Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 70 Emergency Meeting in Academy

Time passed. The test was only a day later.

The meeting of the Supreme ranks went on normally. Nothing too shocking or major was revealed by Lilith and the ladies talked normally together. She went home to meet Lith who had been practicing with Lucy about advance general knowledge.

The Witch Queen Mother, Florencia Rain, warned all of the Witches through their communication systems and it caused another small uproar. The Witches were warned in the same way as before and they understood one thing very clearly, it was, not to pry into informations of the Royal family of the Vampires. They all calmed down as they were only told to be careful about the Vampire Royal family and they could still do basically anything and everything.

News also spread everywhere because of the Supreme ranks that they Vampire Prince would be attending the Abalax World Academy’s entrance test. This obviously reached the Academy itself and they too were in an uproar.

The Abalax World Academy was funded by the Council of Neutral Continent. The Academy at first was managed by the 8 races in turns but later as the students graduated and became powerful, they contributed to their Alma mater by working in it for part time or full time and some even permanently took their place in the management of the Academy as it was a well paid job and they could relax their whole long life with this much amount of money.

Thus, it only needed funds and those were provided by the Council of Neutral Continent and it’s management was self reliant now. People would actively seek jobs and so, there was no loss of man power in the administration of the Academy.

Many high ranking people or powerhouses would come to be a part of the Academy because of it’s good pay. The Council also didn’t have too much of a burden to fund the academy as students and the families of the student would donate actively every year. The Academy was open to donations online as well as offline and so, funds came flooding in every year by students, Alumni and Alumnae, families of students, organizations etc.

The 8 main races too provided funds to the academy from decade to decade or in terms of emergency when the academy was short on funds, which never really happend.

All in all, funds weren’t an issue and so, the students didn’t need to pay a single penny from their pocket. They only needed to have potential and be hardworking and upto the standards of the Academy each year and that was basically it.

Though funds were good, pay was high and the job seemed easy, it didn’t mean that there weren’t headaches the management faced. Such a situation was occuring right now and as the whole management of the Academy was in an uproar.

Abalax World Academy, Lenz city, Espat.

A beautiful blonde hair lady with blue eyes, who looked to be in her 20s was sitting behind a desk and was checking through various papers. She wore big round gold rim glasses and looked very scholarly and elegant. Though she was very beautiful and elegant, there was a slight frustrated look on her oval face.

“Why did the news of the Vampire Prince attending the Academy only had to be out a day before the entrance test?”

She muttered to herself in a frustrated but also in a rich and smooth voice.

“Sigh. I don’t get paid enough to handle so many things. What is that damned Vice Principal doing in such times?” She said in a bit of anger but still in the same rich and smooth tone.

She tapped on a ringer bell present at one end of her table and after the ding sound was made, a lady came in. She said in a neutral tone

“Do you need something, madam?”

“Yes. Call for an emergency meeting. I need every staff member of the academy to be present in the auditorium.” The blonde lady said in her rich and smooth tone.

“Okay.” The lady said and went away.

There were three powerhouses in the academy. The three naturally were Emperor ranks. The place didn’t need more than that as there was literally no need.The Academy’s security was ensured by being managed directly by the Council of the Neutral Continent which is managed by the main 8 races and secondly it was in the neutral continent were fights above rank 9 are strictly prohibited.

To solve conflict in the Neutral Continent, one needed to send a letter to the Council and it would take a long time to get processed and get a response. There were also zones available to fight and outside of it, fighting would result series penalties.

The Neutral Continent, was really neutral. Anyone from any race could live here freely without conflicts. This was a safe heaven for everyone. Even criminals could live here freely as long as they didn’t do any harm to anyone. The five countries which are the habitable place on the Neutral Continent, have many magic circles embedded on the ground and in the sky.

One only needed to activate a certain seal which was given to them at any nearby store of any kind for free. It could be activated by spiritual power and that would send signal for help to officials and someone in the patrol team, if free, could directly teleport near the one who sent the signal.

This basically ensured no crimes and thus there was no reason to worry for security of the Academy at all. Having two Emperor rank was more than enough. This was the only academy in the world which houses two Emperor ranks. Others did not have such privilege.

The Principal generally had more powers than anyone in the academy as he/she was directly in contact with the council. The council appoints the Principal by a series of tedious process and then selects one. To become a Principal of Abalax World Academy is very difficult even for Emperor ranks. Thus, the principal’s words were absolute in the academy and so were his/her orders.

The whole staff came into the auditorium and got seated according to their heirarchy. The highest rank was the Emperor rank and the lowest was rank 6. The rank 6s were usually cleaning and maintenance staff. They were seated at the back and the important department heads were all in the front.

