Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 65

Ko Hun's first solo exhibition {Sweet Happiness} attracted attention from artists around the world. 

Praise from the media and critics continued. 

[Happiness] maximized the texture that can be expressed in oil paint, creating an effect as if chocolate was flowing down, and [Ravoux Lodger] created a cozy yet lonely atmosphere with intentionally collapsed perspective, bold omission, and simple expressions. 

Among the many works, the most eye-catching work was the [Frost wheat field]. 

There were a lot of speculation about who would take it and how much it would be sold, and art lovers saw [Frost Wheat Field] throughout the exhibition, regardless of the relationship between Henry Marceau and Ko Hun. However, the amount came out was something that no one had expected. 

$14 million. 

Although influential art figures such as Caroline Streak, Jang Mirae, and Pierre Malo praised it, no one thought that the work of a new artist, who had his first solo exhibition would sell for $14 million. 

WH Art Museum judged various factors generously and estimated the appropriate price between 4 billion won and 5 billion won. 

Even that figure was close to the highest price for a work sold in WH Art museum. 

[Frost Wheat Field] was sold for about 16.3 billion won, an amount that would be possible only for historical masterpiece representing a country. 

Moreover, the price was formed after a fierce battle between director Christine Nolan and painter Henry Marceau. 

Who participated in the auction and who owned it was also an important factor in shaping the price of the artwork. 

[Frost Wheat Field] would be appreciated even more in the future. 

In this fact, not only the Korean media, but also Asia Europe and North American art community was in a frenzy. 

On community sites and forums, articles about Ko Hun's [Frost Wheat Field] were posted. 

It’s really crazy. Henry seems to have made up his mind. It is said that he visited every day of the exhibition .

Nana wants to see it, but she can't go because it's too far. Will it be exhibited at the Marceau Gallery? 

Wouldn't it be exhibited. 

Collectors don't display it to generate profits. Most people hang it in their own living room or building. Henry Marceau never displayed [Sunflower] that he bought. 


So if Henry doesn't want to exhibit it, does it mean, we can't see it anymore? 

There's a photograph. You can look at the picture.

There is a difference between seeing Art in person and seeing it in photo. 

What a shame. 

Such a painting should be displayed while moving to a different areas of the world. It was sold too early. 

Art lovers were very sorry that Ko Hun's work was exhibited for only two weeks. 

Since it became privately owned, they became hugely disappointed since it was unknown when and where it would be disclosed in the future. 

Meanwhile, many people criticized the sale of [Frost Wheat field] for $14 million. 

In 2007, the bubble that invaded the Korean art market, headed for an endless abyss. 

As of 2016, the total winning bid for the Korean art auction market was 172.031 billion won.

Among that, painter Kim Hyunki's works accounted for 24% of the total amount ranking first, while the then rookie artist Jang Mirae ranked second with 6%. 

Two people accounted for 30% of the total auction price. 

It was a thorough monopoly. 

The number of transactions for works has increased day by day, and the total amount of transactions has not changed much. 

But everything changed last year and this year. 

A single 10 year old kids works occupied 8% of the Korean art auction market, which was worth 200 billion won. 

Art critic Jin Sungil said, "This incident is not a revival of the art market, but a concentration of wealth, which is a negative factor for the art market." 

He sharply criticized foreign rich people such as Henry Marceau and Christine Nolan for destroying the Korean art market. 

On the other hand, some welcomed it with the logic that the total transaction amount in the Korean art market increases only when foreign capital flows in. 

There were also a group of people who criticized contemporary art for lacking in understanding. 

At the center of amazement, which was intertwined with enthusiastic welcomers, those who showed a cautious attitude, and those who showed extreme rejection was the 10 year old boy named Ko Hun.


‘No way.’ 

I've been feeling a bit uneasy since before. 

The emotion that I had tried to ignore in the hope that I could draw without worrying about money crept up. 

’Something's wrong.’ 

I'm happy that my painting received such an amount, but I still have doubts whether it was worth 16.3 billion won. 

No matter how hard I try, I can't understand. 

I remembered the conversation I had with my grandpa at the Marceau Gallery. 

The price at the auction should not be considered the value of the painting. 

The price of a painting was not one's own value as a painter. 

I, myself want to draw painting that can sell, but right now, this situation obviously feels wrong. 


As I was about to speak, the reporters surrounded us and made a fuss. 

"You've reached an all-time high How do you feel right now?" 

"Your grandson broke the Korean record! Say something!" 

“[Frost wheat field] is in the hands of Henry Marceau, following the [Sunflower]. What is your take on it?" 

It was not a situation to continue the conversation. 

I was forced to flee home as I was about to go to the venue of the celebration party promised with the staff of the WH Art Museum. 


Surfing through the Internet, while waiting for food delivery, it is full of stories about [Frost wheat field]. 

I didn't expect so many people to be interested in my painting.


I used to believe that exhibitions should be held in congested areas, but now I see how simple my idea was.

"Come out to the bigger world."

At first, I thought Henry Marceau's words simply meant exhibiting in big cities such as Paris and New York. 

However, looking at the various languages posted in the WH Art Museum's New Tube, it seemed that people from all over the world gathered there. 

Unlike in the past, accessibility is not limited to one city or country now. 

