Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality

Chapter 31

Chapter 29: Did You Cook Today?

Yu Dong was sluggish.

“How are you, how are you?”

Yu Dong woke up and looked at Su Yu who took a step towards him with a very concerned expression.

No more pain…

When he was just shot off the ring by Xu Meng’s knife wind, he blocked it with his right hand, and his entire arm seemed to be hit by a heavy mountain.

Although he concentrated his spiritual power on his right arm in time to resist and did not break his arm bone, the entire right shoulder to the elbow was suddenly in severe pain.


When he was knocked off the ring, he could no longer lift his arms. The knife gas broke through the body from under the skin, the texture was torn in an instant, and the wound continued to expand.

But the fourth and sixth brothers fell into a coma one after another. Yu Dong endured the injury and didn’t say anything, and didn’t want to worry the brothers and sisters any more.

But at this moment, he felt carefully—

Now let alone the knife, I can’t even feel the pain in my right shoulder!

He looked at Su Yu in astonishment, and Su Yu was also looking at him.

“How? Please compare the other ruling elders of Dou Tower to see the injury for you?” Su Yu took two steps forward, looked at the blood that had just spewed from his shoulder, and frowned tightly.

Yu Dong opened his mouth, “No—”

Elder…the elder is here, and 80% of his wounds are healed!

As he spoke, he felt an itch on his shoulders.

Su Yu looked solemn, “Lie down first to reduce blood flow.”

I had an accident, is it alright?

She saw the blood that spewed out.

This is a major food accident in the catering industry, it is quite serious, and she must be responsible for it.

Su Yu carefully pressed him to the ground, “Don’t be afraid, no matter how many spirit stones you spend, I will cure you. During this period of time, all your injuries and medicine costs, and the loss of delayed cultivation. , I will be responsible to the end.”

Yu Dong was stunned, the sea of consciousness fluctuated.

Responsible for his injury…

If something really happened to him, the second senior sister would take care of him like this?

Yu Dong looked at Su Yu’s nervous, but bright eyes like stars, and couldn’t help being lost.

After all, as long as the pills are taken fast enough, the wound will not recover!

Yu Dong was shocked.

Su Yu frowned and shook his hand in front of his absent-minded eyes, “Can you hear me, eh? How do you feel now?”

Yu Dong: “I feel…good.”

Su Yu: “?”

Yu Dong lowered his head and pulled his right shoulder.

Others immediately probed, and Su Yu also looked at him with concern.

As a result, I saw that there was a wound on the shoulder texture, but it was shrinking!

Visible to the naked eye, it changed from about the width of a thumb, to the size of a dragon’s whisker, to the size of a pin’s eye…and then disappeared.

Everyone: “!”

Su Yu:

“Just spewed out a blood…” Hang Wan’er suddenly realized, “It is the Qi and Blood Pill that makes the fifth brother strong and makes the blood spurt out all at once.”

Wei Zhao also understood in an instant, and his face was full of joy, “Qi and blood spurted out, and happened to discharge Xu Meng’s sword intent, so that the wound of the fifth junior brother quickly recovered. The second senior sister’s pill is better than exchange The second-grade Blood Melting Pill here is a little better.”

All the disciples opened their mouths in amazement and looked at Su Yu in reverence.


Su Yu coughed lightly, raised his chin slightly, and stood with his hands behind his back.

Kitchen accidents are eliminated.

But she had to pay attention to avoid the next real accident, “It looks very dangerous, don’t give it to Yan Yan.”

Su Yu looked at Yan Yan, whose eyes were still closed, and was helped on the soft seat.

“It’s alright, I’ll try it for Sixth Junior Brother!” Yu Dong’s heart surged.

Thinking of the clear, mirror-like juice, the delicious and warm taste, he couldn’t help lowering his head and took a quick inhalation.

Su Yu didn’t have time to stop him.

Just a breath, puff—

Yu Dong spurted out a nosebleed, and smiled strangely, “It’s okay, even if this pill replenishes excessive qi and blood, it won’t damage the foundation. Sixth Junior Brother can take it.”

Su Yu: “…”

As long as you are happy.

Soon Yu Dong held Sheng Dan’s bowl, helped Yan Yan, and forced the soup out of it to feed him.

