Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 128: Unrelated to Chen Luo

After some thought, Li Zhong advised Ye Chen, “From now on, insist that it wasn’t you who killed Luo Zixuan, but Chen Luo.”

Ye Chen, eyes closed, stayed silent. His injuries were severe, leaving him no energy to engage with Li Zhong. Beyond the loss of his arm, Chen Luo had inflicted serious internal injuries on him.

Chen Luo’s attack had damaged his internal organs, leading to internal bleeding. The damage inflicted by Chen Luo would have been fatal to an ordinary person many times over. Only Ye Chen, with his extraordinary resilience and the strength of a protagonist, managed to endure.

Ye Chen had no interest in Li Zhong’s strategies. It would be best if he could cause trouble for Chen Luo. But, Ye Chen had little hope for Li Zhong’s success. By now, Ye Chen developed a semblance of fear toward Chen Luo, who loomed as a psychological shadow.

Reflecting on their ongoing conflicts, Ye Chen realized he had never once gotten the better of Chen Luo, consistently finding himself at a disadvantage.

To Ye Chen, Chen Luo seemed to be his destined nemesis, as if sent by the heavens specifically to target him. Without Chen Luo’s intervention, Ye Chen might have been a prominent figure in Magic City, not the dependent failure he had become in the Li family.

Ye Chen could easily be dubbed the most tragic protagonist in light novel history, though the next protagonist might fare even worse. With Chen Luo as the major antagonist equipped with a system cheat, it would be odd if the protagonist’s journey wasn’t fraught with hardship.

Li Zhong tried to contact Luo Mingde. He sought to pit Luo Mingde against Chen Luo.

After several attempts, Luo Mingde finally picked up the phone.

“Li Zhong, getting your daughter back is out of the question.”

“Really? I have crucial information related to the true cause of Luo Zixuan’s death. What if I share it with you in exchange for my daughter’s release?”

Li Zhong pondered how to rescue Li Ting from Luo Mingde’s clutches.

“What do you mean?” Luo Mingde squinted slightly.

“Luo Mingde, it wasn’t my son-in-law who killed your son but Chen Luo.”

Luo Mingde’s gaze flickered, and he asked solemnly, “Do you have any evidence?”

“Those three bodyguards under your command belong to Chen Luo, correct? You learned of Luo Zixuan’s death from them. Are you sure their account is truthful?”

Li Zhong’s statement stirred doubt in Luo Mingde, who was already suspicious. Ah Da and his group weren’t Luo Mingde’s confidants but were acquired at a significant cost from Chen Luo. Indeed, Luo Mingde couldn’t fully trust them. His interest lay in their abilities, not their loyalty.

“I need evidence, not your speculation,” Luo Mingde said coldly.

He harbored doubts but wouldn’t just take Li Zhong’s word for it, especially it was normal for Li Zhong to try to sow discord juncture.

Chen Luo was regarded as an ally of the Luo family. Luo Mingde had always believed that Chen Luo was backed by a formidable force, making this ally important. Without concrete evidence, he wouldn’t just turn on Chen Luo based on mere suspicion.

“I could tell you the evidence, but you surely won’t believe it. Why not investigate yourself? You should particularly verify Chen Luo’s whereabouts at the time of the incident. Chen Luo might have been at the scene. Ye Chen’s injuries were inflicted by Chen Luo.”

Li Zhong doubted that Chen Luo would leave any slip-up.

Even if there were no direct evidence, could Chen Luo still manage to fabricate an alibi?

Unless Chen Luo possessed the ability to be in two places at once, there would inevitably be some giveaway.

If Luo Mingde could unearth even a slight piece of evidence, and with Li Zhong secretly inciting them, the two would certainly become adversaries.

Turning two enemies against each other would work to his advantage.

After ending the call, Luo Mingde was plagued with doubts. Could Chen Luo really be behind it? But how would killing Luo Zixuan benefit him?

“I can’t fully trust Li Zhong’s words, but I can’t completely disregard them. I trust only evidence.”

Luo Mingde summoned his confidants to investigate Chen Luo’s alibi. Tracking Chen Luo’s movements wasn’t challenging, and they quickly uncovered the facts.

“Director Luo, Chen Luo didn’t have the opportunity to be there. Based on the timeline, at the moment of the young master’s incident, Chen Luo was at the Yongqiang Conglomerate, with numerous witnesses to corroborate.”

Luo Mingde’s confidant shared the findings with him, which clearly indicated that Chen Luo couldn’t have been at the scene of Luo Zixuan’s incident.

The gathered information, naturally fabricated by the system, was foolproof. Despite being fabricated, no flaws could be detected.

It was through the system. How could there possibly be any detectable flaws?

“Hmph, Li Zhong is deliberately playing these tricks, such a clumsy attempt at sowing discord,” Luo Mingde snorted disdainfully.

Nonetheless, confirming the matter was unrelated to Chen Luo brought Luo Mingde some relief. Had the issue truly involved Chen Luo, it would have posed a significant complication. An enmity between him and Chen Luo seemed inevitable.

Now that the Luo family contended with Ye Chen, they must also face the Li and Wang families. Adding another enemy into the mix could destabilize the Luo family’s standing.


“Luo Mingde has indeed launched an investigation.”

With informants within the Luo family, Chen Luo was aware that Luo Mingde had people scrutinize his whereabouts. Thankfully, everything unfolded as anticipated, averting potential hostility with Luo Mingde for the time being.

It was uncertain whether future conflicts with the Luo family might arise, but now was certainly not the time for such hostilities.

“Chen Luo, this is the list of key executives from the Li group,” Gu Wanyu handed a document to Chen Luo. He had specifically requested this information.

“This is quite comprehensive.”

After reviewing the list, Chen Luo noted numerous details and information typically inaccessible to outsiders.

“I’ve put in a lot of effort to obtain this detailed list. How do you plan to repay me?” Gu Wanyu asked, her eyes twinkling at Chen Luo.

“How about I offer myself as repayment?” Chen Luo suggested playfully.

“Stop it. I’m willing but can’t right now,” Gu Wanyu protested gently, resting against Chen Luo.

If Li Zhong were to witness this exchange, he would likely struggle to contain his fury. Even if his heart was with his late ex-wife, he would certainly not tolerate his wife’s infidelity.

“Also, about that bodyguard of mine, there’s no chance of swaying her to our side. Find someone to take care of her for me.”

A cold gleam flashed in Gu Wanyu’s eyes. She had assessed that bodyguard, Li Feng, and concluded there was no hope of winning her over.

Since that was the case, she couldn’t be allowed to stay. Her presence made it exceedingly difficult for Gu Wanyu to see her lover. If Li Feng were gone, and another confidant could be placed by her side, it would even be feasible to have her man stay at her place.

“Getting rid of her might arouse suspicion. Actually, making her leave your side is quite simple. Did you forget about Li Wen?”

This useful stepson could serve well in providing Gu Wanyu with cover.

“What could Li Qiwen possibly do?” Gu Wanyu couldn’t see how Li Qiwen could be of assistance.

“It’s simple. If Li Wen makes it clear to Li Zhong that he absolutely needs Li Feng as his bodyguard, then you can simply play the loving mother and hand Li Feng over to Li Qiwen, can’t you?”

“You’re brilliant, my dear. Such a simple way to rid this sister of this headache,” Gu Wanyu said as she embraced Chen Luo and kissed him.

Glancing at the clock, a shade of loss passed through Gu Wanyu’s eyes. She needed to leave to avoid raising suspicions, but it was hard to part.

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