What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 47: Don't Let Yourself Feel Regret

On the second day after the Lunar New Year at the Xiao Clan, the out-of-town relatives gradually left, and Nalan Yanran bid farewell to Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan, preparing to return to the Yun Lan (Misty Cloud) Sect.

This trip to the Xiao Clan made her deeply aware of her deficiencies in various aspects and also strengthened her determination for the path ahead.

She no longer had time to waste.

Before leaving, Nalan Yanran left a final word for Xiao Yan.

“I will never give up.”

Watching Nalan Yanran’s receding figure, Xiao Yan lightly scratched his face, revealing a trace of helplessness.

At this moment, Xiao Ning and Xiao Li also came out with their luggage, accompanied by Qing Lin. Xiao Yan blinked slightly, looking at them reluctantly.

“Sisters, are you leaving too?”

“Ah~ We can’t stay away from the mercenary group for too long.”

Xiao Ning smiled and answered. Although they only stayed at home for two nights, counting the round trip, they had been away from the mercenary group for a week.

“Don’t be sad~~~” Xiao Li grinned and reached out to ruffle Xiao Yan’s hair. “Little Yanzi, come to the mercenary group when you have the chance. Second sister will treat you to grilled scorpions!”

“Well, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely go.” Xiao Yan nodded solemnly, then lowered his head to look at Qing Lin. “Are you sure you want to go back to the mercenary group, Qing Lin?”

Xiao Ning and Xiao Li had talked to Xiao Yan before, and this time they brought Qing Lin back to let her stay in the Xiao Clan, so that they could feel more at ease. After all, the Tager Desert was not safe, especially for Qing Lin, who was a hybrid of humans and snake people. She was not well-received there.

However, this morning, after Xiao Ning talked to Qing Lin, she categorically refused and insisted on going back to the mercenary group with Xiao Ning and Xiao Li.

Now, facing Xiao Yan’s inquiry, Qing Lin also gave her answer.

“I want to be with Captain Xiao Ning and the others to change the situation between humans and snake people! I don’t want my parents’ tragedy to happen again!”

In Qing Lin’s emerald green eyes, there was a firm resolve.

If humans and snake people could coexist peacefully, then her parents would never have suffered such a tragic fate. Qing Lin deeply understood this.

That’s why she wanted to make a change!

Instead of expecting others to do it, it was better to participate in it herself!

The tragedy of her father and mother must not happen again!

Looking at Qing Lin’s determined gaze, Xiao Yan smiled softly and squatted down, gently stroking Qing Lin’s head.

“Then, do your best.”


Qing Lin nodded vigorously.

At this moment, two voices suddenly came from inside the Xiao Clan.

“Where’s Little Qing Lin? Has she left?!”

“Little Qing Lin!!!”

Everyone turned their heads and saw Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei running out of the Xiao Clan.

Upon seeing Qing Lin standing at the door, Xiao Mei immediately pounced on her, hugging her tightly and rubbing her small face against hers.

“Wuwuwu!!! Will Little Qing Lin stay and accompany Sister Mei? Sister will buy you anything you want!”

Rarely did she have a little sister to take care of, but just when they had only been together for two days, she had to leave. Xiao Mei felt a strong reluctance in her heart.

“Mei’er! Don’t say things that make Qing Lin feel embarrassed!”

Xiao Yu reached out and pulled Xiao Mei away from Qing Lin. Then she ignored Xiao Mei, who was crying, and squatted down slowly, gently locking eyes with Qing Lin.

“Little Qing Lin, take care of yourself when you go back, okay?” Xiao Yu gently stroked Qing Lin’s hair, smiling softly. “Come and play with us at the Xiao Clan next year during the Lunar New Year.”


Qing Lin replied with a smile. Xiao Ning and Xiao Li smiled at each other, then bid farewell to Xiao Zhan with clasped fists.

“Father, we’re setting off.”

“Ah~~~ Be careful on the road.”

Watching his two daughters about to leave, Xiao Zhan couldn’t hide his reluctance in his eyes.

However, even with reluctance, Xiao Zhan didn’t say anything to persuade them to stay.

His children had all grown up, and there was no reason for him to keep protecting them. They had the right to explore their own world!

But there was one thing Xiao Zhan could assure Xiao Ning and Xiao Li.

“If you encounter any difficulties that you can’t solve in the future, come back to the Xiao Clan and find me!” Xiao Zhan looked at them and said earnestly, “I am your father! Don’t hesitate because of your pride. The Xiao Clan will always be your strongest support!”


Xiao Ning and Xiao Li replied in unison, and with Qing Lin, they slowly left amidst the farewells of everyone.

Just then, Xiao Yan turned around to face Xiao Zhan, clasping his fists and speaking in a solemn tone.

“Father, tomorrow, Yan’er is also planning to leave the Xiao Clan and go out to experience the world!”

In these past few days, Xiao Yan had been reflecting on how he should continue on the righteous path and how to go further.

At the same time, Xiao Yan also had a realization in his heart. The righteous path he currently believed in was nothing more than a theoretical discussion and couldn’t withstand too much scrutiny.

Even with the success of the Xiao Clan as an example, Xiao Yan still couldn’t be a hundred percent sure that his righteous path was the correct one.

For this reason, he had to leave the Xiao Clan, depart from the place where he had grown up, and explore the vast world outside. He needed to personally understand things he had never encountered before and experience aspects of life he had never experienced.

And based on that, he would perfect the righteous path he pursued!

Upon hearing Xiao Yan’s words, Xiao Zhan was slightly stunned, while Xiao Xun’er and the others were surprised. Xiao Mei, on the other hand, directly grabbed Xiao Yan’s arm and shook it.

“Cousin Xiao Yan!!!”

Xiao Mei was so anxious that she was almost in tears. Just as her long-awaited sister had left, now her cousin, whom she had always admired, was also leaving?!

Xiao Yan ignored Xiao Mei’s complaints and looked at his father with a determined gaze.

Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yan, who had a solemn expression, and after a long time, he slowly regained his senses, revealing a wry smile.

Indeed, this day had finally come.

Xiao Zhan wasn’t particularly surprised by Xiao Yan’s words. A long time ago, he had noticed that his son was always seeking a path that was completely different from that of most people in this world.

At the same time, Xiao Zhan understood that with his son’s character, he would never stagnate and arrogantly believe that the path he pursued was the correct one.

For this reason, he knew that sooner or later, Xiao Yan would leave the Xiao Clan to seek the answers that satisfied him.

Xiao Xun’er quietly watched Xiao Yan’s determined profile, her lips parted as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she held back.

Although she felt reluctant in her heart, she couldn’t become a burden to Xiao Yan, no matter how unwilling she was.

Since Xiao Yan had spoken to Xiao Zhan with such seriousness, it meant that he had made up his mind and wouldn’t be swayed by anyone.

In that case, all she could do was silently support him.

“I understand,” Xiao Zhan sighed softly and chuckled, “Go ahead, pursue your own path, and don’t let yourself regret it!”

Upon hearing Xiao Zhan’s words, Xiao Yan nodded his head responded with extreme seriousness.

“Father, thank you very much!”

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