Not long after that, Yan Yan’s pale lips became rosy, and his blood was prosperous.


Yan Yan opened his eyes quickly and felt a fresh fragrance in his mouth, just as he was about to speak, he felt like a trickle pouring into his mouth.

In an instant, he felt that his whole body was full of vigor and blood, and his dantian trembled, hot to the point of fire.

Immediately, her complexion changed drastically, she adjusted her breath, embraced her soul, and tried her best to suppress the swelling of her blood.

“Second Senior Sister’s Dan is really powerful, Sixth Senior Brother seems to be fine!”

“Sixth Junior Brother is fine, don’t restrain yourself, nosebleeds will flow if you want, this is your nature.”

Yan Yan: “…”

Fortunately, he adjusted his breath quickly. At this time, his mind was quiet to his dantian, and the surrounding sounds gradually disappeared, otherwise he would want to escape with Yujian now.

“Okay, put away the tableware.”

Su Yu, who stood with his hands behind his back, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“This soup… Dan, if you don’t need it, the remaining one will be sealed with a dust-proof array.” Su Yu warned. This black bone soup produced two pills, but they only used one.

Originally, she didn’t like overnight dishes.

But in this world of immortality, all dishes are made from the spiritual materials of heavenly treasures and earthly treasures. As long as they are properly preserved, and a few thermal insulation arrays and dustproof arrays are made, they will not deteriorate.

Su Yu put away the map of monsters, glanced at the pot that Hang Waner was scrubbing, and put it into the mustard bag with satisfaction.

Yu Dong took a deep look at her, and immediately did as she did, an aura attached to the rest of the snow-colored condensate, still a little worried, and attached three layers of aura in a row!

I was relieved after confirming that even half of the aura won’t be released.

The other two jade bowls are still with him.

But before taking it, most of the wounds he and the sixth junior brother have been healed.

“This pill, Second Senior Sister, please keep it.” Yu Dong did not dare to take it for himself.

Just as she was about to return it to her, she heard a piercing sword whistle!

“Can Yan Yan be here?”

A tall and tall figure wearing a robe and teaching flying swords stood on the railing on the third floor of the Bidou Tower.

The three palaces and five courtyards on his face seem to have been measured, and the length of the spacing is indescribably suitable and neutral, which makes Su Yu, who has a high aesthetic level, feel that the layout is too symmetrical, and I really want to Give him the finishing touch.

Wei Zhao hurriedly said, “Dare to ask your Excellency who is—?”

The man immediately tapped his toes, the sword was not much or not, dropped three points, and took three steps.

“In Xiaxiquan, I am the disciple of the elder caregiver of the Third Questioning Heart Formation of Wanjian Mountain, ranking third. I am here to deliver three medicines by Master’s order.”

Su Yu couldn’t help twitching the corners of his brows, this person is afraid of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Wei Zhao was stunned, “Send medicine to my junior brother?”

Wanjianshan has never been involved in inner sect fights.

The eight elders of the Asking Heart Sword Formation never interfere with trivial matters outside Jianshan, and their disciples rarely come out to walk around.

“Is the elder a friend of my master Mu Daoren?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xi Quan shaking his head, “I don’t know.”

Wei Zhao: “…”

“I’m afraid Master heard that Yan Yan was injured by Xu Meng’s knife and asked me to deliver the medicine, but he didn’t say the rest.” Xi Quan glanced at the tower and saw that Yan Yan was adjusting his breath with his knees crossed. relieved.

I immediately threw out a jade bottle, “Second grade blood melting pill, just take three pills.”

Everyone at Qiong Peak was stunned.

Second Grade Pill, a bottle of at least five thousand spirit stones.

Why are the elders of the Heart Sword Array so generous to Yan Yan?

Wei Zhao didn’t know how to answer for a while, so he looked at Su Yu.

Su Yu put down the tea cup in his hand and nodded at him.

When a chef’s talent gradually shines, it will always get the attention and attention of the outside world.

This is a good thing.

Indicates that there is no waste in her kitchen.

“Thank you elder for your trouble.”

Su Yu agrees.

Look at Yu Dong again.

“Five junior brother, you will take another black bone soup… pill in the bowl to this brother Xiquan and bring it back to his master as a return gift.”

