War Online

Chapter 412: Race to the Dragon Throne part-7

On an empty island surrounded by magma, there are ninety-six people quietly looking at the man sitting on a giant dinosaur in silence. After seeing his might in person, no one even dared to move a single step from their spots, much less entering the portal that appeared on the island as soon as the Boss died. Everyone was waiting for their next order in complete obedience.

While Wil appeared to be in deep thoughts, he was in fact watching the map and analyzing it.

"Hmm, there are a lot of red dots in the center of the other side while there's none in the second most inner layer. That would mean they are the remaining participants, possibly the royal princes. Did they make a temporary truce or something?" Wil could guess it correctly by taking the strength of the downgraded Satan.

Considering how the boss of the region is a level-500 creature, he thought there's a high possibility that the groups might work together to take him down. However, he also experienced something similar with the world bosses back in the past. They will be introduced in the next update though. So, it's still at least several months away.

The guilds usually work together to take down the world boss because they don't have the manpower to take it down by themselves while fighting with their rivals. However, the situation changes when the boss' HP will be in red, below 10%. It was then the guilds will act against each other for their interests.

Since they are just NPCs, Wil wasn't sure that they might act the same as humans. However, considering how their competitors for the throne and the nature of their relationship, Wil had a hope that there might be a chance. Either way, he will have to act against them sooner or later.

As Wil doesn't want to help out them, he didn't hurry to go to the other side of the hourglass region. He wanted them to receive some damage to the numbers while claiming the Staff. Then, he will obliterate them and steal the weapon. As for the drops from the other Satan, Wil lost his interest in them.

"Follow me." After a whole five minutes of silence, Wil finally opened his mouth and ordered Rexy to enter the portal. Everyone also followed him from behind.

In an instant, they were teleported directly to the empty graveyard that was swept by him, just a few minutes ago.

"Rexy, let's go." The group of 97 (96+ Lucius) started their journey towards the other side.

As Wil had already cleared almost the whole region, he only faced a few beasts on the way and within 90 minutes, he reached the narrow path that connected both of the upper and lower regions and found a group of Orcs that are standing as keepers.

If it is any other day, everyone would be alerted but with the presence of Rexy, all of Lucius' faction was cool and chilled, didn't think much about these level-250 Heroic grade creatures.

"Rexy, sweep them." Wil passed an order in a calm tone.

*Roar* Letting out a roar, the tyrannosaurus stepped forward and attacked all of them with its tail. The Ten Orcs were killed with a single sweep of its tail, leaving behind a few worthless items.

Wil didn't bother to look at the loot and ordered the Dinosaur to walk forward while he was keeping an eye on the map to change his strategy just in case.

Because the other parties had also cleared the creatures in the region, Wil didn't get to face many beasts while he was charging forward towards the central region.

In another two hours, Wil and his party reached the empty graveyard where the undead was supposed to roam. In the meantime, he saw there were still over a hundred and fifty dots.

He stopped before the barrier and stared at it intently, "it's almost been four hours? Why haven't they finished it yet?" He came all the way at a relaxed pace in the hopes of taking out the remaining enemy but Wil didn't expect the other party is still stuck on the island. "Are they perhaps waiting for others like me? No, that can't be possible. The numbers are dwindling albeit at a slow pace. The only big question here is, are they fighting themselves or are they fighting the demon?"

Wil felt the latter is more of a possibility considering there's a portal where one can escape. For so many hours, he was keeping an eye on the map. So, he was sure that no one has escaped the island yet, which tells that the princes are still in the intense battle against Satan.

At first, he wanted to wait, but then, something clicked in his mind and Wil felt like slapping himself for wasting all the time.

He looked back towards his faction members and said, "We didn't meet the rest of the competitors on the way. Everyone could guess that there are princes and their army inside if they weren't dead already. Their numbers are certainly higher than our faction. So, here's the deal. I'm entering the place. If you follow me, I cannot guarantee all of your lives. So, come at your own risk."

Upon hearing Wil's words, the dragon race warriors looked at each other. They were confident that their faction leader is strong enough to take anyone down but what if there were too many enemies and they are attacked? This thought also terrifies them.

While everyone is feeling dilemma, Lucius spoke, "You all accepted me as your next King. Then, here's the promise from me. Those who wished to stay here can stay. There will be no implications at all. But, those who risk their lives for me will not be forgotten. They will be heftily rewarded once I sit on the throne."

Lucius doesn't know any statecraft but at least he knew that people would risk their lives for gold. Moreover, once he becomes the King, they will be his soldiers and their duty is to sacrifice their lives for him. Even with Wil's presence, if they can't risk their lives, how can he put his life on their hands after he becomes the king?

Still, he was a kind person, after all. So, the most he could offer them is gold. Thankfully, the majority had grabbed the chance and the minority was forced to follow in the end.

"Good," Wil was satisfied with how Lucius gave the orders for the first time, although it seemed more like a deal. Until now, Lucius kept silent, following his orders. But, seeing the fifteen-year-old kid doing fine on his own, Wil was no longer worried about the future of the kingdom and ordered the dino to walk into the barrier.

As soon as he stepped inside, what unfolded before him is a scene where a giant demon in fleshy skin was being bombarded by dozens of dragons in their full transformations. On the other hand, a group of humanoid dragons led by the second prince was quietly staying at a corner.

Lucifer Morningstar 

Status: Satan form

Level: 500

Grade: Legendary+

HP: 6%

"Oh, we came at the perfect time." Wil's eyes lit up upon seeing the remaining HP of the boss.

Meanwhile, everyone including the boss also sensed the new enemy entering the place.

"It's him." The two elder dragons, Frost, and Reuben instantly recognized Wil but they were more surprised by the sheer size of Rexy. However, upon sensing that it was at level-400 and there was only one more level-400 in the new group along with other candidates, they were no longer wary of him and focused on the boss, everyone except for Frost.

Unlike them, he was intelligent, cautious, never make a reckless move, and never underestimate an enemy. But, his concentration wasn't on Wil but rather on the teenager standing beside Wil.

"The last time I saw him, the kid was at level-100. He was already at level-315, now? Just how many beasts did they kill to improve such heights?" He wondered for a moment until the platinum dragon suddenly transformed back to his humanoid form and issued a warning, "This one belongs to us. Leave if you value your lives."

Everyone's expression changed as soon as they saw Reuben and other princes who look like they were allied.

"Rexy, Petrifaction." Wil didn't reply to him and directly gave an order to launch an attack. All of a sudden, laser beams formed in the eyes of the dino and hit him at the speed of light, turning him into stone and halting the battle for a second.

"Metal Spear, activate." Wil raised the hand and summoned a spear in his hand and tightly grabbed it.



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