Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality

Chapter 96

Chapter 91: Did You Cook Today?

A small door opened on the east side of the mountain.

The magic is close at hand.

But everyone stopped.

At the moment they are waiting for the farewell ceremony of the scrapped ‘water pipe’.

Because Mu Daoren and Jin Ling participated in the motor assembly just now, and Mu Ling, Tu Ling and Shui Ling were in charge of guarding and guarding, they were very tired and needed to rest.

Immediately, Hang Waner stood up and spoke solemnly.

“Just like the destruction of this hose, we commemorate today that we humans and demons are united, working together, and opening a door of passage.”

“As long as the devil is upward, he is a good devil. If a man falls, he is also a bad man.”

“There is no good or bad conclusion about human beings and demons, let us remember the traces of our common struggle today—”

“Hose Dan, you go.” Hang Wan’er finished her recitation.

The demons were all excited.

The devil was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

Although they signed Rauch, they were afraid that these people Xiu would not really accept them.

After that, they will be killed or imprisoned forever.

But now, they couldn’t help but silently turn their heads away and wiped the corners of their hot eyes.

I didn’t expect that Ren Xiu would also commemorate the days when they worked together with their demons?

Even the Demon Lord did not give them such a commemorative ceremony.

“It’s all useless for me to destroy the devil!”

Devil slammed hard, thinking of the hose magic weapon that sucked the aura just now, which is full of sixth grade, but it split into four or five under his hand, and the treasure was shattered and completely destroyed.

“If my Demon Extinguisher’s Demon Essence is stronger, I can give birth to a thicker little finger vein, and I won’t absorb this spiritual energy too slowly, which will cause this Tongxin hose treasure to be unbearable.”

The less he holds, the slower the aura delivered to the next demon.

This causes a lot of aura to be blocked in the pipeline, which accelerates the damage of the hose treasure.

“I am also responsible.”

The magic figure standing in the second place bowed his head deeply.

“It’s all because I’m eager to perform. According to the new thickness of the meridians, I can’t get the second place.

The rest of the magic generals dropped their shoulders when they heard this.

Abolished two rank six magic weapons, they are inseparable.

If you make such a mistake in the magic city, you will definitely be whipped by the devil.

The demons were a little panicked.

It turned out to be a flying sword with a peach wood tray in front of them.

Before opening, a fragrant smell came out.

Hang Wan’er smiled at them, “let’s take the wreckage of this magic weapon together, remember what we learned today, and mourn for it.”

The Demons:

Creamy Black Truffle Chicken Pasta.

“You’re welcome.”

Su Yu had already carried a plate and started to enjoy it.

“Today’s quantity is large, if not enough, I can add more.”

Two 30-foot long tubes of macaroni were cooked in two large pots.

As soon as she greeted her, the demons did not dare to linger.

I immediately looked at the large stone-colored shallow disc on the tray.

On this dark gray stone-colored plate, there were scattered sections of broken goose-yellow macaroni water pipes, each of which was covered with a thick creamy cream sauce.

The scraps of black truffles were wiped out and put on top.

Everyone could not help but look at the magic map.

Moto immediately raised his chest.

This is the truffle that he gave birth to under the dark and damp magic energy after he took the water besieged city – the bun and the magic essence were repaired, together with the wood spirit.

The pieces are big and fragrant.

According to Master Su’s words, this is the output of his labor.

He should eat more.

Motu was busy taking out bamboo chopsticks to pull, but Su Yu gave them a silver fork.

As soon as the fork pierced, it twirled a little in the thick cream sauce, twisting three or four macaroni on the shiny silver tines.

In order to remove too much milky greasy, black vinegar is also added.

The little pieces of truffles also revealed a moist forest smell on the tongue, like dewdrops rolling down from the pine branches, bringing a faint aroma of grass and soil.

Mellow yet fresh, elegant but not frivolous.

Multi-layered aftertaste, completely preserved in the bones of the macaroni.

Chew a bite and it oozes out.

Not only is it not greasy, but also feel its value.

“I cultivated this with my magic energy?”

The magic map was unexpected.

Everyone is very comfortable.

The hose ruptured because it was filled with too much aura. After using it in this way, the aura that Mu Daoren and wood spirits consumed instantly were replenished.

Faced with the opening of the demon world channel, everyone was eager to try.

“Magic City, in addition to the main city where the Demon Lord is located, the other seven sub-cities are all guarded by Demon Commanders. The commander-in-chief we’re looking for this time, Mo’er, is in the City of Riots.”