Black bone?


Is it the mirror-like soup he took just now, but the outer layer of the medicine is like snow.

Yu Dong looked strange and puzzled, and handed out the jade bowl in his hand to Xi Quan.

“Senior Brother Xi, you can break a hole and play with it, and then inhale it carefully, otherwise it will burn your mouth.”

Xi Quan: “???”

He was stunned.

He can understand every word separated, but together, it is like a book from heaven.

Break the hole, enjoy the fun, what does this have to do with the service Dan?

But he didn’t ask, he only stayed outside for three sticks of incense every day, otherwise it would be a huge waste of time and useless in kendo.

We must rush back now.

When he took the jasper bowl from Yu Dong’s hand, Xi Quan was still startled.

Is this Dan?

He couldn’t help frowning, and said one more sentence, “Xu Meng’s heavy mountain knife will condense the knife in the wound it causes, and taking ordinary healing medicine is useless, it will only aggravate it. injury.”

s things.”

Everyone in Qiongfeng looked strange. Gang Weizhao also said that Second Senior Sister’s Dan is better than Melting Blood Dan.

But after Xi Quan finished speaking, he looked up at the sun outside the tower, “I’ve been away from Jianshan for two sticks of incense, farewell-”

Before he finished speaking, he was already flying like a rainbow, disappearing on the spot, and the speed was amazing.

Qian Qingqiu sighed, “I have heard that Wanjianshan is strong, and today it is true. Xiquan is ranked third, and the golden core is the peak. Their first-ranked senior sister has entered the Yuan Ying. Plus eight elders from the peak of Nascent Soul, the strength is not lost to any of the main peaks.”

After he finished speaking, he also looked at Su Yu and the others, “Junior Sister Su, congratulations to you for getting the third grade.”

“For the next three-level ranking, the Presbyterian Church will issue different questions every year. Once you enter the top three, you can challenge the second-level position. You can take a good rest. If you need it, come anytime I am Yuqiongfeng recuperating. I will take my brothers and sisters to say goodbye first.”

Qian Qingqiu, as the chief disciple, was also busy with his affairs, so he hurriedly took people away.

Su Yu nodded, then looked at everyone, “Go, bring the wounded and sick, back to the peak!”

The disciples of Zhi Qiong Peak cheered.

“We’ve kept our rank!”

“Senior brother will be shocked when he comes back!”

“It all depends on the strength of the second senior sister.”

Just now they were frightened by Yan Yan’s injury, but now they are fine, and they are immediately excited.

Su Yu cheekily pressed his hand, “Small things, don’t make any noise.”

Everyone’s reverence became even more intense.

But after she took a step, she heard Wei Zhao speak, “Senior sister, the next third-rank ordering, the elders have made tricky questions over the years. Zong, it’s all related to realm. Taking advantage of the fact that a few junior brothers and sisters have just gone through a few battles, it’s the time to examine enlightenment, why don’t we go to the meditation institute these few days and use up the times that haven’t been used this year?”

Su Yu paused, the elder also mentioned it.

Wei Zhao smiled wryly, Senior Sister has not practiced for too long, and the recent breakthrough is as easy as drinking water.

She probably forgot.

“A cultivator’s breakthrough requires spiritual qi cultivation and sea-knowledge, both of which go hand-in-hand. For example, the sixth junior brother took Dan to forcibly improve his cultivation this time. He has more spiritual power but insufficient spiritual consciousness, so his realm is unstable.

Not only him, but other brothers and sisters also took the Bazhen Mushroom Tang Dan refined by the second sister many times, which accelerated the absorption of spiritual power, but the gain of sea knowledge was not enough. ”

“There is a formation in the meditation courtyard, which restricts the use of the disciples’ spiritual power, and can only use their spiritual sense to fight against the monsters and phantoms in the room, so as to hone the sea of knowledge.”

Wei Zhao explained.

“The third-level peak has fifteen days of enlightenment time every year, and we have not used it up to Qiong Peak.”

Su Yu nodded.

The ability to improve the kitchen talents is the top priority.

“What are you waiting for, go now.”

Rest? nonexistent.

They are all the people who shoulder her great cause!

Her kitchen needs them to inherit!

