When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 105

Chapter 104:


The world of good friends, the dormitory of the police academy.

Zhu Fukongliang was a little curious about what it was like to smoke recently. He had been a good baby (Matsuda Jinping had a question mark about this) for too long. Even if he was curious about many things, he would not try it.

Neither my father nor my brother smokes, and the smell of cigarette smoke is seldom in the house—not without it. Occasionally, when my father comes back, he will carry it on his body, because some colleagues will smoke, or he will get it on the bus home.

Therefore, Zhu Fukongliang was curious when he was a teenager, but because of his family relationship, he never tried it.

Until when he was at home, he smelled smoke on his brother.

Hagihara Kenji: “Well…why does it sound like a rape?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “You mean there is someone outside my brother?”

Hagihara Kenji: “That’s not what I meant!!”

Hagihara Kenji: “Is it possible that it was just accidentally contaminated? After all, your brother is also a policeman, right?”

Zhu Fukongliang was thoughtful. Then the next day, he sat in front of two friends and said, “I saw cigarettes in my brother’s bag.”

The other two: “…”

The two looked at each other, and brought over Zhu Fu Jingguang, who should be resting in the dormitory.

Zhu Fu Jingguang, still wearing a messy hair: “???”

Hagihara Kenji put his fist in front of Zhu Fu Jingguang’s mouth: “Excuse me, Zhu Fu Jingguang, when will you betray us and learn to smoke? The evidence is there, please answer truthfully.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “Ah? What? What are you guys playing??”

Matsuda Jinping pressed his shoulder: “Cooperation.”

Although Zhufu Jingguang was a little puzzled, he sat up straight and replied, “Why did I betray you? Hagihara, didn’t you learn to smoke secretly very early?”

Everyone: “…”

Noticing Zhu Fukong’s gaze as if he had been betrayed, Hagihara Kenji said, “How did you know that?!”

Pushing the question to Hagihara Kenji, Zhufu Jingguang yawned: “It’s rare to have a rest today, since I have nothing to do with me, I’ll go back.”

Matsuda Jinping continued to press him down: “Hagi’s matter can be resolved anytime, Hiro Dana, the focus now is on you.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “…”

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at Zhu Fu Kongliang full of curiosity, fell into a brief silence, and replied: “Um… I don’t have much interest in cigarettes, I have tried it out of curiosity before, but it’s not I love the taste.”

“So I think, maybe it’s out of work needs? For example, blackmail or something.”

Obviously, he was still very impressed by the fact that he would mix black.

Zhu Fukongliang was thoughtful and did not ask further questions.

Seeing that Fu Kongliang’s interest was dissipated, he left this position, and the other three were relieved.

Then Matsuda Jinping suddenly had a doubt: “Speaking of which, if Raki is curious, just let him not smoke? He is not underage either.”

The other two people: “…” It seems so!

Hagihara Kenji thought thoughtfully: “The young age of Kongliang is too strong, and people always feel that they are still children and need to be taken care of.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “In a sense, I treat him as a younger brother.”


But if you don’t try something, that curiosity can’t be completely subsided.

So the next day, Zhu Fukongliang put the cigarette in front of the two of them: “I’m still curious.”

Matsuda array waved his hand flatly: “Then you will smoke.”

Zhu Fukongliang: “But I won’t.”

Matsuda Jinhei: “What’s so difficult about this? Fire it up and take a breath?”

Zhu Fu Kongliang: “Songtian said it very simply, but Songtian himself can’t.”

Matsuda Jinping: “Who said I wouldn’t!”

Matsuda Jinpei, who has always been unable to resist the provocation between friends, directly pulled one out. It seemed that he was very skilled, but in fact he had never tried it.

Hagihara Kenji coaxed on the side: “Actually, I think Xiao Jinping might be very handsome when he is biting a cigarette!”

Some people sang red-faced and white-faced, and Matsuda Jinping also raised the desire to win.

As a result, when he lit the cigarette, Zhu Fukongliang turned his face slightly and said, “I’ll go to the toilet.”

After speaking, Zhu Fukongliang ran away.

Before the others could react, Instructor Onizuka kicked open their door the next second: “What are you doing?!”

Matsuda Jinping was stunned for a moment, and decisively put the lit cigarette in Hagihara Kenji’s hand, and said, “We are testing whether the cigarette will harm the insects, so as to achieve the effect of repelling insects.”

Hagihara Kenji: “???”

The instructor sneered: “What about the bugs?”

Matsuda Jinping was serious: “Just now, I was scared away by you.”

Seeing the expression on the instructor’s face, Matsuda Jin-Ping saw that he couldn’t hide, and decisively pulled the person into the water: “Report the instructor, I will report that there is still a Zhufu in the toilet with my real name!”

Then the instructor angrily opened the door of the toilet, but there was no one inside.

The instructor roared angrily: “You two! Go and clean the playground!”

After the instructor left, Zhu Fukongliang stuck his head out of the door: “I was punished.”

Matsuda Jinping rolled his eyes: “Come over and scan with us.”

