Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 13 - Night hunter

The night is getting stronger.

On Hirano, weeds grow wildly in the east and clutter in the west.

Around, the sound of frogs and insects sounded, and a little bit of fluorescence fluttered in the air, that is the figure of fireflies.

A sudden appearance of a figure broke the harmony of the environment.

The frog insect sonata was heard, and the subtle fluorescence dimmed.

It was a man in a black “color” hooded cloak.

The whole body is hidden in the darkness, and his eyes are scattered, and his hands are slender and pale outside the cloak.

If it is an experienced person will tell you-this is a dead person.

My pupils are loose.

Not breathing.

The body skin loses blood and becomes pale.

This is not a dead person, then what is a dead person.

But this man who was supposed to be a dead man was walking at the moment, his pace was slow but firm.

The head was also shaking around, observing the surrounding scene.

The sound of frogs and insects rang again, and the starlight of fireflies flew in the air again.

The condensed mosquitoes flew over the figure, but no one mosquito flew up to **** blood.

This person is neither a dead person nor a walking dead.


Five days ago, Will learned a technique called breath-holding from a captain of a hunting team in the castle.

Breath-holding can slow down one’s own breathing, reduce the body’s energy consumption, weaken one’s breath, and is very useful when squatting around.

Breath breathing is very simple, but it’s just a trick to adjust your heart rate.

The heartbeat can be adjusted by ordinary people, but it is not so powerful.

And Will’s current cultivation level has reached the level of a big knight, and his control of the body exceeds ordinary people.

So, it took Will only half a day to get started with breath-holding.

Then used 8 soul power to upgrade the breath-holding technique to level 5.

Soul Power: 10

Will’s fifth-level breath-holding technique is more than just slowing down his heartbeat and breathing.

But free to adjust breathing.

Slow, heartbeat for three minutes.

Fast, heartbeat 251 minutes.

Slowing your heartbeat can weaken your breath.

But it is very dangerous, because at the same time it will greatly reduce the body’s reaction ability, defense, sense, greatly weaken its own strength, and may be seriously injured by someone.

Accelerating the heartbeat and accelerating the circulation of blood “liquid” can greatly stimulate the potential of the body in a short time and use the body overload.

But the sequelae are equally powerful.

Accelerating your heart rate will put a great burden on your body.

And in this state, you can’t be injured, especially the blood vessel, or the blood “fluid” will be like a faucet screwed to the end, and blood will spew out like water.

Will dressed in black, started breath-holding, and his heart beat three times per minute.

The slower the heartbeat, the more powerful the decline.

Three beats per minute, Will has experimented many times, can maintain a certain combat effectiveness, and can quickly restore combat effectiveness, a heartbeat rate.

Will glanced around indifferently.

Will walked slowly for more than an hour without encountering anyone.

Recently, due to the four-armed ghost ape, there are far fewer people who dare to walk around the annex of Albert Castle at night.

Will continued to “swing” in the wilderness at night.

The lack of people does not mean that there are no more.

This is not, in the distance, an empty bullock cart.

The wheels “crunchy” out of the town of Lent, passing near the Albert Castle, and driving towards the village in the distance.

Will followed.

Will’s footsteps seem slow, but in fact they are fast.

Can match the trot speed of ordinary adults.

Will followed 100 meters away from the bullock cart. Will did not hide it deliberately, did not look for bunkers. A strange thing happened. The eyes of the man on the bullock cart glanced over the place where Will stood, but did not find Will.

The distance of one hundred meters is not too far.

Because Will’s physical fitness is amazing, and his hearing is far beyond reach, Will can still barely hear the conversation between the two people in the bullock cart.

Will knew from the conversation between the two men that they were from the village of Bemu to the town of Lent.

The journey from Bomu Village to Lunt Town is two hours by bullock cart.

As usual, it was the morning when the fish belly appeared in the east, and the sun began to stab people to the town of Lent. After buying and selling things, they returned home at three or four in the afternoon.

And today there was an accident and one wheel broke.

As a result, it was almost nine o’clock, and the two men drove out of Lunt town in a bullock cart.

This kind of thing happens from time to time, and both of them are familiar with each other. Tonight, “color” is not bad, so it’s nothing.

The two were talking and laughing on the carriage.

Talking and talking about what happened recently at Albert Castle.

“I heard that the baron’s family is engulfed by wraiths and eats human brain every night.”

“Who knows if this aristocratic matter is true?”

“Someone in the town advised us not to walk on this road at night. Should we listen to them?”

“Where do we have money to stay? Those stories are made by businessmen to deceive people. They want to earn our money. Don’t look at those people talking and listening. It seems to be good for you, but it is very bad.”

“But they say things in a different way, not like lying.”

“Then let’s go faster.”


The whip hit the old cow.


The bullock speeded up.

Between the two talking on the bullock cart, a tall black “color” figure had appeared in the bullock attachment.

The bloodthirsty twins stared closely at the two on the bullock cart.

