Although he does not have a knighthood, he is also rich in wealth, much richer than the Will family.

For Orphey, Will dare not take it lightly.

“Are you teaching swordsmanship again?”

While Edith was still there, Will regarded Niya as her future aunt and sister, all kinds of flattering.

Ofy, the maid beside Niya, Will will not let it go.

But Offi himself was very proud.

Regardless of Will’s attentiveness, Orphey was unmoved.

Until one day, Will noticed that Orpheus was watching the Cavaliers training.

At the beginning, Will thought that there was a figure in the knight’s respect.

After all, the knight of the Quimper family, everyone’s status is not lower than that of Baron Leo, the daughter of a businessman, Orpheus, who can only admire the existence.


Later, Will felt something was wrong.

Because Will discovered that Orpheus’s hand was also waving, although the movement was very subtle, but Will could still see that it was the swordsmanship the knights were practicing.

Thus, Will taught at the expense of Orpheus Swordsmanship.

Let Offi speak his good words in Niya’s ear, and let Offi tell him what happened around Niya.

“If you are willing to accompany me for a day today, I can tell you a big news.” Orpheus said mysteriously.

“What news?” Will asked.

“You agreed?”

“Hurry up.” Offi’s “sex” is cold, and even Offi thinks it’s big news. It must be unusual.

“Two days ago, someone raised a relative to Lord Chapman,” Orphey said.

“What happened to the relatives?”

The Quimper family is a large family with many young generations.

Regardless of appearance or family background, the Quimper family is one-of-a-kind, and it is normal to have many relatives.

“What if the object of the marriage is Miss Niya?” Orphey carefully observed Will’s reaction.

“Who is it!” Will’s eyes were cold.

Niya is Will’s reverse scale.

If not forced.

Will is absolutely unwilling to marry Niya.

It is not that Will does not like Niya, but does not want to tarnish Niya, anyone, including Will himself.

“It seems to be called Ward Belen, is it a knight on your territory?” Orpheus smiled sarcastically. “A knight doesn’t even have a knighthood, like marrying Miss Niya? Don’t look at herself It’s a catty. “

“Just not agree?” Will breathed a sigh of relief.

Vadin Belem has a 14-year-old son named Fili, who is quite a son of “color”.

Filet’s talent is comparable to that of Nikon, and it’s no problem to be a knight in the future if nothing unexpected.

A year ago, Knight Warding became a relative to Baron Leo. At that time, Baron Leo was too young to reject the marriage of Knight Warding.

Unexpectedly, Warri Knight came to the Quimper family to propose.

The goal is still Niya.

“Master Will, you just promised me to practice a sword with me for a day.” Orphey looked at Will cautiously, worried that Will would regret it.

“I have the opportunity to practice swords with such a beautiful girl. I’m too happy to be too late. How could I regret it?” Will kept his eyes on him.

Without finding the shadow of Niya, Will was very disappointed.

Time flies.

The sky is dark.

Will and Orphey came out of the room.

Ophelia’s cheeks were ruddy, and his clothes were “chaotic.”

Will’s face was pale, and he bent over, seeming to be unsteady.

Will handed three books to Orphee, “This is the fairy tale I collected and collected. Please help me pass it to Niya.”

Offi took the book and looked at Will with a grudged look.

“I took it for the first time, didn’t I say anything?” Orpheus had to wonder if his decision was right.

Offi is a beautiful and proud girl.

From little to big, beside Willy, Will was the only boy who could be seen by him.

From the day Will taught Orpheus to practice his sword, Orphey promised Will.

It’s just that Orphee is a very sensible person, knowing that Will might also like her, but he will never marry her.

Whether it is Edith, Weiyin, or other girls, Will’s women will only be found in the Quimper family.

Orphey will never be wronged and be a mistress of Will.

Orphey’s family will not be willing.

Unexpectedly, Will chose to choose, and finally chose Niya.

The situation is quite different.

Orpheus, as Niya ’s personal maid, marries in the past, and the status is not comparable to that of ordinary lovers. As long as Niya does not lose power, Orphey will not fall.

Orpheus had the idea of ​​tempting Will to confuse Will.

Will teases Will in action.

So they practiced and practiced the sword on the bed.

Fortunately, Will’s sword skill was not bad, and was not defeated by Orpheus.

When the two were about to separate, Will suddenly remembered something.

“Why did Niya run away from me?” Fooling with Orpheid, Will almost forgot the business.

Orphey looked at Will coldly, his heart filled with resentment.

For a long time, Offie sighed.

“You’re an enemy.” Orpheid pulled out a villain’s book from his clothes. “Nuo, Niya, after reading this, alienated you.”

“What a broken book, dare to spoil my relationship with Niya?” Will grabbed the villain’s book angrily.

Wow wow wow.

Opening the villain’s book and looking at the contents, Will froze.

“You, you, you!” Will’s body was shaking. “You dare to show Niya such a book! Which **** came up with the idea, I’m going to kill him!”

Will rose up all over his body, his body shivering with anger.

“I used to treat Niya as a little princess. I don’t want to marry you as a little girl. Isn’t it going to marry you? As a wife, you can’t know nothing at all?” Orpheus said silently.

“This, this, too.” The legendary room secretary? “Understanding is one thing. I can’t show Niya any more of this kind of book in the future, nor can I let Niya get in touch with this knowledge. Do you understand?”

Offie gave Will a white look.

Thinking before, Will was not careful when talking to her?

When I asked her, which time wasn’t it a “sweet” smile? Ready for the gift?

Unexpectedly, after getting her body, she immediately turned away and didn’t recognize anyone.

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