When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 77

Chapter 76:

The cat in the man’s mouth clearly meant something, so he did find someone stalking him before. It’s just that for unknown reasons, it’s not directly pointed out.

Zhu Fukongliang felt that there was not much reason for it, it was simply what he said, “it’s not overtime time”.

After all, when he was in school, Hagihara Kenji would put off unnecessary tasks without time limit until the last few days.

Since the two partners of Hagihara Kenji are normally the two of them, they will drag them together to meet the deadline.

In the words of Kenji Hagihara, that is, students who have not experienced all night rushing homework on the last day, they are missing the most important part of their youth.

Before he could finish speaking, Hagihara was knocked on the head by Matsuda. Fortunately, they were fast, and they could eventually get stuck on the point or even finish ahead of time. The satisfaction of finishing (perfunctory) long-term work before the deadline is approaching is indeed more pleasant than the regular daily control of how much is accomplished.

【“At this time, the pursuit is that kind of excitement!”】

Little friend Hagihara Kenji’s lively and happy voice sounded in his ears, and Zhu Fukong Ryo met those purple eyes that couldn’t see emotions – maybe, this world is better than the world of sex.

Zhu Fukongliang thought so.

“Huh?” The half-long-haired youth raised his eyebrows. He did not crush the cigarette in his hand, but approached Zhu Fukongliang with the strong smell of smoke on his body. His tone was a little curious: “Your eyes …Did we know each other before?”

“It’s weird, if I ever met you, I’d definitely be impressed.” Hagihara Kenji’s words were not clear, but with the rhythm and intonation he was used to, but had an inexplicable charm and attraction.

“Because of my face?” Zhu Fukongliang asked rhetorically.

It seems that he didn’t expect Zhu Fu Kongliang to say this, Hagihara Kenji raised his eyebrows, and then stepped back a little, not as close as before: “Yes, but not completely.”

However, he did not continue to explain what the incomplete part represented, but just when the cigarette at his fingertips was about to burn to the end, he crushed the cigarette in his hand and said, “Your personality is a little different from what I thought.”

“I originally thought you were impulsive and didn’t think about the consequences once you got on it… eh, kid?”

“Although I don’t want to admit it, compared to your age, I am still a child.” Zhu Fukongliang calculated: “We are more than ten years old.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Hagihara Kenji covered the lower half of his face with his palm, and the gap between his knuckles could not cover his face at all. He looked a little helpless: “I was wrong, you are indeed quite courageous. In various senses All.”

“You care about age? Sorry, I won’t talk about it later.”

“…It sounds like it’s more of a concern?” Hagihara Kenji threw the cigarette **** in the cigarette holder he was carrying, bent down slightly and put his hand on Zhu Fukong Ryo’s shoulder: “It’s dinner time now. , is there any place you want to go?”

Mingming sounds considerate and gentle, but in fact, there is no room for Zhu Fukongliang to refuse. It is fundamentally different from Zhu Fukong Ryo asking where Conan Edogawa is going.

“Ramen? I ate too much cake before, but now I’m a little tired and want something salty.”

Hagihara Kenji: Did you really give a choice?

He wouldn’t refuse at this level, so Ken Hagihara slapped his palm twice: “Okay, then I have a ramen shop that I highly recommend!”

“Is it the level of excitement?” Zhu Fukong Liang asked, imitating the tone of his friends: “Playing is exciting?”

“It’s amazing, I guessed it completely!” Hagihara Kenji didn’t hide his curiosity at all: “You seem to really know me well, if I hadn’t been sure that there were no strange faults in my memory, I would have doubted that I was I didn’t really forget you.”

“Because I know what to do to attract your attention and curiosity.” Zhufu Kong Ryo really followed in the footsteps of Hagihara Kenji and went to the so-called super-recommended ramen shop, he continued: “So I did just that.”

Even if they didn’t find it at the time, Zhu Fu Kongliang would take the initiative to appear in front of them.

Because the maintenance of the plot is not only to protect the protagonist, but also to pull back the original plot line. Since there will be contact sooner or later, why not take the initiative in your own hands?

“Should I say you’re reckless or smart?” Hagihara Kenji’s fingertips didn’t know when another cigarette appeared, but it didn’t light it, it was just being played with in his hands. “You clearly know my identity, right? Are you not afraid that I will kill you?”

“Because I don’t think you can.” Zhu Fukongliang turned his face sideways and asked in confusion, “Would you?”

“Well…” Hagihara Kenji deliberately hesitated for a while, as if it was a difficult question to answer, and then answered uncertainly, “For now, no?”

“After all, my curiosity has not been satisfied, and~” Hagihara Kenji stopped, he laughed, turned around and spread his hands, “I was just joking – I’m not some terrible murderer! Who would casually Put murder on your lips!”

