Chapter 73: The Boy Who Wanted to Save Everyone Part 1

The gentle flurry of rain pattered down on the small streets of Rhinefield; a grey cloud lingered over the city as a young Percy scurried outside the rundown apartment complex with an umbrella flicking the rain away. "Come on, Dad, come on!" His Dad took serval strides down the steps staring into the distance, allowing himself to get drenched. Percy held up the umbrella which his father took without many words. They both began walking down the street as he lit a cigarette puffing away on a rainy morning. A large group of people were also walking the same place many dressed in Vanguard merchandise holding large banners and figures of the streamer.

Percy didn't have any of that. Whether it was because he wasn't allowed or simply because his parents couldn't afford it was a mystery to him. He held his father's arm tightly, watching him. "Were Mummy and you fighting again?"

He didn't respond for a short while before sighing. "What your mother and I do is none of your concern."

"Was it about me again?"

"Percy." Percy understood remaining quiet being more than happy to get out of the house and even more so to meet his hero. Today was the day Vanguard would publicly meet his fans, and Percy couldn't be any more excited.

"Can we buy a Vanguard t-shirt at the festival Daddy?"

"I only have enough money for another pack of smokes Percy." He grumbled flicking the cigarette away. He saw the disappointed look in his son's eyes as he shook his head. "We'll see how much it costs, alright?"


It didn't take long for the father and son to make it to the meeting location. It was put up on Vanguard's page two weeks ago on the fan meetup. Percy had saved up all his pocket money to secure a ticket to the meetup never being more excited for something in his life. Making it to the gates, he waved his ticket around with joy as he was let in. The small field the meetup was taking place it was packed with people already crowding around the stage where Vanguard was meant to make his appearance. Although not that close to the stage it was still good enough for Percy to see and even though nothing was happening Percy was beyond excited for the chance to see Vanguard in person.

He began hopping around, losing patience as his father was looking at the small amount of money he had in hand. No matter how he looked at it, he knew it wouldn't be enough for a t-shirt like he promised. "I'm going to go and get you a t-shirt, Percy."

"Really?! Are you sure? Do you have enough without work paying you?"

His father smiled, patting him on the head. "It will be fine. I'll find another job soon. Don't you worry Percy, I'll get you a t-shirt."

Percy nodded, waiting for Vanguard as his father walked off towards the merchandise booth. His excitement was now through the roof having a Vanguard t-shirt of his own; he couldn't wait to show it off at school in front of all his friends. Time went by. A few minutes turned into ten, and that just kept going. More people were showing up as Percy was confused where his father was. Vanguard hadn't shown up either. Curious, he put his umbrella away and began searching for his father. Pushing through the crowds, he began calling out hoping for an answer. The crowd was becoming restless as he was pushed and shoved around as people were demanding Vanguard.

Being knocked around so much, Percy was sent flying to the ground as he as trampled on. He began to cry, calling out for his father as people were unaware of what was happening. That was until he was rescued and taken out of the crowd. Curled up coughing he was put down as a voice spoke to him. "Are you alright kid?" Percy nodded, looking up, seeing Vanguard kneeling down with serval drones following him all taking photos. "You aren't hurt?" Percy looked up in awe, shaking his head. "Well, that's good. You here with your parents?"

"My daddy. He was getting me a t-shirt, but he hasn't come back yet."

Vanguard looked troubled, standing up. The crowd was restless but not for the reason Percy thought. "I'm sorry kid. I can tell, you look just like him."

Percy tilted his head confused only to spot his father lying on the ground. Blood mixing with the downpour. Medics were on the scene as the area was cornered off. He had a Vanguard t-shirt in hand caped in blood with multiple stab wounds. Percy walked up to his dead father as the paramedics sighed. "Man tried stealing a shirt of another kid. His father stabbed him for it. Jesus fuck…"

Percy looked down at his father as the other officers felt horrible for him. Percy kneeled picking up the bloody shirt holding it close. Vanguard stood beside him but felt sick to his stomach at the turn of events. Percy seemed unfazed by the turn of events. He held the t-shirt like a proud child, blood mixing onto him. Percy looked up at Vanguard with a big smile which made Vanguard cringe in horror. He had just lost his father, but he couldn't even see that he was blinded by his idol even to know. It would only be a few days later that Vanguard would discover Percy's father was an abusive acholic fired from his job. He hated his family and made a life for them all living hell so much, so Percy didn't even care that he died. What troubled him most in all was after all of that, Percy's father still went out of his way to try and make him happy.