Zhu Fukongliang suggested: “Pull up Zero and the others too.”

Matsuda Jinping: “Also.”


Zhu Fukongliang recently became interested in wine again.

A few other people (especially the other people who were inexplicably dragged to sweep the playground together) had their experience last time and said: “That’s easy, how about we go to karaoke, or go to an izakaya with girls? ”

Zhu Fukongliang said: “It’s all beer and sake there. I’m more interested in champagne and whisky. I want to go to the Cowherd shop.”

Everyone: “?!?!”

Jiang Gu Ling almost choked on his own saliva: “What, what store are you talking about?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Cow—”

Matsuda Jinping blocked his mouth: “There is no need to repeat at this time!”

He frowned and said, “Where did you learn it!”

Seeing the overly excited reactions of several friends, Zhu Fukongliang was a little puzzled: “It may be more conspicuous for men to go to the Niulang store, but we can go together as girls.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…As expected!”

Matsuda Jinping: “Why do you think we are so nervous, because you will definitely pull us into the water!”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “Well… Maybe it’s better for someone else to try this wonderful experience?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “But I prefer to be with you.”

Several others: “…”

Matsuda Zhenping snorted coldly: “I’m already familiar with your trick, don’t try to drag me into the water again!”

Zhu Fukongliang lowered his eyes: “It doesn’t matter, although a lot of fun will be lost without Xiaozhenping. Speaking of which, I have a photo of Hagihara being a cowherd here…”

Matsuda Jinping’s eyes lit up: “Okay! Let’s exchange!”

Hagihara Kenji: “…Hello?!?!”

Zhu Fu Jingguang raised his hand: “Is there a zero?”

Zhu Fukongliang recalled: “There is only a picture of him as a waiter.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated, and Zhu Fu Kongliang added: “Double ponytails.”

Zhu Fu Jingguang: “Deal!”

Down Valley Zero: “hiro?!”

Then, several people set their eyes on the silent Date Hang.

Date Hang: “Don’t look at me, I refuse, I absolutely cannot agree!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “I have the latest picture of the twins, they look a lot like Natalie.”

Date Air: “…”

Date Air: “…”

Date Air refused with difficulty: “I need to be fresh about the unknown future!”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Then I will send Natalie your photos of women’s clothes.”

Date Hang: “…This is already a threat, right?! It was a lure just now!!”

Hagihara Kenji hesitated: “Is it my illusion? You seem to have a lot of bad thoughts recently, Sora.”

Matsuda Jinping sneered: “When did he not lose his mind?”

Zhufu Jingguang: “I think what Hagihara means… Sora was relatively straightforward in the past, but now he will choose another way to get people to agree.”

Falling Valley Zero: “…Isn’t he being straight now? He is threatening straight up!”

Zhu Fukongliang blinked: “Because it is said in the book that good friends need to bicker with each other, use conspiracy and tricks against each other, and take a hundred steps to make a step. As long as you step into a trap, don’t try to run.”

The more Hagihara Kenji listened, the more wrong he asked, “What book did you read?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “”The Thirty-six Strategies of Interpersonal Communication, Teach You to Control a Man’s Heart – Book Twelve Part 2″.”

Everyone: “…”

Zhu Fu Jingguang asked with difficulty: “Who gave you this book?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Akira.”

“Who is that?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “My sister, she is not in this world.”

Date Hang: “Ah, I’m sorry… Wait? Is this not in this world literally or what I understand?”

Hagihara Kenji: “That’s why you suddenly became interested in smoking and drinking because…”

Zhu Fu Kongliang was a little unhappy: “She said I was too naive, and I never even went to the Cowherd shop.”

The others said in unison: “Normal mature men don’t necessarily go to the Cowherd shop!!”


In the end, they still went to the Niulang shop.

Then, Hagihara Kenji dominated the Niulang shop, attracting the attention of all the girls and men at the scene, and making the boss want to pay a high price to keep her.

Hagihara Ken Erqiang smiled and said, “I’m a woman.”

Boss: “It doesn’t matter if you are a woman! Your charm has nothing to do with your gender!! Our Niulang shop is short of talents like you!”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Hagihara Kenji: “Don’t think I didn’t see you guys laughing and taking pictures! Come and help!!”


Later, Zhu Fukongliang did learn to smoke and drink, and then he was caught by the instructor while smoking. Zhu Fukongliang took out the cigarette and said, “This is a lollipop, but I licked it too fast so it was smoking. .”

The instructor looked at the lollipop at the other end of the smoke, shocked, and didn’t know what to do for a while.

And Hagihara Kenji couldn’t help but complained: “Don’t play Silver O’s stalks at this time!!”

Zhu Fukong stuck out his tongue expressionlessly.


Otherworld SMS.

Lucky: [I like lollipops more than the smell of smoke. Maturity and childishness are not expressed because of such trivial things. My self-willingness is also a kind of maturity. 】

Akira: [Hahaha, isn’t that great. 】

Akira: [Have you finished reading the book I lent you? 】

Lucky: [Read it, very useful, thank you :D]

Akira: [You’re welcome: D]

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