When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 84

Chapter 83

Shen Qiao took the vampire and went on the road, aligning with the crocodile. It is reasonable to say that the vampire hero is actually more difficult to take advantage of the crocodile. The W skill in the early stage is basically waiting for death.

Because the crocodile is meaty and has high damage. Although it has a short hand, it has a two-stage rush E skill, and the Q in the red rage state is even more powerful. Basically, a small crispy skin can be hacked to death in a few strokes. .

However, when Shen Qiao arrived on the line, the two opponents on the line were left alone, and he went up to chase the crocodile and beat him up.

A piece in the barrage: [? ? ? ? ? 】

[As expected of you, Father Wolf]

[Only the strong are qualified to make up the knife, do you understand? 】

[This crocodile is too much to affect our wolf father’s army, we must kill it first, it’s not a big problem]

Just when the crocodile was so frightened by Shen Qiao’s approach that he turned around and ran away, he suddenly heard Shen Qiao smiling and saying in the channel: “Thank you for the jungle.”

Fans took a closer look, and the jungler gave a glance in the grass on the road, just to make it easier for Shen Qiao to see when Lu Zhe came to catch.

[Jungler: I’m ready to hold my thigh]

[This true eye is very sincere and very sincere, Lu Gou, do you see how other people’s junglers treat you as a top laner? Learn something]

[Question: I have been in the diamond position for so many years, why have I never met a jungler to give me this treatment? Because I am not wolfy? 】

Shen Qiao couldn’t see the content of the barrage. He focused on pressing the crocodile’s knife, pushing the line of soldiers down to the crocodile’s tower, and then looked at the direction of the map. After two seconds, he was on the public screen when he was already at level 4. Start typing.

Rabbit’s carrot (vampire): “Why haven’t you come yet?”

【! ! ! ! 】

[Ooo provocation! DG Ueno turned against the scene! 】

[Hey, I can hear the taste of flirting]

Teammates also laughed and told him on the channel: “Wolf, you provoke the Marines like this, will we be caught by him later?”

Shen Qiao took the opportunity to beat the crocodile while making up the soldiers, and said in a relaxed tone: “No, he will only come to catch me when he sees me being so arrogant.”

Sure enough, at the moment his voice fell, the crocodile was forced under the tower by him. At that time, the barrel was brushing canyon crabs in the river in the lower half of the wild area. Lu Zhe’s spider head appeared from the mini map and walked directly over the river to block Shen Qiao. On the way back to his own tower.

When the crocodile saw Lu Zhe coming, he immediately followed him to cover Shen Qiao, and Shen Qiao retreated while returning blood. However, the line he used to press the crocodile was too deep, and the road back to the tower was too long. Even if there is Q to return blood, he can E. ——

In the end, he was chopped into blood by the red anger of the crocodile under the tower, and then his head was taken by Lu Zhe in the form of a spider.

The whole live broadcast room is the indifferent and ruthless loud female voice in the game:


Shen Qiao in the camera held back for two seconds, couldn’t help but laughed, and started to change his equipment at the gray screen, as if nothing had happened just now.

[Who just said that I’m not so good at catching, let him? 】

[Being a hammer to get a hammer]

[He is here, now you are satisfied? 】

[Hahahahahaha I’m sorry I don’t want to laugh, but I can’t hold it back]

The teammates didn’t dare to speak much in the channel. After all, it was Shen Qiao who gave the blood. They wanted to comfort him, but the man was laughing again, so there was silence in his voice.

Only Lu Zhe’s answer on the public channel was particularly eye-catching.

Rabbit (spider) who loves to eat carrots: “Brother, did I come in time just now?”

Shen Qiao looked at the sentence on the public screen and imagined Lu Zhe’s tone of speaking in his ear with a smile. For a while, he couldn’t help laughing more happily in front of the camera, and the smile in his eyes couldn’t stop. .

Those who don’t know thought he was the one who took the blood just now.

