Urban Inventor

Chapter 532

Marvel Universe.

These days, earth-shaking changes have taken place on the earth. The countries in the world that have been both cooperative and struggling have put aside their prejudices. They all voted in favor of the conference on the formation of the earth civilization. The earth is so unified, and even more so Surprisingly, the leaders of all countries in the world did not even have the idea of ​​competing for power and profit, and unanimously elected Zhang Wei, the founder of the future technology company, as the governor of the new earth civilization.

After the establishment of the earth civilization, black technology has been going out like no money. Antimatter technology, dark energy and soul technology, space storage equipment, biological computers, brain evolution drugs, nano robots, the first interstellar mecha, genetic modification, etc. The technology beyond this era popped out in the blink of an eye, and it had a huge impact on the world. However, there is no doubt that the lives of ordinary people are n + 1 times better than before, not only curing the disease free of charge It has also become a superman more powerful than Captain America, and its life expectancy is more than 1,000 years old.

The unprecedented changes in law and order on the earth have also occurred. Artificial intelligence monitoring has been incorporated around the world, and many wireless transmission towers have been built. Once criminal behavior occurs, the wireless transmission tower will be in the artificial intelligence. Under the command, the lightning strike was launched in the first time, and the criminal suspects could not take care of their lives. Although there are still some super capable criminals who can resist this kind of lightning strike against ordinary people, such as smuggling from the gods to the outside of the earth The star criminal “Evil God Loki”, but it does not matter, the city management team composed of powerful sentinel robots can rush to any crime scene on the earth in 30 seconds, in front of the sentry robots that can explode the planet with one cannon The molecule must also kneel.

Now, the earth has become a place where “the road is not left behind, and the night is closed”. All criminals, warlords, and terrorists have disappeared completely under the blow of the multiple rounds of security and stability work of the urban management brigade.

In fact, even if there is no urban management team, these criminals no longer have the soil to survive, because people can receive genetic modification for free as long as they contribute to the standard, become a super soldier with better physical fitness than Captain America, and can also learn the practice method for free. , Become a practitioner, and control the dark energy. With the implementation of these policies, a large number of superhumans have emerged on the planet, and the contribution of those criminals must not be enough to enjoy these benefits. Therefore, if they dare to commit crimes, they will definitely be beaten alive by passers-by who will do their best. dead. It is worth mentioning that, according to the current laws of the earth’s civilization, criminals who are killed in the course of committing crimes are simply deserved.

This Marvel Universe has seriously deviated from the plot. If a traverser comes to this Marvel Universe, he will definitely be targeted by the urban management team composed of sentinel robots because of crimes, and then shout “Being trough,” before being arrested. Is this still the Marvel Universe? “

Pacific Ocean, an island, an alien biological containment center, in a cell.

The evil **** Loki and Thor Thor sat on the ground, their faces languishing.

Rocky was arrested due to smuggling and violent resistance. He had just arrived on Earth and was discovered by the alien biological defense system of the earth civilization. Then, the urban management team responsible for maintaining the security of the earth arrived within 3 seconds, announcing his The smuggling behavior violates the relevant laws and regulations of the earth’s civilization, and the alien viruses and bacteria carried on his body may also pose a threat to humans, so he must be contained according to law.

Loki was a proud guy, and he always regarded humans as ants, then he couldn’t help it, and scolded: “Mortal, you know nothing about the power of God!”

Then, he was punched by a sentinel robot, and when he woke up, he was already detained in this cell.

He was still not convinced at first, but he quickly felt fear because he saw a hint of clues in this cell. This cell seemed to be only thirty or forty squares, but after running thousands of kilometers, But still unable to reach the edge of the cell, this time he finally understood that this cell uses extremely deep space technology, and the earth civilization that mastered such cutting-edge technology must be quite terrifying.

A few days later, he was surprised to find that the annoying Thor was also imprisoned. After inquiring, he learned that Thor had obtained the news that he was imprisoned here and came to rescue him, although Loki wanted to kill several times. Thor died, but Thor always believed that Loki wanted to bring Loki back on track. After receiving the news that Loki was detained in the alien biological containment center, he came to rescue immediately, but even if Thor had the hammer of Thor, There is no use of eggs, because scientists of the earth civilization have researched a variety of biological and chemical weapons such as narcotic drugs and super viruses against the Asgard people based on genetic samples obtained from Rocky.

“0027, 0028, be prepared, Professor Yang Yongxin wants to see you.”

Suddenly, a voice rang in the cell, causing both Rocky and Thor to tremble. The middle-aged man wearing a white coat, showing white teeth, and having a fanatical look, always smiling, appeared in his mind Looking at their eyes, let them have nightmares every day.

“Earth people, you are provoking the dignity of Asgard people, your actions will trigger a war between the earth and Asgard!”

When Thor, who was physically weak due to anesthesia, was taken to Professor Yang’s laboratory, he glared at Professor Yang and said viciously.

“Stupid aliens, you should be honored by the experimental materials that are qualified to be scientists of the Multiverse Earth Civilization Union.” Professor Yang sneered. “As for Asgard, our fleet of Multiverse Earth Civilization Union is very fast. I will go there and capture the experimental materials. Well, Frost Giant and God King Odin are good research materials. “

“You … you will definitely fail, Asgard is not something you can touch!”

Although Thor’s tone is very strong, but his heart has sunk to the bottom of the sea, he wants to contact Asgard immediately and tell them that the earth civilization is coming, run!

In a seaside villa.

“Pots, I have passed the assessment of the Academy of Sciences of the Multiverse Earth Civilization Union and obtained the qualification to join the Academy of Sciences. I am leaving this universe. Will you go with me?”

Tony Stark looked at Pepper Potts with anticipation, which was his only attachment in the universe.