You can quickly access information through the Internet, and if you decide to travel, there is airplane — you can go to the other side of the globe in half a day. 

Therefore, places where people gather are incomparably more crowded than before. 

The Whitney Biennale, which Kim Jiwoo, Uncle Bang and Henry Marceau said, seems to be such a place. 


Uncle Bang who heard my murmur inquired.

“ What Hun. Did you say something.”

“Uncle Bang. How many people visit the Whitney Biennale.?” 

"Since it's free of charge, the tally is not accurate. Still, according to a press release…." 

Uncle Bang showed an article about the Whitney Biennale on his smartphone. 

3.1 million people.? 

I was surprised by the number I saw . 

"That's how much  visited last time." 

I looked at the article that summarized one or another of Whitney Biennale's records in 2026. 

From May 15th to September 17th, it seems to be held for about four months. 

There will be 212 artists who participated. 

It cannot even be compared to 130,000 people in two weeks of {sweet happiness} which is evaluated as an unusually successful exhibition in Korea. 

"The Whitney Biennale itself is great, but the Whitney Museum periodically shifts places. Not only in the United States, but also held exhibition in major European cities such as Paris, London, and Berlin, and in Seoul.”


Not only organizing an exhibition that many people visit, they are also touring many countries. 

It was something I never thought of while preparing for {sweet happiness}. 

Uncle Bang, who is well aware of this, must have not told this since he belonged to the WH Art Museum at that time. 

"This year it will be held a month in April 21st. So less than a month is left." 

If I complete the painting within today or tomorrow, I might be able to display in the opening day, but the painting I drew like that won’t be satisfactory. 

For this reason, Uncle Bang also recommended participating in this way. 

"It's a little late, but you can display it by May. So you don't have to be impatient." 

“Would I get a good spot.?” 

"It must be hard since the exhibition space is fixed from the opening day." 

After saying that uncle Bang grinned. 

"It's possible. Since it's a painting by our Hun," 

Uncle Bang said with a smile. 

While we were talking grandpa came from the inside and asked uncle Bang

“Mr. Bang, what are you going to do with your job? Have you resigned already.” 

"I have told that I'd quit after this month. I want to hurry a little more when I think about Hun’s future schedule, but there's still somethings to organize on the museum side." 

“ I understand. Don’t be in a hurry and organize it well." 

"Yes. I want to quit as smoothly as possible since there will be occasions where I have see them in the future." 

Grandpa nodded. 

When exhibitions are held in Korea, they will often be with the WH Art Museum, so uncle Bang seems to be trying to quit nicely. 

The more I see uncle Bang, the more I trust him. 

"Well, and……,”

Uncle Bang hurriedly brought up another story. 

"I don't know if it's early, but I'd like to get the calls for Hun. Since the contact information was not disclosed, there were a lot of contact inquiries to the WH Art Museum." 


"I didn't sign a contract, but I want to start work as soon as possible." 

"That's fine with me uncle Bang. How should I do it.?” 

"First of all, I'd like you to send an e-mail to the museum, asking them give my contact details if anyone inquired..We'll also release reports." 

"Like a stopgap measure." 

"That's right.. I'll talk to the people around me, too." 

We decide on what to do until next month, when uncle Bang opens a company and officially signs a contract. 

"Then I will take my leave." 

“ What’s the rush Mr. Bang. Have lunch and go." 

“No. I’m fine. My wife will be waiting at home. Good-bye Hun. Once again Congratulations on the Korean record." 

“ Thank you and Goodbye Uncle Bang." 

"Drive home safely Mr. Bang.” 

When I turned around after seeing Uncle Bang off, grandpa didn't move in front of the entrance. 

"Oh no" 

Groaned grandpa lifting his chin. 

He seems to be worried about something. 

I don’t know whether it’s about anything that has to do with Whitney Biennale or Uncle Bang. 

“What grandpa?" 

"Isn't 5 meters too small?" 



Well, fortunately, he was worried about something else. 

"What are you talking about grandpa.?” 

"My grandson set a Korean record, so of course I'm going to brag about it. Let me see. Should I need permission from the district office to place banner in front of the house.?” 

“What.? No grandpa? It’s embarrassing. Stop it" 

“What is there to be embarrassed about? I'm proud of you. It's a Korean record.” 

“Aren’t we having a celebration party tomorrow.? That's enough grandpa." 

“That’s right. Let's take a picture there. Then we should buy new suits." 

He doesn’t seems to be listening to me. 

In his heart, he seems to have already completed a gate-sized signboard. 

When I tried to stop my grandfather, the doorbell rang. 

When I raised the golf club and saw who rang the doorbell, it was Uncle Bang, who had just left. 

"Did you leave something behind uncle Bang? What's so urgent. Why are you breathing so heavily.” 

"No. Huh. Huh.I’m fine" 

I looked up to ask my grandpa if he knew what was going on. 

But grandpa also seems to be lost at what was happening.. 

“ Hun……its Nolan. Christine Nolan contacted the museum." 

It's the name of the movie director who tried to buy  [Frost wheat field]. 

“Why did he contact?" 

Uncle Bang after breathing for a while, opened his mouth. 

“He asked if he could meet you tomorrow.?”

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