He replied “okay” and went out of the city again and returned to the line. This time he honestly only took pawns under the tower. The tower pawn’s mending technique was very standard, and none of the minions were missed.

He also sent a signal to his teammates, and at the same time said in the channel: “The crocodile is not on the road, you guys be careful.”

“Good wolf pup!”

“You too, be careful, little wolf! The Marine Corps has disappeared on the map for a long time!”

Shen Qiao said, “Hey,” he filled up the wave of soldiers under the tower. After thinking about it, he decided to find a crocodile near the river. Lu Zhe’s true eyes of his own barrel jungler helping him put him on the road before have been eliminated by Lu Zhe. Now, there are a lot of shadows in the upper semi-wild area, and he can only insert his eyes in the past.

But just after walking a few steps in the direction of the river, Shen Qiao found that the crocodile was walking back and forth in the grass, and saw that he did not come up, but instead ran farther.

It stands to reason that the crocodile assisted him just now. At this moment, how should he try to line up with him, but turned around and ran…

There is fraud.

Shen Qiao didn’t chase forward, but wanted to return to the top road and continue to eat soldiers along the small intersection next to Longkeng. However, just as he walked into the small road, he saw spiders jumping towards him.

The crocodile who had pretended to escape also repacked it from the rear.

It’s another treat like a sandwich biscuit.

He was barely able to fight back when he was wrapped up, and this time the head was taken by the crocodile.

Shen Qiao: “…Tsk.”

[You also have today hahahahahahahahahaha]

[Back then, when he drew five on the field, I felt that something was wrong. Today I am finally comfortable with this one. This is the crispy vampire I know 2333333]

[The poor wolf cub will be a brother forever]

[What’s going on on the road? Don’t give it away, can you hahahahahahaha]

[Teammate: Don’t send the ball to Father Wolf, you will lose if you send it again]

[Little wolf cub, do you have many question marks in your heart? 】

At this time, Lu Zhe continued typing with him on the public screen quite comfortably: “Brother Scream, I won’t catch you.”

The teammates shouted to him in the voice channel with outrage: “Don’t be fooled, wolf pup! The Marines are very good!”

“Yes! The game can be lost! But we have to fight the momentum!”

At this time, the nurse’s assistant said weakly: “I don’t want the wolf cub to be called the Marine Corps brother, because I am afraid that the Marine Corps will not arrest him, so shall I catch us instead?”

Teammates: “…Hey, what the truth is.”

The barrel jungler tried to inspire people: “Father Wolf! Don’t be afraid, I’m here to help you… Help you take another look!”

【? ? ? ? 】

[You came on the road to help him grab a wave of wine barrels! 】

[Keg: I don’t dare to line up with the Marines anyway, I can only quietly help you look like this, humble jpg]

[You go, you go, anyway, I can’t go to the barrel]

Shen Qiao was amused by their voice content, and shook his head helplessly in front of the camera, then returned to the line and put a real eye on the river. At the same time, the wine barrel also reached the upper half of the wild area. Another real eye was also placed next to his real eye.

Two real eyes.

It is enough to see the respect for Lu Zhe.

A piece of hahaha in the barrage.

Shen Qiao once again led the line to press down on the crocodile’s tower. The crocodile faced a 0-2 vampire, without the aura of a big bully on the road. He was cringed and pressed under the tower by him, looking at him in humiliation. After eating the pawns, I saw the needles in the tower.

Looking at the spider’s absence from the wine barrel, when Shen Qiao pressed the crocodile under the tower to make blood, he swaggered over and helped take the head of the crocodile. Shen Qiao was beaten into blood by the tower. Fortunately, he was safe. Take the head and escape.

But instead of running to the wild, he glanced at the map. Although he didn’t see the spider, he still walked into the grass between the enemy’s first and second towers, and then pressed back to the city.

The barrage has laughed crazy.

