When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 18

Chapter 17:

In fact, when asked this question, Hagihara Kenji really thought about who he likes more for a while.

If you want to say who plays better, it must be Xiao Zhenping, the one who has known each other for a longer time, and the family is close – of course, the importance of friends cannot be judged only by this kind of thing.

So, if Xiao Zhenping and Xiao Kongliang fell into the water together, he would save… well, Xiaozhenping can swim, what about Kongliang? Can you swim?

Hagihara Kenji, who discovered this blind spot, asked curiously, “Speaking of which, can you swim, Kosora Ryo?”

This topic jumped too fast, and Zhu Fukong paused for a while before answering: “Yes.”

“That’s great, let’s go to the swimming pool next time!” Hagihara Kenji immediately invited.

Zhu Fukongliang hesitated for a moment, but nodded anyway.

Facing this sudden turn of the topic, seeing the original intention of Hagihara Kenji to change the topic, Matsuda Jinhei snorted: “If this goes on like this, you won’t be able to play Hagi at all, lucky.”

Zhu Fukong brightened his face and said unhappily, “Don’t call me lucky.”

It was a nickname that the family only occasionally called him, and it always felt weird to be called by Matsuda.

“I’m calling raki, the abbreviation of Soraaki. It doesn’t mean lucky luck.” Matsuda Jinping said casually: “So I’m not calling you lucky.”

This is obviously sophistry, right? raki and lucky are the same pronunciation, no one can tell what you mean by shouting, and lucky is the nickname that appeared because of this syllable. Even if it is Xiao Kongliang, it will not…

Zhu Fukongliang was persuaded.

The cat-eye boy took a bite of the cake and said “um”, “It’s okay if it’s not lucky.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

“…No, at this level, you can’t even play Kojiping, Kosora Ryo.” Hagihara Kenji held his forehead, some wanted to complain but didn’t know how to complain.

“Huh?” Zhufu Kongliang didn’t pay attention to what Hagihara Kenji said, and after he didn’t get an answer, he skipped this sentence and said, “However, Matsuda is really lazy. Calling Hagihara is hagi, and calling me is. raki, don’t you think these two syllables are very similar?”

“Yeah—and why is Xiaokong Ryo the first name, and I am the last name!” Hagihara Kenji complained, “This is so unfamiliar!”

“Kenji doesn’t have the convenience of Hagi, so I propose to reject it.” Matsuda Jinhei yawned: “If you don’t think so, then I’ll call Zhufu Moro (Zhu) in the future, okay?”

Zhu Fukongliang frowned: “…It feels so strange.”

“Who made your two surnames have four syllables, it’s too long to read.” Matsuda Jinping pushed the pudding that had just come up in front of him to Zhu Fukongliang: “I don’t want to eat it, I’ll give it to you.”

“…Who said you wanted something sweet earlier?”

“It’s not me anyway.” Matsuda array said calmly.

Zhu Fukongliang wanted to speak, but was stopped by Matsuda Jinping’s look. Looking at the pudding in front of him, Zhu Fukongliang decided to accept the bribe and did not speak.

Hagihara Kenji, who was still thinking of Zhu Fu Kongliang telling the truth, watched this scene and immediately pushed the Melaleuca in front of him to Zhufu Kongliang: “Okay, it’s a draw! Kongliang, tell the truth!”

Zhu Fukongliang bit his fork and looked at the three desserts in front of him, including himself, and said sincerely: “Although I do need desserts, I will get tired of eating too much at one time.”

After rejecting Hagihara Kenji with these words, Zhu Fukong Ryo stabbed a fork on the Melaleuca.

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Hagihara Kenji: “If you get tired of it, you should return the cake to me…”

Zhu Fukong showed a disapproving look: “Since it has been given to me, it should not be taken back, Hagihara is so stingy.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Matsuda Jinping: “…Pfft.”

Hagihara Kenji was tired, he didn’t want to talk anymore, he emptied his brain, why would he discuss this kind of thing with these two idiots.

“But speaking of it, according to your way of eating, Zhufu has quite a lot of pocket money.” Matsuda Jinping looked at Zhufu Kongliang and said.

Zhu Fukongliang: “Well.”

He has a lot of pocket money. After all, he doesn’t go to school and doesn’t go out. The pocket money given by his mother is also saved. In addition to the annual nianyu (new year money), he has a lot of savings.

It’s just that the consumption in different worlds is different. His expenses in this world are regarded as the reward he got after the first ten missions.

This is also one of the reasons why he has always felt that this is a game. After all, the way to get money is so gamified. As long as he wants money, if he thinks about the keywords, a suitable amount will appear in his pocket.

And after he runs out, the amount of his balance will be reduced in due course.

It’s really very game, so it’s normal for him to misunderstand.

I didn’t have the opportunity to use the money a few times before, and it turned out to be all used in this world.

Having said that, the system has not given him a task for a long time, such thoughts flashed in Zhu Fukongliang’s mind, and then he naturally ignored it.

“By the way, the thing you asked me about before.” Zhu Fukongliang’s mouth still had a bit of cream on it, and he said in a tone that was no different from usual: “I’m coming to your side to study high school.”

