When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 24

Chapter 23:

Zhu Fukongliang is afraid of bugs, there is no special reason, it is just plain annoying.

Being played by Matsuda Jinping like this, Zhu Fukongliang was unhappy, and seriously thought about what his good friend was afraid of.

Then think about it carefully, the other party doesn’t seem to have anything to fear that can be embodied. On weekdays, at most, he is upset when he loses face, but most of the time, he is unexpectedly good-tempered.

…Um? Why do you think it’s your fault? Zhu Fukongliang sat cross-legged on the bed in his room, thinking so.

It was the spring of the school season, and Zhu Fukongliang had already changed into lighter pajamas.

Zhu Fukong Ryo recalled that he and Hagihara did bad things, and only Matsuda was scolded, and also thought about Hagihara’s happy mixing in when he was funny.

At this moment, Zhu Fu Kongliang’s mind was flooded with countless reactions of Matsuda’s formation, anger, depression, complaints, and suffocation.

Zhu Fukongliang is confirmed.

“…Matsuda is so pitiful,” he said to himself.

This time, it was regarded as a draw, referring to the fact that the bug was taken away by Matsuda, and Matsuda took the bug and chased him away.

Now that the tie is tied, it means a write-off—that is, “you can continue to play together in the future.”

Zhu Fukongliang nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the calendar on the table, carried the schoolbag hanging on the chair, changed into his school uniform, and walked downstairs in a happy mood.

“Good morning, Mom.” Zhu Fu Kongliang said hello to Zhu Fu’s mother who was standing in the kitchen. After breakfast, it was almost time.

Zhu Fukongliang put on his shoes and opened the door: “I’m going out.”

“Be careful on the road.” Zhu Fu’s mother stood at the door and looked at her child tenderly, watching him slowly integrate into the outside world at a much slower speed than ordinary people.

The cherry trees in the Romance College are in full bloom, the petals of the cherry blossoms are falling, and the beautiful pink color fills the entire campus, which is completely worthy of the school’s “romantic” name.

Zhu Fukongliang carried his schoolbag, slowly opened the sliding door of the classroom, and walked towards his seat.

The students in the class are almost there. The small groups have formed in twos and threes at the beginning of the school year. They gather together to chat casually, but they are not so enthusiastic, and their eyes do not fall on Zhu Fukongliang. side.

The atmosphere is different. Zhu Fukongliang put down his schoolbag and noticed this keenly.

In the first two days, the atmosphere in the class was unusually harmonious. It seemed that there was no embarrassment or strangeness. Anyone could talk to anyone. That kind of situation was very difficult to appear in a completely unfamiliar class.

Like today, everyone seems unfamiliar, and it is normal for freshmen to communicate tentatively.

At this time, Nozaki Umitaro, who was behind him, patted Zhu Fukongliang on the shoulder. When the cat-eye boy turned his head, Nozaki Umetaro opened his mouth and said, “Sorry, I didn’t wake up yesterday, and I said something very rude to you.”

Nozaki’s attitude was different. Zhufu Kongliang looked at Nozaki Umetaro’s eyes, looked at the slightly cold apology in those eyes, and pursed the corners of his mouth.

If yesterday’s Nozaki Umetaro seemed to him to be talking to a good friend he had known for several years, then today’s Nozaki Umetaro is talking to a stranger.

To be precise, this is normal today. Yesterday everyone became familiar with the attitude that is “abnormal”.

At this time, the classmate who just arrived at the table next to him put down his schoolbag and tentatively added the topic: “What are you talking about?”

In a new class, most people will give priority to the classmates around them to have a conversation.

“Ah, I’m apologizing for what I said yesterday.” Nozaki Umetaro was not as indifferent as he appeared, and answered any questions he had.

“Yesterday?” The classmate looked a little unresponsive.

Nozaki Umetaro explained: “It was yesterday… that ‘eldest lady’.”

In fact, Nozaki Umetaro himself is also very inexplicable. Although he is accustomed to taking materials in his life, he is not so good at asking other people’s preferences directly, and is he not a good friend who can talk about these topics?

Unfortunately, the fact is that he said such rude lines, so Nozaki Umetaro decided to attribute it to the wrong frequency of speeches caused by not being sober at the time.

But the classmate gave him a strange look: “What eldest lady?”

Nozaki Umedaro: “…!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “…”

Realizing what, Zhu Fukongliang lowered his eyes and calmly repeated the classmate’s words: “What is the eldest lady?”

Nozaki Umetaro was stunned, his eyes widened slightly: “Is it after I woke up in class yesterday… eh?”

Could it be that what happened later was that he was still dreaming, but he didn’t wake up at all yesterday? Nozaki Umetaro blinked, the question marks on his head almost materialized.

This classmate didn’t understand what Nozaki Umetaro was struggling with. After confirming that Nozaki Umetaro was not so difficult to get along with, he smiled and said, “By the way, you fell asleep during the self-introduction, you must not remember my name at all? ?”

“Yeah.” Nozaki Umedaro nodded without hesitation.

“…No, you can actually hesitate a little bit.” The classmate sighed, then introduced himself with a smile: “My name is Yuuki Hanoi, just call me Hanoi!”

“But Nozaki, it really belongs to you! I think the teacher definitely remembers you now.” Yuki Kawachi patted Nozaki Umetaro on the shoulder: “Sleeping in class for two consecutive days makes people wonder if you are bad!”

“…So, did I sleep yesterday too?” Nozaki Umedaro asked blankly.

“Yeah, you’ve slept all day. Just in the middle, you suddenly stood up like sleepwalking again, which startled us! It was Zhufu who pushed you back! Speaking of which, did you two know each other before? Yuuki Hanoi looked a little puzzled, but didn’t care much. After the teacher opened the door and came in, he immediately returned to his seat.

