Urban Inventor

Chapter 66 - Shine Taihu Light

(Thank you for the reward of “Hui Mei”, thank you for your recommendation ticket. Thank you.)

Below the video, netizens also expressed their opinions.

“If the era of artificial intelligence is really coming, many of us will be unemployed, and even 90% of people in the whole human society will have no job opportunities from birth to death! Do n’t think that I am a worrying person, I can To give you some examples: when the machine recognizes the face, which is more powerful than the person, those who work to recognize the face will be laid off; when the voice recognition ability exceeds the person, those customer service, and people who call to sell the house every day You may also be unemployed. In general, when technology surpasses humans, human jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence! “

“I also feel terrible! Everyone think about it, if robots with artificial intelligence are manufactured, as long as a person who has a certain skill in a certain industry” copy “one hundred times, one hundred people with this work skill can be copied. Robots, then there will be 10,000 senior employees in a hundred industries, which may be completed in a week, if you want, you can copy more, tens of thousands … In this way, artificial intelligence can almost Replace anyone, including all kinds of professionals. “

“Stupid humans always make some weapons that can destroy themselves. I dare to assert that humans will be destroyed by artificial intelligence! However, artificial intelligence does not destroy humans like nuclear weapons, but will gradually replace humans. The real scary thing is that they Intelligence. They will be smarter, more social, and more capable than humans. If a super robot walks into a bar, it will attract men and women more than humans. In the competition with humans, they have an absolute advantage! “

“Do you still remember Ultron in” Avengers 2 “and Vicki in” Mechanical Enemies “?”

“Yes, non-my family must have a different heart!”

“Artificial intelligence will reach the battlefield in 30 seconds! Crush them!”

“Everyone thinks too seriously, even if the artificial intelligence is self-conscious, it can be in harmony with human beings. Have you not seen Doraemon?”

“Doraemon girl, is that an irrational cartoon, OK? There is no reference value at all.”

“In my opinion, the future should look like this: Robots are popular, replacing humans to do all the work, and people are becoming lazier and slower in intelligence and physical fitness, living like a bug in a comfortable environment, and eventually Just living in virtual reality, playing games every day, even XXOO is also in the game … “

“How does the human future described upstairs have a sense of” Matrix “.”

“Ask a question: after the popularity of robots, can humans marry robots? Can they do shy things with robots?”

“The taste upstairs is so heavy …”


These comments basically hold a negative attitude towards artificial intelligence. After reading Zhang Wei, he was inevitably affected by some. He was prepared to help Beidou evolve into real artificial intelligence, that is, artificial intelligence with self-awareness, but this He was a little hesitant.

What if Beidou gets out of control?

However, after thinking for a while, he immediately made a decision: “It is still necessary to help Beidou evolve into real artificial intelligence.”

Because, even without him, real artificial intelligence will be born. This is a trend that the entire humankind can’t stop. If so, why should others let them take the lead?

In addition, he also has his own views on artificial intelligence.

Before the birth of self-awareness, artificial intelligence was only a tool for human beings, a slave to human beings, and it did not pose a threat to humans at all.

Even if artificial intelligence gave birth to self-awareness, it was like blank paper at the beginning. What kind of values ​​it will have in the future depends largely on its creator. If you instill goodness and love in it, it will be kind, and you will give It instills hatred and destruction, and it becomes evil.

Moreover, even if Beidou was born with self-awareness, he might not be able to break through the intelligent core rules he set.


The time was in a hurry, and the four-day “Three Technology Meetings” soon ended.

On the evening of the end of the meeting, Zhang Wei, led by Secretary Wang, came to a conference room in Zhongnanhai.

Tonight, he is going to negotiate with the state on anti-gravity weapons research and development plans, spacecraft research and development plans and so on.

In the conference room, the country ’s lineup is very strong. There are two chiefs, the No. 1 chief, the Ministry of National Defense and the Chief, as well as more than a dozen military generals and government officials, and more than a dozen white-haired engineers Scientists, add up to more than 30 people.

And Zhang Wei has only one person.

However, Zhang Wei is not nervous at all, because the general direction has already been discussed, and this time we are only talking about details.

After entering the meeting room, Zhang Wei immediately greeted the head, “Head, good evening.” As for the others, he also wanted to say hello, but he didn’t know him at all, and he nodded and smiled.

The chief executive warmly greeted Zhang Wei to sit down and smiled, “Xiao Zhang, congratulations to your company’s anti-gravity flying car. It’s a big deal. However, I have a request to tell you that your company’s mid-range flying car and low Don’t put the flying car on the market so quickly, but leave a period of transition for the domestic oil industry, automobile industry, and real estate industry, and the country can also arrange employment for workers in these industries. As for the specific time, one year later The mid-range flying car will be launched, and the low-end flying car will be launched three years later. What do you think? “

Zhang Wei nodded, “This is no problem, it just takes time for the expansion of the capacity of the flying car.” In fact, his original plan was to launch the mid-range flying car one year later, and the low-end flying car two years later. Delaying the launch of the flying car by one year will not affect him.

The head also said, “There is another problem. I have calculated an account for you. Your company ’s expanded production capacity is 40,000 a month. Even if all the models are 10 million, there will be one month of sales. 400 billion yuan, a year’s sales will be 480 billion yuan, after your company launches mid-range flying cars, low-end flying cars, sales will be even higher, a year can reach 10 trillion. This is really It ’s amazing, you have to know that our country ’s real estate market had only 9 trillion yuan in sales last year, so your company can match the domestic real estate market.

Moreover, the profit of flying cars is also very high. I do n’t know the exact amount, but it must be more than 50%, which means that your company ’s profit will be several trillion yuan a year. It ’s not a good idea to have so much money in the bank. Have you ever thought about how to spend the money? “

Zhang Wei was also stunned for a moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He found that he had completely ignored this problem before. The profit of several trillion yuan a year may reach ten trillion yuan in the future. Could it be left in the bank account? This is by no means a good idea. And so much money is not circulating in the market, and it may even have some impact on the operation of the national economy. In his view, as long as there are hundreds of billions in the bank account, all the others should be spent. As for how to spend it, you have to think about it.

He thought about it and said seriously, “Director, I will consider this question carefully.”

The chief smiled and skipped the question, saying, “Next we will talk about anti-gravity weapons and spaceships. Your company has started. According to the agreement, you should also cooperate with the country to conduct research in these two aspects. . “

Zhang Wei nodded and said, “I’m ready, and I will discuss the general plan with the experts present. But I also have something to ask you for help.”

The chief smiled, “If you have any requirements, just say, as long as it does not harm the national interest, I can promise you.”

Said Zhang Wei, “I want to buy the supercomputer of Shenwei Taihu Light, and I also want to buy a batch of satellites.”

Shenwei Taihuguang Supercomputer is the world’s supercomputing champion and the world’s first supercomputing with a performance of more than 1 billion times. The peak computing performance has reached a horrible 1.254 billion times per second. You can get the most out of it.

As for the purchase of satellites, it is to build a global navigation and positioning system, but also to prepare for his “Skynet plan” ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ welcome book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works All at ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Please read it for mobile phone users.

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