Chapter 76: The Child of the Garden Part 1

The Montague family is what many streamers strive to be—is the most prestigious and infamous family in the streaming world. If you are a Montague you are automatedly famous and a big deal in V.I.R.A.L. A mixture of born talent and the family scooping in upcoming streamers being a Montague is any streamer's dream. However, it isn't that black and white. Born into the family can be seen as tormenting and unbearable with expected members to become high grossing and popular streamers from the age of fourteen. No one knows that better than the eldest son to the head of the Montague family, Monty Montague. Being the firstborn, a lot was riding on his success after his father's killer career. From as young as he could remember, he was worked into being the best streamer he could be. Day in and day out with no signs of failure being accepted.

He would watch his family members come and go, banished for not being up to the Montague standards. It would terrify him knowing that could happen to him if he ever slipped up. Thrown out of his own home, cast aside like an animal as his name is torn from the family like he never existed. While others used it as a fear tactic to push themselves, Monty did the opposite. He took the family formula and turned it into something else. He wasn't growing as a streamer to impress the family. To get in goods with his father, he wasn't doing it for the money. Monty chose to become a streamer in spite and hatred. He would become the number one streamer to overshadow his father, to show everyone he could do it. To prove that the Montagues are nothing but frauds, and when he gets to the number one spot, he will tear the whole family down. Destroy everything they built out of revenge. Revenge for destroying his life and the many others who were thrown away by his so-called family. Monty would do anything to get to that spot. Absolutely anything.


Monty screamed with the rage of ten men behind him as the fire dragon smashed through serval walls knocking Alton back. The sheer force and might of Monty's new weapon were unlike anything Alton had been put through when they fought at the garage. The scorching heat was only growing with every bit of rage Monty had against Alton. Tearing off his jacket Alton threw it aside sweating uncontrollably with serval scorch marks riddled around his face. The dragon appeared from the mist towering over the streamer as Alton was forced to react using his sweat to counter the fire. It would only delay the attack as the fire blast capped him. Diving to the ground, he rolled back, putting out the fire rethinking his tactics. He couldn't use the same plan he had fought Monty with the first time. This was a whole different ball game.

"What's wrong, Brantley? Usually, you are throwing one-liners and quips to keep me distracted. Have I finally broken you? Admit defeat?"

 Alton stood up flicking ash off his shoulder. "Don't get so cocky Montague; I have nothing to say to you. It's useless; the moment you took that deal with the stage of grief, it was all over. There's no way in saving you now."

"Saving me? Give me a break! You think your such a saint. Going around taking down corrupt streamers and saving people with that bitch of a girl Zinnia. You think your so much better than me, don't you?"

Monty went to attack which Alton countered just as quickly as a large chunk of ice smashed in front of Monty cutting his face. "Don't get ahead of yourself; you think I would want to save you even if there was a chance? Give me a break, crooks like you don't deserve saving."

Monty screamed as the dragon flew around smacking Alton back with its tail as he was knocked down the dragon picked him up, gripping tight slowly burning Alton. The dragon pulled its tail close towards Monty as the two stared each other in the eyes. "If you understood what I was doing, we wouldn't be doing this. You would allow nature to take its course. The Montagues are a plague, and I intend to crush them under my boot." Alton began to chuckle pissing Monty off. "What's so funny."

"If you expect me just to give up and let you kill me because you have a grudge against your family, then you are blinded by that hatred for everyone."

"Your right. That's the problem with your heroes. You just don't know when to give up!" Monty roared making his dragon throw him back through serval more walls. Alton crashed to the ground as the dragon flew up, attempting to crush Alton. "Just accept your death!"

Freezing the ground, he pushed himself backsliding out of the attack. Escaping the attack, he constructed an ice wall buying time to flee. Monty refused to let his prey escape as he jumped on his dragon flying after Alton. Jumping between rubble and small spaces in the walls Alton came outside only to find Monty flying alongside him. Alton gave a deflated look sighing. "That power makes no sense…" Firing off serval icicles each of them melted into the dragon as it flew by sweeping Alton off his feet flinging him into the air. Not giving up he began firing off ice blast trying to stop the unrelenting force, but each attack was melted before it could come close to landing. The dragon flew high up in the air covering the sun as Alton looked up seeing Monty flying back down. The dragon opened its mouth biting down on Alton. Unable to break free, the dragon crashed towards the base before flying up at the last second but not before dropping Alton as he crashed onto the roof. Landing with a crash Alton lay still wholly defeated. Monty stood on top of the dragon watching Alton for any tricks. With no apparent signs of a trap, Monty landed standing over Alton with a smug look.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me your out of gas already?" Serval streaming drones flew around them as Monty's streaming device opened a notification ordering him to stop. This set Monty off even more. "Stop? You're demanding me to stop?! Who the hell do you think you tell me to stop?!" He blew up the streaming drone as more began to surround him. One last notification came in from the CEO. Monty flinched by the command. "Kill him? What the hell? Is this some kind of a joke?! Who the hell are you demanding me to kill him?!"

Monty kicked Alton in the stomach knocking him across the rooftop as he stormed up to Alton staring down at him. "I will kill Alton on my terms not because some CEO scum told me to. I will hold more than enough power even to rival them. Is that what you want?" The dragon flew over Alton, charging up a final attack. Monty stepped back as the fire blast directly hit Alton blowing the area sky high. Monty stared on with a smirk on his face as the smoke settled. This wouldn't last long as a single icicle emerged piercing through the dragon bypassing the heat. Monty fell to his knees, feeling the strike as the dragon was defeated in one hit. In that short moment, the sky turned a dark grey as heavy snow began to fall. "What the hell is this?! This can't be Alton?!"

Bargaining watched from a safe distance grinning from eye to eye at the outcome. He folded his arms, the blizzard blasting against his face. "So, the stories were true then? Every four hundred years, a child of the Garden shall appear and change the fate of the world forever. It's about time you showed your true colours, Alton Brantley."

From the centre of the blizzard, Alton stood incaved in ice. His whole appearance was different, as any warmth was riddled away. His eyes were colourless being an ice-cold yellow—his hair grown out down to his waist flustering in the wind. Flowers began growing on his arms and shoulders all frozen over in a matter of seconds. The snowflakes around him were of flower petals. Alton looked up to the sky eyes closed as the wind picked up. Monty was already freezing up, feeling all the heat from his body drain. Calling on his dragon again, he tried fleeing. Flying past Alton, this triggered him as Alton's eyes shot open as he raised his hand, dozens of frozen flower petals covered his arm as he charged up an attack. A moment went by as Alton was toying with Monty allowing him to think he could escape. Flying fifty feet in the air, Alton cast his attack as a mountain of ice erupted meeting Monty.

Monty looked behind as he widened his eyes, unable to dodge the attack as his dragon was forged into the ice. Monty managed to leap off escaping being frozen solid. Free falling, he began to re-plan his escape as his heart was racing. That was until Alton suddenly appeared behind Monty, kicking him down to the ground with an unnatural amount of power. Crashing through serval trees, the remains of his tattoo formed the dragon's tail as it stopped his fall saving him. However, that single attack left Monty staggered as he struggled to stand up coughing. Alton crashed down, breaking the ground around him, which in turn froze over as well. Monty began crawling back petrified by the lack of anything coming from Alton. It was like he was an empty shell. Monty held his hand out which Alton pushed away the moment he touched his hand it froze over completely. It dropped to the floor as Alton stomped on it shattering his hand to pieces. Monty looked on in horror being too cold even to feel anything. Moving his neck around Alton stared down at Monty with a lifeless look which was met with a sinister smile. "Still think I'm a saint now?"

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