The four arms looked so scary in the dark.


The four-armed ghost ape shouted excitedly, and the figure suddenly accelerated.

Will watched the figure of the four-armed ghost ape.

Boom Boom Boom.


From three hits per minute, return to normal levels.


Take out a strong bow.

This bow, the body of the bow is made of good crossbars, and the bow string comes from the hamstring of the bull.

This powerful bow, an ordinary knight, needs to explode vitality to be full.

Exploding vitality is very exhausting.

The average prospective knight can only explode three or five times of vitality, and his body will collapse.

The knight is more powerful than ten times.

Will’s current physical strength is similar to that of ordinary knights, but Will himself has the cultivation skills of a big knight, and his control of vitality is not comparable to ordinary knights.

Will is able to explode twenty-one vitality.

Of course, this refers to the ordinary situation.

If vitality explodes throughout the body, then much more vitality is consumed, and Will can only use it two or three times.

Will raised his bow to the four-armed ape.

Start to measure the effects of wind speed, gravity, air resistance, etc. on the head.


“Shot” out!


The black “color” arrow turned into a streamer “shot” and hit the left leg of the four-armed ghost ape.

Half of the iron arrow penetrated the calf of the four-armed ape.

The four-armed ghost ape pulled out the iron arrow angrily, and a mass of meat was hooked on the arrow.

If it is an ordinary knight, one leg has been discarded.

However, the four-armed ghost ape is not an ordinary knight. The four-armed ghost ape is a Warcraft, a World of Warcraft whose strength is comparable to that of the Great Knight.

The people on the bullock cart heard the roar and looked blankly around.

No abnormalities were found.

But his neck shrank and accelerated.

The four-armed ghost ape stared at Will closely, howling angrily and excitedly.


The enemies that I have always missed are at hand.


This has happened many times in the past few days, but none of them has been able to shatter the enemy, and each time Will ran away.

The four-armed ghost ape touched the ground with six limbs and ran quickly towards Will.

Will “shoots” the arrow while retreating.

As the four-armed ape approached Will, Will shot three arrows.

The two were evaded by the four-armed ghost ape.

The right shoulder of a four-armed ghost ape “shot”.

The four-armed ghost ape was only ten meters away from Will, and Will dropped the strong bow and pulled out the knight sword.

The four arms of the four-armed ghost ape are constantly hammering towards Will.

The attack has no technical content.

Some are just absolute power.

Each blow of the four-armed ghost ape is equivalent to Will’s full body vitality.

Will fights and retreats.

Even with the unloading technique, Will would have to explode every time he blocked every attack of the four-armed ghost ape.

For the attack of the four-armed ghost ape, Will can hide and hide, but he has to stop it.

Another punch.

The big fist of the four-armed ghost ape casserole was centered on the blade of Will Knight’s sword.

Mars splashes.

There was a shallow blood stain on the fist of the four-armed ghost ape.

Will’s knight sword collapsed.

Will was “forced” by the great power of the four-armed ghost ape and had to step back seven steps.

At each step, a footprint is printed on the mud.

The footprints are getting shallower.

When Will took the seventh step, his footprints were almost gone, indicating that Will had already shed his power.

“It’s a monster!”

Will and the four-armed ape battled for only a few minutes, and Will had used his life seventeen times.

“This kind of guy is incapable of fighting.”

Will began to retreat to the castle.

How can the four-armed ghost ape escape Will?

The four-armed ghost ape is faster than Will, stronger than Will, and stronger than Will.

However, the attack pattern of the four-armed ghost ape has already been completely “touched” by Will.

Will now seems to be playing a four-armed ape while holding a guide.

Because there are too few blues and insufficient “medicine”, the four-armed ghost ape will not be killed.

But running is still very easy.

Every attack by the four-armed ghost ape was seen by Will.

Will’s fake action, every time successfully “fell” and “confuse” the four-armed ghost ape.

Fighting is not just about physical fitness.

It ’s not just swordsmanship.

And psychology.

As long as you can see through the enemy’s psychology, you can see through the enemy’s movements and predict the enemy’s next attack.

The intelligence of the four-armed ghost ape is actually good, comparable to that of a ten-year-old child.

The problem is that the four-armed ghost ape is not trained, and the attack will not have any skills or routines.

Although there are many battles, there is very little experience.

Because in the past, the four-armed ghost apes used brute force to crush each other.

Half an hour later, Will used three more vitality.

Will’s physical strength is almost bottoming out.

If there is a dense forest around, Will can last longer, but unfortunately this is a plain, surrounded by wild grass and sparse trees.

But it is enough.

In half an hour, Will had arrived at the patrol attachment.

The patrol around Albert Castle is getting more and more, and the number of equipment is also getting bigger and older the better.

Coming to the patrol, the four-armed ghost ape can only wailing and retreating into darkness.

The scarlet eyes of the four-armed ghost ape looked at Will coldly.

Will was unwilling to stare back weakly.

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