When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 65

Chapter 64

COCO’s play style research continues to use South Korea’s operating play style. In the S7 season, they were the LPL team that had gone the farthest in the world at that time.

As we all know, before DG won the championship, the strongest competition area has always been the LCK competition area. The operation of the Gein LCK competition area is very characteristic—

The team does not necessarily need to have particularly strong players, as long as you continue to snowball your advantages like adding math problems, wait until all your teammates develop, and then start a team battle in the position of the big dragon or the little dragon. , You can use your own economic and equipment advantages, so you can ensure a higher winning rate in team battles.

Since the LCK dominates LOL for so long, teams at home and abroad have studied and imitated this tactic.

COCO is imitating.

And DG is the crack type.

In last year’s World Championship, and this year’s intercontinental match before Lu Zhe was injured, DG’s ability to win against South Korea is due to Lu Zhe’s strong jungler rhythm, and he forced the dough against each line where the opponent did not want to start a team. , Destroying the opposite’s developmental rhythm, preventing the opponent from accumulating sufficient economic advantages, and destroying the opponent’s operation.

But this style of play is actually very dependent on the jungler.

When Lu Zhe first entered DG and had not yet developed his strong Carry ability, someone once said that DG has fathers on the upper, middle and lower roads, fish on the upper road, Qianbao on the middle road, and Laoshou and Erhua on the lower road. With the cooperation of DG, DG can win even if the dog is tied in the wild. This is also the famous “trident tactic” argument.


The fact is that before Lu Zhe showed his edge, DG’s results were only quite satisfactory, and did not have the demeanor behind.

Last week’s opponent WTG, like DG, also belongs to this kind of tactics that disrupt the opponent’s rhythm.

Moreover, WTG’s jungler strength is very strong. In the previous teamfights, they were able to drive the rhythm by the jungler and strongly disrupt the rhythm of DG. However, DG has a poor fit with the new jungler, and the cooperation in the teamfight is only The disjointedness caused it to look very hip, no matter how small or large it was, it was the result of annihilation.

It’s this week.

The point of the contest between the two teams is who is better able to drag each other into their own style.

Whether COCO’s operation is better or whether DG has played a strong punch in the past to kill the master, this is the answer that all fans want to know.

Today’s DG’s first one was first served by Zheng Zhizhuo.

Still let him take the hero barrel that he is best at.


In the critical wave of team battles, his big move did not cooperate with other teammates, so he lost a large wave of economy, plus the number of dragons that fell in the early stage, COCO did not give them a chance, and the five people hugged tightly. After grabbing the middle and lower road several times in the jungle, with the buff of the big dragon and the ancient dragon, he pushed to the high ground in one breath.

“Congratulations to COCO for the next game! Be the first to arrive at the match point!” Under the voice of the on-site commentary, the DG players stood up from their positions indifferently, and the old snail hugged his thermos cup and glanced at a close range. The camera, rubbing his arms, complained to Erhua that the air conditioner was running badly.

Zheng Zhizhuo looked back at Shen Qiao behind him, he was very dissatisfied with his performance.

Shen Qiao noticed his gaze, retracted his gaze from the direction of the backstage, and patted his shoulder: “Come on next time.”

Zheng Zhizhuo nodded vigorously.

Compared with the calmness of the players, the fans in the live broadcast room have a more explosive mentality. There is no lack of fragrant mouth in the colorful barrage:

[Last week, when I was this kid, it was the first time I played and I was nervous. Now I want to apologize to June. I’m sorry, it turns out you are a real dish.]

[Before I went to the DG official blog to leave a message, there are always idiots coming to me, you can do it, I just want to say today, I can’t do it, I can’t do it, but you can’t do it, you **** come down]

[I just ordered a takeaway, and only two bowls of rice were delivered over there. I wanted to make a negative comment, but now I give up because I ate both bowls of rice just because of June’s operation]

[I seem to see a familiar rhythm. Is DG going to be 2-0 again today? 】

[DG retire, stop struggling]

[Am I able to witness history right away? On how the favorites to win the championship fall to the bottom eight of the LPL, as long as you work hard, there is nothing impossible. See you next year in the LSPL (Secondary League)! 】

In the midst of a bad tone, the atmosphere in the team’s backstage lounge remains the same as before.

Shen Qiao sat on the sofa, raised his hand to unscrew the mineral water, and asked Lu Zhe next to him: “What is the coach’s plan for the next one?”

Lu Zhe thought without hesitation: “Old rules, let’s use your strengths, but if the B&P on the COCO side is still in this style, use the previous tactics. You have to resist pressure on the road.”

Shen Qiao nodded: “The problem is not big.”

When he first came to DG, he was not so sharp, and even in the practice match with WTG, he even took out an angel who was suffocated and developed in the early stage and played a role in team battles in the later stage.

He just wants the coach of DG to know that he can adapt to many different team styles, even if he can only resist pressure, after all… he was like this in BLX before.