The Demon Slayer opened his mouth.

“The demonic energy of the city of riots, even ordinary demons must be very careful.”

Several demon generals nodded.

“Once possessed by demonic energy, it is easy to become angry, violent, unable to control oneself, and want to destroy the things around and the same kind.”

Su Yu understood.

Take a look at the mustard bag, and the white buns that can be pinched and vented are already in place.

She waved her hand, “Okay, then drive our mobile Dan car in.”


Master Su’s strategy this time is to nibble.

Eat from the edge to the center of the opponent without the enemy noticing.

Combined with the mobile breakfast cart, it is easy to go into battle. Once the battle is over, you can quickly retreat, which is in line with the word “quick”.

Yu Dong has taken out his abacus and began to calculate the value of the Dandan.

“This time we have two tasks, one is to capture the magic commander, leaving the magic master alone and helpless, and the army of 100,000 is empty.”

“The second is to collect magic energy, find new varieties of elixir, and buy from magic people. The more the better.”


Yu Dong also waved with the second sister.

The vortex is no longer there, but no one knows if there is something unknown and terrible in it.

This time, Qingxuan, Elder Zhang, and Yan Yan who volunteered to join the search of Mei Youde’s squad took turns on duty with other sects

Patrol the four realms, but did not come together.

Wei Zhao, Hang Waner and other core juniors and sisters followed Su Yu.

The other Wuling kitchen team, as well as Fengxuan Madam Taoist, legal commissioners Xiao Muge and Jasper Turtle, and important lighting expert Elder Hong Yun, also accompanied them.

“Be careful everyone.”

After the passage is dark, it seems to be a flat road, and you can just walk in.

However, Su Yu already smelled the rotten stench, and the exposed skin felt an uncomfortable coldness and dampness.

The dark, chaotic, irritable and other negative emotions that were so thick that they were all attacked her.

In the demon world, even low-level ordinary demon soldiers would feel uncomfortable, let alone human cultivation.

After everyone walked a few steps, they all took out the spirit stone in the mustard bag and took a hard breath.

Su Yu made a gesture without hesitation, “Get in the car.”

In an instant, a pumpkin carriage made by her cooking and refining, the sixth-grade magic weapon appeared in the passage – the love breakfast cart.

In the compartment is a spacious kitchen that can accommodate about ten people.

There are cooking countertops for cutting and matching, cleaning water counters, and three stove spaces.

There are also carriage windows on both sides, and the food outlet can be served and placed.

Even the small bench where Yu Dong collects money is placed on the edge of the food outlet.

The fully equipped mobile breakfast cart is opening soon!

After getting on the carriage, Master Su touched the stove, feeling a little excited.

The exterior of the pumpkin carriage seemed to be plated with gold, and the four huge wooden rollers quickly drove into the passage.

Hong Yun lit up the road ahead like the sun for a moment.

But the devilish energy is strong, and his light can only illuminate the distance of ten feet in front of the car.

Their sense of consciousness cannot be used frequently here, and there are uncomfortable negative and suppressed emotions everywhere, which doubles the consumption of spiritual energy and consciousness.

“Master Su, we will hold up the magic shield for you!”

The Twelve Demons will guard around the carriage and immediately act as bodyguards and thugs.

The Demon Extinguisher and the Demon Map are on the left and right, looking around on alert.

This city of riots is not their main city, and they are not familiar with it.


Through the passage of about five feet, there is light in front of you.

A whole black and white world full of black, like a black and white world splashed with ink, slowly unfolded in front of them.

Light is cast from the sky, but very faint.

It was as if a gray-black veil was cast in front of her eyes, and everything that entered her eyes was hazy and dark.

“This is the outer wilderness of the city of riots. Generally, few demons will come. The demon soldiers above the third rank live in the city, or in the military camp outside the city.”

Demon Slayer introduced.

He pointed to the straight direction.

“If Marshal Mo’er returns, he will also return to the city master’s mansion in the center. The guards in Riot City are said to be the loosest among the seven deputy cities, and we have a chance.”

In this city of riots, anyone can be mad and irritable at any time.

“We’d better enter the city before the sky is completely black and we can see nothing.”

Their…pumpkin gold carriage is not very conspicuous as long as it is painted black.

Like the golden horns on their foreheads being temporarily blacked out, hiding in this dense fog environment will not make these swell-headed and crazy demons discover at all.

But as soon as Mo Mie finished speaking, he saw the mobile breakfast cart – escorted and hidden by their demons, but it only moved a step towards the demon territory.

