Urban Romance

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Su Ke wants to learn Edison Chen

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 59 Chapter 59: Su Ke Wants To Learn Edison Chen

Chapter 58 Su Ke Wants To Learn Edison Chen

“Hua Xin Dao Su Ke, the devil’s claws stretched to the high school girl! Hot!” In the post, such a problem came up, and it seemed that the click was approaching the thousand mark, and the popularity was hot.

Eyes widened and clicked to enter. First of all, it turned out that he and Liu Qingqing ate at the California beef noodle restaurant, but Wang Huan and Li Yan did not appear in the camera.

In the photo, Su Ke and Liu Qingqing are sitting together. Although somewhat restrained, they accidentally look at each other and look so good. I don’t know who this photo came from, and the level of shooting is too good.

The second picture was Su Ke and Liu Qingqing walked into the school gate. The two were talking face to face. Su Ke didn’t know when he was so eye-catching. He even had the honor of paparazzi tracking.

There are two photos in total. The reply below makes Su Ke want to cry without tears. He can’t cry or laugh. Looking on the first floor and then on the first floor, Su Ke’s teeth are itchy.

“Fifteen moons and sixteen circles, Su Ke is a fancy man!”

“A row of egrets go to the sky, and Su Ke pedals three boats!”

“The light boat has passed Wanzhong Mountain, and the class flower soaked is called Weilan!”

“It’s hard not to be difficult when you meet each other. The school flower Fifi is in high school!”

“Heaven is a little bit better, the picture is Liu Qingqing!”

“It’s a real croissant upstairs, don’t rhyme, I’ll have another one!”

“Fei Fei Qing Qing Wei Weilan, three women wait for a man!”

“Su Kesu Ke fights for tone, learns Edison Chen!”

“The national idol Chen Guanxi, Su Ke remember to bring a camera!”

“Three sisters come in line, Su Ke learns Li Zongrui!”

“Chen Guanxi plus Li Zongrui, sleep every day for my sister!”

“A bunch of hooligan upstairs!”

“This post must be hot!”

Su Keqi wanted to smash the computer, and the responses were like poetry conferences, but he had to admire these talents. Are they all liberal arts students? Fortunately, some people still refuted, and suddenly laughed after watching it.

“It’s so obscene to talk upstairs, I spit on your face and wash my feet!”

“It’s ridiculous to talk upstairs. I poke you with a pee!”

Seeing that Su Ke was confused, he turned off the computer, and looked at the clock on the wall, it was almost eleven, so he simply finished the homework and lay down on the bed.

Tossing and turning, Luo Feiyan’s bright eyes kept appearing in his mind. Hidden helplessness, a woman, at least Su Ke hasn’t found out what background she has to support this stall.

Men’s protection of women ** is completely independent of age. When the kindergarten children have heroes to save the United States, let alone Suike, an 18-year-old young man.

“Wu Chengjie! Wu Chengjie!” Su Ke mumbled the name and frowned. The moonlight outside the window was vaguely white, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep before he knew it.

“I’ll go to the teacher’s college today to find Zheng Mo. It’s best to finish the task this week!” When leaving early in the morning, Su Ke’s mind was still thinking about this matter. After all, in the current situation, this task is still relatively Easy to accomplish.

As soon as I walked into the classroom, I saw that Wang Xiaogang seemed to be waiting for himself, and immediately greeted him with a smirk on his face, his mouth grinning like 80,000: “Su Ke, you, haha, have you read the post? ! ”

As soon as Su Ke heard this, he knew what Wang Xiaogang said. He was helpless: “Don’t tell me this is the plan for that speculation! I’ll kill you!”

“Hey! This is really not me, but the kid who took the picture is a bit level. I can train him to be my chief photographer in the future. The framing, the angle, the focal length adjustment are a bit professional! Speaking of this, Wang Xiaogang laughed again suddenly and pointed at Su Ke: “But the most amazing thing is the following reply. Did you see it?”

This time Su Ke was speechless, as if Wang Xiaogang’s voice was not suppressed, the students who were going to study in the morning all covered their mouths and tried to smile, but fortunately, Wei Lan was low. Head, nothing strange.

“I can tell you very seriously now, classmate Su Ke, you are really red now! The hair is red and purple, right! Did you see the top ten school drafts I initiated?” Wang Xiaogang asked immediately.

Su Ke shook his head: “I still have the mood to look at that! I almost irritated my nerves!” After speaking, he walked to his seat, but before he took a step, Wang Xiaogang grabbed his arm.

“I’m honored to congratulate you. This event is based on the principles of openness, fairness and fairness. Under your supervision, you have been shortlisted for the Top Ten Schools, and currently have overwhelmed Lin Jian, a sophomore, with a slight advantage and become the first name! Wang Xiaogang had a serious expression, but his eyes still showed a hint of slyness.

“Lin Jian? Who is it?” Su Ke didn’t have much interest in the top ten grasses, but he seemed to have heard of the name Wang Xiaogang said, and asked suddenly.

“Hey, that’s the boy in the sophomore (1) class. He was called Liu Chuanfeng by a bunch of idiots. It is good to play basketball. I heard that he can be as good as the sports elite!” Wang Xiaogang did not feel cold about this Of course, as Su Ke’s good friend, he naturally does not help his parents.

“Oh!” Su Ke shrugged his shoulders, shook his head indifferently, and finally got rid of Wang Xiaogang’s entanglement, and returned to his seat, but obviously posted the new post incident, obviously the trouble that has just caused him has just begun.

“Su Ke!” Wei Lan stood up after class and walked towards Su Ke, then glared at Wang Xiaogang who wanted to come over, shouting as he walked.

“Huh?” Su Ke looked up, with some surprises. Although he has got along well with Wei Lan now, but this girl rarely comes to find herself actively, and it is not time for school now.

Supporting each other, Wei Lan stopped talking, took a deep breath, and the dimples on both sides of her cheeks fell into the blush, as if she was still a little nervous. Su Ke had to ask again: “What’s wrong?”

“You, have you read the post in the post?” Wei Lan gritted her teeth and finally asked.

“I’m going!” Su Ke sighed, thinking that Wei Lan wouldn’t post it at first, after all, she should not have much free time as a study committee member, and she didn’t see any abnormalities in the morning, who knew that it was To settle accounts after the fall!

“Look! You’re talking about the post where I caught the thief!” Su Ke turned his head, although he was very nervous, but he would not easily mention the post of the three women and one man, but he did not mention it himself. Does not mean that Wei Lan does not ask!

“Not that, I’m talking about the post that made you learn Li Zongrui and Edison Chen!” Wei Lan stretched her face and looked at Su Ke tilted her head.

“Uh! Li Zongrui? Edison Chen? I haven’t heard of it, I don’t know!” Su Ke decided to pretend to be stupid, avoid the enemy’s edge, frowned, and looked innocent.

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