“Since it’s useful to Yan Yan, then wake him up. By the way, a boat, he needs to sharpen his knowledge of the sea, and bring him with him.”

Hang Wan’er’s eyes were shining, and she immediately used the five immortal rope to roll up the two of them.

They went to Qiongfeng female cultivator and stood up!

To Qiongfeng female cultivator, this time I will bring the male cultivators to stand up together!

“Meditation Academy, I’ll lead the way.” Hang Wan’er’s red silk took the lead, rushing in front.

Su Yu was satisfied, “Positive attitude, plus 500 contribution points.”

Wei Zhao:

Yu Dong:

The disciples immediately turned red, and quickly followed, lest they fall behind.

Yu Dong hurriedly handed over two small bowls of medicinal pills that he had not had time to try to Wei Zhao.

“Third Senior Brother, keep it for you.”

But as soon as he moved, his body trembled.

“Oops, I just lost my mind and gave the wrong Dan!”

“Go and tell Second Senior Sister that the medicine for Wanjianshan is wrong.”

“Do you know that the Qi-refining female cultivator at Zhi Qiongfeng refines alchemy?”


“She also used a pot—”

“? Are you daydreaming?”

“I lied to you!”

Xi Quan flew with his sword all the way, and gradually frowned upon hearing the comments of many disciples.

Look at the strange jade bowl in her arms.

Sure enough.

Is this an attempt at alchemy by a Qi refining disciple?

He shook his head.

Soon he fell to Wanjian Mountain and entered a simple courtyard.

Stand outside the door, respectfully.

“Master, I handed the Melting Blood Pill to Yan Yan’s senior brother. I see that Yan Yan’s qi and blood are okay, the condition is not critical, and he can regulate his breath normally.”

“Zhi Qiongfeng asked me to bring back an elixir as a gift to Master.”


Su Yu, who stood on the red silk with his hands behind his back, was watching the scenery and looked at Yu Dong in surprise.

Yu Dong smiled wryly, “It’s my fault.”

He was shocked by the magical blood coagulation pill just now, and the three bowls of pills were full of medicinal power.

Su Yu pondered, “Kengwa, what was wrongly given was Sishen Fried Liver?”

Yu Dong:

Four Gods Fried Liver, the name is amazing.

Different medicinal herbs have different effects and values.

“I’ll go to Wanjian Mountain now, stop Senior Brother Xiquan, and exchange the medicinal pills with him.”

Su Yu hesitated for a moment, is it okay to recover after serving?

But she nodded.

After all, it is a product that has not been tested internally, and it is really irresponsible for diners.

“You explain it to the other party, and if necessary, give the other party a plate of spring plums.”

Four Gods Fried Liver.

The focus of stir-frying liver is the knife and heat.


Master Su is confident in the taste, and he is afraid of it.

The elders of Wanjian Mountain should be quite old.

“You go quickly.” Su Yu thought about it and said uneasy.

Yu Dong nodded immediately, and Qiankun Chi flew to three feet away in one breath, hurrying at full speed.

Su Yu and others also slowly descended towards the meditation courtyard.

Wanjian Mountain, a secluded courtyard.

The white-haired old man in a robe with a black spot between his fingers was playing a game with the red-robed old man on the opposite side, but at the moment he stopped.

“Give me a Dan?”

Xi Quan answered seriously, “Yes.”

“Zhi Qiongfeng is also grateful and has a good heart.” The red-robed old man smiled.

If the people from Zhi Qiong Peak were here, they would recognize that this red-robed old man was the ruling elder who was in charge of their ring today.

“Their performance in the arena today was beyond my expectations,” he looked at the chessboard where black and white intersected, “Although there are Lingbao and Lingdan to assist, but Yan Yan and Nayinxiu have a strong understanding of kendo, You have a deep understanding of Qin Jue, and it will become a great tool in time. Brother Zhang, no wonder you rushed to send the Melting Blood Pill, even I have a little love for talent today.”

But having said that, he still looked at his third disciple with concern, “How is he now after taking the blood melting pill?”

“I don’t know. The three sticks of incense have arrived during my rest time today. If Master wants to know, I might as well wait until tomorrow.”

