What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 72: Identity

Actually, Chu Ge thought their abilities are quite awesome. For example, the ability to write on someone’s face and have it affect Qiu Wuji is a terrifying thing. Even if it only affects the useless parts, it’s still impressive. It’s just that they may not realize it themselves, or they haven’t encountered opponents strong enough to confirm these abilities.

As for attacking someone through the internet, although it seems like a common joke among everyone, if you think about it carefully, it’s also incredible. Even top hackers can’t simply pinpoint someone’s location by just talking to them online, but this person has achieved it.

Chu Ge couldn’t help but say, “The fat guy’s ability to search for wanted criminals is simply amazing.”

Zhong Yi chuckled and shook his head. “He can hit from the other side, but he can’t explain clearly where the location is. It was worse before, not knowing at all where the other person was. Now he can roughly determine the distance, for example, he can know that you’re most likely in Nanjiang.”

Chu Ge cleared his throat. “Anyway, isn’t it that the more we train, the more we deviate from being a joke and the more practical our abilities become?”

“Of course, but who knows how long it will take to train and how many limitations there are? We’re all lazy people, so it’s fine to reach a certain level…” Zhong Yi replied.

Curious, Chu Ge asked, “So what’s your ability? Can you tell me or is it inconvenient?”

“Generally, it’s kept confidential, but in your case… well, if you really want to know, I guess even if you ask your mom, she’d probably tell you. Keeping it from you wouldn’t make much sense,” Zhong Yi smiled. “I don’t feel pain.”

Chu Ge was momentarily confused and didn’t understand, but after a moment, he realized, “You don’t feel pain!”

“Isn’t it something that sounds useful at first, but upon careful consideration, its usefulness is not as significant as imagined? It might even have side effects, this broken ability of not feeling pain,” Zhong Yi said calmly. “Pain, in a certain sense, is a biological mechanism of protection and alertness. Losing it might not lead to good consequences.”

Chu Ge pondered in silence.

Zhong Yi continued, “I don’t even dare to test if I can die or not. Or perhaps, once I reach a certain level of training, I won’t die?”

Zhong Yi didn’t elaborate on himself and instead said, “If you want to train and don’t have a suitable place, you can come to our place to practice. We not only have some equipment and facilities, but also people to exchange and discuss with.”

Chu Ge’s heart raced. One of his intentions in seeking him out was exactly this. He hesitated and said, “But I don’t want my abilities to be known to others.”

“We won’t talk about it outside.”

Chu Ge still shook his head.

Zhong Yi thought for a moment and smiled, “Well, it’s no big deal. You can just wear a mask. Some people don’t like their true identities being known anyway…”

Chu Ge was puzzled, “Do you have members like that?”

Zhong Yi smiled, “We have two or three. They are friends vouched for by people we trust. But even so, there’s still mistrust among everyone. For example, yesterday’s operation wouldn’t have been possible if they were present. And they don’t mind, they just want a place for communication—actually, many ability users have an inexplicable sense of loneliness and need to communicate with ‘their own kind’.”

Chu Ge sighed, “That’s only natural. It suits me well.”

Ability users are lonely… Chu Ge heard this kind of statement for the first time, but upon closer thought, it was intriguing.

Furthermore, based on the concept of like the Dark Room, there are likely to be other superhuman organizations beyond the reach of the authorities. For example, the guy who can walk through walls must have had an organization behind him; he mentioned having a “circle.” There might even be larger organizations that encompass more than just Nanjiang.

Chu Ge pondered for a moment and asked, “Where is this training place?”

Zhong Yi showed a strange expression, “It’s right here.”

Chu Ge: “?”

“I already said this is a hideout. Is it appropriate to call it just a place to eat?” Zhong Yi lamented, “Your parents are such formidable people, but how did you end up being so clueless…”

Chu Ge remained expressionless.

Are my parents really formidable? I’ve never really felt that… Wait, no, who said I’m clueless?

“At the very least, I know you didn’t just recently come into contact with Gu Ruoyan,” Chu Ge said with a stern face. “From the way you speak, it’s clear you’ve had dealings with the authorities for many years! This organization, the Dark Room, is probably assigned to you.”

Zhong Yi paused for a moment and awkwardly smiled, “Close enough.” So it turns out he’s not that clueless after all…

Chu Ge said, “Since this is the place, does that mean the boss and his wife are also ability users? What are their abilities? Cooking-related?”

“The husband, well, he can make food taste really awful.”

“Having that ability for a restaurant doesn’t make sense. It should be the opposite… Wait a minute!” Chu Ge’s expression twitched, “Is that why there are no other restaurants around here?”

Zhong Yi remained silent.

“You guys are engaging in cutthroat competition! What about the boss’s wife?”

“She can make all food look sparkling and shiny. We have prohibited her from using that ability. What’s the difference between that and having ‘I have superpowers’ written on her face?”

Chu Ge: “…”

Indeed, they are a group of ability users with no useful abilities. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t be able to think of any practical use for them. The boss’s ability to make opponents eat terrible food seems to be its only purpose.

However, maybe next time when he brought Qiu Wuji here, he could let the boss’s wife show off her ability. She might be delighted.

Uhm…how did Qiu Wuji even come to mind? I’m hopeless… Chu Ge shook his head, as if trying to bring his thoughts back on track, “So, is it convenient to show me the training area now?”

“It’s not convenient because I’m not the sole decision-maker, just a facilitator. Adding a masked person can’t be decided by me alone; it requires everyone’s input. Besides, it would be better for you to go back and consider creating an identity, getting a mask, and then coming back.”

Unintentionally, a flash of insight struck Chu Ge’s mind, “You mentioned identity…”

Zhong Yi curiously said, “Of course, you have to introduce yourself in some way, not necessarily your real identity. At the very least, you should come up with a code name, your area of expertise, and so on.”

“It’s not about that… Can you help someone without legal status obtain an identity?”

Zhong Yi glanced at him sideways, “Did you bring back a Vietnamese wife?”

Having a Vietnamese wife would be much better, at least there would be some records and even a troublesome situation could be resolved through official channels. Qiu Wuji, on the other hand, is much more difficult… Chu Ge didn’t even know how to explain it and could only say, “No, it’s just someone without any legal identity. Can you help with getting a household registration?”

Zhong Yi hesitated, appearing to be holding back a barrage of sarcastic remarks. The words were on the tip of his tongue but came out weakly, “Fine, fine, fine. Whether you have a Vietnamese wife or you’re a completely transformed person, give me the information: name, age, ID photo, and the like. I’ll figure out the rest.”

Chu Ge was skeptical, “Do you really have a way? I asked so many people…”

Zhong Yi seemed even more helpless, “I do~”

“You’re amazing, Brother Zhong! You have connections and resources!” Chu Ge jumped up excitedly, “I’ll go back and prepare. Just wait a couple of days, and I’ll send it to you.”

As Chu Ge left with great enthusiasm, Zhong Yi rolled his eyes in exhaustion.

Yes, yes, I have connections and resources. Isn’t it just a matter of passing on the information to your mom? It’s not as difficult as it sounds… By the way, your parents have hidden things quite well, even from you… Zhong Yi shook his head and leisurely enjoyed the cold stir-fried pork. Suddenly, he chuckled, “Interesting.”

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