“I’m a pacifist, right?” Excellent fraudsters will never express their true emotions. How much is everything just now true?

His movements and expressions were exaggerated, like a performer on stage. However, these exaggerated and strange expressions in the eyes of ordinary people seem quite normal to him.

“Kang-kang-reach the end!” Hagihara Kenji retracted his hand, took a half step back, revealing the sign of the ramen shop behind him: “This is it! Are you looking forward to it?”

“You can probably guess what will happen next…” Zhu Fukongliang poured cold water mercilessly: “So, not at all.”

“But you’re still here, I’m very happy.” He said so, and opened the door of the ramen shop.

It’s not a dangerous room, and there won’t be any strange transactions here, it’s really just an ordinary ramen shop.

Hagihara Kenji is obviously a regular customer. He greeted the boss, and the boss wearing an apron also responded with a smile: “Isn’t this Xiaoyan? It seems that I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“Because work has been super busy recently! Boss, you don’t know, I have a colleague who clearly has a one-month task deadline given by the boss, and he completed it in a week! It directly increased the boss’s requirements for us!” Hagihara Kenji casually replied Then he complained: “This kind of colleague is really the most annoying!”

“Haha, hard work—it’s still the same today, right.” After speaking, the boss looked at Zhu Fukongliang, who had just closed the door and walked in: “You even brought someone here, welcome—what do the guests want?”

“Just like me!” Hagihara Kenji said with a smile.

The boss confirmed it again: “Are you sure?”

“Of course it’s confirmed.” Hagihara Kenji sat on the seat and said with a face, “This is the child I brought, boss-san~”

“Haha, I see.” After saying that, the boss started to prepare ramen.

Zhu Fukongliang observed it, this store is quite popular, and the surrounding seats are full of customers. Every guest had hot sweat on their faces, and there was a glass of ice water next to the ramen.

Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, “This is my favorite store, but I rarely bring people here.”

“Don’t listen to his nonsense.” The boss prepared quickly, because the soup base was prepared very early, and only the process of cooking the noodles was enough, so when I came back from the ramen, I heard this conversation: “This is Guys bring in almost different people every time.”

“And every time it’s the same set of rhetoric.” The boss also ruthlessly demolished the stage.

Seeing the two people looking at him, under the steaming white smoke of the ramen, Hagihara Kenji was extremely helpless: “Give me a little face, boss.”

“For the children’s sake – two servings of **** ramen, please take it slow!”

The heat of ramen noodles is different from the white smoke of cigarettes.

Zhu Fukongliang did not deliberately observe the state of Hagihara Kenji. He and his friends have known each other for seven years. Even if he does not deliberately observe, he can somewhat judge the mood of the other party.

Although the experience is completely different, Hagihara Kenji is still Hagihara Kenji in the final analysis, Zhu Fukong Ryo can still tell the difference, and the other party’s current state is obviously very relaxed. It is really like a social animal after get off work that can be seen everywhere, complaining about trivial matters in the workplace with a familiar boss.

Zhu Fukongliang put his hands together, closed his eyes and said, “I’m starting.”

After speaking, he opened his chopsticks, and hesitantly used his chopsticks to pick up a few ramen noodles in front of the red-eyed ramen.

The bright red soup wrapped those ramen noodles. Zhu Fukongliang blew it a few times and took a tentative bite. Zhu Fukongliang paused for a moment, and then finished the mouthful with a blank expression.

Hagihara Kenji looked at this scene and looked at the boss suspiciously: “Boss – did you open the back door for him?”

The boss turned his head and gave him a blank look: “I didn’t!”

Hagihara Kenji, who was looking forward to seeing the face change, sighed: “This reaction is not interesting, obviously other people will directly change their faces!”

Bad taste. Zhu Fukongliang thought about it like this, picked up the ice water next to him and took a sip.

In fact, Hagihara Kenji himself is not good at spicy food, but just like drag racing, he seeks that thrill. And sometimes, the spiciness makes the ramen even more delicious.

After eating this portion, Zhu Fukongliang’s face was still dyed red, and no amount of facial paralysis could stop this physiological reaction.

Because of the spicy relationship, Zhufu Kongliang’s voice has changed. He looked at Hagihara Kenji, whose eyebrows were relaxed, and said in a low voice that was no longer clear before: “Have you ever thought about being a good person?”

Hagihara Kenji’s bangs were wet with sweat and stuck to his forehead, and the sweat droplets also slid from the side toward his neck until they were invisible. He turned his face sideways, as if he had heard an outrageous and ridiculous joke: “Are you kidding?”

No matter how plain and stable his daily life is in the daytime, it cannot conceal his own existence in the dark night.

It’s really hard as hell. Zhu Fu Kongliang took a sip of the soup, then stuck out his tongue.

Sure enough, this level is still difficult to accept.

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