Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality

Chapter 98

Chapter 93: Did You Cook Today?

Why does the commander-level magic element reject the princess bed?

Is it because the elixirs of the egg are only grade 6?

Mo’er at the peak of Mahayana is equivalent to a seventh-rank monk, and the magic element in the body is related to the power of the eighth-rank or even ninth-rank demon master, so the level of the egg was suppressed, and even caused a backlash?

Su Yu pinched his chin in thought.

Mo’er, whose eyes started to be irritable again, pinched the corners of the black iron table into black ashes, panted heavily, and reluctantly calmed down the moving magic essence during the Buddha’s wooden fish chanting.

Within the ten-zhang restriction they drew, he took out the magic stone from his waist and began to recover.

“I’m afraid he won’t be able to leave this restricted circle for a few days.”

Wu Ling looked at Su Yu.

Otherwise, the connection between the demon essence and the demon master cannot be disconnected at all, and it may unknowingly explode in the demon master’s order.

A crazy self-destruction at the peak of Mahayana, let alone moving the Dan car, even if their five spirits are doubled, they have to fully explain it here, and they can’t protect Su Yu at all.

Su Yu sighed and nodded.

But she still sat down at the black iron table with only half of it left, “Can you tell me more about the situation of your magic essence taking pills just now?”

Moll was stunned and raised his scarlet eyes.

She hasn’t given up yet?

Don’t you think he’s dangerous?

He clenched his fists with both hands, forcibly suppressing the riotous thoughts that he wanted to break her slender neck, and frowned.

“I thought this pill would work for me.”

“It’s like a ball, it wants to wrap the main magic element in my skull. But in one breath, the magic element expanded three times, tearing and swallowing the ball, it still looks like I was awakened, hungry and wanted to eat more!”

Moer had two fangs on the left and right, and barked.

The tip of the tongue touched it, poked a blood hole, and ate the blood.

The armor on her body also quickly became black and foggy.

His body was on the verge of running wild at any time, and only a little sanity was left with difficulty.

Mo’er looked at his younger brother worriedly, “Since I inherited this magic essence four hundred years ago, I know that it is impossible to escape its control.”

“But I thought that this control would not continue to deteriorate when I reached the peak of magic.”

“But it’s not.”

Xiao Erdong’s black and white eyes widened, “So eldest brother has been having a headache?”

Moer smiled wryly, “I thought that headache was its punishment for me, but just after taking that pill, I realized that every pain in the past is not only a punishment for my usual mistakes, but also a punishment for my daily mistakes. Devouring my sanity.”

He raised his finger with sharp fingernails and poked his temple.

He looked at Su Yu helplessly.

“My magic essence cannot be hidden by your Dan, because the biggest magic essence – it has been fused with me.”

“My head is the magic essence, it is already one body, I can’t close it, I can’t hide it, unless I die.”

Su Yu narrowed his eyes.

The Twelve Demon Generals and everyone had chills on the back of their necks.

Where are the seven commanders, they are basically driven bodies.

Sooner or later, they will completely lose their minds and will only follow orders.

“Brother, why didn’t you tell me before! I want to be the devil, I want to save you, I want to defeat it!”

Er Dong’s little hand clenched into a fist, and the little tiger’s teeth clucked.

Moer’s violent face flashed a touch of tenderness, and he touched his braided head.

In turn, Xiao Erdong’s body softened and fell into a deep sleep.

Mo’er put him on the chair and looked at Su Yu, his gray fog-like eyes were extremely calm.

“You imprison me.”

“The medicine that I can’t take is fine for my younger brother. The other six commanders must be the same as me. They can’t be recruited by you and can only be imprisoned forever.”

He rubbed his ears.

“Eighty-sixty thousand top-grade magic stones, I can continue to produce mung bean sprouts and chives in the cage…”

Su Yu’s mouth twitched.

How come she is Yang Naiwu who exploited the cabbage?

They have a big misunderstanding of Master Su.

“Well, I see your question.”

Su Yu looked at Moer.

Hang Wan’er and Yu Dong both stepped forward to comfort him.

“It’s okay, let the second sister think about it, maybe there is a way.”

“The devil is so long, you still have a younger brother, don’t give up.”

“Happy, Second Senior Sister often said that a person’s mood will affect the quality of the vegetables he grows.”

Moll: “…”

Su Yu: “…”

Master Su couldn’t wash it clean.


Su Yu re-cleared his throat, interrupting the comfort of his younger brothers and sisters.

“It sounds like the magic element in the skull cannot be isolated by itself.”

She doesn’t have the ability to perform craniotomy, after all, she specializes in surgery.

Master Su sighed and looked at the magician who had already wanted to give up, “If you don’t mind, you can only put your entire demon into the princess bed.”

In the back kitchen, the amount of dishes for guests is basically set, which is one of the quality control items.

For example, the amount of fried rice in a plate is determined in each restaurant.

But on special occasions, such as major celebrations, or applying for the Guinness Book of Records, they, in conjunction with the Chefs Association, will also make an outrageous extra-large portion of the dish, with giant steamed buns that can be eaten by thousands of people at the same time and many more.

However, we must give freedom to the magicians, and keep the ease of coming out of it and working at any time.