One step, then stop.

Twelve Demon Generals: “?”

“We have arrived.” Hang Wan’er explained for them.

The demons: “?”

What about driving in?

Rolling the wheel?

They look back and see the entrance they just passed.

This is far from the center of the magic city.

But Su Yu smiled at them, “Generally, the Dan cars are in the places with the largest passenger flow.”

Hang Wan’er put on her hips confidently, and added brightly, “Where is my second senior sister, where is the place with the largest passenger flow.”

Su Yu coughed lightly.

Junior sister swelled again.

She is looking at the future of this place.

Once humans and demons establish diplomatic relations, the passage here is equivalent to a transportation hub, a subway transfer station.

Master Su’s first love breakfast cart will be placed here.

There is a lot of people and a bright future.

“Don’t worry, we will hand out flyers if the guests don’t come.”

Guest, do you mean handsome Moer?

The city of riots, the city’s main mansion.

The handsome Moer returned to the house and smashed the tiger skull on the bed with a violent fist.

He failed to show off his skills in front of Mei Youde, the trace of the demonic energy he released was refined and disappeared, and he returned to the demon world in a dreadful way.

Just now, I was scolded by the devil in front of several other great marshals, and I lost my face. I went all the way back to my city, but I was still annoyed.


He clenched his fist and released it.

The Demon Lord is a fart!

You can.

Why don’t you go out and kill Nanxun?

Just call him trash…

Moer’s face sank instantly, and he clenched his fist against his throbbing forehead.

Even if he is already a commander-in-chief, the head of the seven cities, and only one step away from the position of the devil, he is just a puppet.

The devil let him die, and he would not survive tomorrow.

A new monster will replace him soon.

“Trash…that’s right.”

Moer gritted his teeth and took out a piece of kraft paper from under the bed stone pillow covered in black mist.

Immediately recited, “O great devil, you are my light, lead me forward.”


“As long as you drive me, I, Moer, will smear the ground and charge for you, and I will definitely make up for this omission!”

You must find a way to get rid of the magic element monitoring after the 27th channel is opened!

I was about to turn the page, but a strange page of oiled paper suddenly fell out of the kraft paper stack in my hand.

Moer was startled and bowed his head.

【What do you want? 】

[Mo Yuan, Meridian, Dantian, Yuan Ying, stronger physique? 】

[Right, magic stone, or a pleasant enjoyment? 】

【Come and move the Dan car, your future is here, the address… 】

Moll: “???”

Who cleaned his room and moved his things!

Stuff this false rumor to him?

But he was about to tear the oil paper, when he frowned and teleported to the corridor.

“Er Dong, where are you going!”

In the black stone corridor, there is a little boy who has just reached his thighs. He looks like six or seven years old. He is wearing the broken armor of the demon soldier in the city of riots, and he is wearing a squirrel with many holes. Leather cloak, the cloak is almost mopping the floor.

This little boy looks like him, but his face is black on the left, but white and tender on the right, holding a dagger in his right hand, looking stubbornly at him.

Showed a few tiger teeth, “Nowhere.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, an ebony sign fell from his waist.

[The main city youth and demon competition. 】

Moer was furious, “I said, you are not suitable for enlisting in the army, play in the city with peace of mind! You are not allowed to go!”

The child turned his face away, holding the dagger tightly.

There are three fingers on his little hand wearing finger guards made of black iron, and he is staring at the ground at this moment.

“Brother himself became the master of the Demon Lord, so he won’t let me do it.”

“I’m afraid I’m better than you, will I inherit your magic essence and compare you?”

Moll almost tilted his head in anger.

What is that good stuff?

He knew it, but couldn’t say it.

Say it and the guy won’t let him go.

Moll covered his forehead, just thinking about the guy sitting on the throne, he had a splitting headache.

He didn’t speak, and the little boy was even more angry, “I heard what my brother sang in the room just now about the devil. Why can’t I be like you, fighting for the devil?”


“Brother has always been your own good things, never cared about me, and was afraid that I would rob you. Just because I am not the same mother family as you? Then leave me alone.”

After the little boy finished speaking, he turned his head and ran away.


Moll took a deep breath.

But he soon ordered to the guard hiding in the darkness, “Follow him and don’t allow him to go to the main city. If you break your leg, bring it back to me!”

The little boy ran out and wiped his tears with his backhand.

But the iron-shelled finger cots on his hands stinged his face.

His stubborn phoenix eyes widened, trying not to shed tears.

But still sobbing.

