Urban Romance

Chapter 1347

Chapter 1348 Have you stayed in it!

Fu Lingshan was completely stunned by Su Ke. She was completely confused. She had never loved or regretted a paragraph. She had never heard of it before. Naturally, she did not understand that Su Ke was joking with herself.

Holding the mobile phone, scratching his head blankly, sitting on the sofa still cyanotic, took a deep breath: “What do you say? I want to ask you — you — yesterday — has you Leave that in me? ”

“Huh? What and that?” Su Ke chewed the fritters, and he could hear the sound of chewing on the phone. Fu Lingshan heard a frown, and his temper was about to start.

“I ask you! Is it your thing, did you stay in my body in the end?” After Cen Kailun left, Fu Lingshan became more and more frightened. She didn’t want to be an unmarried mother, although she said that drugs could kill that thing, But still not assured.

“Eh?” Su Ke finally understood, and suddenly he was speechless, raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, and looked around, but no one looked at himself, which lowered his voice: “Don’t you know?”

“Nonsense! If I knew, I still ask you what?” Fu Lingshan’s temper immediately aroused a lot of embarrassment.

“Then what answer do you want to hear? Yes? Or no?” Su Ling’s tone was strong, Su Ke’s urge to continue teasing her.

“Su Ke, do you want to die?” Fu Lingshan exclaimed, even when she heard Su Ke’s uncontrollable smile on the phone just now, she was really angry, and she was in a hurry to get angry, He’s better, sitting and watching a joke?

“I want to die, um, I think you want to die!” The more Fu Lingshan said so, the more Su Ke had to interrupt her, and she even imagined the image of this girl’s soaring hair.

“Su Ke, I’m serious to you, don’t you kid me? I’m very anxious, Sister Cen, you’ve helped me out to buy medicine!” Fu Lingshan gritted her teeth, and if Su Ke would rush to do it before her eyes However, over the phone, I really didn’t do it, and I could only use Rou Kegang.

“Buy medicine? What medicine?” Su Ke felt Fu Lingshan’s anxiety, finally became serious, and frowned slightly subconsciously.

“What kind of medicine can it be? It’s the kind of medicine taken afterwards. She was worried that we would be pregnant without safety measures!” In the end, the sturdy Fu Lingshan couldn’t help but blushed.

“Oh!” Su Ke suddenly made a black line. This Cen Karen really feared that the world would not be chaotic. She rushed for everything: “Well, don’t take the medicine she bought!”

“Then you didn’t stay in it at the end?” Fu Lingshan’s voice suddenly became very pleasant, perhaps this is the best news I heard today.

“Well, think about it, I didn’t have it yesterday — did not reach that stage, okay! What’s inside and outside!” Su Ke is really going to be mad, and now he has become extremely strong, in this regard The ability has also been greatly improved, basically several rounds, completely unable to reach the launch state.

However, Fu Lingshan has not fully adapted to the battle of this intensity, and she was able to resist it for a while when the battle first started. Later, she was defeated, and she couldn’t even endure Su Ke’s attack anyway.

Su Ke can only slap Ming Jin to withdraw troops, which will not involve anything about burying mines in her position, so Fu Lingshan said that it was okay, and Su Ke was a frustration and helplessness.

“Ah? Really? Really! That’s great!” Fu Lingshan patted her chest, and the boulder hanging from her heart finally swept away: “Okay, it’s okay, then I’m hung up!”

Su Ke listened to the beeping sound from his mobile phone and shrugged his shoulders before putting it back in his pocket. He felt that his stomach was full, and he would be late for class again. He would be absent from school for another day today.

Yesterday, Shen Zheng, the head teacher, should not be held accountable. After all, he only attended the opening ceremony of the Shengtang Foundation yesterday and would always take care of himself a little.

Let’s go to He Shusheng first!

He Shusheng came for the Shengtang Foundation. Although there was a reason for her granddaughter He Fenglu, she still came because of herself.

I ca n’t invite people here, and then disappear automatically. This is too rude. Look at the time. It should be just now.

I went to the hotel where He Shusheng was staying. The old man was not in the room. He called after knowing it. He was invited by the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee to visit the Industrial Park of the Development Zone. Bai Xue went to the Fangfeiyi people.

No way, continue to fight to Fang Fei people, basically there are no guests here in the morning, so when Su Ke entered the door, soon saw the women sitting in the hall, babbling said very lively.

Bai Xue was the one who saw Su Ke first, watched him come in, and ran directly from the sofa. Speaking of which she had no friends in Weihai, all except Liu Feihong were here.

In principle, the Bai family is the head of the underworld in Macau, and Liu Feihong is also the same underworld sister on the Weihai side. The two have been easier to talk to, and she should probably go to Liu Feihong to chat.

And it was the same before, but now the situation has changed. I have discovered and confirmed that the relationship between Su Ke and Luo Feiyan, or the relationship between Maina Duwan, is the same as myself, and I am eager to declare sovereignty. .

So now in the eyes of everyone, I went straight into Su Ke’s arms: “Su Ke, we will go to the picking garden in the afternoon. You will go together!”

Su Ke felt a little embarrassed, and even felt the bad eyes that Du Wan had cast. Except that Luo Feiyan’s expression had not changed or he smiled, He Fenglu and Ma Ina were a little unnatural.

“Okay, okay! You’re strangling me!” Su Ke said as he pushed Bai Xue, not quite understanding how this girl behaved so freely today.

However, Luo Feiyan’s careful thinking about Bai Xue was clear, and it was clear that he was jealous. Using this performance to stimulate other people, it was best to achieve the purpose of humiliating soldiers without fighting.

However, she also felt the embarrassment of others. If this continues, the good atmosphere of harmony is likely to change, and quickly speak: “Su Ke, go to the suburbs to pick strawberries in the afternoon, I guess you have to make a guest porter!”

Taking this opportunity, Su Ke took two steps inward, and finally let Bai Xue come out of his arms and scratched his head: “Pick the strawberries? That’s good for me, I treat you!”

“Would you like to call that Fu Lingshan? The big celebrity and we pick strawberries must be fun!” Maina thought that since Fu Lingshan was here, it would not be appropriate for people to stay in the hotel, and the shooting of the advertisement was still After two days, I can’t afford to neglect.

After hearing what she said, Su Ke suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but this was not the most depressing, and she heard Bai Xue suddenly yell, “Su Ke, how did you get your neck?”

How could it be done, but it was not the bite Fu Lingshan gave herself yesterday, but how could she say that she suddenly felt like a fire on her face.

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