War Online

Chapter 407: Race to the Dragon Throne part-2

Somewhere in the Forest of Gulmir;

A thirty-member faction was massacring a horde of goblins headed by as they charge forward. They couldn't assume the dragon forms due to the location.

But then again, Goblins were only level-200 Elite grade creatures. So, their full strength wasn't even needed to kill them. The only thing that his weakest faction members, a level-236 violet dragon need to worry about is the presence of the goblin's leader, which is a level-250 Heroic grade Orc with high defense.

Meanwhile, a well-built old man was standing in the middle giving orders to everyone or more like scolding his subordinates.

As they finished a batch of goblins, the short-tempered old man started ranting again, "Reed, what are you doing? You are at level-310 dammit. This was the third time already. Why are you taking too long to kill that level-250 green giant? Do you think we are on a f**k**g trip?

And Colt, you are from the noble family of Mallard and you are also over level-250. Stop being a timid fellow. Show some spine."

Both of them immediately apologized before they continued their journey. 

Jothadam Draconus is one of the older brothers of Owen and the son of the previous Dragon King. Because he was weaker and don't have any hope of defeating Owen, never once he thought of the throne and only lived far away until a certain translucent dragon appeared before him and told him about his candidacy.

He immediately picked up his best guards and set out for Mt. Velkazar. It was only after arriving at the destination that he wasn't alone that was participating in this trial.

Now, successfully destroying the batches one by one, Faction Jothadam was proceeding in a random direction.

Once again, they encountered another batch of twenty goblins led by an Orc. "Reed, that beast is yours. But, if you waste too much time once again, then, don't bother fighting and stay back."

"I will not disappoint you, Your Highness." The level-310 warrior decided to unleash his skill to kill his target, this time.

However, before he even charged forward, a powerful roar echoed all around the surroundings followed by the screams.

The goblins Jothadam Faction encountered suddenly dispersed in different directions, running for their lives.

"What's happening?" Jothadam frowned as he stared ahead while his subordinates shivered a bit.

"Milord, this isn't a dragon's roar. I think a powerful beast is going on a rampage." Jothadam's strongest General informed him in a serious tone. Even though he's level-400, even he didn't think of it as light.

The Dragon Race believes the more pressure emitted from a dragon's roar, the more powerful it would be. While the other party isn't a dragon, the pressure created by its roar was very strong even though it wasn't even standing before their eyes.

"Everyone, get ready," Jothadam ordered the soldiers.

Everyone including the General is prepared to face the monster. They could hear the sounds of the destruction of trees far away, the screaming of monsters, and the loud footsteps.

Within a minute, they witnessed a horde of goblins and dozens of Orcs rushing towards them.

"General Uru, erect a barrier." Jothadam didn't waste the time to pass an order as he understood that they weren't coming towards them to attack but are running away. Why should he risk the life of his men over such a thing… So, he decided to focus on defense.

Almost instantly, the strongest of his faction let out a roar and unleashed a barrier, covering all of his allies. Those goblins and Orcs that collided with the sturdy barrier only crashed on the down.

Eventually, the numbers of Goblins became fewer and the General knew what's they were going to face next.

Very soon, their target appeared in the view in the form of a leg. Suddenly, it stopped and everyone raised their heads to look at the large lizard which is a lot bigger than a fully transformed Elder Dragon of level-500.

"A level-400 beast?" Jothadam relaxed a bit upon realizing that this beast is only at the same level as his General despite its giant size. "General Uru, take it down. Everyone, support him."

"Milord, there's someone up there." It was only after the general told him, Jothadam tried to sense his surroundings. There were not just one but three people above its head. One of them is a level-300, one of them is between 100 and 200 while the last one is in between 200 and 300.

Slowly, the Dinosaur lowered its head and Jothadam saw the teenager along with a white-winged man. "Eucliffe clan?" He was a little bit taken aback as the clan of white dragons never steps out of their territory and interferes in the kingdom's business.

Since Wil's wings were a bit different from typical dragon wings, Jothadam misunderstood that he might be a mutant and probably got expelled. But it doesn't matter. What matters is their intention. 

Before anyone opens the mouth, Wil revealed his intentions directly after inspecting the old man, "Jothadam Draconus, I'll give two choices. Surrender and pledge loyalty to Prince Lucius or die. The same goes for your subordinates."

"What an audacity to not only call me by my name directly but also dared to threaten me?" As expected, Jothadam who was born into a royal family was difficult to be convinced by mere words.

Wil also knew that this General was probably his strength for him to speak like this. 

He knew that he has only three options. One is to kill the old man and absorb the group. Two is to kill the general and force the old man to join his faction. If neither works, the third option is to kill everyone to erase the competition.

At the same time, Wil also wanted to see if he absorbs the faction, whether the candidacy of the old man will be disappeared or not.

He then shifted his eyes towards the General, "what do you say? You are at a level where you will be very useful to the public. Join our faction and I'll promise you the position of Dragonlord once our prince attains the throne."

"How dare you?" Jothadam was enraged when Wil tried to poach his own general in front of him, disregarding his presence. "General Uru, kill them."

Upon receiving the order, as the general stepped forward without any hesitation, brandishing his ax, Wil's face turned cold, "very well. You made the choice."

"Rexy, kill him."



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