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah the wolf pups have been caught and dare not enter the wild area? 】

[Who can think of it? Today I knocked this pair of cp’s love and killing and also knocked with relish]

[I see, today is the day when our DG Ueno broke up]

[We broke up a pair of water friends in these two days, it’s a pair! The auxiliary was removed yesterday, and Ueno today! happy! 】

Sure enough, just before the end of Shen Qiao’s return to the city, Lu Zhe’s spider came from the wild and placed a venomous spider against the grass. It was planted just one second before the spider exploded, and Shen Qiao returned. In the spring.

He bought the equipment and walked halfway, clicked the mouse on the minimap, and saw the teammates in the lower half of the wild area fighting the dragon, he said in the headset:

“Lu Zhe is gone, be careful when you fight the dragon, he must **** this fire dragon.”

As a result, he was only halfway through, and he heard the keg yelling: “He’s here, he’s here! He’s really here to grab the dragon! I’m punishing!”

After the wine barrel was finished, the fire dragon was beaten to blood by his punishment. The policewoman on the road wanted to help Ping A, and the nanny quickly made up a Q, just when the skill was about to hit the fire dragon.

Lu Zhe quickly used punishment.

A prompt pops up in the middle of the screen:

(Spider) Hong Fang grabbed the Purgatory Yalong

Shen Qiao saw this line of hints and pressed his tongue against his upper jaw. He smiled helplessly, and calmed his teammates: “It’s okay.”

On the road, he continued to slowly replenish soldiers, press crocodile knives, eat tappies, replenish soldiers and tap towers sounded in the earphones, and the listeners were extremely happy.

The tower on the road was pushed by him with only the last blood left.

The crocodile originally hid under the tower to replenish the soldiers. When the red rage came out, he watched Shen Qiao walk backward, and then chased up. As a result, the distance was too far to catch up. At this moment, the spider appeared from the side of the river. The hanging wire appeared in front of Shen Qiao in an instant, trying to control Shen Qiao’s vampire, but Shen Qiao chased him up to Q and took a mouthful of his blood.

He also ate a few flat A’s.

The spider hid in the grass next to him. The crocodile had already caught up at this time. Red anger came up to stun him. As a result, just one second before he fainted, Chen Qiao pressed W to enter the blood pool and dodge the crocodile’s. control.

At the moment he came out of the blood pool, the spider in the grass lost control of the spider web towards him, and Shen Qiao blocked himself by the position of the crocodile, and was not controlled by the spider.

The crocodile’s red anger was gone, he immediately turned around and ran, just at this moment—

Kassadin in the middle of Shen Qiao’s side teleported up, chasing the crocodile and beating him.

Shen Qiao gave up the crocodile altogether, facing the spider is a set of skills, and even handed him an R alone, the spider was sucked into residual blood by him, and the hanging wire disappeared on the map at the critical moment, and Shen Qiao stood still without moving. , Suddenly, at the moment the spider reappeared around, he made a Q in that direction.

The spider turned into a corpse on the map.

Shen Qiao’s eyebrows were crooked, and he smiled and typed on the public screen and asked: “Why is this elder brother killed by his younger brother?”

Lu Zhe saw his words and smiled. After resurrecting, he moved back to the direction of the road. When Shen Qiao took down the tower and chased the crocodile with the barrel to the wild area, it was the moment when they played the big toad in the wild area. , The spider appeared from the side again.

Shen Qiao just handed in a set of skills, and now there is no flash, and the big move is not good. He immediately said in his voice: “Go and go, withdraw and withdraw.”

[What did I hear? go? withdraw? Father Wolf, isn’t this you? 】

[You can kill! He did not flash! Up, up, up! Wolf cub, you didn’t say that when you were playing funny.jpg]

[The little wolf now sees the spider as if he saw a ghost, right? 2333]

The teammates also heard his retreat, but unfortunately, the spider threw a spider web and fixed the barrel, and cooperated with the crocodile to immediately take down the head, only Shen Qiao, who had reacted early, returned safely to his tower.

As soon as the crocodile saw that he was about to leave, he immediately chased him up.