Zhang Daoren:

Xi Quan turned around immediately, and placed the small bowl of medicinal pills on the Baibao Pavilion behind the sandalwood, “Master, I’m going to practice.” After saying that, he left the room.

“This is unfilial—”

The old man in the red robe could not laugh or cry, “Xiquan hasn’t changed, it’s still the same… keep the rules and rules and rules.”

Zhang Daozhi was so arrogant that he pressed his black spot on the chessboard, “More stubborn than me.”

“In the end, he is also for you,” the red-robed old man suddenly sighed, “I heard that he has been inquiring about the traces of the ancient secret palace, it should be looking for you to prolong life. Only Nascent Soul can enter the secret palace.”

Zhang Daoren was lost for a moment, and then hummed.

The red robe elder smiled bitterly, “You only have less than three years of lifespan now, hasn’t the head figured out a solution yet?”

Zhang Daoren stared, “Let him think of a way? Give the master a sixth-grade Yannian Pill, and let him compromise, and promise to send ten of Nanxun’s elite disciples to Tianshengzong for ten years. If I let him find a way, will I still have disciples in Nanxun a hundred years later!”

“No need to mention this matter, my lifespan is exhausted, it is destiny! Guarding the formation for a hundred years, I have not touched the threshold of **** transformation, even if I take Yannian Dan, what is the use? , it’s just a few more years of respite, it’s useless to the sect!”

The red robe elder was helpless.

The peak of Yuan Ying, the life span of five hundred years. If you can’t step into the spirit transformation stage, you will have to sit and transform.

And his face is not as good as other Nascent Soul elders, like the prime of life, not only full of wrinkles, but also growing more and more macular.

The white eyebrows on the face were also scattered, and half fell. The wooden hairpin on his head could only hold up a small strand of sparse white hair.

Everywhere on the body is actually withered.

Elder Hongpao was upset.

Noticing his gaze, Zhang Daoren turned his face away uncomfortably, and reached out to stroke his beard, but two or three strands fell when he touched it.

“This body…ho, it’s really useless.”

He smiled wryly.

“It is inevitable that I will sit still. You might as well think about who will take over the guard of the third questioning heart formation.”

The elders in red robes looked sad.

After killing two more games, it was getting late, and he left with a heavy face.

Zhang Daoren sat in the room without lighting the lights, staring at the end of the chessboard in total darkness.

If there is an elixir, who doesn’t want to live? He could use Nanxun’s inner disciple to go to Tianshengzong to exchange for Yannian Pill, but he couldn’t do it.

What a fortunate and powerful daughter of the head of the family, to **** their disciples in a grand manner, really shameless!

“It’s not worth living. Five hundred years, I’m tired.”

He shook off his robe and was about to put away the chess pieces when a flying sword passed the book and crashed into the room.

[Master, I just had time to practice, so I forgot to mention it. That medicinal pill, the people of Zhiqiongfeng said, when taking it, you should break the small hole on the medicinal pill’s surface, be careful to **** it, and pay attention to burning your mouth – Xi Quanliu. 】

Zhang Daoren: “?”

“It is unreasonable, unfilial people talk nonsense, play as a teacher!”

He hadn’t heard of any way of taking pills for five hundred years.

He threw up his sleeves.

But for a second, Nascent Soul’s eyesight is very strong, and even without lighting the lamp, he can see the small jasper bowl placed on the treasure shelf behind the sandalwood.

Zhang Daoren frowned.

I walked over immediately, “Zhi Qiongfeng… I can’t even buy a jade bottle containing medicinal herbs.”

Thinking of the continuous disappearance of Daoist Mu and Xiao Muge, he shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, when he sits down, give them some spiritual stones.


Zhang Daoren took out a jade bottle from the mustard seed bag, opened the blue bowl cover to Qiongfeng with one hand, and prepared to transfer the medicine pill.

Breathing, he touched this snow-colored bumpy elixir with a little scarlet.

Just as he was stunned by this somewhat ugly appearance, he saw that he was like a withered, speckled old hand, which seemed to have lost a bit of…

In front of a white-walled and black-tiled academy surrounded by pine trees, on the plaque are two strong and simple characters – meditation.

A heavy feeling came over her face, but Su Yu looked at the disciple in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

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