The school alone is too boring. He prefers to play with Hagihara and Matsuda, but he can’t explain it to his mother. So the trouble is just two high schools, it is not very difficult for him.

Anyway, he didn’t have much experience in elementary school and high school, so he could just make it up as a high school.

And hearing Zhu Fukong Ryo’s words, Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping’s eyes lit up: “That’s great!”

“Wow, then we should think about which one to read at that time!”

“One more year, what are you in a hurry?”

“It’s only been one year – our choice is a matter of Xiaokongliang!”

“…No, Zhu Fu obviously doesn’t care what he reads, right?”

“Xiao Zhenping, you still don’t give face as usual, at least we have to show enough welcome and enthusiasm so that Kong Liang can feel the sincere emotion of being at home!”

“…What kind of waiter are you?”

Zhu Fukongliang watched them play tricks, dried the cream on his face with his fingers, then licked the pulp of his fingers, and said, “Are you going to play in the game hall?”


After confirming their plans, Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei were obviously active a lot. Obviously, they were very happy about going to the same high school.

The environment of the game hall is always noisy, eyes and ears are receiving various information, Zhu Fukong Ryo brought noise-cancelling earplugs for himself and stood beside Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping. The two of them were holding a toy pistol that looked rather delicate and aimed at the high-blurred zombies on the screen.

After the game was over, Hagihara Kenji played handsomely with a gun, then ruffled his hair and asked Zhu Fu Kongliang, “Are you still not playing?”

“Well, I promised my brother, I can’t play now.” Zhu Fukongliang replied.

… Even though my elder brother has a middle school illness, he doesn’t allow his younger brother to play with pistols – so he realized that he had brought his younger brother in the wrong direction, so did he decide to correct it like this? Hagihara Kenji thought so.

“The game hall is not the only one.” Matsuda Jinping’s blue eyes were particularly bright under the lights of the game hall: “We haven’t won the match before!”

Hagihara Kenji is gearing up: “Ha—you mean racing? This is my strength!”

Zhu Fukongliang took out the game coins: “Then start.”

The three people chose a racing game device that can be linked together, and after entering their own accounts, the eyes of the three people changed.

Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei needn’t be mentioned much, even Zhufu Kong Ryo, who usually seems to be well-behaved and quiet, also revealed a sharp enough temperament this time with his blue cat eyes.

The three people held the steering wheel, chose the car of their preferred model, and stepped on the accelerator. At the moment when the game started, three cars of different colors sprinted forward from the screen.

After a while, their car surpassed other NPC vehicles, as well as several other linked accounts!

There is no shortcut on this runway, so the three people and three cars are crowding each other. Zhu Fukongliang has memorized the route long before the start, and at a corner, he prepared in advance to block the sprinting opportunity of the other two cars! With a swipe, he drifted in front of them!

Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei became even more excited at this moment. The two of them adjusted the direction and the track tacitly. Although there was no communication, they tacitly surrounded Zhufu Kongliang’s car from left to right! The car collided with a harsh crashing sound, and after Zhu Fukongliang’s car could not get out, the other two cars immediately increased their speed!

Zhu Fukongliang pursed his lips, clasped the steering wheel tightly, and all the other things in his mind disappeared, leaving only the three cars that collided on the screen!

As a result, just when a player wanted to take the opportunity to copy the road, the three people who were still holding each other back immediately crashed into the car that rushed out, and after the car was knocked over—

“Damn! I lost to Hagi again this time!”

“Haha! As I said, you can’t beat me in driving!”

“…” Zhu Fukongliang looked at his third place ranking and puffed up his face unhappily.

Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinpei both saw the depression of their friends, and hugged Zhu Fukong Ryo’s shoulders from left to right: “Okay, it’s not the first time to lose to Hagi anyway.”

“Hahaha, after all, Xiaokongliang used to be a good baby, so there is still too little contact with these—”

Obviously because the game here is too backward, so that he has no way to practice skills in his own world! Zhu Fu Kongliang muttered in a depressing voice.

However, such a game of winning and losing is not unpleasant, and Zhu Fukongliang’s originally pursed lips quietly raised a little.

The lighting in the game hall is dazzling, and even the equipment has not been updated much.

Zhu Fukongliang raised the black sniper rifle connected to the equipment in the game hall, aimed at the enemy appearing in front of the screen, facing the direction the scope was aimed at, one enemy after another was hit between the eyebrows and the heart, and the red color was It stayed on the screen for a few seconds, then suddenly disappeared.

After the end of this round, Zhu Fukongliang held the sniper rifle in his hand and lowered his eyes slightly. The black bangs fell forward from the side of the ear, and the blue cat’s eyes were raised, showing a calm and sharp texture.

Zhu Fukongliang, 16 years old.

“I’m old enough to play with guns.” Kenji Hagihara, a junior high school graduate, joked with a smile. Jinping Matsuda stood by the railing, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zhu Fukongliang put down the sniper rifle connected to the device, and the blue cat’s eyes lifted up, reflecting the words [Gamevictory] on the game screen.


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