However, it was later discovered that the teammates were better than others, as well as Lu Zhe’s super-strong jungler support. Basically, as long as he wanted to, he could unscrupulously hit the opposing top laner.

The two talked briefly, and then stopped talking, letting the quiet breath flow slowly.

Even the pheromone seems to be familiar with the other party. As soon as they get closer, they will blend together unconsciously, starting from the edge, and finally let the heavy fragrance mix with the light coolness, and the refreshing fragrance. At the end of the adjustment, there is a hint of thickness.

After Shen Qiao finished drinking the water, he put the mineral water bottle on the table next to him.

Lu Zhe’s gaze kept falling on him, falling from the line of his jaw when he raised his head to the Adam’s apple when he swallowed, and finally raised it again, fixing the corners of his lips stained with water.

Shen Qiao leaned back on the sofa and noticed the enthusiasm in Lu Zhe’s eyes, but he was particularly relaxed, letting the other person look at it.

Because both of them understand what is most important at this time.

It’s a game, it’s a victory.

The remaining…

Both must obey both.

Lu Zhe didn’t make any extra moves, and even raised his hand to take the neck pillow next to him, making him more comfortable leaning on the sofa.

Until the second game is about to start.

Zheng Zhizhuo was replaced and changed to Zhao Yue to play, and the five returned to the front of the stage—

Lu Zhe stared at Shen Qiao’s back, as before, whispered: “Come on.”

Shen Qiao heard it, lowered his head and rolled up the sleeve of his uniform, then looked back at him.

There was a firmness in his eyes.

He believes he will not lose.

“Okay! After a short break, our second game now starts. DG is now the blue team. They banned Pan Sen, Lucian and Ryze first, and COCO banned Titan, Crocodile and Qiyana. .”

“The bans of both sides have taken care of each other’s upper, middle and lower three lanes. Let’s see what they choose later.”

“DG first chose…Spider, um, this was taken out by Moon in the previous game, is it going to repeat the results of last week in today’s game?” One of the commentators saw this and made a bold joke. .

The other commentator did not answer the topic, and just went down: “COCO is also locked here without hesitation, MF and the prince!”

“As we all know, if MF is combined with the prince’s ultimate move, it can be very overbearing, but the prince can’t beat the spider in the wild. How can COCO take advantage of this system? We can look forward to it.”

The voice of the commentary brought the attention of the scene to the big screen. The fans on both sides were extremely nervous. The COCO side hoped to win the game with one go, while the DG fans hoped that their team could chase two.

In the channel of the DG team.

“They took the system of the prince, then we will use Verus and Thresh, and let Ayue go to support you online. In the early stage, you must accumulate advantages as much as possible in the early stage.” Coach Fang stood in the middle, Communicate with your own players calmly.

After that, Zhao Yue and Qian Bao helped the next road to choose a good hero.

The moment after they locked up, COCO decisively took the iron man.

Although the second game has not yet started, only the choices of the first three heroes can tell the tactics to be used on both sides. COCO obviously needs to use the previous one, using MF and the prince and Tetsuo. Sets, develop as much as possible in the early stage, and go straight in the later team battles, so that the big moves between the heroes can cooperate and take DG away at once.

The focus of DG is also on the road.

The spider’s super support ability combined with Velus and Thresh, as long as they can break the COCO tactics in the early stage, they can destroy their purpose of establishing superiority, and even in turn lay the foundation for their victory.

Next, the two sides banned two more heroes one after another. DG did not give COCO a chance to develop further, and put Ryze on the ban position, so as not to save the other hand to harvest after a wave. At the same time, they could not figure out the iron. Which way the man took, so he banned another captain.

COCO banned Sword Demon and Jace-the intention of not wanting DG to develop on the road is very obvious.

DG really didn’t rush to choose the road, and slowly helped Qian Bao take a clockwork.

COCO also locked a day girl as an assistant, waiting to see the formation of DG’s lineup.

“This lineup… is so crisp.” The commentator said: “The DG is still less meaty. Sword Demon, Jace, and Captain are all banned. What are they going to get?”

“Aoun! They locked Aoun! Then DG’s lineup has been determined-Aoun goes on the road, fights the Wild Spider, clockwork in the middle, and goes down with Verus and Thresh.”

“We see that the last choice for COCO is also confirmed! It’s a vampire! Wow, today the two teams seem to be going to fight to the end in the bottom lane. Aoun and Tetsun hurt each other on the top lane, and the clockwork in the mid lane can’t be killed. Vampire, COCO seems to be determined to apply the prince plus MF system to the end.”

“Similarly, the spider on DG can’t help the clockwork to kill the vampire even in the middle of the road. The iron man on the road has Mickey Magic House to protect himself, and the only place where the spider can break through is the bottom road.”

The voice of the commentator was filled with excitement, and he was obviously looking forward to the performance of both sides in this game.

Players on the field are exchanging heroes with each other, adjusting the heroes to the correct position, and flashing along with the short animation entering the game on the screen—

“League of Legends summer regular season, the second game of DGvsCOCO! Start now!”

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