That memory would never leave Percy no matter how hard he tried. It would stay with him for the rest of his life.


Bombardment of attacks was sent Percy's way as Agartha wasn't letting any blows miss their mark. Clones of Percy would take the blow, but even that wasn't enough as serval shards of ice battered him smacking him to the ground. Percy cried out, rolling across the floor. Knocked down he pulled himself up struggling he wouldn't stay down. Calling on more clones this time of his allies in Team Rhapsody they all stood by him. Agartha smirked, raising her hand as serval cubes appeared. "Look how pathetic you are Vanguardian. Can't do anything without the help of your cursed friends. Always in need of help. In your final moments, no one is coming to save you!" The attacks destroyed each flimsy clone with ease as Percy stood his ground as the powers belonging to Iris battered him to the ground. Even weaker than before Percy took a while but managed to pull himself back up. "You took everything from us! And now we will take everything from you. Why fight it, you cannot defeat us."

Percy raised his head struggling to breathe as his every corner was blocked by Cult members, each one looking like an average person. Some as young as him others younger. Wrapped into the madness by a single streamer and his undying fanbase of brainwashed children. Percy shook his head hand, breathing heavily. "If things were different, I could have been here. I could have been standing in anyone of your spots devoted to that man. I spent nearly my whole life idolising that man like he was the only person that mattered. He was my role model, and no one could shine a candle to him. That man brainwashed me, I wouldn't care about anything other than being on his level. My life was consumed by a man who didn't care—a man who was more than happy to manipulate and destroy lives to get what he wanted. I was so brainwashed by his character that when my father died, all I could feel was happiness for being able to meet him. It ruined my life, and I almost hurt people I cared about for that. I see you all today, and I don't see villains. I don't see bad people. I see victims, victims of that evil man. It took me years to realise that, and you are all still trapped in that place. I'm not here to defeat you. I've got no one to fight." Holding his fist forward, he screamed at the long of lungs blood and sweat pouring off him. "I'm here to save you all!"

Agartha gritted her teeth disgusted by the words as she covered her face. "Finish him off children of Vanguard. Prove your worth to him."

The Cult all roared charging at Percy as each member began throwing punches and kicks, everything in their power to kill Percy he did the opposite. Percy didn't raise a finger on any member as he blocked and dodged each attack as best as he could. No clones. No mighty force. Percy was right to his words. He wanted to save them no matter what. With luck running out, Percy's chances slipped as he was grabbed from behind held up as punches were landed on him each one harder than the last. Bones began to break as Percy was at the tipping point of life and death. That was until Agartha raised her hand, stopping the attack. Percy collapsed the last of his fight in him. But yet through sheer willpower, he stood up looking like death warmed up still showing a heroic smile. "As long as I still breathe, I will not stop. I won't accept anything less than saving you all, saving you from the evil Marcus Culling. My name isn't Vanguardian. I am Truthseeker member of Team Rhapsody, and I will save you…"

Agartha began shaking as she looked down in spite. "Liar. Liar!!!" A set of icicles cut him down as he stayed standing for a short while.

"I will save you. I promise." Another icicle did the trick as Agartha looked on tears in her eyes. Percy was on his knees, exhausted and the fight beaten out of him. Barley unable to move he stumbled forward onto his hands. Blood dripped from his mouth as he had a menacing force tower over him. Agartha spoke in a shaken tone as serval more icicles readied for the kill. "This was how it was always going to end, you of all people know that—the traitor who defied Vanguard. You deserve nothing less. He will stand again in the wake of your death. This is how your truth ends Percy Misharp. Die, die like the so-called hero you claim to be."

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