The buns are not suitable.

Su Yu looked up and looked into the distance, the spires of the buildings in the magic city were faintly emerging in a cloud of black mist.

Master Su has always maintained a low turnover rate of high-end talents. One of the secrets is to give respect to high-end talents – not losing to the high-paying treatment given by the previous leader of the other party.

Let high-end talents feel her full attention.

“Draw the mansion where you live.”

Master Su said to the Mahayana commander Mo Er who just changed jobs.

What the Magic City gave him, Master Su can also give it!

Moll was dazed for a while, but very quick to do.

Under Su Yu’s gaze, he drew a small castle with lame techniques.

The outer edge of the castle is a circle of Xuanshui moat. There is only a suspension bridge on the river, which is the only path leading to the castle. Only after the notification will the drawbridge be lowered and the second protective outer fort entered.

The outer fort is in the shape of a dome, and there are two demon soldiers stationed daily.

After this layer of prevention and control, we finally entered the real inner gate of the castle.

Inside the castle, a high city wall was built, and two twin-like spire towers stood side by side.

“This is the second highest place in my city of riots.” Speaking of his place, the restless Mordu overflowed with pride.

And his residence, the innermost main building of the castle, is equipped with the tallest watchtower in the city.

It took a little effort for Su Yu to understand his magical sketch.

Moat – Suspension Bridge – Outer Fortress – Inner Castle Twin Towers – Inner Castle Residence and Watchtower.

This structure is very clear, Master Su is confident – restore.

The Castle of Fondant Cake is a magic version.

“I’ll try.”

Su Yu called her kitchen team immediately.

Master Fu Lu, elder Hong Yun with a high degree of aesthetics (cleanliness), is responsible for the drawing.

The new varieties of Wood Spirit and Demon Destroyer, Fondant Paste and Dry Pace are indispensable for fondant cakes. Some of the ingredients are derived from animal fats. The basics.

According to the drawing size of Elder Hong Yun, Su Yu quickly started the production of this series of huge castle group fondant cakes.

During the period, the Buddha also made a lot of flowers by pinching dry pais dyed with different colors.

Shui Ling is responsible for the realistic water vapor in the moat…

Each role.

“What is this doing?”

Grumpy Moer, I couldn’t understand it at first.

But in the blink of an eye, several golden embryos of different sizes floated out of the ‘gigantic oven’ formed by Jin Ling and Huo Ling, some were round, some were square…

Then they all flew in front of Su Yu and spliced together pieces of ‘high walls’, ‘glass windows’, ‘slate’, and ‘suspension bridges’.

The spire, the white wall, the spiritual water flowers.

A moving miniature castle – right in front of Molly’s eyes, come to life and pieced together!

Moer was shocked, Su Yu placed a gingerbread copper-clad wood double gate on the outer edge of the city wall.

Squeak, the friction of the ancient pine door seemed to ring in Moer’s ear.

Several jets of black smoke and aura, penetrated from the back of Su Yu’s breakfast Dan carriage – outside the entrance of the human-magic passage, and landed on the castle in a low-key manner.

The castle instantly became five feet tall.

In an instant, the double doors of copper clad wood opened.

“Come in and try!” Hang Wan’er was proudly excited.


He stepped in, and his anxious mood was smoothed out by the faint sweet fragrance surging from the tip of his nose, as if half of his body was stuck in the passage and he smelled the fragrance of spring in the human world.

This castle magic weapon, after entering, he found that it was basically the same as the ‘draft’ he drew, except that the size was much reduced.

For example, the master bedroom he lives in has two bedrooms and one living room, and Xiao Erdong’s three bedrooms and one living room at the other end of the corridor, and even his most hated study, has been restored in equal proportions.

He just hates himself for being too honest!

And walking into the castle, the sense of being monitored by the magic essence in his body disappeared as the wooden door closed.

What’s more subtle is that this little castle can move with his mind.

For example, right now, he was standing in front of the main hall in the castle… He took the entire castle smoothly and flew to Su Yu in one breath.

He is like an armored warrior at the moment – the castle is the armor he wears!

It is extremely fast in the enclave, and has the multi-function of defense and isolation of the magic element ban, which is very consistent with his might.

Master Su also nodded secretly, “This magic weapon is called Moer’s Moving Castle.”

Moer’s grey eyes lit up.

“The prohibition of drawing the dungeon as a prison will make you lose your freedom.”

She washed her hands, smiled and looked at Moer, whose face became peaceful at the gate of the castle.

“But this miniature moving castle allows you to go anywhere you want, and you can do things with peace of mind and no worries.”

Moir stroked his chest reverently, “I would like to serve you.”

“When you defeat that demon master, you don’t need to stay in the castle magic weapon,” Hang Wan’er calculated, “it’s only twenty-seven days, just be patient.”

Moll was stunned.

Forbearance? Do not.

The Demon Lord standing above all Demons is only traveling on the throne.

How can he travel by the castle?

He didn’t even want to come out!

Unless it is damaged.

But Su Yu quickly stepped forward, packed some spare parts from the fondant wall in a jade box, and handed them to him together.

“If any roof or wall is broken, repair it yourself.”

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