The auditorium was very big. It was currently well lit up. There was a brown wooden stage at the front which had a podium with a mic on it at the center. It was currently empty, the whole stage was empty infact.

People were sitting and discussing why they were called for such a sudden meeting but some had a rough idea and they shared their ideas. Soon, the Vice Principal came and he too got seated at the front row in the audience. He was a little nervous because he for sure would get yelled for not doing his job properly but he still kept himself composed and looked forward to the meeting.

Soon, a beautiful lady with blonde hair and blue eyes that looked to be in her late 20s walked towards the podium coming from the backstage. She was wearing white shirt, black skirt, black stockings, black heels and a black blazer. It was a simple and exquisite business suit that befitted her status as the Principal. She walked wirh elegant steps towards the podium and took the mic in her hand and leaned over and said in her rich and smooth tone

“This emergency meeting is regarding the Vampire Prince who will be attending the entrance test the day after tomorrow.”

The audience all became quiet. They listened carefully to what the principal was saying. The lady continued

“First, let me ask you a question. Who all know about the Vampire Prince? Anything about him. His name, face or his looks, anything, even the smallest detail would be okay to share. Raise your hands but do not say anything.”

Three people raised their hands out of the few hundred staff members that were present.

“Go backstage and wait for me there. Do not speak or do anything.”

The three people got up and left. The three people were the department heads of Dark, Space and Lighting elements.

“Now, whoever has seen the Vampire Queen’s portrait or knows information about the Royal family of the Vampires raise your hands and do not speak.”

A few people raised their hands and the vice principal was one of them.

“Good. Go backstage and wait for me and do not speak even a little to anyone until further instructions.”

They all stood up and got to backstage. After reaching backstage the Vice Principal looked around and said

“Hey, why do you think she has been doing this?”

Everybody looked at him and then moved a little distance away. They didn’t want to disobey the Principal’s words and they knew the Vice Principal hated the Principal and would do anything to disobey her even if it was unreasonable. They didn’t want to be a part of it and so smartly distanced themselves from him.

The Vice Principal looked around and saw everybod moving away from him. He snorted and said

“Hmph. Don’t answer if you don’t want to. Once I become the Principal, we’ll see how you disobey like this again.”

Nobody responded to him nor entertained his words. He has made such comments before too and the people in the room were used to it.

Back in the auditorium, the Principal looked at the remaining people and said calmly

“Those who had any little information about the Royal family of Vampires have gone to backstage and I assume the ones remaining here do not know anything about them. You also haven’t seen the portrait of the Vampire Queen, correct?”

Everyone nodded.

“So, for your own safety, do not be bias in this entrance test to anyone you have taken money from. Be fair as much as possible or you will regret it. Not only you, if anything wrong were to happen in the examination and the Vampire Queen’s son became a victim of it directly or indirectly, the whole Academy would be razed to the ground.

You would have no life left let alone any signs of existing the academy. If you cherish your life, please take my words seriously. Getting killed by a Supreme rank is not something you can imagine. Reincarnation or resurrection possibilities are a solid zero. If you die in their hands, you die completely. This is not an order from me but a warning. A warning to not do anything foolish in this examination as well as the upcoming 5 year period when the Vampire Queen’s son is in the academy.

Return the money you have taken, be open and fair to every candidate, even if the candidate is a commoner or even a beggar. Do not discriminate or even try to have prejudice against anyone. I sincerely request you all because I want this Academy to exist and stay standing in the future and produce generation after generation of prodigies.”

Everyone was shocked. They had never had such a warning and request at the same time. They couldn’t believe their ears. A strong powerhouse such as the Principal was afraid of a mere rank 1? No, it was not correct to call it that way. She was afraid of offending the backing behind the rank 1. This was clearly seen from her tone and request.

The people in the auditorium realised the gravity of the situation. They would cancel all their plans they had and return the money they had taken. Their life mattered more to them than some money. Money could be earned but their life, that cannot.

Though strict action was taken against people who were doing things unfairly and with bias, some form of corruption was still inevitable. Thus, the Abalax World Academy was the only place in the world where bias was present but it was of a very very low degree. Even a commoner stood a chance here but some nobles who paid hefty price had better chances than them.

The Principal then said in her same rich and smooth tone

“All students in the academy are to be given holiday and be sent home. They would be called back once the the entrance test is over and the new semester ceremony has taken place. Until then, the academy must remain empty. All staff members who were out for certain tasks are to be called back and informed about this meeting as soon as possible.

All the staff members who are not in the organizing team of the entrance test are to help and take part in the entrance test this year. No one should be left idle and this year’s test must be as perfect as possible. Thankyou for your time, have a nice day.”

The Principal said her closing line and left abruptly. She didn’t wait to clear doubts of people and quickly went backstage. This bunch of people she would be dealing with was even more troublesome!

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