Urban Inventor

Chapter 74 - The big move of future technology companies

Two weeks passed by in a hurry.

During this time, Zhang Wei has been living such a busy and fulfilling life, studying intelligent humanoid robot technology in the company during the day, and secretly going to the first tractor manufacturing plant in Zhongyun City at night to study with national researchers Fighters and spaceships based on anti-gravity technology have a very solid life and are quite low-key. Not only have they disappeared from the public view, even the company employees rarely see him.

However, unlike Zhang Wei’s low-key, technology companies in the future will continue to make big moves this time.

The first big move: The National Security Bureau sent a team of anti-spyware experts to join the company’s security department in secret. With the cooperation of the company and the relevant state departments, a vigorous anti-spyware campaign was launched in secret.

Zhang Wei also participated in this matter in secret, he ordered Beidou to investigate the identity of all employees of the company. Beidou once again invaded tens of millions of computers around the world, linking these computers into a supercomputer with terrible computing power, comparing the information of company employees with the personal identification information databases of the world, checking and then The call information and traces of activities on the Internet of these employees were investigated. Under this investigation, there is little information that cannot be found unless this person is isolated from modern society from birth.

Under Beidou’s means, the identity of every employee in the company’s headquarters was investigated, and the ancestors were investigated for three generations. In the end, more than 30 company employees were determined to be spies.

These spies are sent by foreign governments, and also by multinational companies and consortia. The purpose is also very simple, that is to spy on intelligence related to anti-gravity technology.

Zhang Wei had expected this for a long time, so he was not surprised, but the identity of some of the spies still shocked him. Some of the so-called “Chinese” actually came from South Korea, Japan, and overseas Chinese. They accepted it from the beginning. Special agent training, and stood out in more than ten years of training, and then sent to China, through a gray transaction with some people became a “real” Chinese.

There are many ways of this kind of transaction, the most common one is the dove in the magpie nest.

The so-called dove occupies the magpie’s nest, is to find a suitable missing population, and then impostor. There are people who do this in various parts of the country and can be called identity traffickers. Every year, there are countless people missing due to various reasons. After receiving orders from customers, identity dealers will contact the government ’s internal partners to select the appropriate missing population, and then operate to let customers occupy the identity of the missing person. The local police station relocated the hukou, and obtained the ID card and hukou book reasonably and legally in another place.

In this way, these spies who have received special training from abroad have easily become “real” Chinese. They look exactly like the Chinese, and their identity information is also true. After living in China for a while, they still have There are almost no flaws in one’s own life circle and circle of friends, which can’t be found by general methods. It’s scary to think about.

There are also some spies that make Zhang Wei feel a little angry. These people are native Chinese, but they can’t resist the temptation. They are willing to become the minions of foreign forces.

After detecting these spies, Zhang Wei did not hand over the identities of these people to the relevant state departments, because he could not explain how he found the true identities of these people, unless he exposed the fact that he had artificial intelligence.

However, this does not mean that Zhang Wei has no action. He ordered Beidou to closely monitor the movements of these people, and plans to expel these people in batches in two months.

Unlike Zhang Wei, the National Security Bureau immediately arrested the spy who sneaked into the company.

During these two weeks, thirteen spies were discovered by counter-espionage experts, and then all were arrested without exception. Among them, a commercial spy sent by the Japanese Mitsui Foundation was arrested publicly. The role of killing chickens and monkeys.

After the spy was publicly arrested, Liu Hai convened a press conference to severely condemn the mischievous behavior of the Mitsui Consortium, which caused a lot of sensation around the world. Domestic netizens also supported future technology companies and condemned Mitsui. The consortium and others called for a boycott of the products of the companies under the Mitsui consortium, and listed a list of companies: Toyota, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Sanyo, NEC. These well-known companies are all affiliated companies of the Mitsui consortium, which shows that Mitsui The terror of the consortium.

The second big move: the company’s charity plan was officially launched.

The first future elementary school donated by the company has been officially started. Liu Hai personally went to the construction ceremony and announced that at least 1,000 future elementary schools will be built nationwide within two years. In fact, if Zhang Wei knew about the groundbreaking ceremony, he would definitely go to participate. After all, this is the company’s first charity event, and also a good opportunity to get a reputation. It has a lot of temptations for him. However, because he had instructed before, everything in the company was left to Liu Hai and other leaders to deal with without reporting to him. Therefore, when he knew about the matter at the second week’s regular meeting, the construction ceremony had already passed.

The third big move: the company’s big acquisition plan has been launched, and has won two companies.

The two companies, one is a company researching nano-lithium ion batteries. The acquisition of this company is also for the intelligent robot Zhang Wei is studying. After all, intelligent robots need energy to drive.

Another company is a company that does human brain research and brain-like applications. Brain science has become a global key research project. Europe has determined the “Twenty-Year Research Plan for the Brain”, Japan regards the 21st century as the “Brain Science Century”, and the United States has launched the “Global Human Brain Project”, which has attracted Joined by more than 20 countries, this is another major scientific project after the Human Genome Project to study the mysteries of the human body, aiming to reveal the mysteries of the human brain, help humans better understand themselves, protect themselves, and prevent and control the brain Diseases and developing brain potential. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Zhang Wei is also very interested in the human brain project, but now he needs to study intelligent robots, and then to study the genetic evolution of humans. It is really impossible to take the time to participate in this project.

The fourth big move: American SOM Architects, German GMP Architects and other world-renowned architectural design firms have completed the design of the new headquarters of the future technology company. After Zhang Wei and everyone discussed, they finally chose Germany Designed by GMP Architects.

According to this design plan, the new headquarters of the future technology company will be divided into three areas.

Future No. 1 Park: Designed in the shape of a flat round UFO, it means that the future of the future technology company is toward the sea of ​​stars. This is the company’s office building area. It consists of four skyscrapers, a research building dedicated to Zhang Wei, and a series of supporting buildings. After completion, it can accommodate 80,000 people to work at the same time.

Future No. 2 Park: It is the company’s factory area.

Future No. 3 Park: It is the company’s living area. A large number of villas and apartments will be built here to provide a good accommodation environment for company leaders and employees.

After confirming the design plan, Liu Hai immediately announced to the media that the company’s new headquarters bidding meeting will be held on January 2, 2020. For a time, the major construction groups in the world that had long known that the future technology company will build the new headquarters have gathered. Yunshi, ready to fight for this fat!

(Thanks for “Soy Sauce Going Around in the World”, “Don’t Say”, “Fammi”, “Silent Achen”, thank you for your recommendation. Thank you.)

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