“Where are you? Multiverse Earth Civilization Alliance? Leaving this universe?”

Potts looked dazed.

“That’s it, Potts, now you are also qualified to know this secret.” Tony explained, “You may not believe that when we come out, our universe is actually just a movie in another universe. A human community called the Multiverse Earth Civilization Union, which spans 47 universes, has mastered a series of advanced weapons such as black hole weapons, dark energy guns, photon guns, space smashing weapons … “

After Potts finished listening, she became more and more ignorant, and when she eased her mind, she took Tony ’s hand without hesitation and said, “I ’ll go with you to get to know the world again, and I believe that even if The Multiverse Earth Civilization Alliance is a six-level civilization with extremely advanced technology. You will soon become a leader in the scientific community of the Alliance. You will always be the strongest genius inventor in my heart. “

The next day, Tony Stark and Potts left the Marvel Universe under the **** of the alliance fleet. When they left, Tony ’s heart was full of fighting spirit. He wanted to be recognized by the alliance scientific community as the greatest human being in history. The talented scientist Zhang Wei is a leader in the field of science. Although he does not have this strength yet, he is full of confidence.

In an apartment in New York, USA.

Dr. Hulk Banner and Heina Taza have just fought a battle, and are lying on their own body.

Dr. Banner is very satisfied with his current life. A few months ago, the people of the future technology company found him and could help him solve the problem of uncontrolled transformation. He was still doubtful at the time, but was quickly rejected by the other party. The provided solution was accepted, and he volunteered to serve as experimental material. The result surprised him. After a series of transformations by future technology companies, he not only lost his ability, but also controlled himself.

He cried with excitement at that time, because when he was emotionally excited before, he would become a green monster named Hulk, and he often turned out of control after being transformed. In order not to hurt the people around him, he had been walking around the world. Everywhere in search of ways to control anger, they have been refusing the women who have a crush on him. There is no way. When he is excited, he will become a Hulk, and he cannot live a normal life for men and women.

Fortunately, he was finally saved. For this reason, he was very grateful for the future technology company and joined the future technology company as a scientist. He was also full of identity for the Multiverse Earth Civilization Alliance.

Heina Tasa heard that Dr. Banner mentioned the earth civilization, but her mood was complicated, because after the establishment of the earth civilization, SHIELD was forced to dissolve, and she could not find a new job, because the new earth civilization does not Agents are needed, only scientists and soldiers. For this reason, she once had a deep sense of loss, as if she could not find her value at once, but when she learned from Banner ’s mouth that the multiverse earth civilization alliance After the relevant information, she ignited a glimmer of hope. Since China in a parallel universe can unify the whole world and develop into a six-level civilization that can shuttle the universe, will there be a Soviet Union in a parallel universe and realize it? By now, she has developed into a high-level civilization that can shuttle the universe. As a fighter, it is her true spiritual support and her obsession. If it were not for the demise of her country, she could not join SHIELD.

“Struggle for the sake.”

Natasha said silently in her heart that she had made a decision to look for the Soviet Union in the parallel universe and to be a glorious fighter.

Brilliant Star Field, New Earth, Alliance Academy of Sciences (formerly Imperial Academy of Sciences).

“Huh? Pim particles only exist in the Marvel universe, but not in our universe?”

Zhang Wei frowned slightly after the experiment.

Pim particles are a kind of subatomic particles in the Marvel Universe that can change the size of objects. In the film, Pim particles were discovered by biochemist and scientist Hank Pim, and later they were fused into combat suits, so that He has the ability to change his body freely and communicate with all kinds of ants. After that, he became an ant-man and engaged in superhero activities.

After obtaining the relevant information of Pim particles, Zhang Wei conducted experiments in his own universe, and did not expect that there were no Pim particles in this universe.

“This phenomenon will occur, obviously because the creators of the two universes have set different rules of the universe, or the eight-level civilization has modified the rules of the universe.” Zhang Wei said to himself, “This is the eight-level civilization. And the ninth-level civilization, their abilities are really enviable. When will the earth civilization reach this stage? “

“We can definitely reach this point!”

Zhang Wei clenched his fists, came to another laboratory, looked at the two infinite gems placed on the experimental table, excitedly said, “Marvel Universe is an opportunity for us, as long as we operate it properly, we can accelerate our Development. We have determined that there are six infinite gems in the Marvel Universe.

Through time gems, users can perform various forms of time and space traversal, make time stand still, control the speed of time, increase or decrease their age, and so on.

Through space gems, users can freely manipulate various spaces, realize space transmission, dimension conversion, create wormholes and so on.

Through the Soul Gem, users can control the souls of the living and the dead, and can evolve or degenerate the physical forms and spiritual functions of others ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Through the real gem, users can change the natural laws of the universe according to their own will.

Through power gems, users can control any form of energy in the universe, and at the same time increase or decrease the intensity of this energy.

Through the soul gem, the user has unlimited telepathic abilities and can think in cosmic thinking.

There is no doubt that as long as these six infinite gems are thoroughly studied, our earth civilization can master time technology, dimension technology, and the ability to modify the parameters and laws of the universe. This is already an eight-level civilization!

Now that we have obtained space gems and mind gems, the next goal is to obtain other gems, especially real gems and time gems. Although the Marvel Universe has powerful existences such as the Hegemony, the Tenjin Group, and even the five major creation gods, the strength of our earth civilization is not weak. As long as we plan well, we will surely succeed. Moreover, there is a great possibility that the Marvel Universe was created by a certain Zhang Wei who has mastered the 9th-level civilization ability. Zhang Wei and I in the 001 parallel universe should get some conveniences, such as air transportation bonus. “(Unfinished to be continued …)

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