Chapter 67: Call to War

The top streamers had once again been called to the V.I.R.A.L HQ. With the insight acquired by Alton and Iris, there was a ray of hope over the horizon. But this was also met with a fog of doubt as circumstances had worsened with new knowledge on what they were honestly dealing with.

"The target's name is Gemini Fujisaki; most of you here will know her as P4R4D0X. She, alongside her sister Aoi, was in the starting factor of becoming streamers eight years ago. Thanks to the knowledge given to us by Alton and Iris respectively, we discovered not only the identity of our culprit but also the location of their hideout."

"So, what's the problem? Why are we sitting here when we could be getting the drop on these fuckers?" Monty barked with his feet up on the meeting table.

"It's a call to arms; they want us to storm the fort. Of course, you wouldn't think of that; it just shoots first ask questions never for you isn't it Montague?" Iris snapped, staring him down with hate.

Monty decided not to take on her taunt leaning back with a smirk. "I'm not going to pick fights with stuck up brats who aren't even on my level."

"The Alice digresses. You Monty Montague are nothing more than a mere goon compared to Alice's sister. It would be in your best interest to hold your tongue. Or don't. It might be fun to see what happens, I guess." Alice says with a dull tone as she was far too occupied playing with a stress ball.

"Big words from a freak like yourself."

"That is quite enough." One of the CEOs shouts, making everyone silent. He steps forward showing himself fully. He was a tall man with short ginger hair and two different coloured eyes. One Brown the other white. He firmly placed his arms on the table, staring each one down. "There are now more problems than we first thought as stated P4R4D0X was a known streamer before the death of her sister. Although a tiny streamer, we were well aware of her powers as we are of every streamer. The abilities she is converging isn't the ones listed on her bio."

"Excuse me, Mr CEO. How is that possible? I find it very unlikely she can just gain new powers. That sort of trick hasn't been done." Harmony added.

"While true, it isn't uncommon for people to awaken to their hidden power. One combined from both parents. This is already a known case with our very own friend with Team Rhapsody."

Alton looked around seeing people looking at him. He began tapping his fingers on the table, raising an eyebrow. "But I take it that's not the reason otherwise you wouldn't be bringing it up."

"Correct, Gemini's abilities registered on the system is electrical disturbance. She can manipulate electricity in any known device, both input and output. Although a simple ability to the naked eye, the turnabout caused a lot of changes in V.I.R.A.L back then for no sort of attack on V.I.R.A.L."

"Well that didn't exactly go to plan, did it? Gemini is out there with all her fancy toys playing mummies and daddies." Jinx argued, flipping a knife around. "We've all been compromised."

"That is the least of your worries. The power to judge streamers as worthy or not and cast a fog of war over a nation is devasting. I'm sure many of you in the room have already faced such problems. This fog is different from her powers. In fact, it has been seen before. In Aoi Fujisaki."

"Hold on, take a step back. You mean to tell us that Gemini has somehow possessed the powers of her dead sister? Next, your going to tell us she's a demon and the real Gemini possess her is in another world." Gale muttered. "What?"

The CEO stepped back shaking his head. "That is not the issue here. Get a hold of yourself, Lampard. Sources from our third eyes have confirmed something else. We have evidence to believe the wanted criminal Rodger Bones is behind this turn of events."

"Rodger Bones? The bozo behind the mental overloads? Give me a break. As if we didn't have enough to worry about. If Rhapsody just did their job properly, we wouldn't be in this situation."

"I'd liked to see you do any better," Emil spoke not making eye contact with Monty. "We did our best."

"And that's all I expect from low scum like you all." He laughed off.

"The mental overload cases three months back were a heavy blow to many of us, but our worse fears are coming true. We believe Rodger has perfected his serum allowing the user to gain superhuman powers or an enhanced version of their own. This is what we believe has happened to Gemini, through use of this overload serum she has somehow gained the powers of her dead sister."

"Has she made it clear what she wants?" Harmony asked.

"Isn't that clear enough? All of us dead." Iris replied, looking conflicted. "I don't see how this changes much. We might just have our hands full more than usual."

"It changes because Rodger is involved." Alton sighed. "I'd feared this would happen. He probably hasn't taken the downfall of his idol well. If anything, he will be targeting the rest of Team Rhapsody and me more than ever."