I turned around and saw two guards who were following in the distance. They even snorted and ran towards the city gate with two short legs.

But halfway through, stop.

After the tears dried, he blinked.

“Move Dan…”

The oil paper that Moer just held—what is it?

A stronger body.

What do you want, a mobile Dan car?

He turned around immediately, got rid of the two attendants, and ran towards the wilderness outside the city.

Move Dan before the car.

Momie was just released from the invisibility pill state he took, revealing his figure.


“The City Lord’s Mansion and the army have all stayed.”

Su Yu nodded in satisfaction.

She is processing some ingredients she just found in the Demon Race, black fungus, black mushrooms, etc.

“But will he come?” Mitu scratched his neck.

Don’t say that Mo Er is handsome, I haven’t even seen half a demon in this wild ghost place.

But soon, a young voice sounded in front of him, “Is it a moving Dan cart? Can you make me the devil master?”



In the entire demon world, there is only one demon master.

From 1,300 years ago to the present, the Demon Lord has never been replaced.

Today’s group of demon generals and demon marshals were born after the last war between humans and demons. That is to say, the previous generation, even the previous generation, served the same demon master.

Although, the twelve devil generals in the dining car at the moment, asked themselves, more or less, they had secretly thought that one day they would replace the devil master, and even Xiao thought about the fall of the devil master, they boarded The position of the Demon Lord, but—

For a large number of demon soldiers and demon people with shorter lives, the demon master is the eternity of the demon world.

I found the child’s face, half black and half a hundred.

Hey, you only want to be the master of the devil when you only give birth to half of the magic essence?

“Your parents never taught you to be loyal to the Demon Lord?” Mo Mie couldn’t help squatting down and looked directly at the half-old boy in the magic armor and the squirrel skin cloak.

If the magic essence is complete, the better it is, the harder it is to escape the control of the devil master.

This child’s mind is dangerous.

Xiao Erdong bared his teeth, don’t overdo it, “Didn’t you say that everything you want can be achieved here?”

He looked up at the bronze carriage that was taller than his brother.

And at the top of the carriage, there was even a curly vine of melon seedlings, dark green.

He is a child, after a few more glances, he finds it very interesting.

However, she quickly returned to her senses, her black and white phoenix eyes earnestly looking at the demon in front of her.

“Can you do it?”

“No, I’ll go!”

Destroyer: “…”

His father, he also wants to be the devil.

But Su Yu, who was standing in the carriage, stuck his hands behind his back and stuck his head out with interest.

Yu Dong took out the abacus and dialed it, “The price of the devil is not low. There are not tens of millions of high-grade magic stones, is this reasonable?”

Xiao Erdong gritted his teeth, and the black iron finger cuffs on his hands plucked the dagger.

“I don’t have that much, but my eldest brother has money.”

“Don’t look at me as young, I have reached the law of the demon race, I can use magic stones freely, and inherit the age of my brother magic stone.”

The demons, the crowd: “…”

Maybe everyone’s eyes are too straightforward.

Xiao Erdong also had some ear heat.

He lowered his head and rubbed his toes on the black mud floor.

Then, he took out three or four large magic stones from his pocket.

“Then let’s not be the devil.”

The Demon Slayer breathed a sigh of relief.

But I heard him say, “Be the lord of the city of riots first.”

“Are you the younger brother of Marshal Moer?”

The demons finally reacted.

It’s no wonder they didn’t expect that, the child who just reached their thighs in front of them is too different from the irritable and tall commander of Moer in the impression.

They have also heard that Moer and his younger brother are not of the same mother family, and they are more than four hundred years apart in age.

He seldom takes this younger brother out when he usually holds meetings in the main city or goes out to the army.

Moreover, they all heard that Moer’s younger brother was born with a disability.

Mo Shui immediately swept his gaze to the little guy, which was obviously a worn-out cloak he had picked up by himself, imagining a discordant family battle between elders and children.

But Xiao Erdong was looking at the plaque on the ‘dining cart’.

Meridian Dan, 10,000 middle grade magic stones/half.

Magic Yuan Bed Pill, 10,000 middle grade magic stones/5 pieces.

Other medicinal herbs are negotiable.

Er Dong immediately looked into the exquisite small window of the carriage, “I want the third item, the others.”

He didn’t know where the mobile Dan car came from, but he saw it on the kraft paper held by the eldest brother.

What big brother can touch must not be ordinary things.

But Er Dong knew that his request was difficult.

The magic generals and lieutenants he can usually come in contact with can’t help him, let alone his little friends.