At this time, the policewoman in Shen Qiao’s bot lane had also silently pushed down the bottom tower on Lu Zhe’s side with the nurse on the line.

Shen Qiao praised that the road was beautiful. He didn’t hide when he saw the crocodile chasing him. He just used his position and Q to consume the crocodile into residual blood. As soon as the crocodile retreated, he clicked the tower and the crocodile moved forward. One step, he will point someone.

The moment when a tower burst on the road, the crocodile still couldn’t hold back the grievance. He ran after him and wanted to hit him. Shen Qiao laughed at the head. Just as he was about to push forward, the vampire suddenly hid from the side on the way forward. Hiding, at the same time, the cobweb with the confinement effect that fell from the grass in the wild area once again fell through.

Shen Qiao didn’t let the spider run this time, and after catching up, he prepared to kill solo——

A red teleporting light appeared beside him.

It was the ball girl in the middle of Lu Zhe’s team who was going to cooperate with Lu Zhe to kill him.

Unfortunately, the spider had no control skills, and lost a little spider. The next moment he ran away from the wire, he was predicted to be in position again. The moment he was next to the little spider exploded, so after the technique was repeated to kill the spider, His blood volume is also somewhat unhealthy.

Just when the ball girl was preparing to take him away, Shen Qiao’s vampire got into the blood pool, and when he came out of the blood pool, everyone thought he was going to run, but he turned around and played a game with the ball girl.

During this period, Shen Qiao used the already advanced line of troops, plus his prediction and position, to dodge the skills of the ball girl as much as possible, and several consecutive Q to the ball girl, the last paragraph of the red angry Q …

Three kills popped up on the screen.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【WTF? 】

[I was so scared that I quickly recalled that this vampire was 0-3, right? It was 0-3, right? The damage is so ridiculous! 】

[It’s starting again, this man is starting to show again]

[I take back what I just said, it should be now, this spider sees this vampire should be directly equivalent to hell]

[For the Marines, I asked you if you are comfortable with one hand when you die on your own? 】

[Single kill, this spider was single killed, my mother, I didn’t understand]

Shen Qiao killed Lu Zhe again and laughed in front of the camera, but this time he didn’t continue to show Lu Zhe on the public screen, but went to the middle to push a tower. The ball girl saw that he was a little afraid to go, and the result was because This shrinking made Shen Qiao dignifiedly in front of her, using the line of soldiers to click off the tower.

Seeing that they were going to the second tower, Lu Zhe immediately asked his teammates to gather at the second tower in the middle. During the team battle, Shen Qiao’s big move was already done. Except for Lu Zhe, who was avoiding the other four. Because he was too concentrated, he sucked one-third of his blood volume in one mouthful. The policewoman stepped forward, trying to catch his big output——

The crocodile on the opposite side immediately rushed in three stages and cut off the policewoman.

Han Bing hardly resisted his injury and released her skills to slow down Shen Qiao. The ball girl hid behind the ice and threw a few goals at him. Shen Qiao’s set had already been played, and the nurse in the team was not in time. Zooming in, he had no choice but to turn into a corpse because he didn’t show the stopwatch and the golden body.

Immediately after his death, Lu Zhe jumped out and shot the nanny directly to death.

Keg and Kassadin turned around in fright and slid away.

Shen Qiao let out a breath. When returning to change equipment, he heard the nurse teammate say apologetically on the channel: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Xiaolang, I didn’t press the R just now…”

He said calmly: “It’s okay. In the wave of mine just now, I died too early. Don’t panic. We are now leading the economy.”

Hearing him holding the pot, the teammates felt even more guilty, and the female policeman also said: “I didn’t put my big brother in place just now, and I moved too far forward, so I died early, my pot is my pot.”

Shen Qiao smiled and said, “It’s okay, really, you all played well.”

At this moment, the wine barrel asked weakly: “Daddy Wolf, the red buff in our wild area has been refreshed. Would you like to eat it?”