On the contrary, the more Nozaki Umetaro recalled, the more he felt that his memory of yesterday became a little blurred, as if some blurring filter had been added.

“Is it really a dream?” It was because he was too entangled in the mistress’s setting that he would have such a strange dream.

But this is great, not really rude enough to say that kind of thing directly to the reference prototype, Nozaki Umetaro was also relieved, and then nodded slightly to Zhufu Kongliang who had been staring at him: “Sorry, sorry for disturbing you. , I didn’t sleep awake. And yesterday’s… sleepwalking? Thank you anyway.”

“By the way, classmate, I still don’t know what your name is?” Nozaki Umetaro thought of this question again.

“Zhufu Kongliang.” Zhufu Kongliang nodded at Nozaki Umedaro, then turned around and picked up his schoolbag.

Zhu Fukongliang poked at the Yushou hanging on the schoolbag, and said in a low voice, “Did you do it?”

Yu Shouliang glanced, wondering if Zhu Fukongliang felt wrong, he always felt that the other party seemed to be guilty.

…well, not an illusion. He seemed to really be able to perceive the thoughts of the stone in the imperial guard.

Zhu Fukongliang carefully distinguished the emotion and meaning of the stone.

It wasn’t words or images that came to mind, it was an indescribable feeling. Obviously there was no sound, and the stone didn’t convey anything to him, but Zhu Fu Kongliang just understood what it did.

The reason why this exception happened two days ago. It’s simply because… Mom, Dad, and my brother hoped that he would meet good classmates at the entrance ceremony, and that the previous incident of being locked up in the warehouse would not happen again.

So the little stone fulfills this wish, and it can even modify human emotions and thoughts, and even memory.

So in the hearts of other classmates, they knew that it was their first time to meet each other, but they still had a strong classmate friendship for each other.

I don’t know why, but Nozaki Umedaro stands out.

He probably regarded Zhu Fukongliang as a good friend who had known each other for several years, and ignored the fact that the two should have met for the first time. Sober, he said that kind of speech that was nothing but a brain.

Now, Xiao Shishi realized that he had done something wrong and “corrected” the situation at the time. For Class B of Senior One, it was nothing more than two days of normal classes, of which Nozaki Umetaro also slept for two days.

However, Zhu Fukongliang cared about another thing.

“…Matsuda and Hagihara are friends with me, have you done anything?” Zhu Fukongliang pouted, and his expression became serious at this moment.

Yushu blinked twice and denied it. Because in the process of making friends, Yu Shou was not directly by his side, and across the world, he couldn’t do what he wanted to do for the time being.

… You really thought about it that way? Zhu Fukongliang became vigilant: “Don’t do this.”

The method of modifying memories and emotions is too terrifying, and Zhu Fu Kongliang, who completely believes in his own memory, is very afraid of this method.

Also, he didn’t want his friends to be deceived at all.

Yu Shou flashed again, and in response to Zhu Fukong’s light, it went out completely, changing back to the usual ordinary ornaments.

Zhu Fu Kongliang unhappily poked Yu Shou who was escaping from the problem and fell asleep, ignoring the teacher who was lecturing on the podium with his chin up, looking out the window in a daze.

Nozaki Umetaro, who was sitting in the back seat, was completely different from the frivolous attitude of the previous two days. He took the textbook seriously and turned his eyes to the blackboard and the teacher.

This performance moved the teacher who watched him sleep for two days, and the tone of the lecture became even more exciting!

Even Nozaki is so serious, how can other people not have a correct attitude? !

So on this day, it was obviously the most relaxing time for the beginning of school, but the students in Class B of Senior One were extraordinarily serious, which made all the teachers in the class very satisfied.

Nozaki Umetaro was completely unaware of his role in it, and wondered if he had had an illusion, or why he always felt—as if the teachers of all subjects were staring at him.

So Nozaki Umetaro lowered his head to make sure that he didn’t forget to pull the zipper before exhaling, “That’s great.”

Yuuki Hanoi: “…I suddenly don’t really want to know what you’re thinking.”

Yuuki Kawachi seems to be a very cheerful character, but he is also a little bit unable to hold Nozaki Umedaro’s radio waves, so of course he gave up in-depth communication and went to find a new small group.

Nozaki Umetaro didn’t mind that he was disliked. No one asked him to chat. Instead, he began to seriously think about the image of the heroine.

The cat’s eye heroine I thought of before was indeed too aggressive to be the protagonist of a long novel.

Moreover, when he drew the princess braid, he actually already had a rough image in his mind.

… It’s better to be cute. Nozaki Umetaro drew a simple draft on the notebook. The girl in the school uniform has beautiful and lovely features, and a big bow is pinned to her princess braided hairstyle.

Just call it… Mamiko, Nozaki Umetaro’s mouth twitched slightly. Then, by dividing two by five, Nozaki Umedaro drew his most handsome male figure. Well, let’s call him Suzuki-kun!

After determining the protagonist here, Nozaki Umetaro is still a bit reluctant to bear the image of the cat’s eye before. Speaking of which, his dream yesterday… Zhufu, what answer did he give?

Nozaki Umetaro tapped the notebook with the tip of his pen, leaving light gray pencil marks on it.

The cartoonist is very fond of the momentary inspiration that flashed in his mind. Since he can’t think of the image of the male protagonist…

Nozaki Umetaro’s eyes lit up and wrote a name next to the draft: “Miss Miyamoto Wants to Love”

Setting…Miss Miyamoto has an indifferent appearance, the flower of Kaolin, and is recognized by the whole school as a campus idol. But unexpectedly, Miss Miyamoto, who everyone thought was out of love, really wanted to fall in love… A campus light comedy romance manga unfolded from here!

Zhu Fukongliang suddenly sneezed.

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