He didn’t know if this Dan car would work, but when he looked up, he saw Su Yu who smiled at him, had a gentle face but bright eyes.

His phoenix eyes froze.

Maybe…she can.

“Sister, I want to defeat my eldest brother and replace him as the magician.”

Er Dong bowed his head, took a deep breath, and said it all at once.

“He often has headaches. I can feel that every time he comes back from work, the frequency and severity of the headaches are getting worse and worse.”

“I want my eldest brother to play at home, and I will be the magician instead of him.”

The Twelve Demons were stunned.

Yu Dong, who was planning to capture Moer and how much he would charge, also stopped in surprise.

Su Yu smiled and beckoned to the little guy, “Can you tell my sister specifically? For the first order of business, my sister can give you a 50% discount.”

Er Dong grinned immediately, but soon pressed down the corners of his mouth, holding back his happy look.

The little face with clear black and white, imitating the appearance of a mature devil, nodded fiercely.

“If I can’t do it, I won’t pay a penny!”

“Then let me talk about my own situation first. I only have half of my magic energy, but I have already been able to defeat a few members of the teenage demon reserve army in the greedy city next door. I am far away from me. The distance between the eldest brother is probably the strength of a hundred demon generals.”

Destroy the forehead.

You know it!

“In addition…” Xiao Erdong lowered his eyelids and pretended to inadvertently swept the three black iron finger cuffs on his left hand, “Do you sell fingers?”


Finger cookies, yes.


Master Su nodded in anticipation of the child.

[Mo’er, your younger brother spent 30394 mid-grade magic stones in a mobile Dan cart at Chen Shi. Consumption item: Three Finger Dan. 】

Consumption items: Twelve Serious Classics, Seven Wonderful Classics Pills. 】

[…consumption of 14355 top-grade magic stones, consumption items: artificial magic Yuandan. 】

[…Consumption item: five-grade battle axe magic weapon (tailored children’s version). 】

Mo’er counted the number of troops that were going to the Human World after 27 days, and watched the actual combat drills at the school grounds before returning to the army’s coach’s tent.

As a result, seeing the constantly vibrating communication magic stone, it slammed over the commander’s seat and stood up.

[Your credit limit in Mobility Dan has maxed out. 】

[Today’s bill totals 860,000 high-grade magic stones, and it is detected that you may not have the full deposit returned. Do you borrow money from the commanders of the other six cities, your friends? If it is not returned in time, the mobile Dan cart will come to your door to collect it – your magic city will pay off the debt. 】

Moll: “???”

Move the Dan car.

Er Dong is sitting in front of the black iron table with a bag of freshly baked cocoa crispy finger biscuits, a small steamer of chicken feet in soy sauce, and three skewers of grilled sausages.

His face was flushed and a little flustered, and he didn’t know where to start.

It took a long time to seriously start with the fragrant, dark-surfaced biscuits (the cheapest).

He sat on the black iron chair, his two short legs could not step on the ground, and he swayed swayingly.

He looked up and saw a small sun-like sphere of light floating on his forehead—the spell cast by Elder Hong Yun.

And in my ears, there is a clear and sweet piano sound like spring water – Lu Yizhou’s live playing.

A black lotus the size of a palm is blooming on the table.

In the distance, wood spirits and earth spirits are studying the soil and plants of the demon world.

They have just cooperated with the demon, and they have spawned a few black-black wheat hybrids with demonic energy and aura, which are the source of the newly-baked biscuits.

Er Dong couldn’t help shaking her little feet.

Although it is expensive, I don’t know if it will work, but it is really interesting to move the Dan car.

Er Dong wants to be called a friend, or… Big brother come and see.

Thinking about it, the cocoa butter in his mouth melted slowly and densely, he took it out a little reluctantly, and looked down at the dark sweetness, wrapped in crunchy long strip.

He opened his mouth and took a bite, and his mouth was filled with the fragrance of corn.

The fragrant taste made him unable to resist, his cheeks bulged like a little squirrel, and he continued to eat.

He stretched out his little hand and opened the steaming steamer on the table, hesitatingly grabbed a tiger skin claw pill dripping with red soy sauce, slipping grease, and full of gum.

Under this majestic name, the tiger skin outside the claws is soft and tender, and it trembled and swayed as soon as it was grasped in the hand.

Black Feather Chicken.

The feathers, skin and bones are black like ink.

Little Erdong was about to take a mouthful when he heard a familiar and oppressive irritable voice.

“What did you buy, Erdong!”

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