【! ! ! 】

[Lu Gou, look at you, you have put all your orders in other people’s bowls]

[Wolf cub, look at me! Not only do I belong to the red buff and blue buff stone manned area, I can even commit suicide and give you the head money, but you look at me! 】

[Wolfy look at me, eat me, eat me]

Shen Qiao politely said “Thank you” to the wine barrel, and then happily ate a red buff, and then went down the road to push the second tower. During the period, the ice battle on the opposite side was long, and if he wanted to kill him, they were all sunk. Joe escaped easily. After tapping the tower twice, he glanced at the map, hit the tower’s damage, and chased him to kill the ice without displacement skills.

Then went back to wait for the soldiers line to slowly place the tower.

The teammates asked him: “Daddy Wolf, do you want to leave the group?”

Shen Qiao looked at it and said, “It’s okay.”


Lu Zhe, who was provoked by him, brought his teammates to join him again. Shen Qiao first avoided most of his skills without aiming by relying on his position in the back row, and then watched Lu Zhe and the others go. When the bit was concentrated, he suddenly rushed into the crowd with a set of big moves!

After handing it in, he paused and pressed the golden body.

This wave of golden bodies deceived the tricks of the ball girl over there. The policewoman took the opportunity to collect the ice and the ball girl in the back row. Lu Zhe was about to cut into the back row, but was dragged by the wine barrel and Kassadin. At the moment when Shen Qiao’s golden body is about to recover-

He said: “Nanny, give me a big one.”

This time, when Shen Qiao was in good condition, the nanny made a big move to restore the health of all the members. Shen Qiao stunned Lulu with a Q. After he had enough red anger, he turned his head and hit Lu Zhe, Crispy Spider’s. The blood volume immediately went down a lot.

Kassadin’s damage was not low, and he cooperated with the barrel to prepare the spider to take it away. Instead, Shen Qiao chased Lulu towards the high ground, and took the head down against the tower.

The teammates called him in their voices: “Forget it, forget it, wolf pup?”

“Daddy, forget it, the tower really hurts…”

Shen Qiao slowly said “It’s okay”, as expected, the voice fell and Lulu’s head got it, and when he was leaning on Lulu’s blood, he was still healthy when he was attacked by the second tower. .

At this moment, just before he killed the spider, Kassadin in the back row had his head replaced by the opponent. Only the wine barrel, the nurse, the policewoman, and Shen Qiao were left in the team.

After touching off the high tower where Lu Zhe’s team descended, he took a look at Lu Zhe where only the crocodile survived. He smiled contentedly in front of the camera, his eyes seemed to be covered with stars, and he said with a high spirit:

“Wave after wave, push the crystal.”

The crocodile watched him come aggressively, knowing that Shen Qiao’s skills had been handed in, and he didn’t dare to come over, so he cautiously harassed them from a distance, and then… watched them remove their two front teeth and hit the crystal directly. .

When ordering the crystal, Shen Qiao slowly typed the last sentence on the public screen——

Rabbit’s radish (vampire): “Brother Scream, I won’t push your crystal.”

Soon, Lu Zhe’s answer appeared on the channel.

Rabbit (spider) who loves to eat carrots: “Brother ”

Shen Qiao’s teammates: “???”

The barrage is also: [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[The Marines were not like that just now]

[No, what about your dignity as Alpha? 】

The teammates asked hesitantly, “Then…Are we still pushing, wolf cub?”

Shen Qiao looked at that elder brother, and said confidently: “Push, I said I don’t push, but I don’t mean you don’t push.”


[Wolf cubs are so fond of grudges hahahahahaha]

[I still love you so much! 】

【hateful! Please stop exuding charm, this man! 】

Just when the happiness of the teammates and the barrage reached the climax at the same time, a line of pleasing characters popped out on the screen:


Shen Qiao thanked his teammates earnestly and wished them a happy life. After the teammates in this round left the team, he turned to look at Lu Zhe in the distance.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

Shen Qiao raised his brows and smiled silently at him——

One round has been played.

Excuse me. Is someone ready?

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