"That we agree on." The CEO said. "Therefore, this raid shall be split into different teams. For their own Safety Team Rhapsody will not be allowed to team up together in turn, we shall split the group up with the other streamers. Our targets for this raid include the leader of the Cult of Vanguard Agartha Pennyworth. She is the ring leader behind the operation calling the shots on the serval attacks on Streamers and V.I.R.A.L alike." Alton gave a look of shock at the picture of the girl. He remembered her vaguely from the press conference he had with Vanguard. She was apart of the diehard fan club who got to interview him. "Our second target is Gemini Fujisaki. Taking her down will lift the fog of doubt over the nation and free our streamers from possible attacks. And lastly is Rodger Bones, bringing him in will bring an end to the reign of Vanguard and stop production of this overload serum anymore. Any objections?"

Jinx raised her hand, stabbing a knife into the table. "While I'm not opposed to the idea of blowing a cult to kingdom come, I also know where the lines are drawn. Don't you think this is all a little much for a few streamers? This sort of operation hasn't been done before."

"Yes, while we cannot guarantee anyone's safety, we are more than certain streamers of your calibre as we have stated before anyone with cold feet should pull out now. To the streamers worthy we will grant you wealth and fame with a joint stream like this going down in history. Anyone who wants out says now."

"I've decided to change my mind."

The CEOs turned seeing Revert storming back in placing his foot on the table leaning forward. "As we suspected. We knew the likes of you couldn't keep away for long Revert."

"Shut it." He barked. "I'm tagging along. But I'll make this loud and clear. P4R4D0X is mine."

"What made you crawl out of the cave you live in then Goro?"

Goro glanced at Monty scoffing at these remarks. "Why should you care?"

"I have my reasons. After all the next number one streamer must how a bit of openness about him."

Scarlett leaned in whispering to Alton. "Is what Monty said true?"

"Rumours have it yeah. A lot of Vanguard's numbers were poached from Revert. He's neck and neck with Alice right now."

"What about you then Monty for what reason are you taking part in this raid. I recall during my meeting to become a Montague you stated to have no interest in the number one spot."

"Revert was almost snatched up by the Montagues?" Alton whispered.

Monty glared at Alton sighing with a deflated smirk. "I yield. I shall not bring it up anymore."

"If that is everything. We shall announce the teams for this raid. The frontal offence going in headfirst shall be a joint operation with Rhapsody's Percy Misharp and Gale Lampard alongside Harmony."

Gale and Percy gave a fist bump as Harmony, and her band gave a small chuckle. "Like we need the help of these two."

"The second line of attack will be taken by Alice and Iris Hawthorne, respectively."

Iris gave a pleasing look. "The two is all we need, right sis?"

"The Alice must admit she too is quite pleased with the results. Overall conclusion for today, The Cult will not stand a chance."

"The third team which will take the rear end of the base shall be Team Rhapsody's Alton Brantley alongside Emil and Monty Montague and Goro Nakamura."

Alton gave a deflated sigh taken back by the results. "Typical. This couldn't be any worse."

Emil nudged Alton. "Fact luck right. I know Monty won't, so let's watch each other's back."

"And that leaves the last team who will ensure no cult members or out targets escape. Team Rhapsody's Zinnia Trost and Scarlett Dawn alongside Jinx Montague."

"So, we are teamed up with her? How interesting. Are you quite alright, Zinnia?" Scarlett questioned.

Zinnia looked quite pleased, cupping her hands together. "I've always wanted to take part in an all-girls team. It will be like a girl's night out."

"I hardly see the resemblance."

Jinx didn't say anything as she pulled the knife from the table walking off. "With the teams together, the full plan shall be given to you later. The raid shall begin in two days, for the time being, you shall all stay in the headquarters to avoid any attacks. You are all dismissed."

Everyone left in quite a hurry as Alton wasn't far behind still pissed about having to work with Monty. With the sudden surge of people flooding the hallway, Zinnia stayed put for a while looking at the files. She couldn't help but feel an excited feeling like she was apart of a vast operation which would save the city. Letting her mind flooded with the potential outcomes of the battle Zinnia was left in a world of her own. That was until the CEO in charge of the meeting stood beside her, looking down on her. "Admiring the fight ahead are we miss Trost?"

Zinnia snapped back to reality giggling. "Oh, sorry, It's just all so exciting."

"Of course, you take after your mother like that, don't you? Always ready for a good fight." He chuckled. "You more like her every day."

"What?" She whispered dazed by the words. "Umm, I don't."

"Kurt, you were looking for a name to use, yes?" He stated before leaning forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "No need to be alarmed. I'll have you know I've been searching a long time for you, Zinnia Trost."

Zinnia was frozen in fear as Kurt stepped back, adjusting his tie. He gave a small smile before walking off, leaving Zinnia to her thoughts. She held her chest, feeling her heart racing. "What the hell was that about…"

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