Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 131: Want to Destroy the Wang Family

“President, shouldn’t we intervene?” Xiao Li whispered in Xiao Qingxue’s ear.

“Why should we?”

Unlike Xiao Li, who was clearly frightened, Xiao Qingxue watched Wang Fei’s torture with a remarkably calm demeanor. Given Chen Luo and Zhao Yingxuan’s harsh methods, she believed that if they dared to act this way, they surely had a plan to handle the aftermath. Xiao Qingxue considered Chen Luo far from impulsive.

Wang Fei had his teeth brutally extracted, leaving none behind. He lay on the ground, wailing miserably, his blood staining the floor. Irritated by Wang Fei’s screams, Chen Luo kicked him unconscious.

“What’s next for this guy?”

“I’m planning to make him disappear.”

Chen Luo looked down at Wang Fei, resembling a dead dog. Having tortured him so severely, Wang Fei must harbor a deep hatred for him. So, why keep him alive to seek revenge?

“What about the Wang family?” Xiao Qingxue couldn’t help but ask upon hearing Chen Luo’s intention to erase Wang Fei from existence. Hiding Wang Fei’s visit here would be difficult, making them the main suspects once he disappeared.

“The Wang family?” Chen Luo sneered. “How long can the Wang family even survive?”

He had already planned to take action against the Wang family, even going so far as to say Wang Fei had triggered the Wang family’s annihilation package.

With a crisp snap, Chen Luo broke Wang Fei’s neck, abruptly ending his life after enduring such brutality.

“Did you kill Wang Fei because of me?” Xiao Qingxue’s heart raced.

She had thought Chen Luo would be more rational, perhaps severely beating Wang Fei but ultimately sparing his life. She hadn’t expected Chen Luo to actually kill him.

“This… is murder.” Xiao Li covered her mouth in fear. Was she going to be killed to silence her?

“What’s there to be afraid of? I’m not going to eat you,” Chen Luo glanced at the terrified Xiao Li. “Keep this to yourself. I won’t harm you, but if you dare to speak out, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

“Mmm-hmm, I definitely won’t say a word to anyone. I didn’t see anything today.” Xiao Li quickly nodded.

Chen Luo allowed Xiao Li to leave, and she exited the CEO’s office as if granted amnesty.

“Do you really trust that girl not to say anything? I think it’s better to get rid of her. Dead people are the only ones who can keep a secret,” Zhao Yingxuan suggested.

Xiao Qingxue hesitated. Xiao Li had been with her for a long time and had been a great help. Truthfully, Xiao Qingxue felt an emotional connection to Xiao Li. But considering the potential consequences if the incident were revealed, Xiao Qingxue made no plea for Chen Luo to spare Xiao Li.

“It’s fine, I’ll make her forget this memory.”

Chen Luo’s assurance in letting Xiao Li go wasn’t out of trust, but because he had already planned to erase this memory from Xiao Li. Though Chen Luo lacked this capability himself, the system had it.

“I’ll perform a big disappearing act for you.”

The body of Wang Fei on the floor, along with all traces of blood, vanished without a trace, traded away to the system by Chen Luo. This was the perfect way to destroy all evidence.

“Is this your idea of making someone disappear? Seems more like turning someone from alive to dead,” Zhao Yingxuan said, no longer surprised by Chen Luo’s methods.

Ever since he had enhanced their abilities, she realized Chen Luo possessed extraordinary skills. While initially shocking, such feats no longer amazed her as much.

“Perfectly destroying the evidence. Once the Wang family is destroyed, who will look into Wang Fei’s death?”

Moreover, Chen Luo had manipulated others’ memories through a trade with the system, making it seem as if Wang Fei had never been to Yongqiang Group that day.

“Destroying the Wang family won’t be simple,” Xiao Qingxue said.

“True, using conventional methods to obliterate the Wang family would be difficult. However, employing some drastic measures, obliterating the Wang family could be much easier than eliminating Ye Chen.”

Chen Luo could just dispatch a pawn to eradicate the Wang family. At most, it would involve trading with the system for a synthetic human, whose potential sacrifice later wouldn’t really matter.

The slight financial loss was negligible for Chen Luo, but for the Wang family, the cost would be death.

Initially, Chen Luo hadn’t intended to resort to such methods, but Wang Fei’s provocation changed his mind. Simply killing Wang Fei wasn’t enough. He wanted the entire Wang family to suffer the consequences. Besides, the Wang family was already an enemy.

“Rest assured, the trouble caused by the Wang family to Yongqiang Group will soon disappear too. Magic City’s four major families might soon be reduced to three.”

A chill flashed in Chen Luo’s eyes.

From Chen Luo’s voice, one could discern a murderous aura foretelling a storm of blood and violence.

Xiao Qingxue continued managing the affairs of Yongqiang Group, which faced instability from within following Xiao Yongqiang’s death. Ambitions among some elderly board members surfaced, challenging her despite her controlling share. These veterans, leveraging their historical contributions, had been nothing but a nuisance to her. Moreover, during the Wang family’s assault on the Yongqiang Group, there were instances of betrayal for personal gain.

Previously, while Xiao Qingxue might have appeared cold, her actions lacked the necessary ruthlessness. Now, shaped by her experiences and her prolonged association with Chen Luo, she transformed significantly. She was now willing to be harsh with those who boasted of their past contributions under her father, ready to deal with them as necessary.

Xiao Qingxue was set to buy out their shares, and if they were unwilling, they would have to brace for her use of more drastic measures.

Upon returning home, Chen Luo engaged in a transaction with the system to create a synthetic human. This man, with his utterly ordinary appearance–neither tall nor short, neither fat nor skinny–would blend into any crowd unnoticed. Yet, his combat skills far surpassed those of Ah Da and his group.

Trading for Ah Da and his team had cost merely 150 million each, but this synthetic human came with a price tag of 300 million.

His capabilities exceeded even those of Chun Mei, to the extent that even Ye Chen at his prime could not defeat him. Nonetheless, this synthetic human came with a significant drawback–his lifespan was no more than a week, effectively trading longevity for immense power.

Chen Luo traded for him without expecting him to survive, essentially regarding him as a one-time use tool.

“Let’s call you Zero,” Chen Luo decided on a codename.

“This contains the details of everyone in the Wang family. Your mission is to eliminate as many of them as possible, with Wang Hong being a mandatory target.”

Chen Luo specifically pointed out Wang Hong’s photo. As the current patriarch and sole power holder of the Wang family, his elimination was crucial.

“Yes, master,” Zero responded, his voice utterly devoid of emotion.

Being inherently flawed, Zero, like Ah Da and his crew, lacked human emotions. This starkly contrasted with Chun Mei and her counterparts, who, despite also being synthetics, were indistinguishable from real humans.

“Proceed with your mission. Once it’s completed, you’ll disappear along with the Wang family.”

Chen Luo prepared the best weapons for Zero’s mission, ensuring he was well-equipped for the assassination task ahead. After receiving his weapons and the Wang family’s dossier from Chen Luo, Zero left immediately.

“Is he the one you’ve prepared to take on the Wang family?” Zhao Yingxuan caught Zero’s departure.

“Indeed. It’ll be interesting to see how many survive Zero’s onslaught.”

The Wang family members might be completely annihilated or a few might survive. But as long as the key figures were eliminated, the survival of a few inconsequential members would have little impact.

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